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Q1 2002,陆 斌 Lu Bin,What is Q1 2002 什么是Q1 2002,Ford Motor Company exclusive designation 它是福特公司所特有的 Set of fundamental quality and manufacturing disciplines 基本的质量和制造规则 Drives suppliers continual improvement 帮助供应商不断持续改进 Put tools in place to maintain excellence 用一些工具维持最佳 Improve each passing year 每年都得到提升 Q1 not achieved independently - guides cooperation - Ford/Supplier relationship Q1不是独立获得的-引导福特和供应商之间的关系,page 3,Supplier Benefits of Q1 供应商达到Q1的好处,Recognition (Q1 flag, Q1 plaque) 认可(Q1旗帜和标志) Publicity and Advertising Privileges 宣传和广告 Self-Certification (PPAP) 自身认可(PPAP) World Excellence Award (acknowledges the best of the best) 世界优秀供应商奖励 Preferred Status with Changan Ford (Ideally only Q1 facilities are considered in source selection) 长安福特的首先供应商(只有Q1工厂才在选点中被考虑),page 19,Q1 2002 Requirements Q1 2002的要求,Any external suppliers manufacturing facility that currently supplies parts to Ford is eligible for consideration 适用于所有为福特工厂供货的外部供应商制造现场 Suppliers facility has to achieve excellence in five key areas: 供应商制造现场在以下五个重要方面必须做到最好: Capable Systems 合格的体系 Ongoing Performance 持续的实际业绩 Site Action Plan 现场的行动计划 Satisfied Customers 满意的客户 Continual Improvement 持续改进,page 7,Capable Systems 合格的体系,Third-party certification: 第三方认证: QS-9000 (or TS 16949) ISO 14001 (environmental management system) ISO 14001(环境管理体系) MS-9000, MMOG or Odette (materials management system assessment) MS-9000, MMOG 或 Odette(材料管理系统评审),page 7,2) Ongoing Performance 持续的实际业绩,Suppliers performance history with Ford: 供应商在福特的业绩历史: Field Actions 召回 Stop Shipments 停止发货 PPM Performance PPM业绩 Delivery Performance 交货业绩 Monthly Q1 2002 overall score 每月的Q1总分 Q1 suppliers are responsible not just for their own sites, but for controlling the quality of any suppliers that provide them with product. Q1的供应商不仅要对他们自已的现场负责,还要控制向他们提供产品的供应商的质量,page 7,3) Site Action Plan 现场的纠正措施,Site assessments supplier tools to gage their performance to address: 现场评审-供应商来衡量他们业绩的工具: Planning & Demonstration of Manufacturing Process Capability 计划和证实过程能力 Variability Improvements 偏差改进 Manufacturing Efficiencies (Lean, FTT, OEE) 制造的效率(精益生产,FTT,OEE) Customer Satisfaction (documented in QOS) 客户满意(在QOS中文件化) All suppliers must perform a Manufacturing Site Assessment by February 1, 2002 and re-assess every 6 months. 所有供应商必须每半年进行一次现场评审,page 9-11,4) Satisfied Customers 满意的客户,Each supplier site must provide customer endorsements of: 每一个供应商现场必须获得客户背书: Supplier Technical Assistance (STA) 国产化工程师 Each Ford plant that receives product 每一个接产品的福特工厂 Material Planning & Logistics (MP&L) 物流部 Ford Customer Service Division (FCSD) 福特客户服务部 Each of those customer must provide the supplier with an endorsement 每一个客户都必须对供应商进行背书,page 11,5) Continual Improvement 持续改进,Q1 2002 thresholds for performance metrics and site assessment will be raised annually to drive overall continual improvement. 为了促进持续改进,Q1 2002的业绩矩阵和现场评审每年都会上升,page 13,Applying for Q1 2002 1 申请Q1 2002-1,Suppliers should contact their STA site engineer, who will help/guide the suppliers through the Q1 process 供应商应与现场STA工程师联系,他们将帮助供应商了解Q1程序 Conduct and submit a self-evaluation to ensure meeting Q1 2002 criteria 执行并提交一份自我评估报告,确保满足Q1 2002标准 Once the supplier believes the facility is ready obtain necessary customer endorsements (valid for 6 months) 在供应商认为现场已准备妥当来获取客户背书认可(有效期6个月),page 21,Applying for Q1 2002 2 申请Q1 2002-2,Formal application to Ford STA with documentation of certification to QS-9000/TS 16949, MS-9000 (or MMOG, Odette) & ISO 14001 带上QS9000/TS16949,MS-9000和ISO14001的认证文件正式向长安福特STA审请 A Q1 on-site evaluation may be scheduled to review qualifications to Q1 2002 Q1现场评估符合Q1 2002,page 21,Applying for Q1 2002 3 申请Q1 2002-3,Responsible STA Commodity Manager provides a final recommendation based on Q1 2002 criteria 相关的STA产品经理对Q12002标准作最后认可 Minimum six-month shipping history for production and/or service 至少六个月的交货历史 If a supplier location has not shipped to Ford within prior 12 months is no longer considered Q1 如果供应商现场已有十二个月未交货,不再考虑Q1,page 21,Overall Q1 Score 1 Q1 分数-1,Every Supplier site begins with a 1000 point Q1 score 每一个供应商的Q1初始分为1000 Suppliers must maintain an overall score of at least 800 points for Q1 status 为了保持Q1,供应商必须维持至少800分 Sites must maintain certification to QS-9000/TS 16949, ISO 14001 and compliance to MS-9000/MMOG/Odette 工厂必须保持QS9000/TS16949,ISO14001并符合MS-9000/MMOG/Odette Sites gain or lose points based on their performance metrics. 根据工厂业绩加减分数,page 28,Overall Q1 Score 2 Q1分数-2,Sites must meet all Q1 manufacturing site expectations & implement effective corrective action plans 工厂必须满足制造现场评估要求,并执行有效的纠正措施. Not meeting Q1 2002 requirements or fail to implement effective action plan: lose 250 points & Q1 will be revoked 不能满足Q1 2002的要求或不能执行有效的纠正措施,减250分,Q1撤消 Suppliers on Q1 revocation: 供应商Q1撤消: cannot gain points for positive performance 不会因为积极的业绩而获得分值 cannot regain Q1 status for 6 consecutive months. 6个月内不能重获Q1状态,page 15-17,Overall Q1 Score 3 Q1分数-3,The final Q1 score is tabulated for: 最后的Q1总分由: Capable Systems 合格的系统 Ongoing Performance 持续的业绩 Site Action Plan 工厂的纠正措施,page 15,Capable Systems 合格的体系,Prerequisites that must supplier maintain: 供应商必须具备的前提: ISO 14001- Environmental Management System ISO 14000-环境管理系统 QS-9000/TS 16949 - Quality Management System QS-9000/TS16949-质量管理系统 suppliers are required to be third-party certified to QS-9000 or TS 16949 by Job#1 供应商要在正式投产前通过QS-9000/TS16949 MS-9000/MMOG/Odette - Material Management System MS-9000/MMOG/Odette-物料管理系统,page 25-27,Ongoing Performance 1 Scoring Thresholds: 持续业绩-1得分:,Field Action (-250 points) in a 6 month period in which supplier has responsibility (Tier 1, 2, 3 ): 召回(-250分) 六个月内由于供应商(一级、二级、三级)的责任造成召回 Supplier site loses 250 points 供应商工厂减去250分 Q1 status is immediately revoked Q1状态立即撤消,page 28&29,Go to Q1 Book,Stop Shipment (0 to -250 points) 2 or more Stop Shipments in a 6 month period: 停止发车(0-250分) 在六个月内有2个或更多的停止发车 Supplier loses 250 points 供应商减去250分 Q1 status is immediately revoked Q1状态立即撤消,Ongoing Performance 2 Scoring Thresholds: 持续业绩-2得分:,page 28&29,PPM (+100 to -250 points) PPM(+100到-250分) 6 month PPM (production or service) exceeds the ongoing commodity PPM by 100% or more and site PPM 120: 6个月的PPM(生产件和售后件)超过同类商品平均值的100%或更多同时 PPM值大于120 Supplier site loses 250 points 供应商减去250分 Q1 status is immediately revoked Q1状态撤消 Gain up to 100 points by outperforming the commodity PPM PPM如果比同类商品的平均值低加一倍100分 Gain up to 100 points by achieving 60 or less PPM PPM值为60或更少加100分,Ongoing Performance 3 Scoring Thresholds: 持续业绩-3得分:,page 28&31,Delivery Rating (+100 to -250 points) falls below 81 metric points : 交货评分(+100到-250分)低于81点: Supplier loses 250 points 供应商减去250分 Q1 status is immediately revoked Q1状态立即撤消 Gain 50 points when 97-99 metric points 97-99点,加50分 Gain 100 points when 100 metric points 100点,加100分,Ongoing Performance 4 Scoring Thresholds: 持续业绩-4得分:,page 28&31,得 分,得 分 (续),只有当PPM 大于120时才得负分 得分至少需要2个月的发货,Site Action Plan 1 工厂行动计划-1,Scoring Thresholds: (-250 points) 分值(250分) Full site assessment annually, partial assessment every 6 months (see areas asteriksed *) 所有工厂评审每年进行一次,部分评审每六个月进行一次(见 *标注) Planning for Manufacturing Process Capability 制造过程能力计划 Demonstration of Manufacturing Process Capability 证明制造过程能力,page 28&33,Site Action Plan 2 工厂行动计划-2,Suppliers must demonstrate fundamentals based on objective evidence 供应商必须以客观证据证明 Assessment can be done as: 评估可用以下几个方面进行: a self-assessment by the supplier 供应商进行自我评审 an on-site assessment conducted by the STA engineer STA工程师进行现行评审,page 35,Planning for Manufacturing Process Capability 制造过程能力计划 1)Quality Procedures, QS-9000/TS 16949, QOS 质量程序,QS9000/TS 16949,QOS 2) FMEAs/Control Plans * FMEA/控制计划* 3) Employee Readiness/Training Review 足够的职员/培训评审 4) PPAP Review and RunRate Review PPAP评审和节拍生产评审 5) Manage the Change 更改管理,Site Action Plan 3 工厂行动计划-3,page 37-43,Demonstration of Manufacturing Process Capability 证明制造过程能力 1)Sub-supplier Quality Management * 分供方质量体系管理* 2)Control of Incoming Quality 进料质量控制 3)Control Plans/Operator Instructions * 控制计划/作业指导书* 4)Process Variability Monitoring * 过程变异监控* 5)Gage Calibration and Use * 量具的校准和使用 6)Part Identification, Nonconforming Parts, Packaging, Shipping 零件标识,不合格的零件,包装和发货,Site Action Plan 4 工厂行动计划-4,page 45-51,Demonstration of Manufacturing Process Capability 证明制造过程能力 7) Testing, Engineering Specifications 测试、工程规范 Preventive Maintenance (PM)/ Housekeeping * 预防性维护(PM)/库房* Manufacturing Flow, Lean Manufacturing Metrics * 制造过程流程,精益生产* Problem Solving, Corrective Actions 问题解决,纠正措施,Site Action Plan 5 工厂行动计划-5,page 51-53,Revocation of Q1 2002 1 Q1 2002撤消-1,When a problem is identified, STA will work with a supplier to identify the root cause of a problem and develop a corrective action plan. 一旦确定撤消Q1,STA将与相应的供应商合作查找问题的根源, 并制定纠正计划 If, however, a supplier has not satisfactorily addressed the performance or customer satisfaction problem, the suppliers Q1 status will be affected. 如果供应商对业绩和客户满意方面问题的对策不能使人满意,供 应商的Q1状态会受到影响,page 17,Initial 1000 Q1 points 最初的Q1分值为1000分 Overall Q1 score will be updated monthly Q1分值每月更新一次 Effect on Q1 status cannot be offset by positive performance in other areas 其它领域的积极业绩,不能弥补和影响Q1状态 Regain Q1: supplier must satisfy all requirements for 6 consecutive months, incl. all endorsements 恢复Q1:供应商在六个月内必须满足所有的要求,包括所有的背 书,Revocation of Q1 2002 2 Q1 2002撤消-2,page 17,Site Q1 Performance 1,Site: D7020 - SUPPLIER CORP TOWN,STA Mfg Location,1234 Supplier Street Town , ST 54321 US,Site Assessment,Next Site Assessment,01-OCT-2001,Date:,No,Self Assessment:,Capable 0 points,Ineffective Action Plan -250 points,Summary,Parent,Help,Metric Contacts,Download (QRO),Site Mgt. Database,Q1 Perform.,Map,S


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