新目标版七年级上新目标版七年级unit 6Do you like bananas?教学设计_第1页
新目标版七年级上新目标版七年级unit 6Do you like bananas?教学设计_第2页
新目标版七年级上新目标版七年级unit 6Do you like bananas?教学设计_第3页




Do you like bananas? 1、 教材依据 新目标七年级(英语)Unit6二、设计思想以列举平常生活中吃到的、见到的水果、蔬菜导入新课,利用活泼的多媒体画面(PowerPoint)展示,调动学生积极性,并穿插进行口语及听力练习,锻炼学生的听说能力。 对话教学时,先提出问题,带着问题听,理解的形式,注重整体教学,整体理解。然后采用师生、生生互相对话的形式练习、巩固。教学活动由易到难,设计任务型学习活动,在真实任务中引导学生主动思考,形成良好的学习习惯。培养学生的创造性思维能力和交际能力,在日常教学中理论联系实际,学以致用,体会真实环境下语言的运用。三、教学目标(一) 语言知识目标1、 词汇及短语:hamburgers,tomatoes,broccoli,French fries,oranges,ice cream,salad,bananas,strawberries2、 句型:I like I dont like Do you like? Yes, I do. No, I dont.3、 功能及话题:谈论喜欢或不喜欢。(二) 能力目标1、 通过听说练习,提高学生的听力、口语表达能力及交流合作能力。2、 通过用所学词汇及句型来表达自己的一些喜好,锻炼学生的写作能力及用英语思维的能力。(三) 情感目标 锻炼学生表达自己喜好的能力,同时引导他们养成吃健康食物的习惯。通过互相问答练习,锻炼学生的交际能力,加强同学之间的交流与合作,形成互帮互助的良好学习氛围。4、 教学重点重点:The names of food.Ask and answer questions about likes and dislikes.五、 教学难点难点:Use the key vocabulary and the target language learned in this class to describe situations in ones own lives.5、 教学准备 学生自行查阅书籍,收集有关蔬菜、水果的英文单词。老师上课前作好备课工作,制作好本节课中所要用到的幻灯片。七、 教学过程Step1:ReviewIll ask some students to review the words of food they learned in primary school.Such as:apple rice cabbage banana orange (In this phase,they can drive their attention to the class and remember some words.)Step2:Key words learning 1、Ill show some pictures of different food one by one on the screen.And point to a picture and say “Whats this?” “Its a banana.” Then teach and practice the word“banana”. Next,Ill use the same approach to teach and practice hamburgers,tomatoes,broccoli,French fries,oranges,ice cream,salad,strawberries2、Practice with studentsAfter learning the key words,Ill point to a picture one by one to practice the key words through the following dialogue:A:Whats this?B:Its a banana.A:Is it a banana?B:Yes, it is.(No, it isnt.)A:Is this your banana?B:Yes, it is.( No, it isnt.) (Ill ask as many students as time allows to practice with me .I also think its a good way to consolidate the key words and review the target language they learned before.)3、Do a gameIn this part, Ill speak in English first,they speak in Chinese.Then, Ill speak in Chinese, they speak in English.(Its a good way to make them feel good about the key words and find out who grasp the key words much faster and better.)4、PracticeIll ask students to fulfil 1a to consolidate the key words, then check their answers.Step3:Target language learning 1、Ill point to a picture and say“Its a banana.” “I like bananas.” Then,Ill use the same approach to practice the rest words and write the target language “I like” on the blackboard.2、Next,Ill point to a picture and say“Its a pear.” “I dont like pears.” Then,Ill use the same approach to practice the rest words and write the target language “I dont like” on the blackboard.3、PracticeIll ask some students to talk about what they like and dont like according to the pictures on the screen.Ill ask some students to talk about what they like and dont like freely.(Ill ask some students in different level to practice the two sentences.)4、Ill point to a picture and say“Its a banana.” “I like bananas.” “But,do you like bananas?” Then,write it on the blackboard and teach students how to answer it.For example:A:Do you like bananas?B:Yes, I do.A:Do you like pears?B:No, I dont.(Read them many times till students can read them corrcetly.)5、PracticeIll ask some students to practice the target language with me througe the following dialogue.A :Whats this?B: Its a banana.A: Do you like bananas?B :Yes, I do.A:Whats this?B: Its a pear.A: Do you like pears?B :No, I dont.(Ill ask some students in different level to practice the target language.)Step4:Practice1、 Listening PracticeIll ask students to listen to the tape recorder and fulfil 1b,then check their anwers.2、Pairwork.Ill ask some students to practice the target language in pairs through the following dialogue.A :Whats this?B: Its a banana.A: Do you like bananas?B :Yes, I do.A:Whats this?B: Its a pear.A: Do you like pears?B :No, I dont.(In this phase, its a good chance for them to practice their oral English, So Ill ask more students to do it,especially the students in lower level. )Step5:SummeryIll summarize the key words and target language to make students more familiar with them.Step6:Homework Please write a passage about the food you like and dont like.八、教学反思 本课程遵循了新课程标准,学生是活动的主体,老师是活动的参与者和指导者。在教学过程中,把大部分的时间留给了学生,让他


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