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,英语教师课堂话语的 一些常见问题,南海学校 陈志军 2012 / 07 / 21,什么是英语教师课堂话语? 简单地讲,英语教师课堂话语就是英语教 师在组织和实施英语课堂教学时产生的话语, 其中主要是英语,也包括母语。,一、课堂话语的情景欠真实 T: Good. Sit down please. All right. Look at your teacher. I have a nice kite here. Is it nice? SS: Yes. T: Is it your kite? SS: No. T: No. Do you want to fly a kite? SS: Yes. T: Yes. But you dont have one. Yes. Come here please. S: Yes, I can. It is easy. T: It is easy. This is not your kite. Borrow it. S: Can I borrow it please? T: Let me see. OK. Here you are. S: Thanks.,请看下面的例子: T: OK now. Who will try to be my patient first? OK Lily, you please come here. S: Good morning doctor. T: Good morning. Sit down please. S: Thank you. T: Whats your name? S: My name is Lily. T: How old are you? S: Im sixteen. T: Are you a student? S: Yes. T: Which school do you study in ? S: In Huaqiao Middle School. T: Show me your hand please. Whats your trouble?,二、课堂话语的语言欠真实 T: How are you? S1: Im fine, thank you. T: What day is it today? S2: Today is Friday. T: Whats the weather like today? S3: Its fine. T: Do you like English? S4: Yes, I do. I like it very much. T: Do you have any hobbies? S5: Yes, I do.,另外,在呈现和讲解知识等环节中,有些教师也存在话语不连贯、不真实的问题。比如: T: I like red. Look, a red paper. Guess, whats this?(教师把红纸剪成一个苹果) S: Its an apple. T: Yes, its an apple. Apples are healthy fruit.(教师出示fruit 单词卡片),三、课堂话语的内容欠真实 。 T: I think you are so clever. I like you very much. I want to makefriends with you. Would you like to be my friends? SS: Yes. T: When I go back, Ill call you.(这位教师在另外一个地方借班上公开课). Look, this is my telephone number.(卡片正面写着a telephone number). My telephone number is 7369852.(卡片反面写着7369852) T: Do you have a telephone number? If you have a telephone number, please write it down. (稍后教师继续说话) Excuse me. Whats your telephone number? S1: My telephone number is .,有时候教师考虑不周,随口说出一些内容不真实的话语。比如: T: I want to go to the shop this afternoon. I want an apple. What about you? S1: I want to go to the shop. I want a banana. T: Oh, you want a banana. Sit down please. Anybody else? Yes? S2: I want to go to the shop. I want a pear. . . .,比如,一位教师在教授了wash 这个动词,引导学生进行以下操练: T: If I give you some water, what will you wash? S1: Ill wash my hands. S2: Ill wash my hair. S3: Ill wash my clothes. S4: Ill wash my bike.,(突然电话铃声响起,教师对学生抱歉地说Im sorry.然后接电话) A: Hello.(角色A说的话事先用手机预录好,角色B是教师) B: Hi, its Miss Wang. A: Hello, Miss Wang. What are you doing? B: Im having an English class. What about you? A: Im playing basketball. B: What about your mother? Whats she doing? A: Shes cooking dinner. B: And you father? A: Hes playing chess. B: Thank you. Bye! A: See you.,四、教师课堂话语的规范性不够 1.课堂话语缺乏正确性 请看下面例子: T: (教师头戴草帽,背着一个小萝筐) Hello, Im a farmer. I have a big farm. There are many vegetables on my farm. Today, Ive taken them here. Look, whats this?. 类似的情况还有很多,比如: T: Now he should stop doing hard work means he +had+ SS: +had+better stop doing hard work. T: Again. SS: He had better stop doing hard work.,在教学现在进行时态时,教师会用开门和关门这两个动作在教室里进行现成的情景教学,如: T: Now please look at me. What am I doing? I am closing the door. I am closing the door. What am I doing? SS: You are closing the door. T: Yes. I am closing the door. (练习closing的 发音若干遍) T: What am I doing? I am openingthe door. I am opening the door. What am I doing? SS: You are opening the door. T: Yes. I am opening the door. (pause)I am opening my book. Im closing my book. Now the whole class, please open your books. What are you doing? SS: We are opening the books. T: Now please close your books. What are you doing? SS: We are closing the books.,英语中除了瞬间性动词一般不用于进行时态以外,一些表示状态和心理活动的动词也很少用于进行时态。 比如stand 这个词可以用于进行时态中: 如:My mother is standing beside me. Anna is standing there in her Sunday best. 但是这些句子都有一个表示位置、方式的状语,beside me 和there in her Sunday best。 加上这些状语后,句子的意思是“某人站在何处”或“以某种方式站着”,而不表示“正在站着”的意思。 如果去掉这些句子中的状语,这些句子就不完整。 所以,像I am standing和He is standing这样的句子符合语法规则,但在现实中是不存在的,也是没有意义的。,2.课堂话语缺乏准确性 请看一个片段: T: Look at the panda in the picture. What is it like? (学生无反应,教师重复What is it like?,学 生还是无反应) (稍等)What color is it? S1: Its white and black. S2: It has a big head. S3: It has a short tail. ,五、导入环节教师话语的拖沓现象 T: I think you are so clever. I like you very much. I want to makefriends with you. Would you like to be my friends? SS: Yes. T: When I go back, Ill call you.(这位教师在另外 一个地方借班上公开课). Look, this is my telephone number.(卡片正面写着a telephone number). My telephone number is 7369852.(卡片反面写着7369852) T: Do you have a telephone number? If you have a telephone number, please write it down. (稍后教师继续说话) Excuse me. Whats your telephone number? S1: My telephone number is .,请看下面一个教学片段: T: (听完一首英文歌曲之后) How do you like this song? XX, what do you think? Do you like this song? Do you know the name of the singer? S1: Sorry, I dont know. T: Its OK. Does anybody know the name of the singer? S2: (过了一会,终于有人回答) The name of the band is Westlife. T: Exactly. Do you know the name of the song? S2: You raise me up. T: You raise me up. Great. Westlife is a great band. The four boys sing very well. They are good singers. XX, would you like to be a singer in the future? S3: No. T: What would you like to be? S3: I want to be a scientist.,六、课堂话语的冗余现象 看下面一个例子: T: OK. 今天我们主要学了8中颜色。那我们现在看看图来回答我的问题。OK,now, what color is number one? SS: Its yellow T: What color is number two? SS: Its white. T: What color is number two? SS: Its white. T: What color is number three? SS: Its orange. T: What color is number four? SS: Its brown. T: What color is number five? SS: Its red. T: Wha


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