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央广播电视大学20032004学年度第一学期“开放本科”期末考试英语专业高级日常英语试题2004年1月 注 意 事 项 一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。监考人收完考卷和答题纸后才可离开考场。 二、仔细读懂题目的说明,并按题目要求和答题示例答题。答案一定要写在答题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。Information for the examinees: This examination consists Of three sections They are:Section 工: Listening test(40 points,40 minutes)Section : Reading Test(40 points,50 minutes)Section : Writing Test(20 points,30 minutes)The total marks for This examination are 100 points Time allowed for completing thisexamination is 2 hours(120 minutes)Section I : Listening Test 40 points Instructions: The Listening Test will 1ake approx;mately 40 minutes T1)ere are Three parts lo 111e test and you will heareachpart twice There will be a pause O(30 seconds before each part to let you l00k at the task and another pause after each part to a110w you to think:I bout your answers You can Crst write your answers on this test paper YOU will have 10 minutes 9l the end Of the listening test to transfer your answers to the answer Sheet ALL ANSWERS MUST APPEAR ON THE ANSWER SHEETPart 1 (1 8)A telephone ConversationQuestions(1 8) Blank filling listen to the telephone conversation and fill in the blanks With the appropriate words Now you have half a minute to 100k at the questionsDate: January 19thTime: 5 pmFrom: (1)To: (2)ReasonOr call: Leaving for(3)tomorrow for(4)Wants to gay goodbyeWants advice on(5)for childrenCall back times: Tonight(6)Tomorrow morning(7)Phone number: (8)Now you have half a minute to Cheek you answersPart 2: (9 - 14) An Extended ConversationQuestions 9 - 14 True or False Listen to the extended conversation and decide whether thefollowing statements are T(rue) or F(alse) and Write T for true and F for false on your answersheet.You have half a minute to look at the questions.9. To open a bank account foreign students must first get a social security number.10. Li Weiwei s permanent address is where she lives in China.11. She wants to deposit $1000 to open the account.12. She chooses to open a regular savings account.13. The bank pays 6% interest on Preferred Savings Accounts.14. The bank makes a charge if the balance is lower than $ 500.Part 3 (15- 29) A MonologueYou are going to listen to a recorded speech by a housewife. Listen to the recording carefullyand try to understand as much as you can.4Task 1 Questions (15-24) Spot dictation: Fill in the following blanks with one word as youlisten to the speech for the first time. You now have half a minute to look at the task. Luckily, my husband earns (15). money to (16) us all but I believethat, in many ways I (17) money by staying at home. If I have a job, I would needhelp with the children, the home and the (18) . I would need to have a freezer to(19) food, have a food processor and a microwave cooker to save time. I wouldhave to buy (20) convenience foods because 1 wouldnt have time to (21)properly. I would have to pay baby-sitters and child-minders, (22) ,hairdressers,gardeners, odd-job men and many others. And, the (23) is, I do not want to (24) other people to work for my family! I love being with them in all sorts of differentsituations.Task 2 Questions (25 - 29) Guided summary Listen to the speech for the second time and complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with one to three words.25. I dont feel . staying at home.26. I have got tile time to make clothes for the27. I think it is important to have time to to my husband and children.28. I advice the parent to if they can afford it.29. I think it is for the parent to stay at home.Now you have half a minute to cheek you answers. This is end of the listening test.You now have ten minutes to cheek and transfer all your answers for the listening test to your answer sheet. Section I1. Reading Test 40points Instructions: There are three parts to the test, each including one reading passage. The test will take approximately 50 minutes.There will be NO extra time to transfer answers to the Answer Sheet; therefore, you shouldwrite ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task.Part 1: Questions (30 - 34) are based on passage 1. 10 pointsBoost for Beijing - Tianjin Sandstorm Control ProgramAs spring draws near, Beijingers thoughts are turning to the annual onslaught of March sandstorms on their city - ordeals which see many tons of sand and grit dumped on large areas and which get into buildings and clog peoples hair, eyes and nostrils. Last year saw one two-day storm dump more than 30 tons of choking sand/grit on local streets before high winds carried it east to South Korea. Meanwhile, in efforts to reduce the effects of the storms, the Chinese government is reinforcing the Beijing-Tianjin sandstorm source, control program with new policies to boostthe efficacy of current tree-planting and greening measures.: The program covers 75counties in Hebei and Shanxi provinces, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous region and Beijingand Tianjin municipalities - a total area of 458,000 square kilometers. Over the next 10years, 205,000 square kilometers of desert and soil-eroded land will be grassed. To date, a total of 2. 28 million hectares of such land have been transformed and 1.4million hectares of woods planted. Just over two million hectares of new grassland andforestry have emerged in the regions covered by the program, resulting in a gradualimprovement in overall ecological conditions. Despite this, it has become harder for the program to be carried out. To reduce ornegate sandstorms in the capital as soon as possible, it is imperative to readjust currentpolicies for desertification control and afforestation under the present program. Thus newpolicies will include permission for individuals to enjoy the same state subsidies forafforestation as official economic entities.Questions (30- 34) Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer among the choices given. Writethe appropriate letters in the space indicated on the answer sheet.30. Onslaught means a. arrival b. violent attack c. advance d. torture31. Reinforcing means a. making obligatory b. repairing c. modifying d. making stronger32. Efficacy means a. effectiveness b. efficiency c. adequacy c. suitability 33. Ecological conditions means. a. what is necessary to improve the climate b. the situation regarding air, land, water and vegetation c. the study of dust and sandstorms d. the methods of desert control and restoration of plants34. Afforestation means a. replanting old forests b. reducing forests c. planting new forests d. taking care of forestsPart 2: Questions (35 - 38) are based on passage 2. 10 points Passage 2 1. Dear Dr. Lucy: I have been happily married for nine years and have three children.My problem is my mother-in-law. She complains about everything. She says mean things tome while I just hang my head and try to be respectful because she is old. My husband is quietand easy-going and he tells me I should ignore her. I feel so angry and humiliated. Whatshould I do? Signed: Frustrated 2. Dear Frustrated: This is the classic situation in which your kindness has brought youproblems. Be firm. Tell her that you do not appreciate her complaints about you and that you would appreciate her being nice to you since you have great respect for her. Signed: Dr. Lucy 3. Dear Dr. Lucy: The teacher called me and told me my son has been bullying younger children at school. He seems such a quiet boy but has never had many close friends. I find it hard to believe that he would behave that way. Maybe its his size. He is eight years old and is taller than the other children and weighs 40 kilos. Signed: Mothers Tears 4. Dear Mothers Tears: You could make sure he is not sitting around watchingtelevision at home, but is out playing sports or walking. Be sure to spend some time with him. He needs attention. Signed: Dr. Lucy 5. Dear Dr. Lucy: My neighbor is a middle-aged widow who lives next door. She spends hours in our house every day and frequently interferes in how we take care of our children. She is always giving them sweets and ice cream. When we scold our children, she tells them we re only joking. Signed: Unwilling Hostess 6. Dear Unwilling: You are the victim of your own hospitality. Tell this woman youare busy next time she knocks at the door. Dont let her in! Shes no friend. Get her out ofyour life. She shouldnt visit more than once a month and then without candy and ice cream. Signed: Dr. Lucy 7. DearDr. Lucy: My husband is having an affair with my neighbor. Its gettingworse and worse. Last night they were seen by everyone in our area having tea and kissing ina nearby park. I am totally sad because my husband is so openly in love with this woman.Please tell me what to do. Signed: Sad wife at home 8. Dear Sad: Tell your husband to pack his bags and leave. No husband is better thana cheating one. He is making a fool of you. Divorce him. Signed: Dr. LucyQuestions 35 - 38 Matching: Match each of the items in column A with appropriate items from columns B and C. (-ten choices in al! )Column A Letter Writers Column B ProblemsColunm C: Solutions35. Frustrateda. bullying son1. get divorced36. Mothers Tearsb. noisy neighbours m. grin and bear it37. Unwilling Hostessc. scolding childrenn. make him lose weight38. Sad Wife at Homed. widowed neighbouro. move housee. mother-in lawp. pack his suitcasesf. secret loverq. give more attentiong. unsupportive husbandr. sue himh. jealous neighbours. refuse frequent visitsj. constant complaintst. attack the other womank. unfaithful husbandu. make him exercisePart 3: Questions (40 - 48) are based on passage 3. 20 points Passage 3I was married for almost six years., happily married for the first two years. Jody and I were classmates at high school and were attracted to each other from the time we first met at the age of twelve or thirteen. We always hung out together and started dating seriously when we were only fifteen. I was so excited the first time I asked her out! After that, we spent every spare moment together.Everyone. our parents, teachers, friends and so on. predicted that wed break up one day. We were determined to prove them wrong and were engaged when we were nineteen. The evening I proposed was like something from a romantic novel. I chose my moment and asked the magic question: Jody, darling, will you marry me? her answer was a few tears of happiness. It seems crazy when I look back on it! Again, everyone was expecting us to break off the engagement, but we never even considered that.A year later, we had a typical, big wedding ceremony and Jody really did look the perfect, beautiful bride in her white gown. We had a great time in Lake Taho for our honeymoon and came back and settled down to married life. Jessica, our daughter, was born, according to plan, two years after we were married and that was when our problems began.We were both delighted to be parents, but somehow we just grew further and further apart from each other. We were arguing, the whole time and were both very miserable. Eventually, after four years, we separated and then, divorced. I still see Jessica regularly. I cant say I enjoy living alone, but I havent yet found another partner. Jody is dating a guy who lives in the same apartment house as her but I dont think their relationship is really serious. Im really sad about our divorce, hut I guess everyone was right: we were too young when we started going together and, the truth is, we were never really compatible. Questions 40-43. Guided Summary: Fill the blanks with one to two words from Passage 3 to complete the summary.Cliff is telling us his marriage with jody. They were 39 at high school, and 40 to each other. Although all the people around them predicted they would41 one day, they got engaged and 42 , after their daughter was born, they often argued and grew further and further apart. Finally, they separated and 43 Questions 44- 48. True or False: Mark the following statements as T (true) or F (false) on your answer sheet.44. In the text, relationship indicates that a man and woman are more than just friends.45. Theyve been married for 6 years.46. They had a small church wedding.47. They settled in Lake Toho for married life.48. They failed in their marriage because they were too young when they got married. Section m: Writing Test (150 words ) 20 pointsIn
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