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Unit 2 Heroes基础知识默写(学生用书245248页)默写(一)1.calmadj.镇静的,沉着的v.(使)平静,(使)镇静n.平静的状态2.charactern.人物;性格3.opinionn.意见,看法,主张4.personallyadv.就自己而言personaladj.个人的personn.个人5.equaladj.平等的n.平等的人(物) v.等于;与匹敌equallyadv.同样地;相等地,平等地;公平地equalityn.相等;平等6.strugglen.&v.斗争,拼搏7.generous adj.慷慨的,大方的generosityn.慷慨;大方8.violent adj.暴力的violentlyadv.猛烈地violencen.暴力,暴行9.explore vt.探测;勘探explorationn.探测;探究;探索explorern.探索者10.peacefully adv.和平地;平静地peacefuladj.和平的,爱好和平的;平静的11.atmosphere n.大气;气氛12.wave vi.挥手示意,致意13.found vt.建立,创立14.march vi.&n.游行示威;行军15.brilliant adj.卓越的16.unusual adj.不平常的usualadj.平常的,通常的17.let out发出,放出(声音等)18.millions of数百万的19.in ones opinion在某人看来20.judge.by.依据评判21.be strict with sb. 对某人严格22.compete against与竞争23.come to an end结束24.The spaceship,called Shenzhou ,was carrying Chinas first astronaut,Yang Liwei.这艘被命名为“神舟5号”的宇宙飞船载着中国第一位宇航员杨利伟飞向太空。25.We were driving along a country lane when suddenly a car drove past us.我们正沿乡村小路行驶着,这时一辆车突然从我们旁边驶过。默写(二)1.skil(l)fuladj.灵巧的,熟练的skil(l)fullyadv.熟练地skilln.熟练;本领;技能2.uselessadj.差劲的;无用的usefuladj.有用的usevt.使用n.用处3.competevi.比赛,竞争competitionn.比赛competitorn.竞争者,对手competitiveadj.竞争的;有竞争力的4.amazingadj.令人惊异的amazevt.使惊异amazedadj.惊奇的,吃惊的amazementn.惊讶5.fortunatelyadv.幸运地unfortunately(反) adv.不幸地fortunateadj.幸运的fortunen.幸运;财产;命运6.confidentadj.自信的confidencen.信心;信任7.champion n.冠军8.event n.竞赛;事件9.disaster n.灾难10.promote vt.促进,提升promotionn.提升;晋升;推销11.injury n.伤害,损害injurevt.伤害,损害injuredadj.受伤的12.commit vt.犯(错误),干(坏事)commitmentn.承诺13.relationship n.关系14.react vi.反应reactionn.反应15.quality n.质量;品质16.admire vt.钦佩;羡慕admirationn.钦佩;羡慕admirableadj.令人钦佩的17.on ones own独立地18.give up放弃19.come to do sth. 开始(认识、理解)20.pull through使从(受伤)中活下来;渡过难关21.get on融洽相处;进展22.far too太,极为23.come off it别胡扯24.Jennifer was in the kitchen,with her hands in a bowl of flour,when she saw a small boy climb into a truck.詹妮弗在厨房里,双手在面粉碗里,这时她看到一个小男孩爬进了一辆卡车。25.Give me a challenge and Ill meet it with joy.给我一个挑战,我将高兴地面对它。基础知识夯实.语境填词1.Harvard University,founded(创办) in 1636,is one of the oldest universities in the United States.2.The government encourages farmers to grow corn instead of rice to improve water quality(质量).(2018全国)3.There was a serious incident which involveed(涉及) a group of youths.4.Explain your frustrations calmly(calm) and sensiblysee it as an opportunity to clear up any difficulties.(2017天津)5.Learning to deal with the social world is equally(equal) important.(2016北京)6.I know you have just won the first prize in the robotics competition(compete) held in your institute and have shown great talent in designing robots.(2018天津)7.He was amazed(amaze) at what Benjamin had done with his gift.(2017浙江)8.Fortunately(fortunate),after a brief stay in hospital,Ben was well enough to be allowed to leave and later the family met up for dinner.(2018全国)9.Some of us were confident(confidence) and eager to take part in the class activity;others were nervous and anxious.(2018全国)10.Maybe I was taking the risk of never coming back home.Or,maybe all I would find was absolutely(absolute) nothing!(2018天津)11.They learn the principles of flight(fly) and test their operating skills in the cockpit(驾驶舱) of a variety of flight simulators.(2018北京)12.Carter is playing in place of the injured(injure) David.13.While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life,college sets the stage for that exploration.(explore)(2017全国)14.The famous writer has many admirers.I often read her novels in admiration.Im sure she will achieve more admirable achievements in the future.(admire)15.He is a kind and generous man and he generously contributed a lot of money to the village school last week.His generosity is worth admiring.(generous).选词成篇Jack is an excellent college student.He 1.is strict in his study and research.For some 2.far too difficult problems,he always thinks 3.on his own.When he 4.comes to do experiments,he is very careful and 5.judges things by facts.Some people say that in order to get the exact data and result,he may even do 6.millions of experiments.let out,in ones opinion,compete against,give up,pull through,get on well with,come to an endIn most cases,competitors will 7. compete against each other fiercely in the match.8.In my opinion,my classmate Mark is a good athlete.But,unfortunately,in last Sundays football match,he fell down,injured his foot and 9. let out a scream,but he didnt 10. give up.When the match 11. came to an end,he couldnt move his feet for an inch at all.I really hope Mark will 12. get on well with his study after he 13. pulls through.完成句子1.My brothers can no doubt remember hours spent cleaning the house.(过去分词短语作定语)(2016浙江)毫无疑问,我的兄弟们能记得花在打扫房间上的时间。2.Jack was working in the lab when the power cut occurred.(be doing.when.)(2016北京)杰克正在实验室里工作,这时突然停电了。3.An hour later,I woke up suddenly with the solution clearly in mind.(with复合结构)(2016天津)一个小时后,我突然醒来,脑海里有清楚的解决方案。4.One more effort,and youll succeed.(祈使句and陈述句)再努力一下,你就会成功。5.While (he was) giving us a speech,the professor fainted all of a sudden.(while)教授在给我们做演讲的时候,突然晕倒了。1.“职场经历”词语全扫描(1)employ/hire雇用(2)dismiss/fire解雇;开除(3)interview面试,采访(4)promote升职(5)resign辞职(6)appoint任命;委派(7)apply申请(8)resume简历2.表示人“品质”的形容词荟萃(1)confident自信的(2)devoted有献身精神的(3)energetic有活力的(4)generous慷慨的(5)intelligent聪明的(6)creative富有创造力的(7)calm镇静的3.“运动”相关名词集锦(1)athlete/player运动员(2)amateur业余选手(3)competitor竞争者(4)champion冠军(5)professional职业选手(6)referee裁判员(7)coach教练(8)captain队长4.“数字”短语大全(1)hundreds of数百(2)thousands of数千(3)millions of数百万(4)billions of数十亿(5)tens of thousands of成千上万(6)dozens of许多,数打(7)scores of许多,大量5.“参加”短语清单(1)get/be involved in(2)take part in(3)participate in(4)join in(5)go in for(6)have a hand inalmadj.镇静的,沉着的;风平浪静的;无风的v.(使)平静,(使)镇静(1)keep/stay/be calm保持镇静(2)calm down(使)平静/镇静下来(1)This helps your body receive a signal to relax.Then you can calm yourself(you) down and get centered.(2018广西桂林模拟)(2)It is important to keep/stay/be calm(保持镇静) in an emergency.(3)Taylors swift action helped her teammates calm down(冷静下来).(2017北京)根据语境用calm,quiet,silent,still的正确形式填空(4)Try to keep calm and just tell me what happened.(5)He spoke no English and was completely silent during the visit.(6)Children find it difficult to sit still for very long.(7)The airlines have invested enormous sums in quieter,more efficient engines.词义辨析calm,quiet,silent,stillcalm平静的,沉着的,指无风浪或人的心情不激动。quiet宁静的,安静的,指没有声音、不吵闹或心里没有烦恼、焦虑。silent寂静的,沉默的,指不说话或没有声音。still静止的,不动的,指(人体等)不运动的。(1)in character与某人的性格相符out of character与某人的性格不相符(2)characteristic adj.特有的;典型的;n.特色;特性;典型be characteristic of特有的,的特征It is characteristic of sb. to do某人会做;做正是某人的作风(特点)。写出下列句子中character的汉语意思(1)At the last moment,Tom decided to put in a new character to make the story seem more lively.角色(2)The town is so beautiful!I just love it.Me too.The character of the town is well preserved.特点(3)I wish this book was written in bigger characters.文字(4)Mr Bartman was a man of good character.性格一句多译(5)忘记带礼物来正是他的特点。It is characteristic of him to forget to bring a present.(characteristic)It is typical of him to forget to bring a present.(typical)It is like him to forget to bring a present.(like)易错点拨be characteristic of通常以“特色”作主语,以具有该特色的主体作介词of的宾语。如:Quick decision is characteristic of him.快速作出决定是他的特征。in ones opinion在某人看来(opinion总用单数)have a.opinion of有的观点(1)Who,in your opinion,is the best football player in the world today?你认为谁是当今世界上最好的足球运动员?(2)I have a good opinion of the man I interviewed yesterday.我对昨天面谈的那人很有好感。联想发散表达“在某人看来”的短语还有:according to sb. ,to ones knowledge,in ones judgement,in ones view,as far as sb. be concerned等。equaladj.相等的;平等的;相当的;能胜任的n.同等的人;相等物v.与相等,等于;比得上(1)be equal in在方面比得上be equal to sth. /doing sth. 等于;与相等;胜任(2)be without equal/have no equal无与伦比(3)equally adv.相等地;同样地equality n.平等(1)Leaving aside the birth rate issue,Indias economy may take off when the country achieves equality(equal) of educational opportunity.(2)He is equal to Tom in ability.(3)In fact,when it comes to the art of war,ants have no equal/are without equal(无与伦比).联想发散表示“胜任”的其他短语:be fit for,be up to,be qualified for,be adequate tostruggle to do.努力做;挣扎着做struggle against/with同作斗争;与抗争struggle with.for.为争取而与作斗争struggle to ones feet挣扎着站起来(1)Because a college community differs from the family,many students will struggle to find(find) a sense of belonging.(2016北京)(2)We have to struggle with/against all kinds of difficulties.(3)She struggled to her feet(挣扎着站起来) and continued walking. protestn.抗议;反对v.抗议;反对;申辩(1)under protest无奈地;不服气地;不甘心地without protest心甘情愿地;不反对地;无异议地in protest (against)抗议(2)protest against/at/about抗议;反对protest doing.抗议做(1)He paid the fine under protest.他不情愿地把罚款交了。(2)In protest against the wages cut,the workmen decided on sitting in at the factory.为了抗议降低工资,工人们决定在工厂里静坐示威。(3)一句多译我们抗议释放他。We protested his being released.We protested against releasing him.We protested that he was released.(1)use n.用处;使用v.利用;使用come into use开始被使用make use of利用be of use有用put.to use利用;使用in use在使用中(be) out of use停止被使用It/There is no use doing./It is useless doing.做无用。(2)useful adj.有用的(1)The technology is useless/is of no use if you arent trained to operate it.如果你没有受过训练的话,这项技术是没有用的。(2)It/There is no use或It is useless trying to drown your sorrows in drink.想借酒消愁无济于事。(1)compete in参加的比赛;在方面竞争compete for为而竞争compete with/against和竞争(2)competitor n.竞争者;比赛者competition n.比赛;竞争competitive adj.有竞争力的(1)Working in such a competitive(compete) industry,Ive sometimes thought,“I cant do this any more.”(2017天津)(2)The moment when I learned the results of the competition(compete) was one of the happiest times in my life.(2018北京西城区模拟)(3)Banks and building societies are competing fiercely for business.(4)They found themselves competing with/against foreign companies for a share of the market.(1)amaze vt.使惊讶,使惊奇(2)amazed adj.吃惊的,惊奇的be amazed at/by对感到惊讶be amazed to do.做很惊讶be amazed that.对感到惊奇(3)amazement n.惊奇,惊讶in amazement惊讶地to ones amazement使某人惊讶的是(1)Little Tom sat amazed(amaze) watching the monkey dancing in front of him.(2)As we sat down and ate,I told Ralph that I felt he had an amazing(amaze) talent for connecting with people.(3)一句多译使我惊奇的是,他能够凭记忆背诵整首诗。To my amazement,he was able to recite the whole poem from memory.(amazement)It amazed me that he was able to recite the whole poem from memory.(it作形式主语)What amazed me was that he was able to recite the whole poem from memory.(what主语从句)I was amazed that he was able to recite the whole poem from memory.(amazed)(1)fortune n.机会;运气;大笔的钱;财富;命运make a fortune发财;致富seek/try ones fortune碰运气have the good fortune to do sth. 有幸做某事(fortune后只接不定式)(2)fortunate adj.幸运的be fortunate to do sth. /in doing sth. 在方面运气好It is fortunate that.幸运的是(1)He decided to go abroad to seek/try his fortune.他决定到国外去碰碰运气。(2)一句多译她很幸运有位好丈夫。She is fortunate to have a good husband.She is fortunate in having a good husband.It is fortunate that she has a good husband.易错点拨fortune作“机会;运气”讲是不可数名词;作“财产;命运”讲是可数名词。(1)She worked hard and was promoted(promote) from a saleswoman to a middle manager.(2)While waiting for the opportunity to get promoted(promote),Henry did his best to perform his duty.熟词生义选择句子中promote的汉语意思(3)They are promoting their new products on television. A A.促销;推销B.促进C.提升(1)injury n.伤;伤害do sb. an injury/do an injury to sb. 伤害某人(2)injured adj.受伤的the injured伤员(1)By mile 17,I became out of breath and the once injured(injure) ankle hurt badly.(2018北京)(2)A month before my first marathon,one of my ankles was injured(injure) and this meant not running for two weeks,leaving me only two weeks to train.(2018北京)(3)Dont lift that tool boxyoull do yourself an injury/do an injury to yourself(伤着自己;injury)!(1)react to对作出反应react against反对;反抗react with与起化学反应(2)reaction n.反应;作用(1)How did he react to your suggestion?他对你的建议有什么反应?(2)I tried shaking him but there was no reaction(react).我试着摇晃他,但没有反应。(3)Children tend to react against their parents by going against their wishes.孩子们往往以违背父母的意愿的方式反抗父母。(1)involve sth. /sb. 包括,牵连某物/某人involve sb. in (doing) sth. 使某人卷入(做)某事involve doing.包括/牵扯到做(2)involved adj.有关的;卷入的;复杂的be involved in参与;卷入;专注于be involved with涉及;与有关(3)involvement n.连累;牵连;卷入(1)There is a good social life in the village,and I wish I had a second chance to become more involved(involve).(2018江苏)(2)Well make our decision and contact the people involved(involve).(3)Being a soldier can involve getting(get) killed.(4)For a long time Gabriel didnt want to be involved in(参与) music at all.(2017江苏)易错点拨(1)involve是及物动词,后跟动词时要用动名词形式。(2)involved作前置定语时,意为“复杂的”;作后置定语时意为“有关的;涉及的”。the involved problem复杂的问题;the problem involved所涉及的问题(1)be confident of/about对有信心(2)confidence n.自信心;信任with confidenceconfidently自信地;有信心地in confidence私下地;秘密地have confidence in对有信心have confidence to do.有做的信心(1)He answered that question confidently/with confidence(自信地).(2)I told you that in confidence(私下地),so why did you tell Joan about it?(3)We should encourage him to have confidence in/be confident about(对有信心) himself.(4)同义句改写He was confident of/about success.He was confident that he would succeed.He had confidence in success.He had confidence to succeed.易错点拨表示“自信能做某事”时,be confident后通常接of/about (doing) sth. 或that从句,不接不定式,但名词confidence后面却可接不定式,不接of/about doing。(1)admire sb. for sth. 因某事而羡慕/钦佩某人(2)admiration n.U赞赏;钦佩;仰慕with/in admiration羡慕地;钦佩地have/express admiration for sb. /sth. 羡慕/钦佩某人/物(3)admirable adj.令人钦佩的;值得赞赏的;绝妙的;极好的(1)I admire her for her bravery.(2)What do you think of Steven Hawking?Well,despite his disabled body,he is a man of scientific nature,who deserves our admiration(admire).(3)With/In admiration(钦佩地),I went to interview the girls from Beijing.易错点拨(1)admire后不接双宾语或that引导的宾语从句,但可接疑问词引导的从句。(2)admire后不接带不定式的复合结构,即不说admire sb. to do sth. ,可用admire sb. /sb. s doing sth. 。come to总计;(看法、主意等)被某人想出;苏醒come to a conclusion/a decision/an agreement得出结论/作出决定/达成一致意见come to an end结束come to oneself恢复常态when it comes to.当谈到/涉及(1)He will come to understand your efforts sooner or later.Its just a matter of time.他迟早会理解你的努力的。这只是时间问题。(2)Both sides have come to an agreement.双方已经达成了一致意见。(3)Im as good a cook as she expects when it comes to making pastry.当涉及做油酥糕时,我是一个如她期待般的好厨师。易错点拨come/get to常常与静态动词(如:know,understand,be,love,like,live)连用,使静态动词具有动态含义,表示“开始”。get through通过;接通电话;用完look through浏览;快速查看break through冲破;突破see through看穿;识破go through经历,经受;仔细查看;(法律等)通过;用完;浏览根据句意用through短语的正确形式填空(1)They will never forget the experience they went through last year.(2)Everyone was very concerned about whether the patient would pull through or not.(3)We finally broke through the unfriendly atmosphere.(4)Look/Go through this proposal for me,and tell me what you think of it.(5)It is not easy to see through a false friend.(6)I tried calling you several times but I couldnt get through.get on/along with与相处get across讲清楚;(使)被领会(to sb. )get over克服get down to (doing) sth. 开始做某事(1)How are you getting along with your French?(2)Its time that I got down to thinking(think) about my future.(3)I think the problem can be got over without too much difficulty.(4)Hes not very good at getting his ideas across.The spaceship,called Shenzhou,was carrying Chinas first astronaut,Yang Liwei.这艘被命名为“神舟5号”的宇宙飞船载着中国第一位宇航员杨利伟飞向太空。过去分词(短语)作定语,和被修饰的词之间往往是被动关系,并且表示动作已经完成。单个的过去分词作定语常放在被修饰的词前面;过去分词短语作定语则放在被修饰词的后面。(1)At that time,such a thing was a forbidden(forbid) topic to be talked about.那时,这样的事情是一个被禁止谈论的话题。句式升级(2)To return to the problem of water pollution,Id like you to look at a study conducted in Australia in 2012.(用定语从句改写)To return to the problem of water pollution,Id like you to look at a study which/thatwasconducted in Australia in 2012.We were driving along a country lane when suddenly a car drove past us.我们正沿乡村小路行驶着,这时一辆车突然从我们旁边驶过。(1)be doing.when.正在做这时(2)be about to do.when.正要做此时(3)had just done.when.刚做了这时(4)be on the point of doing.when.正要做这时句式升级(1)She had just finished her homework when her mother asked her to practise playing the piano yesterday.(用hardly had.when.句式改写)Hardly had she finished her homework when her mother asked her to practise playing the piano yesterday.(2)She was just about to open the window and shout at the dog to frighten it when she stopped and stood quite still.(用on the point of doing短语改写)She was on the point of opening the window and shouting at the dog to frighten it when she stopped and stood quite still.Jennifer was in the kitchen,with her hands in a bowl of flour,when she saw a small boy climb into a truck.詹妮弗在厨房里,双手在面粉碗里,这时她看到一个小男孩爬进了一辆卡车。with her hands in a bowl of flour为“with复合宾语”作状语。“with复合结构”在句中多作状语,也可以作定语。常见的结构有:(1)with宾语介词短语(2)with宾语doing(表示主动或正在进行的动作)(3)with宾语done(表示被动或已完成的动作)(4)with宾语to do(表示将来的动作)(5)with宾语adj.(6)with宾语adv.一句多译(1)我有一个重要的会议要去参加,所以我必须和你另约时间。Because I have an important meeting to attend,I have to make it for another time with you.(because)With an important meeting to attend,I have to make it for another time with you.(with复合结构)句式升级用with复合结构改写下列句子(2)The 2020 College Entrance Examination is drawing near,so the students feel great pressure.With the 2020 College E


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