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Unit 1,Unit One,My names Gina.,Section B 1a-2c,zero,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,别忘了0 是 zero,Presentation,Listen and repeat.,0 zero 2 two 4 four 6 six 8 eight 1 one 3 three 5 five 7seven 9 nine,1a,你会说了吗?,Practice,考眼力,6,9,74,35,602,831,4521,32194,786635,1084557,6,9,74,35,602,831,4521,32194,786635,1084557,63716422,63716422,浙B5C828,(Zhe-B-five-C-eight-two-eight),Do you know these numbers?,What telephone number should we dial(拨)?,120,What telephone number should we dial(拨)?,119,What telephone number should we dial(拨),110,Listen to the conversation and write the telephone number.,_ _ _- _ _ _ _,1b,电话号码读法:可将数字逐个读出。两个连在一起的相同的数字可读double 。,2 7 8 6 9 2 6,Whats your phone number, Jenny?,Its/My telephone number is 781-9176.,Pairwork,询问和回答电话号码。,1c,Its your turn. 轮到你来说了!,Listen and match the names and telephone numbers.,Tom _ a. 929-31_ _ Linda _ b. 398-61_ _ Bob _ c. 278-79_ _ Mary_ d. 555-80_ _,Listen again and complete the phone numbers.,1d,1e,c,d,b,a,6 0,4 9,2 8,2 4,将你们的电话号码写在纸条上放入袋中,然后任意取出一张纸条,找出号码的主人。,1f,一、基数词 zero, nine (0至9) zero, one, two nine被称作基数词,用来表示数量的多少。其具体用法如下: (1)表示号码,如果电话号码、身份证号码、门牌号等,读时按单个基数词读出。0可读成字母o的读音/U/或zero 。 (2)表示数字或年龄等。 如: Shes six years old. 她六岁。 Two and three is five. 二加三等于五。 (3)表示时间编号等。five oclock 五点钟,姓名,Whats his name?,Harry Potter,family name,given name,Tom Cruise,Whats his first name? Whats his last name?,His first name is Tom.,His last name is Cruise.,Wang Han,Do you know the differences between Chinese names and English names? 同学们,你们知道中文名字与英文名字之间的区别吗?,Thinking,中文名字“姓”在前,“名”在后; 英文名字“名”在前,“姓”在后。,first name与last name first name 是指英美人的名字,也可以说 given name。而“姓”叫last name或family name。英美人通常是名字在前,姓氏在后 ,与中国人的姓名顺序相反,同学们应注 意。如: Im Jack Miller. My last names Miller. 我叫杰克米勒,我姓米勒。,Whats her name?,Her name is Liu Shishi.,Whats her first name?,Her first name is Shishi.,Whats her last name?,Her last name is Liu.,Liu Shishi= Liu + Shishi,Zhang Jie,Xie Na,你听说过美国的十大姓氏吗? 在美国, 万人以上的大姓有三千多个,其 中最大的姓氏Smith, 美国十大姓氏的排 列顺序是: Smith 史密斯 2. John 约翰逊 3. Williams 威廉姆斯 4. Brown 布朗 5. Jones 琼斯 6. Miller 米勒 Davis 戴维斯 8. Martinson 马丁森 9. Anderson 安德森 10. Wilson 威尔逊,你知道吗?,Gina,Li,Jim,Jenny,Alan,Practice,Im Jim Smith. My first names Jim. My last names Smith.,Smith,Brown,Fang,White,Miller,说一说,1. Alan 2. Green 3. Miller 4. Mingming 5. Gina 6. Jack 7. Smith 8. Brown 9. Zhang 10. Mary,Write F for first name and L for last name.,L,L,F,L,L,F,F,L,F,F,Whats your first name?,Jack,Whats your last name?,Smith,2a,1. My name is Jenny Green. My phone number is 281-9176. My friend is Gina Smith. Her phone number is 232-4672. 2. Im Dale Miller and my friend is Eric Brown. His telephone number is 357-5689. My telephone number is 358-6344. 3. My name is Mary Brown. My friend is in China. Her name is Zhang Mingming. My phone number is 257-8900 and her number is 929-3155.,2b,Read the messages and match them with the pictures.,方法指导: 一、A图是两个女孩子,其中一个是中国人,B 图是两个外国女孩;C图是两个外国男孩。 二、仔细阅读文字材料,从名字上提取有用的 信息,与相关图片去配对。例如:1. 从 Jenny Green, Gina Smith这两个名字可知 是两个外国女孩的名字,故对应B图。,1,2,3,Read the messages again circle the first names and underline the last names.,Eric Brown Gina Smith Dale Miller Zhang Mingming Jenny Green Mary Brown,Names Telephone numbers Eric Brown 358-63444 Gina Smith 929-3155 Dale Miller 281-9176 Zhang Mingming 257-8900 Jenny Green 357-5689 Mary Brown 232-4672,2c,Match the names with the telephone numbers. Then find three pairs of friends.,Friends 1. _ and _ 2. _ and _ 3. _ and _,Jenny Green,Gina Smith,Dale Miller,Eric Brown,Mary Brown,Zhang Minging,6369170782322958,119938485,1. 用英语写出下列电话或QQ号码。,2. 用下列句式介绍一下你的几位好朋友的 姓、名字及电话号码。,His/Her name is . His/Her first name is . His/Her last name is . His/Her telephone number is .,一、用英语说出下列电话号码或词组 1. 122 _ 2. 95511 _ 3. 257-8761 _ 4. 689-7416 _ 5. 348-6907 _ 6. 姓氏 _ 7. 名字 _ 8. 电话号码 _ 9. 在中国 _ 10. 他的朋友们 _,one two two,nine five five one one,two five seven eight seven six one,six eight nine seven four one six,three four eight six nine zero seven,last name,first name,telephone/phone number,in China,his freinds,三、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 1. 我的名字叫戴尔格林。 My _ _ Dale Gr


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