



Unit 6 Do you like bananas?教学内容Section B(教材P2829)教学目标 1. 知识与能力 Section B主要是通过复习和学习有关食物的名词,复习和巩固行为动词like的肯定句、否定句和一般疑问句的构成及肯定、否定的回答;学会询问对方或谈论自己喜欢与不喜欢的食物;学会了解别人喜欢与不喜欢的食物;学会营养配餐;能够制作购物单和调查表。 2. 过程与方法 采用Different Opinions和Classifying的学习策略,利用实物或教学图片、幻灯片来展开课堂Pair work问答式的口语交际活动,询问和谈论对方或自己所喜欢的食物;并通过调查、填表、阅读和填空等活动方式学会营养配餐;同时进行听力训练。3. 情感态度价值观 该部分学习内容涉及学生的饮食习惯和偏爱,对培养学生健康的饮食习惯有很强的指导性,能引起学生的特别关注;同时通过互相询问和谈论,培养对家人和同学、朋友的关怀和友爱之情。教学重、难点及教学突破 1. 重点 学习有关膳食名词:breakfast,lunch,dinner,egg,apple,chicken,fruit,vegetables,复习行为动词like一般现在时的肯定句、否定句和一般疑问句的用法以及肯定与否定的回答;复习名词的复数形式。 2. 语法难点 行为动词一般现在时的肯定句、否定句和一般疑问句的结构,尤其是三人称单数形式的变化。 3. 教学突破 Section B的主要内容是复习并总结所学内容,通过总结、归类复习词汇;通过pair work,group work活动进行口语练习;通过调查、填表和阅读进行笔头练习,强化所学知识的灵活运用能力。教学准备1. 教师准备准备本课所要教授的食物图片;设计课后巩固练习,以pair work 及group work 所需要的表格; 2. 学生准备复习总结所学的食物名词并进行归类,看看哪些食物分别适合于早餐、午餐或晚餐。以及中西方饮食差异。教学步骤Step 1 greetingGood morning boys and girls,my last name is wang,and my English name is Lisa.so, you cam call me Lisa or Ms. Wang.Nice to meet you.Step 2 review the new words.(呈现单词,区分可数、不可数以及即可数又不可数名词)What did we learn in last class?Now ,you see,our life is full of different kinds of food.can you divide them into groups?Some are fruits, some are vegetable.Do you know how to divide them?Fruit:_.Vegetables:_.Step3 listeningtask 1a write the number of each word next to the correct food.Step4 Ask and answerT asks S1:do you like.? S1:Yes, I do.T asks the other Ss:what does he like?Ss: He likes.?.Step5 Do a report.Make a report about what you and your friend likes and dislikes.My name is.,I like. My friend is.She likes.Step 6 listeningtask 1clisten and circle the food you hear in 1a.task 1dlisten again. Fill in the chart.Step 7 pair work and Group work.task 1Ask and answer Qs about sally and tom .What do they like and what do they dislike?. task 2全班学生齐说:Tom likes carrots and salad,but he doesnt like apples.Sally likes salad,bananas,oranges and ice-cream, but she doesnt like Vegetables.Step 8 present the new words and sentence structures.OK boys and girls.Look at me,I am slim.Right? Do you know why?Let me tell you.I have fruit and vegetables everyday.In the morning , I like apples and milk for breakfast. At noon, I like rice tomatoes and eggs for lunch. In the evening, I like bread milk and oranges for dinner.教师通过叙述自己的three meals 来呈现新单词breakfast,lunch,dinner,healthy.以及句型:I like.for (为了,当做)breakfastlunchdinner.接着教师带读。 Step 9 practice and consolidation.task 1RetellnamebreakfastlunchdinnerJennybread and bananas eggs,chicken and broccolimilk and saladAliceEggs,milk and pearsBeef, bread and tomatoesHamburgers and applesChen Jie Bread and milkRice ,carrots and broccoliEggs,chicken and tomatoes.Jenny likes bread and bananas for breakfast .jenny likes .for lunch.task 2根据中文意思填空。1. 你喜欢吃冰淇淋吗?_you _ice cream?2. 我午餐喜欢吃花椰菜。I like eating broccoli_ _.3. 玛丽不喜欢吃沙拉。Mary_ _salad.4. 你早餐喜欢吃什么?_ _you like for breakfast?5. 早餐你喜欢吃水果沙拉吗?6. _you _fruit salad for breakfast?Step 10task 2a Which food do you think is healthy?Check yes, maybe or no.Step 11 summaryIn this class, we learned.I think we should eat a healthy breakfast, eat just enough for lunch,and eat less for supper. I am so happy to see you are so active.Thank you fo your listening.Step12 home work1. Write about what you like for breakfast,lunch and dinner.2. You will have a picnic,make a survey and list the foods you need.板书设计Unit 6 Do you like bananas?Section BWords: breakfast, lunch, dinner, egg, apple. Chicken, fruit, vegetables, run, runner, eat, star, lot, healthy, food, dessert, listSentences: She like eggs, bananas and apples for breakfast /lunch / dinner.Grammars: I like bananas. I dont like bananas. Do you like bananas? She likes apples. She doesnt like apples. Does she like apples?个性练习设计1.为自己制定一份营养的午餐:由于生活水平的提高,许多学生在饮食上没有节制,或偏食,导致营养失衡。教师可向学生出示一份常用食物营养成分的表格,并告诉学生,在自己的午餐中总热量小于或等于450克,脂肪小于或等于35克。然后让学生根据自己的喜好为自己配制一份营养的午餐,再向全班进行汇报。通过此项活动可以帮助学生牢记所学的食物名词,提高他们学习英语的兴趣,并且使学生学会均衡饮食。2.write about what your family like to eat for breakfast,lunch,and dinner.教学探讨与反思 通过本部分的学习,学生应基本掌握行为动词一般现在时各种句型结构,特别是能意识到动词“单三”形式的使用场合以及掌握动词“单三”形式的变化规律,因此在


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