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Unit 5 Nelson Mandela Words and expressions,1. quality n. 质量 (不可数n.) 品质;特性(可数n.) quantity kwntti n. 数量 a large /small quantity of (adj) large /great quantities of,1).Quality is more important than quantity.,2).products of good /poor quality,3).She shows qualities of leadership.,质量好/坏,她表现出多种领导特质(品质),2. mean adj 吝啬的 vt. 意味着,意思是 (mean to do sth mean doing sth ) means of n. 方法 eg.A car is a means of transportation. He is mean to everyone. be mean to sb对某人吝啬 He is mean about money. be mean with/over/about sth 对-很吝啬 I meant to give you this book today, but I forgot. mean to do sth.有意做某事,打算做,打算做某事 意味着,3. active be active in 在-方面很积极 He is active in sports.他运动上表现积极。 act-actor-actress-action-active-activity- inactive generous adj 慷慨的 大方的 Your uncle is very generous to buy that car for you. He is generous with his money.,4.vt. devote.to. 奉献,把-致力于 He devoted his life to promoting world peace. devoted adj 忠实的,深爱的 be devoted to 对-忠实,对-深爱 eg. A devoted friend She is devoted to her husband.,介词的to (后接动词ing) devote to look forward to stick to pay attention to,doing,5.found v. founded founded 建立 1).The PRC was founded in 1949. 2).be founded on/upon eg: The story is founded on/upon facts.建立在-基础上 set up (build) put up (a tent) construct +建筑(较正式),6. be out of work,= lose ones job = be unemployed,失业, 没有工作,His mother has been out of work for half a year. in work 有工作 Is her husband in work? out of 意为“在之外”,“向外”;表示失去,没有,用完;不再处于某种状况。反义词为into或in。,out of breath out of petrol out of use out of order out of control out of danger out of sight,上气不接下气 汽油用完了 没用了 出故障了 失控了 脱离危险了 看不见了,out of fashion out of date out of repair out of sight, out of mind.,不时兴 过时 无法修葺 眼不见,心不烦,7. hopeful adj 怀有希望的 be/feel/hopeful about/of - 对-抱有希望 Are you hopeful about your future? We should feel hopeful of our success. We are hopeful that our dream will come true.,8. vote on 投票表决 vote for/against 投票支持/反对 Lets vote on it. Its certain that I will vote for it. He has right to vote against it. Well vote to decide whether to carry out the plan.,vote to do sth 投票决定做某事,9. attack attacker v.攻击;进攻 The enemy attacked us at night. n.攻击;抨击;侵袭/发作 under attack 遭到袭击 / 抨击 a heart attack 心脏病突发 The death of the actor is due to a heart attack. 这个演员死于心脏病突发,10.as a matter of fact 事实上 in fact/ in reality/ actually He pretends to understand, but as a matter of fact he doesnt. 他假装懂了,事实上他不懂。 In fact, we knew each other, but we didnt contact with each other for many years.,事实上,实际上,11.blow up A balloon expands when it is blown up. The government buildings were blown up.,使充气,爆炸,炸毁,充气,炸毁,12.equal adj be equal to Eg: Tom is equal to John in height. He was equal to the work.胜任,相等的,与-相等;胜任,He has got into /is in trouble. We must help him.,13. be in trouble 有麻烦,处于不幸中,补充: make trouble 制造麻烦 put sb. to trouble 给某人添麻烦 have trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难,get into trouble 陷入困境,Its unkind to laugh at a person who is in trouble. 嘲笑哪些陷入困境中的人是不道德的。,14.willing adj 乐意的,自愿的 will n 意志, 意志力 , 意愿 be willing to do sth 愿意做某事 Im very willing to vote for the plan.,Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成,15. turn to 求助于,致力于 He turned to me for help. 他向我求助。 She often turns to the book for guidance. 她经常参考那本书。,16.escape vt. / flee escape from sp 从逃跑 Nobody can escape from here. escape from prison 越狱Prison Break escape from the net 漏网,17.come to/ into power be in power/ take office The government came to power in 2012. This government has been in power for four years. have the power to do sth come into being come into use,当权,上台(表动作),执政(表状态),有权做某事,形成,产生,开始使用,18.beg vt .vi.乞求,恳求,请求,begged begged begging,beg (for).sth,The boy begged (for) money from passers-by.,beg (for ) sth (of) sb (向某人)恳求.,I beg a quick answer of you .我恳求你迅速答复我。,beg (of) sb to do sth 恳请某人做某事,He begged his teacher to forgive him.,beg to do sth 恳请做某事,He begged to watch the match.,19.reward n ,v 报酬,奖金,酬劳,奖赏 in reward reward sb for sth reward sb with sth He gave the boy five yuan in reward. He rewarded the boy for bringing back the lost dog. He rewarded the boy with five yuan.,作为报酬,因-而奖赏某人,用-酬劳某人,20. set up set off set down set out to do sth set about doing sth They set off in search of the lost child. The author set about writing a new book.,建立,设立,出发,动身,使爆炸,记下,写下,开始做某事,开始


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