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Chapter 8,Skin System,P062,Contents to be covered,Common combining forms Skin Structure (to be explained by the student) Skin Lesions Skin Drugs,P062,derma- derm/o- dermat/o-,P033 Greek dermatos meaning “skin “,P033,derma- derm/o- dermat/o-,dermalgia dE:5mAldViE =dermatalgia 7dE:mE5tAldViE 皮痛,P033,derma- derm/o- dermat/o-,dermographia 7dE:mE5rAfiE =dermographism 7dE:mErE5fizEm = dermatographia 7dE:mEtE5rAfiE = dermatographism 7dE:mE5tCrEfizEm 皮肤划痕现象; 划皮现象,P033,derma- derm/o- dermat/o-,skin imflammation dermatitis,P033,derma- derm/o- dermat/o-,dermatoblast 5dE:mEtEblB:st 成皮细胞,P033,derma- derm/o- dermat/o-,dermatocellulitis 5dE:mEtE7selju5laitis 蜂窝织炎,P033,acanth/o-,Of Greek origin: akantha meaning “thorny, spiny“ acantho- 棘状,棘,尖,P062,acanth/o-,acanthoma EkAnWEJmE 棘皮瘤,P062,hidr/o-,Greek hidrs sweat,P062,hidr/o-,hidrosadenitis 7haidrEu7sAdi5natis inflammation of sweat gland 汗腺炎,P062,hidr/o-,hidrosis hai5drEusis sweat, especially in excessive or abnormal amounts 发汗,出汗过多,P062,onych/o-,Gr. onyx nail,P062,onych/o-,onychia Eu5nikjE inflammation of finger nail 甲床炎,P062,onych/o-,paronychia 7pArE5nikiE inflammation of the tissue surrounding a nail 甲沟炎,P062,onych/o-,anonychia EnE5nikjE absence of the nail(s) 先天性无趾和指甲症,P062,pachy/o-,Gr. pachys thick, cogged,P062,pachy/o-,pachyderma pAki5dE:mE =pachydermia pAki5dE:miE thickening of the skin (usually unilateral on an extremity) caused by congenital enlargement of lymph vessel and lymph vessel obstruction 皮肤厚,厚皮,P062,Skin conditions,Self-feeling: subjective symptoms,Itching, also called pruritus (P066/068) Pain. Numbness Tingling or prickling 麻刺感 Systemic syndrome,Objective symptomsskin lesions,1.Primary lesions,Macules (maculae),Variant of macula Local change in skin color A spot, stain, or blemish, especially an area of discoloration on the skin caused by excess or lack of pigment Without elevation or depression, d1cm 斑疹, (色)斑,P068,macule,P068,Inflammatory macules,P068,Non-inflammatory macule in nevus flammeus (葡萄酒色痣,焰色痣,毛细血管瘤),P068,Depigmented macule in vitiligo,P068,vitiligo,7viti5laiEu Partial or total loss of skin pigmentation, often occurring in patches leukoderma白斑病 白癫风,P068,Pigmented macules,P068,Macules of hypopigmentation 色素沉着不足,着色不足,P068,Patch in drug eruptions,P068,drug eruption,药疹 dermatitis medicamentosa 药物性皮炎,P068,papule,Circumscribed, solid elevations d1cm Maculopapular eruptions 7mAkjulE5pApju:l 斑丘疹 plaque: a broad papule or confluence of papules; a patch 色斑,P068,papule,P068,papules,P068,plaques,P068,vesicle and bullae,Vesicle circumscribed epidermal elevations d Bullae bJli: d0.5cm 小泡,P068,Vesicles in varicella (chickenpox) 水痘,P068,Bullae in pemphigus Any of several acute or chronic skin diseases characterized by groups of itching blisters 天疱疮,P068,papulovesicle 丘疱疹,P068,pustule,Small elevations of the skin containing pus similar to vesicles in shape usually have an inflammatory areola (炎性晕或红晕),P068,Pustules in impetigo impetigo 7impi5taiEu 脓疱病,P068,wheal,Edematous, flat elevations Itching Come fast and disappear slowly 风疹块,P068,wheal,P068,urticaria 荨麻疹,P066,nodule,A form of papule Larger and deeper Usually persistent Arising in the dermis,P068,nodule,P068,P068,P068,nodules,P068,cyst,Walled-off lesions containing fluid or semisolid material. Feeling like an eyeball. 囊肿,secondary lesion,Scale,A dry, thin flake of epidermis shed from the skin 鳞屑,P068,scale,P066,psoriasis psC(:)5raiEsis,P066,crust,Formed from blood, serum, or other dried exudate 痂,P067,P067,P067,Maceration and erosion,maceration is some part of the skin containing too much water, and usually the lesion appears white 浸软 Erosions are shallow losses of tissue involving only the epidemis 糜烂,maceration,erosion,Erosions,ulceration,Defects deeper than erosions Usually healing with scarring 溃疡,P068,P067,ulceration,P067,excoriation,Linear or punctated (点状的)erosions included by scratching 表皮脱落,剥皮,擦伤,scar,New formations of connective tissue Usually persistent, but inclined to be less noticeable in the long run Keloid 5ki:lCid (瘢痕疙瘩),P068,P068,P068,Other Words to know,脚气, 香港脚 足癣 tinea pedis athletes foot,P065,Other Words to know,冻疮 frostbite,P066,Other Words to know,疱疹 herpes herpes simplex herpes zoster shingles,P066,Other Words to know,scabies疥疮,疥螨病,P066,Other Words to know,白化病 albinism albino,P066,Other Words to know,秃顶 alopecia 7AlEu5pi:siE baldness,P067,Other Words to know,褥疮 bedsore decubitus ulcer decubitus = (Latin) lying down, being bedridden,P067,Other Words to know,多毛症 hirsutism,P067,Other Words to know,Skin cancer squamous cell carcinoma上皮细胞癌 basal cell carcinoma基底细胞瘤 melanoma黑色素瘤,P068,Other Words to know,See P 069 Tests &


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