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Unit 1 Friendship,Period 3 Grammar Direct speech & Indirect speech,Listen to Annes story. The teacher will repeat each sentence after her. Pay attention to how your teacher retells what Anne said. Notice the difference between Annes story and your teachers retelling of it.,I Warming Up,Pay attention to how your teacher retells what Anne said!,S: My name is Anne Frank and my family is Jewish.,T: She said that her name was Anne Frank and her family was Jewish.,Direct speech,Indirect speech,_,_,_,_,Warming Up,Pay attention to how your teacher retells what Anne said!,S: My family and I are hiding in Amsterdam.,T: She said that she and her family were hiding in Amsterdam.,Direct speech,Indirect speech,_,_,Warming Up,Pay attention to how your teacher retells what Anne said!,S: My only true friend is Kitty my diary.,T: She said that her only true friend was Kitty her diary.,Direct speech,Indirect speech,_,_,_,Warming Up,Pay attention to how your teacher retells what Anne said!,S: After hiding here for a long time, Ive become crazy about nature.,T: She said that after hiding there for a long time, she had become crazy about nature.,Direct speech,Indirect speech,_,_,_,Warming Up,1. Look at the sentences in Exercise 1 of your Students Book on page 5. Work in pairs and identify the difference between direct speech and indirect speech in the sentences.,Differences:,Verb tenses,Pronoun forms,Word order,Adverbials of time,II Grammar Study,Grammar Study,2. Now, observe the changes between direct speech and indirect speech in the chart, and then try to summarize the rules !,She said that she had passed that exam.,John told me that he couldnt finish the job that afternoon.,Grammar Study,Sam asked Mary if she was going to buy the coat.,Grammar Study,Jane asked me how she could solve the problem.,Work in groups of four, study all the examples provided and read the grammar appendix on page 89-90. Finish your task of summarizing the rules.,Grammar Study,Group Work:,Group 1,Group Work:,Group 2,Group Work:,Group 3,Group Work:,Group 4,Summary,Summary,Summary,Summary,Grammar Study,Try to change direct speech into indirect speech :,He said that the earth goes around the sun.,He said that the train leaves at 7:30p.m.,He said that Rome isnt built in a day.,Tom said he was born in July, 1978.,Summary:,Grammar Study,There are some cases in which we dont need to change the tense in indirect speech.,When direct speech is about: a) a truth 真理 b) a timetable 时间表 c) a saying/proverb/quotation 格言/引用语 d) An adverbial indicating the past 过去的时间状语,Try to do SB P.5 Ex.2 Change the sentences either into direct speech or indirect speech:,1. Anne said that she didnt know the address of her new home. 2. Anne told her father that she had got tired of looking at nature through dirty curtains and dusty windows. 3. The girl said that she needed to pack up her things in the suitcase very quickly.,III Practice,4. Her father asked her why she chose/ had chosen her diary and old letters. 5. “Are you very hot with so many clothes on?” Mother asked/said to her. 6. “What else have you hidden under your overcoat?” Margot asked her. 7. “ When shall we go back home?” Anne asked her father. 8. “ Why did you talk so much to that boy?” Father asked Anne.,Practice,Practice,Act out,GM: Whats the weather like intomorrow? I cant hear the man clearly on the TV. GS: Thats all right. I can help. The ma


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