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Semantics,What is semantics?,Semantics can be simply defined as the study of meaning. More specifically, semantics is the study of the meaning of linguistic units, words and sentences in particular,Then, what is meaning?,language must make contact with the outside world. This contact is what we call meaning.,Several views concerning the study of meaning,G. Leech and his 7 types of meaning The Conceptualist View Contextualism Behaviorism,Suggested by Ogden and Richard,Semantic triangle,Thought/reference(concept, sense),Symbol(word),Referent(thing),Sense Relations-Antonymy,Antonymy is the name for oppositeness relation. There are three main sub-types: Gradable antonymy, Complementary antonymy Converse antonymy,Gradable antonymy 分等级反义,e.g. good;bad long;short big;small a. the denial of one is not necessarily the assertion of the other. b. there is no absolute criterion,Complementary antonymy 互补反义,e.g. male;female pass;fail innocent;guilty a. the members of a pair in this type are complementary to each other,Converse antonymy 逆向反义,e.g. buy;sell husband;wife above;below a. they show the reversal of a relationship between two entities,Sense Relations- Synonymy,Dialectal synonyms eg: lift vs. elevator flat vs. apartment Synonyms of different styles eg: gentleman vs. guy Synonyms of different registers eg: slat vs. sodium chloride Synonyms differing in affective meaning eg: attract vs. seduce Synonyms differing in collocation eg: beautiful vs. handsome able vs. capable,Sense Relations- Homonymy,Homophones eg: rain vs. reign night vs. knight Homographs eg: tear (v.) vs. tear (n.) lead (v.) vs. lead (n.) Complete homonyms eg: ball bank watch scale fast,Sense Relations- Hyponymy,It refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a more specific word. Superordinates Hyponyms cohyponyms,Sense Relations-,Sense Relations-,Hyponymy,Musical instruments piano flute guitar violin tuba trombone,Hyponymy,Fish snapper salmon bass sole trout chinook spring coho king sockey,componential analysis,Some linguists suggest that the meaning of a word is not an unanalysable whole but could be further analysed into smaller components.For excemple:,男性 女性,成年 非成年,人类,男人(人类)(成年) (男性) 女人(人类)(成年) (女性) 男孩(人类)(非成年)(男性) 女孩(人类)(非成年)(女性),例1 The man chased the dog The dog chased the man,例2 Ive already seen that film That film Ive already seen,To understand a sentence,we need to knoledge about its syntactic structure.In other words ,this is an area where word meaning and sentence structure come together,Sentence meaning,理论1 综合理论 “the structure of a semantic theory “ by J Katz and Fodor,The man hits the colorful ball (限定)(主) (谓)(限定)(形容词) (宾语名词),理解顺序: 1. colorful+ball 2. the+colorful ball 3.hits+the colorful ball .,理论2 逻辑语义学,(1)


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