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Recycle 2,A farewell party.,第一课时,章玉荣,设计思路,依据英语送别会这一线索,把整个文本分为会前、会中和会后三个部分。第一课时Lets read,Miss White在准备晚会时询问了她的学生都会那些才艺,自然引出了can的用法。引导学生重点复习关于can的功能句型。Group and write要求学生描述教室的布置,自然引出There be结构。引导学生重点复习关于There be结构的陈述句和疑问句。,Lets sing.,Lets read.,This is our last term. Youve known many teachers and classmates.,Whos you best friend? Whos you favourite teacher? Whats you favourite class?,Boys and girls, youre students in Grade 6 now. You will leave soon and study in middle school. So were going to have a farewell party next week.,farewell party,What shall we bring in the party?,Would you like to performance at the party? What can you do?,Thiss Zhang Peng and Mikes party, too. What do Zhang Peng / Mike do at the party?,1. What can Chen Jie do at the party?,2. Can Zhang Peng play the piano?,3. What can Mike do?,4. What can Miss White do?,Answer the questions.,She can sing songs.,He can play the piano.,He can do Chinese kung fu.,She can dance,Read and tick or cross.,You can invite your parents to the party. You can invite your teachers, too.,Look! This is an invitation. Can you read it?,(1) The farewell party will be on June 20th. ( ),(2) The party will be at a stadium.( ),(3) Only Chinese food will be served.( ),(4) Only students can go to the party.( ),tick or cross.,Listen, write, match and say.,Sarah is going back to America next month. She will give her friends some nice gifts.What are they? Please listen to her diary.,Match and say.,Group and write.,The farewell party is coming. What else shall we do? What things can we bring to the party?,There be,1. 表示某地有某物或某人 2.be与其后的名词保持一致。名词是不可数名词或可数名词单数时用is,名词是复数时用are。 3.否定式:在be后加not 4.一般疑问句:把be提到句首,句末加? 5.回答:肯定 There isare . 否定 There isntarent .,any用于疑问句和否定句 6.一些 some 用于肯定句 桌子上有一些书 肯定句: There are some books on the desk . 一般疑问句: Are there any books on the desk ? 否定句: There arent any


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