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/* A simple game*/*CopyRight: Guanlin*/#include#include#include#include#include#includestruct object_fixchar name20;char id5;char desc500;char action30;char im5;struct object_movechar name20;char id5;char desc500;int loc;int pwr;int strg;char im5;struct roverchar name20;char id5;char desc500; int pwr;int strg;int location2;char im5;struct map /* this is the map structure*/char data20;char add_data20;int amount;int x; /* this were the successor keeps its x & y values*/int y;struct location /*this structure is for the successor lister*/float height;char obj;void stats_update(int selected, struct rover *p_rover)switch (selected)case 1:if(p_rover-pwr pwr) -= 7;printf(You have destroyed the object!nn);break;case 2:if(p_rover-pwr strg 90)printf(nnYou do not have enough storage space for this object!nn);else(p_rover-pwr) -= 3;(p_rover-strg) += 10;printf(You have collected a sample of the object!nn);break;case 3:p_rover-pwr -= 10; /*Distance around object- value gained from mapper module. 1 square = -1 power*/printf(You have avoided the object!nn);break;case 4:p_rover-pwr -= 2; printf(You have driven through the obstacle!nn);break;case 5:if(p_rover-pwr = 100)printf(nnYou do not need to charge up!nn);elsep_rover-pwr = 100;printf(You have charged up your rover!nn);break;default:printf(nn*ERROR*nInvalid Selectionnn);break;void action(char object, struct rover *p_rover)int selection;switch(object)case 1:printf(nYou have encountered: A Sandy Rocknn);printf(This object can be:n1.tDestroyedn2.tCollectednPlease choose action 1 or 2:t);scanf(%d, &selection);stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;case 2:printf(nYou have encountered: A Solid Rocknn);printf(This object can be:n1.tAvoidedn2.tCollectednPlease choose action 1 or 2:t);scanf(%d, &selection);if (selection = 1)selection = 3;stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;case 3:printf(nYou have encountered: A Mountainnn);printf(This object can be:n1.tAvoidednPlease enter 1:t);scanf(%d, &selection);selection = 3;stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;case 4:printf(nYou have encountered: Dustnn);printf(This object can be:n1.tDriven throughn2.tCollectednPlease choose action 1 or 2:t);scanf(%d, &selection);if (selection = 1)selection = 4;stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;case 5:printf(nYou have encountered: A Sheer Valleynn);printf(This object can be:n1.tAvoidednPlease enter 1:t);scanf(%d, &selection);selection = 3;stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;case 6:printf(nYou have encountered: A Gentle Valleynn);printf(This object can be:n1.tDriven throughn2.tAvoidednPlease choose action 1 or 2:t);scanf(%d, &selection);if (selection = 1)selection = 4;if (selection = 2)selection = 3;stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;case 7:printf(nYou have encountered: A Martian Treenn);printf(This object can be:n1.tDestroyedn2.tCollectedn3.tAvoidednPlease choose action 1, 2 or 3:t);scanf(%d, &selection);stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;case 8:printf(nYou have encountered: Shallow Waternn);printf(This object can be:n1.tDriven throughn2.tCollectedn3.tAvoidednPlease choose action 1, 2 or 3:t);scanf(%d, &selection);if (selection = 1)selection = 4;stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;case 9:printf(nYou have encountered: Deep Waternn);printf(This object can be:n1.tAvoidedn2.tCollectednPlease choose action 1 or 2:t);scanf(%d, &selection);if (selection = 1)selection = 3;stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;case 10:printf(nYou have encountered: An Aggressive Aliennn);printf(This object can be:n1.tDestroyednPlease enter 1:t);scanf(%d, &selection);selection = 1;stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;case 11:printf(nYou have encountered: A Non-Aggressive Aliennn);printf(This object can be:n1.tAvoidednPlease enter 1:t);scanf(%d, &selection);selection = 3;stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;case 12:printf(nYou have encountered: Another Rovernn);printf(This object can be:n1.tAvoidednPlease enter 1:t);scanf(%d, &selection);selection = 3;stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;case 13:printf(nYou have encountered: A Power Stationnn);printf(You can:n1.tCharge upn2.tAvoidnPlease choose action 1 or 2:t);scanf(%d, &selection);if (selection = 1)selection = 5;if (selection = 2)selection = 3;stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;default:printf(nn*ERROR*nn);break;void show_map(struct map *number, struct map *number_2, struct object_fix *rsny, struct object_fix *rsld, struct object_fix *mnt, struct object_fix *dst, struct object_fix *vshr, struct object_fix *vgnt, struct object_fix *mtre, struct object_fix *wshl, struct object_fix *wdp, struct object_move *aagr, struct object_move *anon, struct object_move *rvr, struct object_move *pstn, struct rover *p_rover) /*the show map function calling number and number_2 from the map structure to see if moveable objects are needed*/struct map f_map88; /*8 by 8 map*/int i,j, rx, ry, object; /*this is your x and y value in your map (f_map)*/system(cls); /* this is your x and y value in your map (f_map)*/srand(time(NULL); /*calling the time from include to gather random variables*/for(i=0;i8;i+) /*for loop to copy all your fixed object lists into f_map so they can be displayed*/for(j=0;jamount0) /*this is looking at the add function to see weather or not there are aliens in f_map*/for(i=0;iamount;i+) /*allocating the number of aliens in f_map*/strcpy(f_maprand()%8rand()%8.data, anon-im); /*randomizing their position*/if(number_2-amount0) /*repeat of above just for rovers instead*/for(i=0;iamount;i+)strcpy(f_maprand()%8rand()%8.data, rvr-im);rx= p_rover-location0;ry= p_rover-location1;strcpy(f_map10.data, wdp-im);strcpy(f_map40.data, mnt-im);strcpy(f_map50.data, mnt-im);strcpy(f_map31.data, dst-im);strcpy(f_map41.data, dst-im);strcpy(f_map32.data, dst-im);strcpy(f_map42.data, dst-im);strcpy(f_map03.data, mnt-im);strcpy(f_map13.data, mnt-im);strcpy(f_map33.data, vshr-im);strcpy(f_map43.data, dst-im);strcpy(f_map53.data, vgnt-im);strcpy(f_map34.data, vshr-im);strcpy(f_map44.data, dst-im);strcpy(f_map54.data, vgnt-im);strcpy(f_map25.data, wshl-im);strcpy(f_map35.data, wshl-im);strcpy(f_map45.data, wshl-im);strcpy(f_map16.data, pstn-im);strcpy(f_map26.data, wdp-im);strcpy(f_map36.data, wdp-im);strcpy(f_map46.data, wshl-im);strcpy(f_map76.data, mnt-im);strcpy(f_map07.data, mnt-im);strcpy(f_map17.data, wdp-im);strcpy(f_map27.data, wshl-im);strcpy(f_map37.data, wshl-im);strcpy(f_map67.data, mnt-im);strcpy(f_maprxry.data, p_rover-im);if(rx = 1 & ry = 0) | (rx = 2 & ry = 6) |(rx = 3 & ry = 6) |(rx = 1 & ry = 7)object = 9;action(object, p_rover);else if(rx = 4 & ry = 0) | (rx = 5 & ry = 0) | (rx = 0 & ry = 3) | (rx = 1 & ry = 3) | (rx = 7 & ry = 6) | (rx = 0 & ry = 7) | (rx = 6 & ry = 7)object = 3;action(object, p_rover);else if(rx = 3 & ry= 1) | (rx = 4 & ry = 1) | (rx = 3 & ry= 2) | (rx = 4 & ry = 2) | (rx = 4 & ry = 3) | (rx = 4 & ry = 4)object = 4;action(object, p_rover);else if(rx = 3 & ry = 3) | (rx = 3 & ry = 4)object = 5;action(object, p_rover);else if(rx = 5 & ry = 3) | (rx = 5 & ry = 4)object = 6;action(object, p_rover);else if(rx = 2 & ry = 5) | (rx = 3 & ry = 5 ) | (rx = 4 & ry = 5) | (rx = 4 & ry = 6) |(rx = 2 & ry = 7) | (rx = 3 & ry = 7)object = 8;action(object, p_rover);else if(rx = 1 & ry = 6)object = 13;action(object, p_rover);i=0; /*re-allocate i to 0 so map is printed from start*/for(i=0;i8;i+) /*8 by 8 map*/ printf(+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+n);for(j=0;jamount=t; /*saving the number in structure map-amount*/printf(how many rovers would you like?n);scanf(%d,&f); /*user input of amount of rovers*/number_2-amount=f; /*saving the number in structure map-amount*/show_map(number, number_2, rsny, rsld, mnt, dst, vshr, vgnt, mtre, wshl, wdp, aagr, anon, rvr, pstn, p_rover); /*go to show map function with the number of aliens and number of rovers*/ void successor() /*this functions askes the user for the location and then were they want to go from there, printing out that location*/struct map location;int menu;int ncol,nrow; /*we can change the n value depends how large the map you need.*/ncol=8;nrow=8;printf(This is the successor functionn);printf(Enter the nx=ty=n);scanf(%d%d,&location.x,&location.y); /*saving location in map location x and y*/printf(Enter operator choicen);printf(1=leftn);printf(2=rightn);printf(3=upwardsn);printf(4=downn);printf(5=quitn);scanf(%d,&menu);switch(menu) /*menu switch to show the position above, underneith, and next to the rover*/case 1:location.x=location.x-1; printf(The position is %d,%dn,location.x,location.y);break;case 2:location.x=location.x+1; printf(The position is %d,%dn,location.x,location.y);break;case 3:location.y=location.y-1; printf(The position is %d,%dn,location.x,location.y);break;case 4:location.y=location.y+1; printf(The position is %d,%dn,location.x,location.y);break;case 5:printf(*back to program*n); /* Quits the program and prints out the message */break; default:printf(*Please enter an integer from 1-5*n); /* A default option if the user enters an incorrect value */break;printf(n);void help(struct map *number, struct map *number_2, struct object_fix *rsny, struct object_fix *rsld, struct object_fix *mnt, struct object_fix *dst, struct object_fix *vshr, struct object_fix *vgnt, struct object_fix *mtre, struct object_fix *wshl, struct object_fix *wdp, struct object_move *aagr, struct object_move *anon, struct object_move *rvr, struct object_move *pstn, struct rover *p_rover) /*help function*/int i;char mov_obj;printf(+This is the help function+n);printf(| 1-successor |n);printf(| 2-add movable obj |n);printf(| 3-remove moveabla obj |nn);printf(t* * *n);printf(t Index: nn);printf(t Sandy Rock: *n);printf(t Solid Rock: on);printf(t Water:262262262262 n);printf(t Shallow water: 260260260260n);printf(t Mountain: n);printf(t Dust: .n);printf(t* sher valley: VVVV *n);printf(t shallow valey: vvvvn);printf(t power station: 025n);printf(t alien: *_*n);printf(t other rovers: #n);printf(t* * *n);scanf(%d,&i);switch(i) /*switch menu to go to the successor function, or the add/remove function*/case 1:successor();break;case 2:add_obj(number, number_2, rsny, rsld, mnt, dst, vshr, vgnt, mtre, wshl, wdp, aagr, anon, rvr, pstn, p_rover);break;case 3:add_obj(number, number_2, rsny, rsld, mnt, dst, vshr, vgnt, mtre, wshl, wdp, aagr, anon, rvr, pstn, p_rover);break;default:printf(choose a number from the listn); void direction(int input, struct map *number, struct map *number_2, struct object_fix *rsny, struct object_fix *rsld, struct object_fix *mnt, struct object_fix *dst, struct object_fix *vshr, struct object_fix *vgnt, struct object_fix *mtre, struct object_fix *wshl, struct object_fix *wdp, struct object_move *aagr, struct object_move *anon, struct object_move *rvr, struct object_move *pstn, struct rover *p_rover)switch(input)case 119: /*w = up*/if(p_rover-location0 0)p_rover-location0-;p_rover-pwr-;else p_rover-location0=7;break;case 115: /*s = down*/if(p_rover-location0 location0+;p_rover-pwr-;else p_rover-location0=0;break;case 97: /*a = left*/if(p_rover-location1 0)p_rover-location1-;p_rover-pwr-;else p_rover-location1=7;break;case 100: /*d = right*/if(p_rover-location1 location1+;p_rover-pwr-;else p_rover-location1=0;break;default:printf(Invalid operator!nn);break;int control(int input)input = _getch();return input;void main(void)int menu;int quit = 0;int input = 0;struct object_fix rsny, rsld, mnt, dst, vshr, vgnt, mtre, wshl, wdp;struct object_move aagr, anon, rvr, pstn;struct rover p_rover;struct map number, number_2;number.amount = 0; /* setting the initial amount of aliens as 0*/number_2.amount = 0; strcpy(,Sandy Rock);strcpy(rsny.id,RSNY);strcpy(rsny.desc,A rock made of softer material that can be destroyed or collected);strcpy(rsny.im,*);strcpy(,Solid Rock);strcpy(rsld.id,RSLD);strcpy(rsld.desc,A rock made of hard material that cannot be destroyed, but can be collected or avoided);strcpy(rsld.im,O);strcpy(,Mountain);strcpy(mnt.id,MNT);strcpy(mnt.desc,A large obstacle made of different materials that can only be avoided);strcpy(mnt.im,);strcpy(,Dust);strcpy(dst.id,DST);strcpy(dst.desc,Small particles of sand, rock, etc. that may reduce visibility or slow down the vehicle, can be driven through but has extra power consumption);strcpy(dst.im,.);strcpy(,Sheer Valley);strcpy(vshr.id,VSHR);strcpy(vshr.desc,A depression in the land with sheer sides, it cannot be driven through and must be avoided);strcpy(vshr.im,VVVV);strcpy(,Gentle Valley);strcpy(vgnt.id,VGNT);strcpy(vgnt.desc,A depression in the land with gentle sides, it can be driven through with extra power consumption or can be avoided);strcpy(vgnt.im,vvvv);strcpy(,Martian Tree);strcpy(mtre.id,MTRE);strcpy(mtre.desc,A woody plant native to Mars, it may have the same characteristics as an Earth tree);strcpy(mtre.im,330);strcpy(,Shallow Water);strcpy(wshl.id,WSHL);strcpy(wshl.desc,A shallow body of water that can be driven through, can be in the form of a small puddle or a large lake);strcpy(wshl.im,260260260260);strcpy(,Deeper Water);strcpy(wdp.id,WDP);strcpy(wdp.desc,A deeper body of water that cannot be driven through, commonly in the form of a large lake or river);strcpy(wdp.im,262262262262);strcpy(,Aggressive Alien);strcpy(aagr.id,AAGR);strcpy(aagr.desc,An alien creature that will move upon its own accord, may become aggressive on contact);strcpy(aagr.im,*_*);strcpy(,Non-Aggressive Alien);strcpy(anon.id,ANON);strcpy(anon.desc,An alien creature that will move upon its own accord, will not become aggressive on contact);strcpy(anon.im,*_*);strcpy(,Rover);strcpy(rvr.id,RVR);strcpy(rvr.desc,A Mars Rover vehicle to transport around the map, it can destroy, collect or avoid objects. It has a power and object storage);strcpy(rvr.im,#);strcpy(,Power Station);strcpy(pstn.id,PSTN);strcpy(pstn.desc,A movable power station that will restore power to the Mars Rovers);strcpy(pstn.im,025);strcpy(p_,User Mars Rover);strcpy(p_rover.id,URVR);strcpy(p_rover.desc,A Mars vehicle that is controlled by the user. Explores the map collecting, destroying and avoiding objects);strcpy(p_rover.im,);p_rover.pwr = 100;p_rover.strg = 0;p_rover.location0 = 7;p_rover.locati


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