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Unit 6 Success,Proverbs and Quotations,Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing. Am. Abraham Lincoln 永远记住,你自己取得成功的决心比其它什么都重要。 美阿伯拉罕林肯 The man of virtue makes the difficulty to be overcome his first business, and success only a subsequent consideration. China Confucius 仁者先难而后获。 中国孔子,Success is counted sweetest by those who neer succeed. Am. Emily Dickinson 在从未成功的人眼里,成功的滋味最为甜美。 美艾米莉狄金森,Outline,Teaching Objectives,Part 1 Lead-in,Part 2 Reading FocusText A,Part 3 Integrated Exercises,Part 4 Reading FocusText B,Part 5 Intranet Assignments,Teaching Objectives,Everyone wants to succeed in the world. Everyone wants to be the best he or she can be in any given area. But why do some people succeed in doing these things, and others do not? What are the key factors directly affecting success in a career, in academics, in playing sports, or in marriage and parenting? In this unit we are going to read two texts. Text A relates the successful story of a famous motivational speaker, who has moved from strength to strength in his career because he dares to take risks. Text B analyses why blacks and single mothers in the United States find it difficult to be middle-class.,By learning this unit, students will be able to grasp the main idea and structure of the texts, master the key language points, new words, grammatical structures and translation skills. And students will also be able to improve their oral communication skills and reading competence through performing the relevant tasks. Writing Focus in this unit looks at how to write e-mails. Through learning this part, students will be able to learn to write emails properly in English by choosing the right structure, finding a good subject line, and using the proper tones and formality.,Look at the picture and discuss with your partner the following questions.,Lead-in,1. What is the key message of this cartoon? 2. Do you consider yourself a successful person or not? Justify your position. 3. What do you think of the saying “failure is the mother of success” ?,Lead-in,B. Listening Practice Listen to the short passage about how we can cope with failure. Pre-listening Task,Everyone messes up. Have you ever failed? How did you manage to get back up?,Lead-in,B. Listening Practice Post-listening task Answer the following questions.,1. According to the speaker, why would failures come again and again for most of us? 2. How many times had Thomas Edison failed before successfully inventing the light bulb?,For most of us, the more we fail, the less prepared and able we become to face and successfully tackle the next failure. That is why failures come again and again.,_ _ _,5,000 times.,_,3. How did Thomas Edison see these failures? 4. What is the speakers attitude toward failure?,He looked at them, not as failures, but as achievements! He saw every failed attempt of his as another step towards success.,_ _ _,Failures are essential to success because they can teach us something new, getting us nearer to success.,_ _,【Script】,【Script】,Failure Is Your Friend, NOT an Enemy! Some people never explore their full potential, because they are afraid of failure. I know many of you will fear the prospect of being regarded as a loser. For most of us, the more we fail, the less prepared and able we become to face and successfully tackle the next failure. But cruel as it may sound to you at the moment, failures will come again and again. You of course know the story of Thomas Edison failing 5,000 times before he successfully invented the light bulb. Can you remember exactly what he had said when the young reporter asked him about how he could continue to try when he had failed SO MANY times? He said, “Young man, I have not failed 5,000 times. I have successfully discovered 5,000 ways that do not work and I do not need to try them again.”,Look at the huge number-5000! He looked at them, not as failures, but as achievements! He saw every failed attempt of his as another step towards success. For him every one of them was a crucial learning opportunity every one of them taught him yet another way which wouldnt work and which wouldnt have to be tried again. This subtle but decisive difference in the way we look at our failures decides how successfully well be able to deal with our future failures, and hence how successful wed be eventually. Failures are not only unavoidable, but also essential to success. Every failure teaches us something, without which wed never be able to embark on the next step to success. In this way, every failure gets us nearer to perfection. So a failure is essentially an opportunity and can be put to practical use, if only we have the right mindset to treat it as such.,Reading Focus-Text A,First Reading Read the text and then answer the questions in the left margin.,Note 1This text is adapted from a story first published in Chicken Soup for the College Soul, page 278-281.,Dare to Take Risks!1 Stephen Hopson2,The world of tomorrow belongs to the person who has the vision today. Robert Schuller,Note 2Stephen Hopson: A former award-winning Wall Street stockbroker turned to be amotivational speaker, popular blogger, author and the first deaf pilot in the history of aviation to earn an instrument rating. His specialty as a speaker is teaching people how to turn adversity into success and achieve the impossible. He has experienced every conceivable obstacle that could be placed in his path because he dared to dream big.,Chinese勇于冒险 有远见,有未来罗伯特舒勒,We all have a very special purpose in life, regardless of whom we are or where we come from. I truly believe each of us has a special calling in life even though it took me over thirty years to find mine.,1,Language Point We all have a very special purpose in life, regardless of whom we are or where we come from: In this sentence, interrogative pronouns whom and where introduce noun clauses. Noun clauses perform the same functions in sentences that nouns do. In the first paragraph, the two noun clauses are the objects of the preposition “of”.,Chinese无论你是谁或是来自何方,我们每个人都有特定的目的。我深信我们每个人的生命中都有适合自己的特定工作,尽管对于我来说,我用了三十多年才找到。,2,Looking back, I realize my parents unwittingly shaped me to be the person I am today. For example, adopting my mothers characteristics of independence gave me the room I needed to take daring risks later in my life. After ten years of working for a major Wall Street3 Bank and slamming into a brick wall,4 I forcefully said “Enough!” I knew in my heart I could produce results far more outstanding than a clock-punching, nine-to-five position5 would ever allow.,Note 3Wall Street: A street in New York which represents the financial centre of the US. The term Wall Street can also be used to refer to big business interests, in contrast to the Main Street, which stands for those of small business and the working of middle class. The currently ongoing financial crisis has been generally believed to arise from the greedy Wall Street at the expense of the Main Street.,Note 4slamming into a brick wall: Reach a situation where you cannot make any more progress. This phrase is a variation of “hit the brick wall”. e.g. Weve just about slammed into the break wall in terms of what we can do to balance the budget.,Note 5a clock-punching, nine-to-five position: A normal job that requires employees to record on a special clock when they arrive at 9 a.m. and leave work at 5 p.m.,Language Point I knew in my heart I could produce nine-to-five position would ever allow. In this sentence, “than” is used a relative pronoun, introducing a relative clause. Grammatically speaking, its function is identical to “that” and “which”, but only “than” is acceptable when the antecedent is modified by “more”. e.g. We often advise him not to drink more wine than is good for his health. He often sat in a small bar drinking considerably more wine than was good for his health.,Chinese回首往昔,我意识到今天的我是父母不经意间塑造而成。比如说,我秉承了母亲独立的性格,这使我能够在后来的人生中敢于冒大的风险。在一家主要的华尔街银行工作十年之后,我的职业发展遇到了瓶颈,我大声喊道:我受够了!我自己清楚脱离这种每天朝九晚五的工作我能干出更好的成绩来。,He was shaped to be an adventurous person, and he knew that he would be more successful when giving up the bank job which offered no promise of success for him.,What are the factors prompting the author to give up his stable bank job?,One day I was scanning through the papers in search of new and challenging Wall Street opportunities. My eyes were immediately drawn to a Merrill Lynch6 advertisement. They were looking to hire more stockbrokers, and the qualifications listed were clearly those that I possessed. With great excitement, I made some phone calls and arranged to meet with7 one of the New York City branch vice presidents. Unfortunately, on the day of my appointment, I was terribly sick with a cold and a 101- degree fever8 that threatened to topple me physically. Yet I knew a golden opportunity when I saw one, and was determined to meet with the vice president. We ended up talking non-stop for three and half hours.,3,Note 6Merrill Lynch: It was once a leading American brokerage, which is now acquired by Bank of America because of its heavy exposure to the risky debts.,Note 7meet with: In British English meet with should be restricted to the sense of experience or receive, as in “I hope he hasnt met with an accident.” The American use of meet with in the sense of have a meeting with is disliked by many British users. e.g. We met with the managing director this morning.,Note 8a 101-degree fever: It is a body temperature on the Fahrenheit scale. There are two widely used scales of temperature around the world: the Fahrenheit scale and the Celsius scale. Fahrenheit scale was first established by the German physicist Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1715. On this scale, water freezes at 32 F and boils at 212 F. Celsius scale was first established by the Swedish scientist Anders Celsius in 1742. On this scale, water freezes at 0 C and boils at 100 C.,Language Point My eyes were to a Merrill Lynch advertisement: The word eye is countable. It can mean “one of the two parts of the body that you use to see with”, as in the sentence “My eyes were immediately drawn to a Merrill Lynch advertisement”. It can also be extended to mean “a particular way of seeing, judging, or understanding something”, and in this case, it is usually used in the singular form. e.g. Go through your shopping list with a critical eye for foods with a high fat content.,Chinese有一天我翻阅报纸寻找新的华尔街挑战性工作时,我的视线立即聚焦到美林证券的招聘广告。他们正在招聘多名经纪人,我完全具备他们的条件。我很兴奋地给他们打了几个电话,得到与这家公司纽约分公司一名副总裁的面谈机会。不幸的是,面试当天我得了重感冒,体温升至华氏101度,我感到身体要撑不住了。但我认定这是一个绝佳的机会,决意去见副总裁。那次面试,我和他一谈就谈了三个半小时。,Despite being terribly sick, he did well in the first interview, talking non-stop for three and half hours with the interviewer.,How did he perform in the first interview?,Based on our conversation and the length of the interview, I was surprised and disappointed when, instead of making me an offer on the spot, he instructed me to meet with twelve of his top stockbrokers for further interviews. Well, maybe that is a good sign, I thought.,4,Chinese我们谈的不错,面试又持续了这么长时间,可是他并没有当场拍板录用我,而是让我接受他们公司12名顶级经纪人的继续面试,这让我感到很惊讶,也很失望。我安慰自己说,或许这是一个好的兆头吧。,Over the next five months, I met with these twelve people, each of whom would try to discourage me by saying, “You are better off in a safe nine-to-five bank job,” “You wont make it,” 9 “Eighty percent of newcomers fail within their first year” and “You have no investment experience.” Deep down, I felt like a scared dog with its tail between its legs, but I didnt let it show.,5,Note 9“You are better off in a safe nine-to-five bank job,” “You wont make it”: You will be in a better position in your present stable bank job, and you wont succeed as a stockbroker.,The final interview took place on a cold, windy winter day in January of the following year. Five minutes into the interview, it was obvious that the vice president did not know what to do with me. Apparently, it did not matter that I had written a well-researched twenty-five-page marketing plan that exceeded his expectations. It did not matter that his top salespeople were impressed with me, despite the discouraging things they had said to me privately.,6,Chinese接下来的五个月里,这12个经纪人轮番面试了我。他们每个人都试图打消我应聘这个工作的念头,对我说:“你还是做那个稳当的朝九晚五的银行工作好,”“你不会成功的,”“百分之八十的新员工第一年都以失败告终,”以及“你缺乏投资经验”等等。内心深处我感到自己惶惶如夹着尾巴的受惊之犬,但我没有显露出这种惶恐。,Language Point Five minutes did not know what to do with me: The structure “what/how/when/where/who(m)/how + to-infinitive” function as a nominal phrase, which can serve as both subjects and objects. e.g. How to solve the problem is very important. (subject) He will tell you when to start (object) When the structure is used as an object, it usually follows verbs such as advise, decide, forget, know, learn, remember, see, tell, think, teach, wonder, understand, guess, and explain. e.g. We didnt know what to do. We will ask when to set off. Nobody told me what to do. Can anyone suggest where to go for lunch?,NOTE: We use this structure: When the subject of the to-infinitive is the same as the subject of the main verb: e.g. He didnt know what to do. (He didnt know what he should do). When the subject of the to-infinitive is the same as the person spoken to: e.g. Nobody told me what to do.(Nobody told me what I should do.),Chinese最后一次面试安排在次年一月份一个寒气袭人、狂风怒号的日子。面试进行了五分钟后,很显然那个副总裁不知道接下来怎么办了。我写了一份25页的研究透彻的营销计划,这份报告也超过了他的预期,但很显然这些都无关紧要了。他的顶级经纪人虽然私下对我说过好多让我泄气的话,但我还是给他们留下了深刻的印象,不过这也没起什么作用。,In a moment of daring risk and courage that forever changed my future, I looked at him straight in the eye and seized the moment. “Sir, if you dont hire me, youll never know how well I can do for this firm.”,7,Language Point seize: to quickly and eagerly do something when you have the chance to. It is usually followed by nouns such as opportunity, chance, and initiative, day, and moment. e.g. Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost.,Chinese接着我鼓足勇气,决心冒险一试,我的未来从此得到改变:我目光盯紧那个副总裁,抓住时机说道:“先生,如果你不录用我的话,你永远也不会知道我会为这家公司做出多大的贡献。”,The moment he took the risk, working up his courage to tell the vice president if the firm did not hire him, they would never know how well he can do for the firm.,What is the turning point in the recruiting process?,When I realized what I had just said to him, a chill went up my spine and I thought, My God what have I done? The next thing he said was like music to me: “Okay, youve got the job!” But before I could shake his hand, and rush home to spread the good news, he added: “ on one condition.” My heart sank. “You must first resign from the bank effective two weeks from today, enroll in our three-month trainee program and then take a stockbroker exam which must be passed on the first try. If you fail even by one point, youre out!”,8,Language Point The next thing he said was like music to me: Here “he said” is a relative clause, modifying the next thing. In this clause the relative pronoun that or which is omitted.,Chinese当我意识到自己刚才对他讲了些什么时,不由得冷汗直冒,心里想到:天哪,我干了些什么呢?他下面说的话对我来说就像音乐一样动听:“好的,你得到这份工作了!”我还没来得及跟他握手告别,奔回家中告诉家人这个好消息,他接着说道:”但有一个条件。”我的心猛地一沉。“你必须从今天算起两周内辞掉你的那份银行工作,参加我们为期三个月的培训生项目,然后去参加证券经纪人考试,必须一次通过,即使差一分,你也要卷铺盖走人,”他说道。,Inside, I shook like a leaf, afraid of the prospect of taking a huge leap of faith into the unknown. My mouth suddenly went dry. There was never a time in my life when I so badly need a glass of water! I remember thinking that I stood to lose everything if I failed that exam, which I had heard was as difficult as the examination for attorneys. I swallowed hard and said, “Ill take it.” My future was instantly changed from that moment forward.,9,Language Point I remember thinking that I stood to lose everything if I failed that exam, which I had heard was as difficult as the examination for attorneys: 1) In this sentence, “that I stood to lose everything” is an object clause serving as the object of thinking, whereas in the clause “which I had heard was as difficult as the examination for attorneys”, the pronoun which introduces a relative clause modifying exam, and “I had heard” is a parenthesis(插入语)。 2) Remember thinking: The verb remember can be followed both by a gerund and a to-infinitive, which are quite different in meaning.,e.g. Remember to take your P.E. clothes to school. That is one of the things I remember doing when I was a child.,Chinese我感到自己内心犹如树叶般瑟瑟发抖。一想到自己将踏入完全陌生的领域,这巨大的转变让我恐惧不已。我嘴唇突然发干,从来没有像现在这样迫切需要喝一杯水!我记得当时我想过自己可能会因为没有通过考试据说那考试和律师资格考试一样难而失去所有。我强压住心里的激动,说道:“我决心干这份工作。”从那一刻起,我的未来很快发生了变化。,If you remember doing something, you still have a clear memory of something you did in the past, and if you remember to do something, you dont forget something you have to perform in the future.,After passing the exam and receiving my stockbrokers license, I struggled for several months, living solely on commission, and eating pasta, peanut butter sandwiches and cereal. Night after night, I burned the midnight oil in search of new clients. I often left the office fatigued, ready to give up, yet somehow returning the next morning to start a new day. It was an exhausting beginning during which I had no social life.,10,Language Point I often left the office fatigued, ready to give up, yet somehow returning the next morning to start a new day: In this sentence, “fatigued, ready to give up, yet somehow returning the next morning to start a new day” are adverbial phrases expressing circumstances.,Chinese我通过了资格考试,取得了经纪人资格,之后几个月我过得很艰辛,生活完全靠佣金,吃面食、花生酱三明治和谷类食品。为了寻找新客户,我常常熬夜,经常是离开办公室时人已感到精疲力竭,随时有可能放弃这一工作。但我总会第二天早上回到工作岗位,开始新的一天。这样的开端令人感到疲惫不堪,我完全没有社交生活。,One of the most difficult and challenging aspects of being a stockbroker was m


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