



PEP人教版小学英语六年级上册Unit4IHaveaPenPal第二课时设计(2011-10-03 19:11:32)标签:小学英语教育教学设计杂谈分类:教学设计课题名称及课型:Unit4I have a new pen palA对话教学教材版本:PEP人教版六年级上册课时:(period)第二课时一、学生分析六年级的学生学习了三年多的英语,基础教好,能较熟练地运用简单的日常用语,对英语有浓厚的兴趣。学习本课时,学生在本单元的A部分已经掌握了现在分词形式的词汇,并能初步运用Whats your hobby? I like等。六年级的学生学习积极性高,表现欲望强,接受能力快,有良好的合作意识,自主学习能以及丰富的想象力和创造力,能够运用一些常用的日常会话进行简单的对话。二、教材分析本课时是义务教育课程标准实验教科书(PEP)英语六年级上册Unit 4I Have a Pen Pal第二课时的内容。本课时所谈及的“Whats your hobby?”这一话题是学生最为感兴趣的话题之一,它与学生的日常生活息息相关,由于学生在上一个课时初步学习了Whats your hobby? I like的用法,因此,本课时主要是教会学生运用以及大量输入Whats your hobby? I like以及He/She likes有关的内容,但He/She likes这个句子是本节课的难点,此时采用大量的情景进行教学,让学生在情景中学习、理解和运用。三、教学目标教学内容1.教学内容Part B Lets talk2能够听、说、读、写句型:Whats your hobby? I like collecting stampsHe likes collecting stamps,too3教学重、难点分析(1)本课时的教学重点是句型:Whats your hobby? I like collecting stampsHe likes collecting stamps,too(2)本课时的教学难点是在实际情景中正确运用句型:HeShe likes四、教学策略本节课注重将信息技术与小学英语学科进行整合教学,充分发挥计算机多媒体辅助教学的作用,将其生动的形象,多变的风格吸引学生的注意力,教学设计根据六年级学生的年龄、心理特点进行教学,本课时设计了让学生闯关的游戏贯穿整节课堂,每个环节中让学生在不同的环境中大胆地使用所学语言,所定学生的注意力,并在反复的操练中熟练掌握和运用语言。五、教学过程1.Warm-up1) Greeting:Hello, everybody. Im Mr. Li. How are you?Whats the weather like today?Whats your hobby?-T: Today we are going to learn Unit 4 Part A Lets Talk(教师播放Lets chant的课件)Boys and girls, I have a show for you. Just look at me.What is your hobby? What is your hobby?Playing, playing. I like playing the violin.Collecting, collecting. I like collecting stamps.Riding, riding. I like riding a bike.Making, making. I like making kites.Diving, diving. I like diving.T: now, please stand up. Lets do it together.(歌谣中所用的句型是上节课学习的知识点,通过吟唱歌谣,配上动作和表情,让学生巩固上一节课所学的内容,并过度到本节课的学习内容。)T: Well done, boys and girls. Can you guess what my hobby is? (做打篮球的动作)S: Playing basketball.T: Do you like playing basketball? I have good news for you. There is a basketball show on Saturday. Yao Ming will join in this game. (PPT shows a picture of Yao Ming) Look, I have many tickets here.(show the tickets to the students.) who wants to go with me?Ss: Me, me, meT: Wait. If you want to go with me, you have to have a competition. I want to see which team will win. Then the team can go with me. Understand? Now, are you ready? Here we go.(承接上述吟唱歌谣环节,通过对话导入本课内容,采用小组竞争形式,既能训练学生的反应能力,又能较好地营造课堂氛围。)2Presentation第1关:Guessing game(屏幕出现一些学校老师的相片和一些学生熟知的明星的照片,让学生猜)(教师与学生示范第一幅图片后,由学生问,学生回答)T: Look, Whos he/she?S: Hes/Shes_.T: Can you guess whats his/her hobby?S: Yes, he/she likes.T: Very good. You are right. / Try again.-chant: singing, singing, he/she likes(每猜完一个图片都要让学生边拍掌边说句子)(小结:Wow, you are so smart. Lets go to the 2ndpart.)第2关:Watch, listen and answer(课件出现Wu Yifan和John的图片)Listen and repeat:T: boys and girls. Look, who are they?Ss: They are Wu Yifan and John.T: Thats right. Lets see what they are talking about. But before you watch, please think of thethree questions. Lets read them together.(继续演示课件)1) Whats Johns hobby? (学生问)He likes collecting stamps. (学生答)2) Whats Wu Yifans hobby?He likes collecting stamps, too.3) When is the stamp show?On Sunday.(小结:You are so great. Lets go to the next part. Look.)(让学生带着问题听录音,有助于集中学生听的注意力,提高听的效果,提高课堂实效)第3关:Reading competition.Please pay attention: 1. Good pronunciation 2. Read clearly(课件演示)T: Lets read after the computer first.(跟电脑读)Now please open your book and turn to page 47. The whole class, read together.(全班齐读。同时渗透朗读技巧)Now read group by group.(分组朗读)(评价环节)T: Do they have good pronunciation? How many stars will you give them?T: Do they read clearly? How many stars will you give them?T: Good. I still have questions to ask:(继续演示课件)1)Do you like collecting stamps? Why?Yes. / No.Because2.)Are there any shows in your school? What are they?Eg: Yes, there are. They are painting show, homework show, fashion show(小结:Wonderful. The next part is.)(开放式的问题情境能启发学生思维,为学生的语言表达提供更大的空间。)第4关:Make and act a dialogue(演示课件)T: Look at this picture first. What show is it? When is the show?Where is the show?T: Ill make a dialogue with some of you first.(演示课件)Eg:S1: Whats your hobby?S2: I likeing .What about you?S1: Me too. There is a .show on Lets go together.S2: I have a friend. He likes .too. Can he go with us?S1: Sure.Where are we going?(拓展)S2: 教师先与一学生上台示范表演,(继续演示课件)然后让男同女同学回答的形式练习其中一幅图片“风筝展览”。T:Boys and girls. Do you understand now?Please make a dialogue according to the pictures in the ppt. Practice with in your group.然后叫2组学生上台表演,让学生评价学生,然后再叫1-2个学生检查他们是否有听他们的表演,问题如下:T: Whats her/ his hobby?T: Do they have good English? Do they have good action?(继续演示课件)And good pair work?(小结:Excellent. Lets go to the next part. Look.)(通过在一定情境下的交流,检查学生是否掌握了新句型的用法,训练学生的口头表达能力,另一方面引导学生运用本课的dialogue未提及到的Where are you going?以对话形式进行拓展训练,提高学生的语言交际能力。)第5关:Make a survey and report. But please pay attention: 1. Ask in your group.2. Finish in 2 minutes.(演示课件)T: Look, There are many hobby groups in our school. I was wondering your hobbies which group you can go. For example, whats your hobby, Lily? I likeplaying basketball. I can go to thebasketball group. And then report to us like this:Im _.I like_. I can go to the _group.I have many friends._ likes_. She can go to the _group. Please take out your paper and make a survey and report to us. OK?叫2组学生上台表演,然后让学生评价学生,(继续演示课件)说出精彩之处和不足之处,一定要说出原因。(小结:Great job. Here is the last part. Look.)(让学生利用已学过的知识,结合新学知识进行创造性的语言整合及输出,激发学生的创新思维,充分体现教学的层次性,让学生在活动中体验学习成功的快乐。)第6关:做练习关(投影)Please take out the paper again. Lets do it together.(见附件)(教师演示课件,学生做题目,然后逐一讲解题目,最后全班齐读一遍)(小结:Super students.)3SummaryT:OK, today we learned the sentences: Whats your hobby? I like He likesAnd we know that collecting stamps is a good hobby, right?(继续演示课件)进行渗透思想教育:1.)Now please tell me which hobby is good, too? (Multiple Choice可多选) (站在投影前讲解)A. reading booksB. sleeping a long timeC. playing basketballD. playing footballE. eating too muchF. listening to music2)Do you have any good hobbies? What are they?(对本课的教学内容进行归纳总结,帮助学生掌握语言知识,同时还渗透思想教育,让学生明白什么样的hobby才一个good hobby)4Homework1)Recite “Lets talk”,Check it out each other.2)Listen to the tape and follow the dialogue 3 times.3)Ask your parents hobbies and write it down.Additionalhomework:Draw a picture on your favorite teachers hobbies, write at least 5 sentences.(结束: So much for today. lets see which group is the winner. Team is the champion. Congratulations. All of you can get the tickets. You can go with me. And thank you, boys and girls. Class is over. Good bye. )六、课后反思本节课是六年级的对话教学课。六年级的学生经过三年级的英语学习,已经有了一定的词汇量和语言基础。因此,这一阶段的对话教学课应重在培养学生的对话能力。在本节课中,学生熟练掌握了Whats your hobby? I like以及He/She likes句型,并能运用所学的句型进行对话


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