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电液伺服系统非线性动力学行为的理论与实验研究,英语科技论文写作 论文分析,专 业:,姓 名:,学 号:,目 录,第0节 题目及文章信息分析,第1节 引言分析,第2节 正文分析,第4节 参考文献分析,第3节 结论分析,第5节 全文总体评价,题目分析,本文题目语意清晰、用词简练,准确、形象、生动地表达了全文的核心研究内容:旋转机械故障诊断方法,局部均值分解。用形容词rotating做定语修饰machinery,使语意表述更加形象、生动。用名词短语fault diagnosis作定语修饰method,避免了用of句型。用后置定语based on介定method的范围,避免导致表意不清。,IF=1.918,基于局部均值分解的旋转机械故障诊断方法,文章信息分析,摘要,关键词,公开时间,摘要分析,Local mean decomposition (LMD) is a novel self-adaptive time-frequency analysis method, which is particularly suitable for the processing of multi-component amplitude-modulated and frequency-modulated (AM-FM) signals. (用冠词a表泛指;用现在时态描述现状,并用定语从句作进一步说明;缩写第一次出现时给出了全称,加深了读者的理解,很好地避免了词意混淆。) By using LMD, any complicated signal can be decomposed into a number of product functions (PFs), each of which is the product of an envelope signal and a purely frequency modulated signal from which physically meaningful instantaneous frequencies can be obtained. (用被动语态描述LMD的功能,使动词距离主语更近,表意更加清晰;连用2个定语从句来解释PFs,句子较长,给读者理解本句造成了一定的困难,本句可以拆成2个短句。) In fact, each PF is just a mono-component AM-FM signal. Therefore, the procedure of LMD may be regarded as the process of demodulation.,重点描述研究方法,摘要分析,While fault occurs in gear or roller bearing, the vibration signals picked up would exactly display AM-FM characteristics. So it is possible to diagnose gear and roller bearing fault by LMD. (用it做形式主语,避免头重脚轻,喧宾夺主) Targeting the modulation features of the gear or roller bearing fault vibration signal, a rotating machinery fault diagnosis method based on LMD is proposed. In this paper, firstly the LMD method is introduced; (此处应该用过去式和被动语态描述研究过程) secondly, the LMD method is compared with another competing time-frequency analysis approach, namely, empirical mode decomposition (EMD) method and the results show the superiority of the LMD method; finally, the LMD method is applied to the gear and roller bearing fault diagnosis. The analysis results from the practical gearbox vibration signal demonstrate that the diagnosis approach based on LMD could identify gear and roller bearing work condition accurately and effectively. (用现在时态叙述结论),提出具体问题,解 决 思 路,所得结论,摘要分析,1. 本文摘要语义明确,多为知识性的、确定性的语言,而非说明性语言。 2. 本文摘要能够完整、清楚的阐明整篇文章的研究对象、方法、过程和结,使读者仅仅通过读摘要就能抓住全文的脉络。,优点,1. 摘要中应该用过去时态描述研究过程及叙述作者所做的工作,用现在时态叙述作者所得到的研究结论。本文摘要中出现了一些瑕疵,部分语句语法用的不太正确。 2. 在不遗漏主题概念的前提下,文摘应尽量简洁。本文摘要不够简洁,描述LMD方法功能、背景的语句较多,应该取消或减少背景信息。,缺点,关键词分析,关键词是为了满足文献标引或检索工作的需要,而从论文中取出的词或词组。一般关键词个数为38个,它本身亦是论文主题的浓缩,读者从中可以判断出论文的主题、研究内容、方法等。本文所选的6个关键词很好地反映了全文的主题、研究内容和主要方法。,关键词: 局部均值分解 乘积函数 调制 时频分析 旋转机械 故障诊断,关键词,引言分析,引言,加窗的傅里叶变换,小波分析,引出问题,常用分析方法,缺陷,引言分析,引言,经验模态分解,局部均值分解,缺陷,缺陷,引言分析,引言,局部均值分解,优势,优势,引言分析,引言,全文结构,提出推测,正文分析,正文,LMD分析方法,方法实施步骤,正文分析,正文,应用于仿真信号,仿真信号结构组成,两种方法对比分析,2,正文分析,仿真结果,正文分析,正文,应用于齿轮故障诊断,4,5,6,正文分析,7,8,9,正文分析,Fig.10.,Fig.11.,正文分析,应用于轴承故障诊断,外圈故障,Fig.12.,Fig.13.,Fig.14.,正文分析,内圈故障,Fig.15.,Fig.16.,Fig.17.,正文分析,本文逻辑性较强,脉络清晰,层次分明。首先引出问题,提出解决方法,进一步通过仿真分析和实测数据验证,最后得出结论,有力的证明了所提方法的准确性和有效性。,正文分析,结论分析,结论,首先,对LMD方法做了一个总结性的介绍,优势,结论分析,其次,对仿真信号的分析结果进行了总结,端点效应,端点效应被抑制,结论分析,迭代过程,再次,对实测信号的分析结果进行了总结,结论分析,最后,对LMD方法的缺陷进行了讨论,本文结论写的基本简洁明了,同时内容完整,层次清晰。对作者所做的工作(仿真分析和实测数据验证)进行了很全面的总结,并对所采用方法的缺陷进行了客观的讨论。 不足之处在于:结论中对所用LMD方法的描述性语言过多,可以适当精减。,致谢分析,国家自然科学基金,省自然科学基金,基金号,致谢,参考文献分析,1 N. Baydar, A. Ball, Detection of gear failures via vibration and acoustics signals using wavelet transform, Mech. Syst. Signal Process. 17 (4) (2003) 787804. 2 H. Zheng, Z. Li, X. Chen, Gear fault diagnosis based on continuous wavelet transform, Mech. Syst. Signal Process. 16 (23) (2002) 447457. 3 L. Cohen, Timefrequency distribution a review, Proc. IEEE 77 (7) (1989) 941981. 4 S. Mallat, A theory for multi-resolution decomposition, the wavelet representation, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 11 (7) (1989) 674689. 5 Z.K. Peng, F.L. Chu, Application of the wavelet transforms in machine condition monitoring and fault diagnostics: a review with bibliography, Mech. Syst. Signal Process. 18 (2) (1989) 199221. 6 S. Olhede, A.T. Walden, The Hilbert spectrum via wavelet projections, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. 460 (2004) 955975. 7 N.E. Huang, Z. Shen, S.R. Long, et al., The empirical mode decomposition and the Hilbert spectrum for nonlinear and non-stationary time series analysis, Proc. R. Soc. 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Huang, M.-L.C. Wu, S.R. Long, A confidence limit for the empirical mode decomposition and Hilbert spectral analysis, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 459 (2003)23172345. 14 Junsheng Cheng, Dejie Yu, Yu Yang, Research on the intrinsic mode function (IMF) criterion in EMD method, Mech. Syst. Signal Process. 20 (4) (2006) 817824. 15 S.R. Qin, Y.M. Zhong, A new algorithm of HilbertHuang transform, Mech. Syst. Signal Process. 20 (8) (2006) 19411952. 16 Jonathan S. Smith, The local mean decomposition and its application to EEG perception data, J. R. Soc. Interface 2 (5) (2005) 443454. 17 P.D. McFadden, Detecting fatigue cracks in gear by amplitude and phase de-modulation of the meshing vibration, ASME J.


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