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Part III passage,words and phrases,2019/7/8,2,broken,He said in broken English. 蹩脚的 He said in a broken voice. 断断续续 He said he had broken up with her. 分手 He said he had almost broken down. 崩溃 电话信号不好,断断续续怎么说? Sorry but you (your voice) are/is breaking up.,2019/7/8,3,He said his house has been broken in. 入屋盗窃 He said the a flu had broken out. 爆发 He said he will not tolerate the country to be broken apart. 分裂 He said broken clothes need mending. 破烂的,2019/7/8,4,mat,mattress的简写 doormat n.(放于门前的)擦鞋垫 coaster 杯垫:放在瓶子、水罐或酒杯下的圆盘、盘子或小衬垫,用以保护桌面或下面的其它平面 duvet n. 用羽毛, 绒毛等制成的棉被,2019/7/8,5,feast,feast n.节日, 盛宴, 筵席, 宴会, 酒席 vt.盛宴, 款待, 享乐, 请客 vi.参加宴会, 享受 festival n.节日, 喜庆日, 音乐节, 戏剧节, 喜庆, 欢宴, 欢乐 feasible adj.可行的, 切实可行的,2019/7/8,6,dye,shade n. 颜色深浅, 遮光物, hue n.色调 color n.(=colour)颜色, 色彩,2019/7/8,7,cunning,同义词sly adj.狡猾的 treacherous adj. 奸诈的, 叛逆的 coy a.腼腆的, 怕羞的, 卖弄风情的 naughty a. 淘气的 double-crosser 脚踏两船,两面派 ploy n.伎俩 trick n.小把戏,捉弄,2019/7/8,8,famine,famine 饥荒/ feminine 女性化的 famine food = roast locust 蝗虫 steamed worm 蠕虫 with eggs roast bugs 香烤水甴曱 feminine man = sissy,2019/7/8,9,rattle,rattle v. 发出卡嗒卡嗒声, 喋喋不休, 使受到惊吓 = shock rattle snake 响尾蛇,2019/7/8,10,ungrateful,grateful adj.感激的, 感谢的 gratitude n.感谢的心情 gratify vt.使满足 gratuitous adj.免费的,2019/7/8,11,mischief,do sb. a mischief = play a prank on sb. mis - badly, wrongly mistake 错误,误拿 misuse v.误用, 错用 misunderstand vt.误解, 误会,2019/7/8,12,feather,请区分further/ farther fur n.毛皮, 毛, 软毛 peel n. 果皮, 蔬菜水果的外皮 skin n.皮, 皮肤, 外皮, 外壳 leather n.皮革 Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,2019/7/8,13,flew,flew是那个动词的过去式? 答案-fly fled是那个动词的过去式? 答案-flee flea n.跳蚤, fleet n.舰队, adj.快速的, 敏捷的,2019/7/8,14,honor the tradition,honor = observe the tradition I feel honored. 我深感荣幸。 the honorable professor 尊敬的教授 time-honored 历史悠久的 同义词 prestigious 声望很高的/ renowned adj.有名的, 有声誉的/ celebrated adj.著名的,2019/7/8,15,party,party = a group of people crowd n. 人群 team n. 团队 troupe n.剧团 assembly n. 集合,大会 gathering n. 聚会 congress n. 议会 congregate v.聚集,2019/7/8,16,plumage,plumage n.鸟类羽毛, 翅膀 plump adj.圆胖的, 丰满的, 鼓起的 pump n.泵, 抽水机 plum n.李子,2019/7/8,17,approval,prove vt.证明, 证实, 检验, 考验 reprove v.责备 approval n.赞成, 承认, 正式批准 disapproval n.不赞成 disprove v.反驳, 驳斥, 证明.为误,2019/7/8,18,set,set = put 放置 on your markssetgo! 各就各位预备跑! set menu 套餐,2019/7/8,19,jump to his feet,jump to ones feet 跳起来 fall head over feet 完全拜倒 get cold feet 怯场 to think with your feet 很快地去想 to be six feet under 死了 knock someone off their feet 使某人极度惊讶 put your feet up 休闲,放松,2019/7/8,20,grumble,grumble vi.抱怨, 发牢骚, 咕哝, 嘟囔 stumble v.绊倒, 蹒跚, 结结巴巴地说 tumble vi.翻倒, 摔倒, 倒塌, 滚动, 翻筋斗 rumble v.隆隆声, 辘辘行驶, 低沉地说,2019/7/8,21,fill out,fill in / fill out a form 填表 fill (sth.) up 装满 refill 重新装满 fill the gap 填充差距 fill the void 填补空虚,2019/7/8,22,peck,peck vt.啄食, 扔 a peck on the cheek 在脸颊上的轻吻 peek n.一瞥, 匆忙看过 v.偷看 peep n.窥看, vi.窥视, 偷看 beak n.鸟嘴, 喙,2019/7/8,23,dutifully,duty n.义务, 责任, 职责, 职务, 税 obligation n.义务, 职责, 债务 demure adj.端庄的, 态度或行为上谦恭并且沉默寡言的 tame adj (指人)顺从的,2019/7/8,24,let himself go,let go 放手不管 free fall 自由落体 abandon n.放任 indulge v.纵容 excessive a.过度的,2019/7/8,25,2019/7/8,26,Activity Writing exercise,You are the tortoise filled with guilt and regret. Now you are going to write a letter to the birds to express your regret over what happened. No less than 150 words.,2019/7/8,27,Please include,1. what you have done wrong 2. how you feel about your mistake 3. what changes you are going to make and what you are going to do to make up for the loss. 4. again, ask for forgiveness.,2019/7/8,28,tips,ACTIONS. Rather than focusing on the damage you have caused, write about things you will do to rectify the situation. BRIEF. Keep your apology letter short and to the point. SINCERITY. No one wants to read overly dramatic language. Choose your words carefully and express yourself clearly and simply. TONE. Your apology letter should be considerate and respectful. Remember, you are trying to rebuild a damaged relationshi


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