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Whose mistakes,UNIT23,Key words and expressions,mistake misteik n.错误;误会;过失 v.误解;弄错 ( mistook / mistaken ) Youve made several grammatical mistakes in the composition. make a mistake 犯错误 You mistook my meaning entirely.,judge n.法官;裁判 v.断定;判断;审判 The judges decision is final. You cant judge a book by its cover. judgement n. 意见、 判断力【法】审判,receive,v.接到;收到;接待 (客观) I was on vacation last week and didnt receive your fax. accept v. 接受;承认;承担 (主观) I received a bunch of flowers this morning , but I didnt accept it .,base,n.底部;基地;基础;基数 vt.以 . 作基础 adj.卑鄙的;不道德的 This novel is based on historical facts. be based on 根据、以为基础 To betray a friend is a base action. basement n.地下室,地窖,Insist,vt. /vi . 坚持、强调 He insisted that he had done right. insist +sth. / that 从句 He insisted on paying for the meal. insist on doing sth. 坚持做某事,sculptor,n. 雕刻家 He turned his artistic gifts to good account by becoming a sculptor . sculpt sklpt vt. 造型;雕刻 vi. 造型;雕刻 n. 雕刻品 ( sculpture ) He sculpted a bust of a lion yesterday .,dollar,n. 美元 Can you lend me five dollars ? dollar sign 美元符,traditional,adj. 传统的 Its a garden in the traditional victorian style. traditional chinese 繁体中文 traditional culture 传统文化 traditional medicine 传统医学;中医 traditional method 传统方法;传统法 traditional chinese painting 国画;中国画 tradition n. 传统 惯例,Try it,根据汉语说出英语单词.,单词记忆大比拼,根据英语说出汉语意思.,Listen and fill in the blanks.,It had been a long day . The judges had chosen fourteen sculptures for the exhibition . They wanted a fifteenth , and they wanted to go home . They looked at two more pieces . One was a mans head . They didnt like it . The other was a square , modern piece . The judges chose the modern piece . Then they went home .,The next day , The artist received a letter . It said that the Judges had chosen his sculpture . But when he went to see the exhibition , he couldnt see his sculpture anywhere . Where can it be ? he said . It must be here!,At last , he saw something with his name on it . It was the square base of his sculpture . But the top part , the head , wasnt there . It must have been a mistake ! he said . The judges insisted it hadnt been a mistake . They liked the base on its own , but they thought the head was awful .,Read loudly,Fast reading,1. How many sculptures had the judges chosen ? 2. What had they chosen them for ? 3. Which piece did the judges choose ? 4. What did the artist reieve the next day ? 5. Did he see his sculpture in the exhibition ? 6. Was it a mistake ? 7. What did the judges think of the head ?,The text,Text,It had been a long day . The judges had chosen fourteen sculptures for ( 故事的主线用一般过去时,在此之前发生的事用过去完成时) the exhibition . They wanted a fifteenth , and they wanted to go home . (序数词, 用作代词,省略了sculpture ) They looked at two more pieces . One was a mans head . They didnt like it . The other was a square , modern piece . The judges chose the ( “ 一个. 另一个.“ 代词 , 代指 piece ) modern piece . Then they went home .,正方形 square 三角形 triangle 长方形 rectangle 圆形 round,The next day , The artist received a letter . It said (第二天,用于过去时) 信上说(间接引语) that the Judges had chosen his sculpture . But when he went to see the exhibition , he couldnt see his sculpture anywhere . Where can it be ? he said . It must be here ! (表猜测, 比Where is it 具有更强的不确定性),At last , he saw something with his name on it . It was the square base of his sculpture . But the top part , the head , wasnt there . It must have been a mistake ! he said .,The judges insisted it hadnt been a mistake . They liked the base on its own , but they thought the head was awful .,Grammar,Modal verbs: Can could must might may could can must 都可表推测, 其可能性的大小依次递增, might 最小, must 最大 1. Must : 表推测时意思为 “ 一定, 准是 ” 对现在事情的推测(肯定) must be / must be doing eg : This book must be Ceces , she loves stories . John must be practicing the piano , he has a contest tomorrow . 否定的推测 : Cant be “一定不, 肯定不” Mr. Blake cant be in the classroom now , I saw him entering the library five minutes ago . 对过去事情的推测 Must have done He must have passed the final exam .,Can / could,Can : 通常只用于否定句和疑问句中 eg : Can it be ture that he is gay ? 否定推测: Cant be / cant be doing eg : John cant be sleeping , he said he needed to repair his bike . 对过去发生的动作的推测: cant hav


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