



“Wheres My Pencil?”教学设计一、简介本次课的内容是广州地区教材Success With English三年级Unit 7 Wheres My Pencil?本节课通过一系列的游戏和活动让学生学会使用所学的句型,并用此句型来找回自己的物品。二、学生分析三年级的小学生思维比较活跃,对新鲜的事物有着很强的好奇心;语言的接受能力和运用能力比较强;学生好动,爱玩,表现欲强,在课堂上能积极举手发言,把自己所学的知识展示给老师和同学;另外,小学生好胜心强,集体荣誉感也强,在比赛中能发扬集体精神,共同争取拿第一。学生在一、二年级已经学过英语口语,对所学的文具的单词掌握得比较牢固,而在前一节课已经接触过Wheres的句型,具备良好的听、说、读的能力。三、教材分析本套教材以话题为主,以交际功能为主线,兼顾语言结构,逐步引导学生运用英语完成有实际目的的语言任务,体现出新课标的基本理念。教材强调语言的运用,注重能力的培养,突出兴趣,重视双向交流。本教材的教学目的是为了激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生学习英语的积极性,初步建立学生学习英语的信心,同时培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象和创作能力。Unit 7 Where My Pencil? 是选取了学生最熟悉,最容易理解的内容,与学生的日常生活联系最密切的话题。让学生通过真实自然的情景会话,学会提问和回答物品所在的位置,并在实际交际中运用。四、本节课的教学目的语言目的:复习关于文具的单词和句型;学习新句型 Is it? 能区别介词on 和 in。语言能力:能运用所学的语言进行简单的交际。情感目的:有兴趣听英语,说英语,能积极主动参与英语游戏和活动。五、教学过程Teacher steps:I. Revision1. Review the words of stationary and furniture2. Chant and consolidate the structuresWheres your?Here it is.II. Presentation1. Set a situation of drawing a picture. Before drawing, prepare some dictionary, ask and answer with Ps.T: Wheres your pen/ pencil/ ruler?P: Here it is.2. Make some mistakes intentionally while drawing the picture, and find my rubber, saying “ Wheres my rubber?” 3. Walk to the Ps and ask with actions “ Is it on your desk/ in your desk?”4. Introduce the structures “ Is it?”, “ No, it isnt.”5. Let Ps guess the meaning of “in” and “on”.6. Chant to consolidate the two structuresIn in in , the pencil is in, in the pencil case;On on on, the pencil is on, on the pencil case.7. Play a game “Whisper and Tell” to consolidate the structures “Is it on your desk/ in your desk.8. Play a game “Hide and Guess” to use the language.1) teacher hide some stationary and guess with the language to make a model2) Ps hide some stationary and teacher guess3) Ps hide some stationary and Ps guess9. Ps listen to the tape and read th


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