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,一般过去时与现在完成时的区别:,A从形式结构上区别 一般过去时的形式结构为: 1主语+动词的过去式+其它。如: He was a teacher. 他当过教师。 Mr. Brown gave us talk yesterday. 布朗先生昨天给我们做个报告。 The old man told an interesting story. 那位老人讲了一个很有趣的故事。,2现在完成时的形式结构为: 主语+have(has)+动词过去分词+其它。如: We have learned two thousand English words. 我们已经学过了两千个英语词。 She has gone to Beijing. 她已经去北京了。,B从状语上区别 1一般过去时常用的副词状语有:then, just now等,以及时间状语有:yesterday, last week, two years ago等。如: They went to the park yesterday. 昨天他们去公园了。 Last year I saw that film. 我去看过那部影片。,2现在完成时常与yet, already, just等以及由for +时间名词和since时间名词连用。如: He has already finished his homework. 他已经完成了家庭作业。 Have you seen that TV play yet? 你看过那个电视剧吗? We have studied English for three years. 我们已经学了三年英语了。,C从否定、疑问结构上区别 1一般过去时的否定式、疑问式多是借助动词did来体现(be的疑问式除外)。如: Tom said a word. 否定式:Tom didnt say a word. 疑问句:id Tom say a word? 反意疑问式:Tom said a word, didnt he? 2 现在完成时的否定式、疑问式多是借动词have (has)来体现的。如: You have looked up that word. 否定式:You haven t looked up that word. 疑问式:Have you looked up that word? 反意疑问式:You have looked up that word, haven t you?,1since与for since可接时间点,或从句,从句用一般过去时;for接时段,这两词都是回答how long的。如:since 1990,since two years ago;for two days。 2already,yet,never,before,just都可以用于完成时,但用法不尽相同。 already用于肯定句的陈述句中间, yet用于否定句或疑问句末。 never是“从来没有”之意, just是“刚刚,刚才”之意,都用于句中, before当副词用,与表一段时间的词连用用于完成时,即时间段+before,如two years before;但注意与之同义的ago,是这样用的:时间段+ago,用于一般过去时。,3现在完成时与一般过去时的区别 现在完成时表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,或表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态。一句话,现在完成时与现在有联系;而一般过去时,发生在过去但与现在没有联系,且各自的时间状语明显不用。,延续性动词表示是动作是一种延续的动作,这钟动作可以延续下去或产生持久的影响。Eg: study , work , keep , have , wait , sing , sleep , live 等。,4. 延续性动词与终止性动词,终止性动词表示的动作不能延续,即动作发生后立即结束,产生某种结果,动作不能再继续下去。Eg: come , leave , die , arrive , begin , finish , buy , borrow , open 等。,记住下列终止性动词改为延续性动词的表达法: A. 动词改为“be + 相应的介词” 如:go ,come , arrive ,get , B. 动词改为 “be + 对应的形容词” 如:close - be closed open - be open die - be dead finish , end - be over get up - be up leave - be away begin , start - be on go out - be out fall asleep - be asleep begin- be on C.其它改法 如: become - be buy - have borrow - keep join the army - be in the army (be a soldier ) join the Party -be in the Party (be a Party member) catch a cold - have a cold,。,5have been to,have gone to,have been in三个谓语动词含义不同。have been to表示“曾经去过某地”(但人已回);have gone to表示“已去某地”(人未回),它们都不能与since和for连用。Have been in表示“已在某地呆”。它可以与for或since连用。,1. Zhao Lan _ already _ in this school for two years. A. was.studying B. will . study C. has .studied D. are studying 2. They usually _ TV in the evening. A. watch B. will watch C. are watching D. watches 3. Judy _ the Great Wall twice, and now she still _ to go there. A. went to , wanted B. goes to , wants C. has gone , wants D. has been to, wants 4. She will find him a kind man when she _ more about him. A. knows B. know C. will know D. is going to know 5. -What are you going to give our teacher for Teachers Day? -Im not sure. Maybe I _ him some flowers. A. have given B. will give C. gave D. give 6. -Tom _ out. -Oh, is he? What time _ he _ out? A. is, did, go B. went, is ,going C. has gone, did, go D. is going, does, go,c,A,A,B,A,D,用动词的正确形式填空。 1.A:Do you want a pen ? B:No, I dont . I _ _ (buy) one . 2.How long _ you _ (study)in this school ? 3.A:Where is your mother ? B:She _ (go) shopping . 4.My uncle _ (teach)here since he came here . 5.Li Lei _ already _ (give)the nuts to Polly . 6.Miss Gao _ (teach) English very well . 7.Listen ! Someone _ (knock) at the door . 8.My father _ (go)to Beijing . He isnt at home . 9.Mother said she _ (take)me to my Uncles the next Sunday . 10._ you ever_ (be) to London ?,have bought,have,studied,has gone,has taught,has,teaches,is knocking,has gone,would take,been,given,Have,1. My brother _ for a week . A.has had a cold B.caught a cold C.has caught a cold D.got a cold 2. They _ friends since they met in Beijing . A.have made B.have become C.have been D.have turned 3. How long _ in the factory ? A.have you come B.has he in C.will he be D.has he been 4. Ill lend you my dictionary , but you can only _ for one day . A.keep B.borrow C.lend D.take 5.My father joined the Party in 1948 . He _ a Party member for about fifty-three years . A.had been B.has become C.had become D.has been,A,C,D,A,D,1. “_ you _(return) the book ?” “Yes, I _ . I _ just_ (return)it to the teacher .” 2.Leave the book there , please . I _(not finish) it yet . I_ (read)it this evening. 3.Im sure he _ (come)to see me before he _ (leave)Beijing . 4.Do you know if he _ (come)back in three weeks . 5.A: When _ you _ (get ) your motorbike ? B: I _ (have) it for about a year . A: _ you _ (drive) it much ? B: Yes. I _ (use) it every day . A: You _ (drive)very well . I _ never _ (learn) to drive . B: I _ (learn) one year ago .,returned,Have,have,returned,havent finished,will read,have,will come,leaves,will come,get,. have had,did,drive,Do,use,must drive,have,learnt,learnt,1.请问你们有关于化学方面的书吗? 1.Excuse me, have you got any books about chemistry ? 2.他们给了我知识并使我快乐。 2.They give me knowledge and make me happy . 3.一天图书管理员想出了一个主意 3.One day the librarian came up with an idea . 4.你曾经坐飞机旅行过吗? 4.Have you ever travelled on a plane ? 是的,只有一次。 Yes, just once . 5.我刚刚读完这本书。 5.Ive just finished reading the book .,1.我曾经去过纸厂。


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