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Translation of EST,Lecture 4,3.6 正反互译(技巧),正说反译 反说正译,The angularity of the parts is too great for proper assembly. 【译文】零件斜度太大,不宜装配。 The performance of the machine is short of the requirements.(译) 【译文】这台机器的性能没有达到要求。,正说反译,There is nothing like mineral water to quench ones thirst. 【译文】矿泉水是解渴的最好饮料。 There is not any advantage without disadvantage. 【译文】有一利必有一弊。 It was suggested that such devices should be designed and produced without delay. 【译文】有人建议立即设计和生产这种装置。,反说正译,Ice is not as dense as water and it therefore floats. 冰的密度比水小,因此能浮在水面上。 We cannot be too careful in doing experiment. 我们做实验时要尽可能小心。 The average speed of all molecules remains the same so long as the temperature is constant. 只要温度不变,各种分子的平均速度也就不变。,Practice,The influence of temperature on the conductivity of metals is slight. 温度对金属的导电性影响不大。 The absence of air also explains why the stars do not seem to twinkle in space,as they do from the earth. 正因为没有空气,所以星星在太空中不像地球上看它们时那样闪闪发亮。,否定意义的译法,否定转移的译法 部分否定的译法 全部否定的译法 几乎否定的译法 双重否定的译法 (正说反译) 形式否定的译法 (反说正译) 意义否定的译法 延续否定句的译法,意义否定的译法,意义否定即内容否定,是指英语中某些形式上肯定,内容上否定的句子,也有人称其为含蓄否定句。句子中没有否定词,但意义上却是否定的,而且有时否定的语气还很强烈。原因是句中有带否定意义的词或词组,翻译是要把否定的意义明确译出。 refrain/ban/forbid/prohibit/prevent/stopfrom, cancel,deny,exclude,escape,evade,free.from,fail,hate,ignore,lack,lose,miss,neglect,quit, refuse,above,against,beneath,beyond,far from,off,out of, other/rather than,absent,bare,empty,last,poor,vacant/vacancy,意义否定的译法 (正说反译),The performance of the machine is short of the requirements. 机器的性能没有达到要求。 Short of transformers, they make their own in their lab. 没有变压器,他们在实验室自己制作。 Free from harmonics, some filter appliances should be used in power network. 为了不受谐波的危害,应该在电网中使用一些滤波装置。 The system of power supply in the city leaves much to be desired. 该市的供电系统非常不完善。,The study confirmed that few people are likely to escape the effects of nuclear exchange. 【译文】研究证明几乎无人能逃脱互投核弹造成的恶果. The problem is beyond the reach of my understanding.(译) 【译文】这个问题我无法理解,意义否定的译法 (正说反译),意义否定的译法 (正说反译),You must do anything but taking away this voltmeter. 你绝对不能拿走这个电压表。 The angularity of the parts is too great for proper assembly. 零件斜度太大,不宜装配。 The ripple or harmonics in the direct voltage are objectionable in many cases. 在大多数情况下,直流电压中的纹波或谐波是不利的。 Electrons are too small to be seen by us. 电子小得我们看不见。,形式否定的译法(反说正译),英语句子中有些否定词与其他词连用形成一种固定搭配,表面看似乎是否定的,但实际所表达的却是肯定含义,这种结构就是形式上的否定。翻译这类句子是应结合上下文,将其翻译成一般肯定句或强势肯定句。,形式否定句的译法,常见的带有隐含肯定意义的词组或单词: notuntil(直到才) nottoo(越越好) none but(只有) nothing but(只有,只不过) nothing more than(仅仅) no soonerthan(刚一就) none other than(不是别的人或物而正是)、none the less(依然,仍然)、,形式否定句的译法,not but that(虽然) make nothing of (对等闲视之) for nothing(徒然,免费) not onlybut also(不仅而且) notlong before(很快就) no more than(和一样不) no other than(只有,正是)等等 cannottoo、nolittle、 notslightly、notother than等,可分别译为“无论怎样都不过份”、“很多”、“就/只能”等。,形式否定的译法,We cannot estimate the value of modern science too much. 现代科学的价值,无论如何重视也不过分。 A book may be compared to your neighbor; if it is good, it cannot last too long; if bad, you cannot get rid of it too early. 一本书好比你的邻居,如果是好书,读书时间再长也不嫌长,如果是坏书,越早丢开越好。 He took no little pains over repairing the machine. 他在修机器这件事上花费了很多的功夫。 We do not like him other than he is now. 我们就喜欢他现在的样子。 It cannot be too much emphasized that agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. 【译文】农业是国民经济的基础,怎么强调也不过分.,双重否定句的译法,否定词 + 含否定词缀 a-,dis-,il-,im-,ir-,un-,non-,anti-,mal-,under-,-less,-free,-proof 否定词 + 否定意义的词 refrain/ban/forbid/prohibit/prevent/stopfrom, cancel,deny,exclude,escape,evade,free.from,fail,hate,ignore,lack,lose,miss,neglect,quit, refuse,above,against,beneath,beyond,far from,off,out of, other/rather than,absent,bare,empty,last,poor,vacant/vacancy 主句(否定结构)+ 从句(否定结构),双重否定,英语中的双重否定形式通常由否定词no, not, never等表示否定意义的词连用构成,如nowithout, withoutnot, neverwithout, not/nonethe less, not/neverunless, no lessthan, notuntil, notany the less, impossiblewithout等。 有一些双重否定词因其本身含义的确定性,在翻译成汉语时通常译成固定的意思,比如toonot to, not tooto 一般译成“太肯定会”、“必然”、“不要不”等。,There was too great an honor not to excite the envy of his rivals. 这种莫大的荣誉必然会引起对手的嫉妒。,直译为双重否定句,Without electricity, there could be no todays civilization. 没有电也就没有现代文明。 Without computer, we could not finish these complicated jobs so easily. 要是没有计算机,我们就不可能如此轻而易举地完成这些复杂工作。 No flow of water occurs unless there is a difference in pressure. 如果没有压差,水也就不会流动。 If it were not enough acceleration, the earth satellite would not get into space. 【译文】要是没有足够的加速度,地球卫星是不能进入太空的。 In the absence of radar, the pilot in an airplane could not fly for a long distance at night. 【译文】没有雷达,飞行员在夜间不能进行长途飞行。 But for the sun, all living things could not live on the earth.(译) 【译文】要是没有太阳,所有生物在地球上都不能生存。,转译为肯定句,Now no spaceship cannot be loaded with man. 现在的宇宙飞船都能够载人了。 It is impossible for electricity to be converted into certain energy without something lost. 电转换成某种能量时不可能不产生损耗。 There is nothing unexpected in the simulation investigation. 仿真研究的一切都在预料之中。 All these electric protective devices should not be unboxed or unwrapped until the moment for fitting has arrived. 不到安装这些电气保护装置是不应打开包装箱或包装纸。,转译为肯定句,There can be no sunshine without shadow.(译) 【译文】有阳光就有阴影。 There is no rule that has no exception. 任何规则都有例外。 There is no modern communication mean that has no disadvantage. 现代通信手段都有缺点。 There is not any advantage without disadvantage. 有一利必有一弊,几乎否定的译法,几乎否定词,通常是以下这些词: (常表频度) hardly、scarcely、barely、rarely、 seldom、scantly、 infrequently、 unfrequently、uncommonly、only、little 翻译成汉语时,一般可以译成“极少”、“几乎没有”、“几乎不”、“很少”等。,Curiously, Uranus has almost no such excess heat. 【译文】奇怪的是,天王星几乎没有这种多余的热量。 Rarely do metals occur in nature in a pure form by themselves. 【译文】在自然界,金属很少以纯金属的形式存在。 Barely any of our present batteries would be satisfactory enough to drive the electric train fast and at a reasonable cost. 【译文】我们现有的蓄电池几乎都不足以保证电气火车快速而经济高效的运行。,几乎否定的译法,几乎否定的译法,It seldom makes such difference to the user which winding or windings are tapped. 哪个绕组或哪些绕组上有分接头,对使用者来说这没有多大区别。 The installed capacity in this power plant hardly changes at all. 这个电厂的装机容量几乎没有什么变化。 There was little electric power supply in China before 1949. 在一九四九年之前中国几乎没有什么电力供应。 Little information is given as to damage of the machine. 关于机器损坏情况的信息极少。 Curiously, Uranus has almost no such excess heat. 奇怪的是,天王星几乎没有这种多余的热量。 Much of Britains liner fleet rarely sees a British port. 英国远洋货轮很少在本国港口停靠。,全部否定句的译法,一、全否定词 + 肯定谓语部分 not,no,none,never, neither, nothing, nobody, nowhere, nohow (口语:决不), nowise(决不)等。 二、 主语 + 否定式谓语部分 + 不定代词(不定副词) not 与下列词一起构成否定形式: any, anyone, anybody, anything, either, anyhow, anywhere, anywise, anyway。,全部否定的译法,英语中用来表示全部否定意义的词或短语很多,主要有以下这些:never, none, not, no, neither, nothing, nobody, nowhere, not at all 等。含有这些词的否定句通常均译成汉语的全部否定句,翻译过程中无须考虑其所修饰的成分以及句子中所占的地位,只要注意译文符合汉语表达习惯即可。,Gas has neither definite shape nor definite volume. 【译文】气体既没有一定的形状,也没有一定的体积。 None of the inert gases will combine with other substances to form compounds. 【译文】无论哪一种惰性气体,都不会和其它物质化合而形成化合物。 Nothing in the world moves faster than light. 【译文】世界上没有任何东西比光传得更快了。,全部否定的译法,全部否定的译法,Neither refractory materials(耐火材料) nor magnetic materials can be used to make the part. 耐火材料和磁性材料都不适合生产这种零件。 He can analyze neither of the circuits. 这两个电路他一个也不能分析。 He knows none of the electronic meters. 这些电子仪表他全都不知道。,部分否定的译法,句子中的主语带有不定代词或形容词 否定句中带有副词always, entirely, completely, totally, altogether, often, quite, enough,句中主语带有不定代词或形容词,如果句子中的主语带有不定代词或形容词all, both, each, some, many, every, everybody, everyone, everything 等,并与not 构成否定句,这种句子不表示完全否定,而只是部分否定句子的内容,在翻译时通常译为“不都是”、“并非都”、“不全是”。,句中主语带有不定代词或形容词,All metals do not conduct electricity equally well. 并非所有金属的导电性能同样好。 Every electric motor here is not new. 这里的电机不全是新的。 Each transistor in the box is not out of order. 盒子里的晶体管并非每一个都是坏的。 Both of the substances are not made up of carbons. 【译文】这两种物质并非都是由碳组成的。,句中主语带有不定代词或形容词,Both of the instruments are not digital ones. 这两种仪表不全是数字的。 Both the instruments are not precision ones. 这两件东西不都是精密仪器。,如果否定句中带有副词always, entirely, completely, totally, altogether, often, quite, enough 等,句子也表示部分否定,一般应翻译成“不总是”、“不全是”、“不常”等。 Digital oscilloscopes cannot be often used in our experiments. 数字示波器不常用在我们的实验中。 The water is not hot enough. 水不够热。 Positive ions are not all alike and may differ in charge or weight. 【译文】正离子并不完全相同,他们在电量和重量上都可能有差别。,否定转移的译法,英语中的否定词总是出现在被否定部分的前面,而对其后的部分进行否定。但又是否定词所否定的并不是紧随其后的部分,而是后面的某部分,这就构成了否定转移。有些句子在英语中否定的是谓语,而汉译时则否定谓语;还有一些句子在英语中否定的是谓语,而译成汉语时却否定了状语,在翻译时必须注意到这种差异性才能使译文流畅通顺,符合汉语的表达习惯。 一般的否定转移 特殊的否定转移,一般的否定转移,The motor did not stop because the electricity was off. 电机停止运转,并非因为电源切断了。 The engine didnt stop because the fuel was finished. 引擎停止运转并非因为燃料耗尽。(否定谓语变为否定状语) Hydroelectric power generation uses no fuel. 水力发电不用燃料。 We know of no effective way to store solar energy. 我们不知道储存太阳能的有效方法。,一般的否定转移,As we know, electricity cannot be conducted by means of insulators. 正如我们所知,电不能靠绝缘体来传导。 No battery system presently in commercial production can offer all of these facilities. 目前还尚无一列商业产品中的电瓶系统具有所有这些优点。 We dont consider that the phase shift is proportional to frequency. 我们认为相移不会与频率成正比。,特殊的否定转移,英语句子中如果以动词think, imagine, reckon, suppose, believe, seem, look, ex
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