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Task one: Lead-in,猜猜看,Before she was two years old,she had an illness that left her in darkness ever after.She could not hear and soon she could not even talk! With the help of Anne Sullivan,she learnt a lot and became a famous writer. Her first famous book is called The Story of My Life.,Helen Keller,原名华彦钧(1893-1950),无锡东亭人, 35岁左右双目先后失明,人称“瞎子阿炳”,是 公认的中国杰出的民间音乐家阿炳一生创作 的作品很多,可是流传下来的只有三首二胡曲 和三首琵琶曲。 二胡曲是:二泉映月听松寒春风曲 琵琶曲是:昭君出塞大浪淘沙龙船,阿炳,Q1.They have something in common. What s it ?,They are disabled/ disabilities.,Unit 17 Disabilities the 2nd period,Reading: Disabled?Not me!,制作:萍乡三中 王群,Task 2. Listening -listen to the tape and read the passage quickly to get the general idea.,True or false questions: 1.Xiaowen was disabled when he was five years old.( ) 2.Xiaowen received an award at her citys science fair.( ) 3.The best way to help the disabled is often simply a matter of having sympathy with them. ( ),F,F,F,4. The aim of the special education college is to help disabled students understand that they can play a valuable role within society.( ) 5. YeZijie was the first visually impaired Chinese to study abroad.( ),T,T,What is the best way to help the disabled people?,2. What do the students who are not disabled at the special education college learn?,3. What do the disabled people need?,4. How do the special education collegeand Literature of Chinese Blind Children help disabled people?,Task 3. Questions about the passage.,What is the best way to help the disabled people?,The best way to help is often simply a matter of opening doors and offering guidance .,2.What do the students who are not disabled at the special education college learn?,They not only learn how to assist disabled people,but also learn the importance of cooperating to reach their goals in life.,3. What do the disabled people need?,They need recognition,more than sympathy and help.,4.How do the special education college and Literature of Chinese Blind Children help disabled people?,They help disabled people by providing assistance, education, support , inspiration and encouragement.,Language points:(1),I wish they wouldnt treat me as if I were a child.,Wish 后面常跟宾语从句,该从句常用虚拟语气, 表示不能实现或未能完成的愿望。有三种情况:,1.表示与现在愿望相反的情况时,从句用一般 过去时态,如果谓语动词是be, 用were 的形式。,How I wish I were a bird!,我希望我拥有很多钱。,我多么希望我是一只鸟啊!,I wish that I had a lot of money.,2.表示与过去愿望相反的情况时, 从句谓语动 词用过去完成时,或could have done的形式。,我希望我从来没见过他。,我希望我昨天就已经完成了家庭作业。,I wish I had never met him.,I wish I could have finished my homework yesterday.,Language points:(1),过去完成时,could have done,had never met,could have finished,3.表示与将来愿望相反的情况时,从句谓语动词用 would/could/might+动词原形。,我希望你明天能来。,我希望你们所有的人都能够去北大。,I wish you could come tomorrow.,I wish all of you could go to Beijing University.,Language points:(1),as if /though 可用于表语从句(句型为:It seems/looks as if -) 或状语从句。,Language points:(2),注意: as if 引导的从句,若从句内容与事实相符合,从句用陈述 语气,该用什么时态就用什么时态;若与事实不相符则从 句用虚拟语气,即与现在事实不相符,从句谓语动词为过 去时(did/were);与过去事实不相符,从句谓语动词用过 去完成时( had done)。,2.The American girl speaks Chinese well as if she were a Chinese.,1.It looks as if it wont be fine tomorrow.,(与事实相符),(与事实不相符),乌云密布,看上去要下雨了。,The black cloud is gathering, it looks as if it is going to rain.,这两个陌生人聊得很开心,好象他们是多年好友一样。,The two strangers talked happily as if they had been good friends for years.,Language points:(2),not only-but also- “不仅-而且-”,是并列连词 词组,连接两 个并列成分,如主语,谓语,宾语, 表语,状语。连接两个句子时,若not only 放在句 首,则not only 后的部分要用倒装语序。,Not only you but also I am wrong.,Not only did he hear of her but also he knew her.,Language points:(3),assist sb.with sth.,assist sb.to do sth.,assist (sb.) in (doing) sth.,“帮助某人做某事”,Language points:(4),Two students assisted me with the experiment.,He assisted my father in cleaning the car.,He assisted us to establish a new company.,He thought he had a duty to assist in this movement.,help sb with sth. help sb (to) do sth.,帮助某人做某事,more than =not merely/ not only 不只, 不仅仅,She is more than a reporter,she is a fighter for freedom.,China Daily is more than a newspaper.It can improve our English.,Language points:(5),1.It s (high/about)time for sth. =Its (high/about)time to do sth. ( 正是/大约是)该做-的时候了。,eg. Its time for lunch/ class. =Its time to have lunch/a class.,Language points:(6),2.Its time that 从句(用过去时表虚拟语气) =Its time for sb to do sth 该某人做某事的时候了。,Its time that I went to bed. =Its time for me to go to bed.,Language points:(6),Task 4-Multiple choice.,1.He is _ a friend to me, he is in a way my English teacher. A. no more than B. more than C. not more than D. nothing but 2.He asked us to _ them in carrying out the plan. A. Provide B. encourage C. assist D.persuade,B,C,3. It is never easy to adjust _ big changes. A. for B. with C. to D. in 4. The boy is not very smart, so _ often takes him quite a while to do what he is told to. A. there B. that C. they D. it,C,D,Summary,Today we have learned the passage- Disabled? Not me! From the success of the disabled student, ZhongXiaowen. we learnt something important . There is nothing difficult in the world if you insist on do


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