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Module 6Animals in Danger单词拼写应用核心单词1reserve n保护区;保护圈2struggle n挣扎;斗争;努力3battle n战斗4spot n(某事发生的)准确地点;现场5condition n(s)环境;情况6meanwhile adv.同时7live adj.活的8lay vt.产卵;下蛋9branch n分支机构;办事处10focus n焦点;集中点11waste vt.浪费语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空。1Many reserves (reserve) have been created to help save the natural habitats.2The determined man has been struggling (struggle) against illness for many years.3The working conditions (condition) of the company attract many university graduates.4The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China has branches (branch)all over the country.5Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted (waste), and the trouble is I dont know which half.拓展单词1.endanger vt.使处于险境;危及endangered adj.濒危的danger n危险dangerous adj.危险的2habitat n栖息地inhabitant n居民3extinct adj.灭绝的;绝种的extinction n灭绝;绝种4protect vt.保护protection n保护5worth adj.值钱;值得worthy adj.值得的worthwhile adj.值得花时间/金钱/精力的6aim n目标;目的aimless adj.无目标的;没有方向的7involve vt.涉及;包括involved adj.有关的,涉及involvement n包含;涉及8wonder n奇迹wonderful adj.精彩的9energy n能量;精力;能源energetic adj.精力充沛的语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空。1We should have a specific aim in life. Living an aimless life means wasting time. (aim)2Many animals are already extinct, or are close to extinction.(extinct)3The murder involved many people but only a few proved to be involved in it.(involve)4The old man is still full of energy and his wife is even more energetic .(energy)5This tent offers little protection against the severe storm, so we should find a house to protect ourselves.(protect)6This article is well worth reading, but it is not worthy of being translated. So I feel that all your effort isnt worthwhile .(worth)7The tiger endangered the safety of the deer, but the endangered deer dealt with the dangerous situation smartly.Now it is out of danger.(danger)阅读单词1.wildlife n野生生物 2skin vt.剥皮;去皮 3insect n昆虫 4.mammal n哺乳动物 5bald adj.秃(头)的 6whale n鲸 7.initial n首字母 8continent n大陆;洲 9monitor vt.监测 拓展联想1.reserve形近词一览preserve vt.保存observe vt.观察conserve vt.保存deserve v应受2.聚焦live形近词alive adj.活着的lively adj.活泼的lovely adj.可爱的living adj.活的3.“齐力”并举ability n能力power n权力force n武力violence n暴力短语多维运用高频短语1be concerned about sth. 关心/担心某事2keep an eye on 照看;留神3go for 攻击(某人);对也适用4feed on (动物)以为食5stand for 代表6set up 建立;设立语境运用选用左面短语的适当形式填空。Traditionally in China, a cat and a butterfly can stand for old age, which is an issue more and more people are concerned about . When we become too old, do we only depend on our sons and daughters to keep an eye on us? So its urged that the government should set up more and more nursing homes for the old.7put down 放下;写下8give ones life to 为献身9at a time 一次10on the spot 当场;在现场11come into fashion 成为时尚;开始流行12get tough with 对采取强硬措施语境运用选用左面短语的适当形式填空。The government has been getting tough with the poachers. In a recent fight against them, several criminals were arrested on the spot . But the struggle with them was very serious, and some police have given their lives to the cause. If only everyone put down their hunting guns and protected the wild animals!拓展联想,1.keep短语大团圆keep away (from) (使)避开keep out of 置身之外keep off (使)避开keep up 保持;维护keep up with跟上;不落后,2.life短语一览bring .to life 使复活;使活跃起来come to life 复活;复苏true to life 逼真lose ones life 牺牲,3.“小心”有多少短语?look out for 小心watch out for 小心;留心on guard 警惕take care 小心句式结构仿写教材原句背诵句式仿写应用1.状语从句的省略。Although surprised,the poachers had an advantagethere were more of them.虽然聪明很重要,但未必是成功的关键。Although important,intelligence is not necessarily the key to success.2.主语seemto do/to be doing/to have done 。But today the government seems to be winning the battle.随着社会的发展,我们似乎正在失去很多传统。With the development of society, we seem to be losing a lot of tradition.3.only if.“只要”,引导条件状语从句。The WWF believes that our world has a future only if people learn to conserve nature and not waste energy.他父亲经常告诉他,只要努力工作就能够成功。His father often tells him that he will succeed only if he works hard.精讲4个考纲单词1struggle n& v奋斗;挣扎;斗争(1)单句语法填空We have to struggle against/with all kinds of difficulties from home and abroad for freedom.The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle to be heard (hear)(2)链接写作句式升级普通表达:Mary had struggled for months to find a job, and finally took a position at a local advertising agency.高级表达:Having struggled for months to find a job,Mary finally took a position at a local advertising agency.(现在分词短语作状语)先理解再牢记 (1)struggle for.为而斗争struggle against与作斗争struggle with 和一起奋斗;与作斗争(2)struggle to do sth.努力做某事(3)struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来佳句背诵The soldier was wounded badly but he struggled to his feet at last.2protect vt.保护(1)单句语法填空Intellectual property rights protect the artist from having his/her creative ideas copied by another.Physical exercise can protect you against heart disease.In the last few years,China has made great achievements in environmental protection (protect)(2)链接写作词汇升级普通表达:Legal business should be protected by the law.高级表达:Legal business should be under the protection of the law.先理解再牢记 (1)protect.from.使免于protect.against.防止遭受(2)protection n保护,防卫under the protection of在的保护下名师点津常见“动词sb./sth.from.”结构:save sb./sth. from.使某人/某物免于;rescue sb./sth. from.拯救某人/某物以免;ban/prohibit/forbid sb./sth. from. 禁止某人/某物做某事;prevent/stop/keep/discourage sb./sth. from. 阻止某人/某物做某事等。3wonder n奇迹;奇观;惊奇 v想知道;对感到惊奇(1)单句语法填空I wonder how Mary has kept her figure after all these years.By working out every day.He hasnt slept at all for three days. It is no wonder that he is tired out.(2) 链接写作句式升级普通表达:The other students struggled for the first prize. They wondered if they could pass the test.高级表达:The other students struggled for the first prize, wondering if they could pass the test.(现在分词作状语)先理解再牢记 (1)(Its) no wonder (that.)不足为奇,难怪Its a wonder (that).令人惊奇的是in wonder 惊奇地(2)wonder at/about sth.对感到惊奇wonder if/whether从句想知道是否4focus n焦点;集中点;焦距;中心 v(使)集中;聚集(1)单句语法填空Most of us are more focused on our tasks in the morning than we are later in the day.Anxious all the time, I was unable to keep focused (focus) for more than an hour at a time.With so many people focusing (focus) their eyes on him, he felt very nervous. (2)链接写作句式升级普通表达:Because he focused his attention on his homework,he didnt know what was happening outside.高级表达:With his attention focused on his homework,he didnt know what was happening outside.(with的复合结构)先理解再牢记 (1)focus on/upon集中(注意力/精力) 于focus ones attention/mind/energy on集中注意力/心思/精力于(2)the focus of attention/concern/argument注意力/关注/争论的焦点(3)表示“集中精力于”的短语还有:concentrate/fix ones attention on等。佳句背诵Health and environmental problems have become increasingly the focus of attention.诠释1个核心短语stand for 代表;主张,支持;容忍(1)写出下列句中stand for的含义Each star on the flag of the United States stands for a state of the nation.代表He has been acting very strangely these days.I cant stand for his actions at all.忍受,容忍 I want to know what she stands for before I vote for her.主张 We Chinese stand for peace and wish to settle all disputes by peaceful means.拥护 (2)用适当的介副词填空A rethink is requiredand as a new approach starts to become apparent, two ideas stand out .Good Heavens! How could you stand by and allow such a thing to happen!先理解再牢记 (1)stand by站在旁边;袖手旁观;支持stand out显著;突出(2)cant stand sth./doing sth.不能忍受(做)某事佳句背诵The novel is so attractive that I cant stand parting with it.突破1个高考句型(教材P53)But today the government seems to be winning the battle.但今天政府好像正在赢得这场战斗。句型公式句中seem to be doing 意为“好像正在”,其中seem为系动词,意为“看起来”。(1)单句语法填空How is your table tennis these days? Still playing? No, not much. I just dont seem to find (find) the time these days.The engine just wont start. Something seems to have gone (go) wrong with it.Tom seems to be doing (do) his homework when his mother came in.There seems to be endless problems around me. When one is solved, another arises.(2)链接写作一句多译老师好像很欣赏我为我的同学们做的一切。The teacher seemed to appreciate what I did for my classmates.(seem to do)It seemed that the teacher appreciated what I did for my classmates.(it seems that.)先理解再牢记 (1)seem (to be)adj./n.看起来好像seem to do/to be doing/to have done.看起来要做/正在做/已经做了(2)It seems (to sb.) that.(某人)看起来It seems (to sb.) as if.(某人)看起来好像There seems to be.看起来似乎有佳句背诵Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.单句语法填空1When everyone else in the class was focusing on tasks,I could not.2It is no wonder that you have got a headache. You have been working in front of the computer too long.3We turned around and found the girl struggling (struggle) in the lake, crying for help.4Something must be done to protect the environment from being polluted (pollute)5All people concerned (concern) with the case will be questioned by the police.6The project has been a great success and I would like to thank all the people involved (involve)7In Copenhagen Climate Conference,rich countries promised to set up a fund of $100 billion a year by 2020 to help developing countries.8While visiting (visit) another country, you should obey its customs and laws.9The boy sitting by the window seems to be reading(read) something interesting.10The book written by Yangjiang was so well worth reading (read) that I bought it without hesitation.单句改错1The letters WTO stands for the World Trade Organization. standsstand 2If we continue to destroy the environment, many more animals will become endangering. endangeringendangered 3The boy was wandering in front of the Great Pyramid,wondered how it was built. wonderedwondering 4Both sides are determined to get what they want,and it seems to be no possibility of compromise.itthere5I dont know why the eightyyearold man is full of energies every day.energiesenergy .课文语法填空根据P5253教材课文内容,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1On a freezing cold day in January 1994,Jiesang Suonandajie lost his life when fighting with the poachers who 2.were killing (kill) the endangered Tibetan antelope. The reason 3.why the poachers kill the antelopes is that the wool of the Tibetan antelope is the 4.most expensive (expensive) in the world. For poachers the 5.profits (profit) can be huge. Often 6.working (work) at night,the poachers shoot whole herds of antelopes at a time. The animals 7.are skinned (skin) on the spot and the wool taken to India,where it is made into the shawls. The business is illegal. In 8.the 1990s the Chinese government began to take an active part in protecting the antelopes in the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve and made some progress. International cooperation seems 9.to be working (work) too. Since 1997 the antelope population has 10.slowly (slow) begun to grow again.写作改错双练根据中英文提示完成一篇小作文,并改正学生习作。1现在许多


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