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Welcome back to school!,廖龙梅,Self- introduction Teaching goals and plans for this term 目标:夯实基础 ,提高能力 施教形式:以复习为主,精讲精 练 辅以授新课,拓宽词汇,Learning requirements,1. Memorize as many English words as you can. (memorize words -use the wordsreview the words . about 10-20 words a day.),2. Grasp basic English grammar . (By memorizing grammar rules and doing exercises to consolidate it.) 3. Better your ears . (by listening more and training more.),4.Improve your reading comprehension. (You should read two or three short articles every day.) 5. Writing Prepare a note book . Write one or two sentences a day. You can also sort your articles.,Learning methods,1. 品味趣味中学英语,pick oneself up Let sleeping dogs lie be in two minds bury the hatchet drown ones sorrow in drink,to raise oneself after a fall or failure leave alone things which may cause trouble fail to make a decision make peace,to drink alcohol in an attempt to forget ones troubles.,pull ones leg the apple of ones eye throw oneself into the river think big /cry for the moon,play a joke on sb the person or thing most liked commit suicide think about something impossible,not a little not a bit,很,非常 一点也不,out of question out of the question,没问题,毫无疑问 不可能的,不值得讨论的,2. 分解目标,体会成功 有些人做事为什么会半途而废,往往不是因为 难度太大,而是觉得成功离他们太远,对前途 失去信心。 3.化压力为动力 在人生的旅程中,有时候我们难免会感到压力重 重,难免会遇到困难,然而换个角度看,他们是 一块块的垫脚石,是自我提升的基石,我们锲而 不舍,以沉着稳重地态度面对他们。我们现在面 临的是来自父母及所有关心爱护自己的人的期望 与压力,我们要把压力化为推动自己前进的动力, 这样才能成功。,confidence hard work persistence If you think you can ,you can. Nothing can take the place of persistence. No pains, no gains Practice makes perfect. Never leave todays work for tomorrow. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Work while you work, play wh


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