PEP小学六年级下册Unit 3 B Let’s read 教学设计与反思_第1页
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PEP小学六年级下册Unit 3 B Lets read 教学设计与反思 龙师附小 唐建玲一、教材分析: 本单元的主题是Activities,是本册教材的重难点。本节课的教学内容是在原来所学知识(一般现在时)的基础上,将短文中的动词或动词短语转化为一般过去式。故事情节贴近学生生活,可能就发生在他们自己身上或身边,读起来有似曾相识之感,有利于其对新知的探索和掌握。文后设计的阅读练习题,向教者和学生渗透了阅读的方法和策略:先泛读再精读,给教师的教学设计提供了更为广阔的空间。二、学情分析: 小学六年级下学期的学生已经经过了三年半的英语学习,具有了一定的听说读写能力,掌握了基本的会话词汇和句式。在读的方面,绝大多数学生能借助图片读懂简单的故事或小短文,能正确朗读学过的故事或小短文。但基本的英语阅读理解能力、正确的阅读技巧、良好的英语阅读习惯,需进一步培养。学生刚开始接触过去式,动词过去式的发音和写法是重点和难点。三、目标与要求知识目标:学习7个动词的过时式的发音和写法 能够听、说,认读Lets read 部分的短文。 能够根据课文内容完成短文后的练习。能力目标:培养学生良好的阅读习惯、正确的阅读技巧。 能应用提示复述故事。情感目标:在小组合作学习中培养学生的合作意识,在体验交流中培养学生的创新精神。四、教学重点、难点1、教学重点是能理解并会朗读Lets read 部分的短文;学习7个动词的过去式的发音和写法。2、教学难点初步培养学生的泛读、精读技巧。五、课前准备1、CAI课件2、录音机和本课录音带教学设计:一、激趣导入感知文本(Reading for fun)Step One:Pre-reading 1.WarmingupLets chant. (on page 26)2.Everyday EnglishT: I love weekend very much .Do you like weekend? What do you do on the weekend?What did you do last weekend?3.Guide the students to ask some questions about the teachers last weekend.T: Well, do you want to know my last weekend?T: I have a good friend ,I spent my last weekend with him .Do you want to know what happened to us ? Lets read the text on Page 33.二、阅读文本获取信息(Reading for information)StepTwo: In-reading 1.Look and listenT: Look at the pictures and the key words . Listen to the tape.Guess what happened last weekend?The teacher shows the pictures of the text and the key words on the screen.Three pictures on page 33.(图略)Key words on the screen: Past present Was is,amWalked studyStudied read Read walkFlew swimSaw returnSwam flyReturned see2. Guess and matchGuide the students to match the past form and the present form of the key words .3. Read and answerGuide the students to finish the following tasks.Task 1Read passage 1 and answer (Extensive reading)How did I go to Mikes home ?What did I do at Mikes home?Task 2Read passage 2 and answer (Extensive reading)What did Mike and I do in the park?What happened?Task 3Read passage 3 and answer (Extensive reading)Who helped me get the kite?How did he get the kite?Task 4Read the whole text and number the sentences(Intensive reading)Number the sentences:( )I went to the park.() Iflew kites.( ) I went to Mikes home .( ) The dog jumped into the lake.( ) He swam to the kite .( ) The kite flew into the lake.( ) He returned the kite to me.Task 5Read the whole text again and fill in the blanks.(Intensive reading)Fill in the blanks.(1) I to Mikes home .(2) I by bike .(3) I was very gratefulto the .三、复述操练学习语言(Reading for learning)StepTwo: In-reading 4. Retell the storyGuide the students to retell the story with the following ways .A. Fill in the blanks .Today a fun day . I to Mikes home in the morning .I with him. We funny tongue twisters together .Then I by bike . I kites. It was a day .Suddenly my kite a lake .A saw the kite .He the lake and to it .Five minutes later , he to me .I very grateful to him .B问答引导法Guide the students to retell the story according to Task 1-3.C. 根据故事排列顺序Guide the students to retell the story according to Task 4.(1) Get the students to retell the story in groups.(2) Ask some students to retell the story and evaluate.四、灵活运用体验交流(Reading forcommunication)Step Three: Post-reading1、Guide the students to make a dialogue according to the text and act. (Group work)Example:A. What did you do last weekend?B. I walked to Mikes home .A. What did you do with Mike?B. I studied English with him. We read tongue twisters together .A. Where did you go then ?B. I went to the park by bike . I flew kites in the park.A. Was it very funny?B. Yes ,But my kite flew into the lake.A. Oh, Im sorry to hear that. Did you get the kite at last?B. Yes. A dog jumped into the lake. He swam to the kite .He returned the kite to me .I was very grateful to him .A. Oh, you had a funny weekend .2. Homework.(活动手册):Read and write (on page 22) .( 内容略)教学反思:优点:1、以多样化的教学手段来激发学生学习英语的浓厚兴趣,调动他们学习积极性、主动性。如:开头从师生的实际生活出发设计问题,以师生自由交流的形式精心导入;略读环节,采用竞赛读、限时读等游戏形式提高学生的略读能力、抓关键词的能力;精读环节,采用小组合作探究学习方式,有效激发了学生的学习兴趣。2、以问题导读,引领学生由略读走向精读,渗透学习策略,培养良好的学习习惯。如:略读初始,提出问题:What happened last weekend? 略读过程中,针对各个段落提出问题,引导学生了解短


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