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课件二 文艺复兴 The Renaissance (2-1-0),一、文艺复兴及人文主义精神特征 二、意大利的文艺复兴 三、西欧诸国的文艺复兴 四、文艺复兴时期的科学 五、文艺复兴的历史意义,The Renaissance (2-1-1),The artistic, literary and scientific revival which originated in Italy in the 14th c. and which influenced the rest of Europe in the next two centuries. Broadly, it was typified by the spread of humanism, a return to classical values and the beginning of objective scientific inquiry.The term Renaissance was given currency in the 19th c. The Renaissance created a culture which, though based in large on the imitation of the ancients, freed man to prove and enjoy the world in a way not possible under the medieval Churchs dispensation(安排,统治). In this release lay the way of development of the modern world.,Dante Alighieri (12651321) 但丁 (2-1-2),The greatest medieval poet came from a noble Florentine family. Deeply involved in Florentine politics, he was permanently exiled from the city. He was one of the first men to write in the vernacular (方言)in Italy, and help establish the Tuscan dialect as the standard form of the Italian language.,the Devine Comedy 神曲 (2-1-3),The work Dante will always be remembered is the Devine Comedy, a vision of Hell, Purgatory(炼狱), and Heaven written in magnificent Italian verse.,Francesco Petrarch (1304-74)彼特拉克 (2-1-4),Italian poet and scholar, famous for for his sonnets (十四行诗), which quickly influenced poets writing in other European languages. In his extensive letters and essays on religious, philosophical and political subjects frequently expressed a humanistic point of view. He was called “the father of humanity”.,Boccaccio (1313-75) and his “Decameron” ( a collection of 100 stories) 卜伽丘与十日谈 (2-1-5),Italian author. He began his great story collection, the Decameron , about the time when the Black Death reached Florence (1348). With the older Dante and the contemporary Petrarch, he is one of the three great poets of the Italian fourteenth century.,Leonardo Da Vinci ( 1452-1519) 达 芬奇 ( 2-2-1),Italian painter, draftsman, sculptor, architect, and engineer, whose genius, perhaps more than that of any other figures, epitomized the Renaissance humanist ideal. His notebooks reveal a spirit of scientific inquiry and a mechanical inventiveness that were centuries ahead of his time.,The Last Supper 最后的晚餐 (2-2-2),In painting The Last Supper , he chose not the moment when Christ breaks the bread and remarks, “this is my body,” as a medieval artist might have done, but the more humanly dramatic and startling moment when he announces, “One of you will betray me .”The resulting psychological crisis experienced by each disciple is carefully portrayed.,Mona Lisa 蒙娜丽莎(1503-06) (2-2-3),创作于1503-06年,是达芬奇艺术的最高表现。,Michelangelo Buonarotti (1475 - 1564) 米开朗基罗 (2-3-1),Italian Renaissance sculptor, painter, architect, and poet who exerted an unparalleled influence on the development of Western art.,David (雕塑)作者 米开朗基罗 (2-3-2),Gigantic marble, started in 1501 and completed in 1504. The sculpture (standing at 4.34m/14 ft 3 in tall) was in place outside the Palazzo Vecchio. The choice of David was supposed to reflect the power and determination of Republican Florence and was under constant attack from supporters of the usurped Medicis. In the 19th century the statue was moved to the Accademia.,The Last Judgment(最后的审判壁画) 作者 米开朗基罗 (2-3-3),Fresco (壁画) on the western wall of Sistine Chapel(西斯廷教堂).,The Creation of Man (创世纪创造亚当 壁画) 作者 米开朗基罗 (2-3-4),Fragment (部分)of the Sistine Chapel ceiling,finished in 1512.,Raphael(1483-1520)拉斐尔 (2-4-1),Italian painter and architect of High Renaissance. At the age of 28, he ranked with the greatest painters of the time. His finely drawn compositions, though sometimes elaborate, are subtly unified and poses of his figures are profoundly expressive. His colours are of extreme delicacy. His portraits are perhaps the first in European art in which the spirituality of the sitter is express as well as his likeness. Raphael expresses, in both his religious and classical subjects, a vision of idealized beauty in a harmoniously ordered universe.,Sistine Madonna 西斯廷圣母 作者 Raphael (2-4-3),拉斐尔短暂的一生创造了许多美丽的女性形象,其中大多数为圣母。他成就的圣母象是平民化的母亲形象。纯朴、慈爱、善良、和蔼可亲,充满人情味。“是世俗的理想战胜基督教的修道院的最突出的艺术表现之一。”西斯廷圣母是拉斐尔为比亚森萨希思厅教堂做的一幅祭坛画。圣母怀抱婴儿从天而降,左面跪着的是教皇西斯廷二世,右面蹲着的是充满喜悦和感动之情的圣徒巴巴拉,她正俯视下面两个望着天空遐想的可爱的小天使。画面反映了意大利人民渴望圣母带给人间幸福安乐的心愿,也反映了圣母为给人间带来非和温暖甘心情愿献出自己骨肉的崇高精神。,School of Athens 雅典学派 作者 Raphael(2-4-4),雅典学派系为梵蒂冈宫绘制的壁画。以柏拉图和亚里士多德的争论为中心,包括苏格拉底、毕达格拉斯等50多位哲学家、科学家、艺术家集聚在一起进行热烈的讨论,体现了对科学真理的探求精神。它同达芬奇的最后的晚餐、米凯朗基罗的最后的审判并驾齐驱,被视为文艺复兴盛期壁画艺术的辉煌代表。,Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) 马基雅维里 (2-5-1),Florentine statesman and political theorist and writer.其代表作君主论(The Prince)用人的眼光来观察国家,使国家理论从中世纪的神学中解放出来;强调君主要用权术统治国家,意在实现意大利的统一与强盛,反映了新兴资产阶级的要求。,William Shakespeare (1564-1616) 莎士比亚 (2-6-1),the greatest English poet and playwright. His greatest period was between 1600-1607, during which he produced the comedies As You Like It and Twelfth Night (1600-01), the tragedies Hamlet (02-03), Othello(1604), King Lear(05-06), and Macbeth(06 ) as well as Antony and Cleopatra(07-08) and at least four other plays. The Sonnets date from 1609. 沙翁 一生共创作37个剧本,154首十四行体诗,两部叙事长诗和其他一些诗歌。他的作品标志着欧洲文艺复兴时期的人文主义文学发展到了最高峰。,课件二 Francois Rabelais (c.1494-c.1553) 拉伯雷 (2-6-2),French writer and scholar),代表作有Gargantua and Pantagruel ( 巨人传)等。其对人的巨大力量的赞美、肯定,对教皇、神学家、法官的讽刺,表现了浓重的人文主义色彩。,课件二 Miguel de Cervantes ( 1547-1616) 塞万提斯 (2-6-3),Spanish author and dramatist, whose best known work is Don Quixote (1605,堂吉诃德), a novel episodic(插曲式的)in structure with many inserted tales. The hero is a parody(模仿) of the knight errant (游侠)and , at the same time, a perfect exponent of chivalric (骑士风度的)nobility.,课件二 Don Quixote (2-6-4),堂吉诃德(1605)(Don Quixote)插图,课件二 Thomas More(1478-1535) 莫 尔(2-7-1),English statesman and humanist scholar, canonized (1935,死后封为圣徒)as St. Thomas More. More succeeded (1529) Wolsey as as lord chancellor to Henry . He resigned (1532) after refuse to the kings divorce from Catherine of Aragon. When he refused to conform to the Act of Supremacy, he was imprisoned, found guilty of treason and beheaded. His Utopia(1516) written in Latin,contained his view of ideal of non-Christian state: a republic of philosophers.,课件二 Desiderius Erasmus (c.1469 - 1536) 伊拉斯谟 (2-7-2),Dutch scholar, exemplar of the New Learning of Renaissance, a tolerant, radical Christian humanist opposing religious and political fanaticism and tyranny.In 1516, he published the first Greek edition of the New Testament, with an accompanying Latin version,as an essential preparation for his biblical criticism. His best known work is the Praise of folly, a pamphlet mainly directed against the behavior of ruling classes and church dignitaries while exposing the irony of mankinds vanities.,课件二 Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) 哥白尼 (2-8-1),Polish astronomer and administrator(代理牧师).He put forward the ideas, revolutionary at that time, that “the earth is not at the center of the Universe”, “the earth and other planets orbit about the sun.”,课件二 Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) 伽利略 (2-8-2),Italian astronomer and physicist. His many achievements include the discovery of isochronism (等时性)of the pendulum and demonstration that the acceleration of a falling body does not depend on its mass. He constructed telescopes, Discovered Jupiters (木星)satellites, and observed sunspots and the mountainous nature of the moon,. A supporter of Copernican theory, Galileo was forced by the Inquisition(宗教法庭) to recant(认错).,课件二 Geordano Bruno(1548-1600) 布鲁诺(2-8-3),Italian Renaissance philosopher. He taught at Paris and and at Oxford, attacking Scholasticism (经院哲学)and Aristotelianism (亚里士多德哲学). He was greatly influenced by Nicholas of Cusa.Under the influence of the new Copernican astronomy, he
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