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生物医学论文英文摘要和 引言的写作,提 纲,英文论文摘要的书写 英文论文引言的书写,怎样写好英文摘要,目前由于电子期刊数据库只有摘要是免费提供,有许多读者只能阅读摘要而不能阅读全文,或根据摘要来判断是否需要阅读全文,因此摘要的清楚表达十分重要。,怎样写好英文摘要,摘要是英文论文的精华所在,是对全文的高度概括性总结。 一般以简略介绍研究背景及目的开头,然后简要陈述采用的主要实验方法或手段,主要研究结果,最后以总结实验结论和阐明其意义结尾。,怎样写好英文摘要,独立性和自明性:读者只阅读摘要便可掌握全文之精髓。 言简意赅的原则:英文期刊一般要求摘要字数在200或250字以下。写作英文论文摘要时应用准确的词汇简练地总结全文,避免繁复的解释或评述。,摘要的要点,摘要主要讲述本论文的要点。 全文完成后再写摘要。 摘要给人第一口苹果的品尝效果。 审稿人一般用15分钟看摘要和引言,若第一印象不好,他/她会去寻找理由建议主编退稿。 读者面比全文的读者面大得多。,摘要的类型与基本内容,根据内容不同分为5类: (1) 报道性摘要 (informative abstract):也称作信息性摘要或资料性摘要,其特点是全面、简要地概括论文的目的、方法、主要数据和结论。通常可部分取代阅读全文。 (2) 指示性摘要 (indicative abstract):说明性摘要、描述性摘要(descriptive abstract)或论点摘要(topic abstract),一般只用二三句话概括论文的主题,而不涉及论据和结论,多用于综述、会议报告、临床医学论文等。可用于帮助潜在的读者决定是否需要阅读全文。 (3) 报道-指示性摘要(informative- indicative abstract):以报道性摘要的形式表述一次文献中的信息价值较高的部分,以指示性摘要的形式表述其余部分。,(4) 评论性摘要(Critical abstract):不常用,可见于综述,内容上侧重于评价/论理。 (5) 结构式摘要(Structured abstract) :20世纪80年代中期出现了一种新摘要文体,即“结构式摘要”(structured abstract),该摘要实质上是报道性摘要的结构化表达,也是目前应用最广泛的类型。,摘要的类型与基本内容,(1) 报道性摘要 (informative abstract),(2) 指示性摘要 (indicative abstract),Example 1 临床医学论文 The survival rates of a series of patients with unstable angina treated surgically and medically are compared.,(2) 指示性摘要 (indicative abstract),Example 2 综述,(3) 报道-指示性摘要,以报道性摘要的形式表述一次文献中的信息价值较高的部分,以指示性摘要的形式表述其余部分,多见于会议摘要。,(4)评论性摘要:不常用,可见于综述,内容上侧重于评价/论理,(5)结构式摘要 (Structured abstract),其实质为报道性摘要的结构化表达: (1) 目的(Objective): 研究的问题、目的或设想等; (2) 设计(Design): 研究的基本设计, 样本的选择; (3) 单位(Setting): 开展研究的单位; (4) 对象(Patients, Participants): 研究对象的信息; (5) 处置(Interventions): 处置方法; (6) 结果测定(Main Outcome Measures): 实验过程; (7) 结果(Results): 研究的主要发现; (8) 结论(Conclusions): 主要结论及其潜在应用,方法,结构式摘要的类型,New England Journal of Medicine新英格兰医学杂志:Background背景, Methods方法, Results结果, Conclusions结论 The Lancet柳叶刀:Background背景, Methods方法, Findings发现, Interpretation解释 Journal of the American Medical Association美国医学会志:Context, Objective目的, Design设计, Setting单位, Patients对象, Interventions干预或处理, Main Outcome Measures主要结果测定, Results结果, Conclusion结论,Example,五句式写作顺序,第一句话:阐明文章的研究意义(以drug interaction caused by rifampicin为例) 第二句话: 以 To elucidate the mechanism., To investigate , To study或者For the purpose of 开头来讲述研究的目的。 第三句话: was carried out with .treatment. 讲述研究的内容/方法 第四句话:The resulted showed that , 讲述研究得出的主要研究结果。 第五句话: The result of the present work implied that. 讲述由你的研究结果得出的结论。 摘要中一般不用参考文献。,2、 撰写技巧,(1)包括论文基本结构;可适当强调研究中的创新、重要之处(客观叙述事实,但不要使用评价性语言); 尽量包括论文的主要论点和重要细节(重要的论证或数据) (2)使用简短的句子, 用词应为潜在的读者所熟悉;注意表述的逻辑性, 尽量使用指示性的词语来表达论文的不同部分(层次) 如使用“研究表明”(We found that)表示结果; 使用“通过对.的分析,认为 ”(Based on, we suggest that)表示讨论结果的含义等,撰写技巧,(3)确保摘要的“独立性”(stand on its own) 或“自明性”(self-contained): 尽量避免引用文献、图表和缩写;如果无法回避使用引文,应在引文出现位置将引文的书目信息标注在方括号内。 (4)为方便检索系统检索,尽量避免使用化学结构式、数学表达式、角标和希腊文等特殊符号。 (5)查询拟投稿期刊的作者指南,了解其对摘要的字数和形式的要求。如果是结构式摘要应分几段。使用什么标识、时态、是否使用缩写或简写。,3、摘要常用词语和句型,3.1 表达目的常用词和句型或结构 3.2 表达方法的句型 3.3 表达结果的句型 3.4 表达结论的句型,31 表达目的的常用词、句型或结构 3.1.1 摘要中表示“目的”常用词的用法,用于表示“目的”的常用名词(字顺) Aim A.名词用法 B.动词用法 Attempt A. 名词用法 B. 动词用法,A 名词用法 The aim of this investigation /study / the present study was to Our aim is to determine whether a clinically relevant positive inotropic effect(正性肌力作用)can be demonstrated in humans. establish an objective, easy-to-use technique to evaluate . The aims of this study were: 1) to .;and 2) to ,B 动词用法 a. 主动态后接动词不定式 This study aimed to ./ We aimed to ./ This study aims to . b. 主动态后接介词at动名词 This research aimed at identifying c. 被动态后接介词at动名词 This study was aimed at documenting , Attempt A 名词用法 An attempt was made to / An attempt has been made to/ An attempt was undertaken to . The present study is an attempt to replicate earlier evidence that For this reason, an attempt was undertaken for 尝试干 .,In an attempt to extend this finding, three experiments were conducted In a first attempt to elucidate its function, we examined B 动词用法 In this study we attempt to The authors attempt to evaluate the degree , Goal,A major goal is prevention of acceleration-induced loss of consciousness. The goal of this investigation was to Goal一词的含义、用法及其句式跟名词aim完全一样。, Intend 想要,旨在(人作主语用主动态,事物作主语用被动态) This report/paper is intended to . In brief the article is intended to . This three-group design / This study was intended to In this study, we intended to test the hypothesis that, It is intended to remind the reader ., Intent 意图,目的(不太常用) The intent of the study was to Objective(常用作标题或项目词) The objective of this study was to evaluate, Purpose Purpose 的用法同aim。 但在for the purpose (of) 这一固定结构中,一般不用aim替换其中的purpose。如:. is described for the purpose of .,目的句中的常用动词(多用被动态), Carry out 执行 The retrospective study / An experimental study / An investigation was carried out to evaluate We carried out this study to determine Conduct 引导,实施,进行 A (.) study/ survey / An experiment was conducted to evaluate/ establish/ investigate , Perform 执行vt; 进行vi This study was performed to determine Undertake 从事,着手做 Human studies have been undertaken to test this thesis. Design 设计 This study / The present study / Our study was designed to We also designed an in vitro study to , Develop 研制,创立 method(s) .was/were developed to (动词不定式)/for (名词或动名词) An on-line thermospray liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry method was developed to Two methods were developed to displace . We have also developed methods for the analysis of Formulation/drug/strategy/protocol/recipe,3.1.2 表示目的常见不定式结构,To analyze whether patients with RA have an intrinsic defect(先天性缺陷)in T cell proliferation, 为了分析. To ascertain查明/assess评估/characterize描述/clarify查明/compare比较/construct构建/describe描述/determine确定/distinguish区分/elaborate阐述/elucidate阐述/establish建立/estimate估计/evaluate评价/examine研究/explore探索/expose揭示/help帮助/identify确定/investigate调查/isolate分离/provide提供/report报道/study研究/test检测/understand获悉 To validate criteria predicting .为了验证预测.的标准,3.2 表达“方法”的句型,3.2.1 using/by using分句+主动态主句 Using a rabbit model of pneumococcal meningitis 肺炎球菌性脑膜炎, we compared . and 3.2.2 using/by using分句+被动态主句 By using a multivariate risk algorithm多变量风险运算法则, 56.5% of Down syndrome唐氏综合症 cases could be detected with a 5.3% false-positive rate.,3.2.3 被动态using/by using/by using/by/with引出的状语,The diagnoses were established using American College of Rheumatology criteria美国学院风湿学诊断标准. The mechanism of .was studied by using a set of PCR products were detected by gel electrophoresis and dot-blot hybridization杂交. In this prospective study, 142 patients with early RA were treated actively with ,3.2.4 叙述方法最常涉及的几个动词(carry out、conduct、perform、do、make、develop; undergo; had 等)及其句型,A prospective study was done in 76 subjects who underwent Hyperthermia 高热 was carried out using a novel water-filtered, infrared -A radiation technique. Clinical evaluations were made on the 14 patients including 4 with pharyngitis咽炎, 7 with tonsillitis扁桃腺炎, .,All patients received satisfactory anesthesia for operation. . patients underwent operations and there were no operative deaths. Among the 62 survivors, 18 had another operation.,3.2.5 表达分组的句型,be (randomly) divided/ allocated/ assigned categorized/classified/grouped/separated (in)to . groups. . be randomized into groups . be (randomly) into . groups, based on . The groups were as follows: .,326 有关各种检查的句型,Blood sugar(项目)was examined in 50 patients(对象). Fifty patients(对象) were examined for blood sugar (项目) by (手段)at 2 and 24 h after admission. 写“检查”句的时候,注意for的用法:检查病人的x可以说:The x (对象)was examined by .也可以说:The patient was examined for x (项目) by .,326 有关各种检查的句型,Each tooth was sectioned and examined for dye penetration染色渗透检查 under a stereomicroscope立体显微镜 (x 60 magnification). 注意在描述用显微镜观察或检查什么的时候,很多人常常用错microscope和microscopy这两个词。 正确的用法是:under microscope或by microscopy/ with microscope。,3.3 表达结果的句型,331 叙述观察或发现了什么 (1)主动态句:We found (observed, noted, saw, recorded .) that . (2)被动态句:It was found (observed, noted, seen, recorded .) that .,3.3.2 量的或,泛言或 The prevalence increased with age. / Cyclic AMP levels were increased by NECA. Estrogen replacement therapy reduced excretion of zinc, . levels rapidly declined in HL- 60 cells following induction of apoptosis by , but were transiently elevated by two other apoptosis- inducing agents. . levels of greatly declined with a subsequent increase in the concentration of ,(2) 或了多少 一般用by引出实际增加或减少的数目: Cell number increased by almost 50% during the first 24-h after the beginning of treatment. Zinc excretion decreased (by) 35% after 3 months and 26% after 1 year of treatment.,3.3.2 量的或,(3) 从多少或到多少 Urine maximum flow rate and average flow rate increased significantly from . to . and from . to ., respectively. Residual urine volume decreased significantly from . to less than By 60 min of reperfusion, levels of 6-keto were reduced to those in the IVC.,3.3.2 量的或,(4) 跟B相比,A 或了 Healing times of the donor sites were significantly decreased (as) compared with patients . showed a significant increase in comparison with previous determinations.,3.3.2 量的或,There was a/an . association of A with B / between A and B. / . did not demonstrate an association of A with B. / . suggest that A appears to have no association with B. / A . association was observed* between A and B. / Associations between A and B were assessed with A was associated with B. 同、与、跟: of A with B;之间:between A and B.,3.3.3 表示关系的句型,A .correlation was found* for A and B/ between A and B. No (statistically significant) correlation was found* between A and B. / There was a (no) . correlation between A and B/ among the four / Correlation between concentrations in A and B serum was poor / Correlations were highest between measures with similar response formats.,3.3.3 表示关系的句型,A correlated (well*) with B. / A be .* correlated with B. / A be not correlated to B. A did not correlate with B. / A .* correlates with B. In addition, there was a significant relation between A and B. 跟relation搭配的介词用to、with、between and,如: Intralymphocytic sodium and free calcium concentrations in relation to salt sensitivity in patients with essential hypertension.,3.3.3 表示关系的句型,A more likely to be related to B. / A may be .* related to B / A were not related to B. The relationship between A and B has been well established in histopathological studies. / No relationship was noted* between A and B. / Regression analysis showed no relationship between A and B. / In contrast, there were highly significant relationships between A and B . *found或noted 可与seen、observed、obtained 互换; *此处副词可以据意使用closely、directly、highly、positively、negatively、inversely、roughly大致的、significantly或strongly之类词。,3.3.3 表示关系的句型, 相同比较 用as . as .等表示 In fact, for all health resources categories studies, Canadians utilized at least as many services as their American counterparts.,A与B和C两者的关系怎么表达? The relationship between A and both B and C 3.3.4 表示比较的句型,3.4 表达结论的句型,341 由结果引出结论 3411 句型结构 The /These /Our result(s) /finding(s) /study(ies) /data /observation /analysis.(主语) show(s) /showed /suggest(s/ed) / confirm(s/ed) /indicate(s/d) /demonstrate(s/d) support(s/ed) accord(s/ed) with /agree(s/d) well with /illustrate(s/d) /provide(s/d) evidence / point(s/ed) out /reveal(s/ed).(谓语) that (宾语从句),show(s)/showed suggest(s)/-ed confirm(s)/-ed results indicate(s)/-d findings demonstrate(s)/-d The/Our study/ies support(s)/-ed that data accord(s)/-ed with observation agree(s)/-d well with analysis illustrate(s)/-d provide(s)/-d evidence point(s)/-ed out reveal(s)/-ed, 例句,These findings suggest that Oatp2 plays a key role in the hepatic uptake of b-lactam antibiotics in rats. This indicates that CYP3A4 metabolism is not an important clearance mechanism for rosuvastatin. This study demonstrated that pharmacogenetics-based dosing could improve time to stable, therapeutic INR, reduce adverse events, and achieve high sensitivity.,3.4.2 直接表达结论的句型 (1) It be concluded that . (2) In conclusion, . (3) The/Our conclusion(s) (of.) is/are that (4) We/They/The author(s) concluded that 3.4.3 在conclusion的标题后直接描述,It is concluded that the antiplatelet action of gingerol 姜辣素 is mainly due to the inhibition of thromboxane 血栓素 formation. It was concluded that flumazenil 氟马西尼 10 microgramskg-1 does not influence recovery from propofol anesthesia异丙酚麻醉. On the basis of the obtained results it has been concluded that . (得出的)结论是;可以下这样的结论;已经得出结论,第二部分,怎样写好SCI论文引言,相当于故事的开场白,是英文论文的正式开头, 通过总结本研究领域的过去和现状来交待论文的研究背景,为读者理解论文的研究目的,原理和意义打下逻辑基础。 写作引言时一般首先通过总结经典性文献和最新进展,层次鲜明地展现本研究领域的现有成果和不足之处,为下文引出论文的研究目的做铺垫。 简明阐述研究目的之后,应总结论文的研究结果并讨论其对本领域的贡献和意义,与上文相呼应,使读者在逻辑上对整个研究的来龙去脉有一个清楚的认识。 应注意保持良好的逻辑性和鲜明的层次感,同时避免引用过多文献,宜选用与论文研究目的及原理逻辑关系密切的经典文献。,怎样写好英文引言,怎样写好英文前言,Introduction部分要回答的几个问题: 1. 对某个领域现在知识是什么? 2. 研究这个课题的意义? 3. 存在的问题是什么? 4. 本文是如何来进一步深入研究的?,引 言,1.前人工作 详尽、全面地介绍以前的相关工作,与本研究工作的有关的背景介绍。必须充分地阐述前人包括作者自己已经做过的相关工作,以及与本论文的联系。这一点需特别重视。有人以为讲很多其他人的工作并引用许多文献会降低本论文的重要性和原创性。实际效果常常相反。没有充分阐述研究工作的背景,不引用与本论文相关的重要文献,审稿人至少会认为作者阅读文献不够。比较极端的例子是:我们时不时看到有作者因没有在已发表的论文中引用某一篇重要的文献而在期刊上公开道歉。,2.研究意义。 正确地估计研究课题的意义。 也就是为什么要做这项工作。例如在基础研究方面有何新意,有何应用前景。课题的意义估计不足,说明作者的知识水平不高,估计过分则显得不够严谨。,引 言,引 言,3. 问题所在 指出在相关领域尚待研究的,也是本文准备涉及的问题。但是不要过分地批评他人的工作。如不要用这样的句子: “The deficiency of Wangs approach is ”,“The problem of these papers”. 可以不直接涉及作者和参考文献来说明问题:”However, the mechanism has not been fully understood.


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