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,贝多芬简介,贝多芬简介,贝多芬简介,贝多芬简介,Beethoven(1770-1827) 贝多芬。德国作曲家、钢琴家,出生于波恩的一个 音乐世家,维也纳古典乐派代表人物之一。自幼跟父亲学习音乐。5岁左右开始学习钢琴、小提琴,8岁公开演奏,10岁开始作曲,22岁迁居维也纳,以教学、演出和作曲为生。他31岁时耳聋,54岁完全失去听觉后还写了三部弦乐四重奏。他毕生追求“自由、平等、博爱”。他的创作思想受法国资产阶级革命运动影响,在创作手法上有多方面的革新,对近代西洋音乐的发展有深远的影响。 原名,是作者献给他的女友朱丽叶奇察尔迪的。本篇课文的内容反映了他当时创作这首作品的历史背景。,The moonlight Sonata,Unit 21 She taught herself,Lesson 82,Lesson 82 The eighty-first lesson,Pre-read,Text,Words and expressions,Exercise,THE MOONLIGHT SONATA,One evening Beethoven was walking in a street when he suddenly stopped outside a little house. He heard someone playing his Sonata in F. From the small house came a girls voice: “I cant play any more. This piece of music is so difficult to play. How I wish I could hear Beethoven himself play it!” “Ah, my sister , but we are so poor,” said a young man. “We cannot afford to buy tickets to the concert.” “Forget it,” said the girl. “I just said it for fun.”,Questions:,Why didnt the girl go to the concert?,Because she was so poor. She cannot afford to buy tickets for the concert.,Beethoven knocked at the door and it opened. in the dim candle light a girl was sitting before a piano. A young man was making shoes by a table near her. “Pardon me,” said Beethoven, “but I heard the music. You wish to hear” He stopped. To his surprise he found the girl was blind. “Excuse me. Who taught you to play the music? You learned it by ear?” “I heard the woman next door playing this music. I listened to her outside her window for a long time.”,Questions:,Why was Beethoven surprised to see the girl?,Because he found she was blind.,Beethoven said no more. He sat down before the piano. The moon shone brightly in through the window. He looked up to the sky for a while. Then he said to himself, “Ill play a Sonata to the moonlight!” He began to play. The young girl and the young man listened to him silently near the piano. They both lost themselves in the beautiful music. After Beethoven went back home, he worked all night writing down the new piece of music. He called it the Moonlight Sonata.,Questions:,Where did he compose(作曲、编曲)his Moonlight Sonata?,He composed the Sonata at the girls home.,How did they feel?,They lost themselves in the beautiful music.,Words and Expressions,moonlight n.&a. 月光,sonata n. (音乐)奏鸣曲,poor a. 贫穷的;可怜的,afford v. 有足够的(钱、时间)做某事,knock v. 敲、击,一、Words,dim a. 微暗的;昏暗的,pardon v. 原谅(某人);宽恕,blind a. 瞎的;盲的,shine (shone) v. 照亮;发亮,bright a. 明亮的;晴朗的,brightly ad. 明亮地;晴朗地,through prep. 通过;穿过;经过,silent a. 寂静的;沉默的,silently ad. 寂静地;沉默地,二、 Expressions,notany more =no more 不再,afford to 支付得起,knock at 敲(门、窗等),Forget it. 别再提了,to ones surprise 另(某人)惊奇,另(某人)吃惊的是,next door 隔壁,look up 向上看;抬头看,for a while 一会儿,say to oneself 自言自语,lose oneself in 陶醉于,Exercise One,词型转化,1.poor(反义词)_ 2.surprise(形容词)_ 3.shine(过去式)_ 4.bright(副词)_ 5.through(同音词)_ 6.piano(复数)_ 7.silent(副词)_ 8.I(反身代词)_ 9.they(反身代词)_ 10.shine(现在分词)_,rich,surprised,shone,brightly,threw,pianos,silently,myself,themselves,shining,Exercise Two 单项选择,He heard someone _the piano. A.playing B.to play C.is playing D.played This piece of music is so difficult _. A.play B.to play C.playing D.for play How I wish I _ hear Beethoven himself play it! A.can B.may C.must D.could _ he found the girl was blind. A.To ones surprise B.To his surprised C.To his surprise D.To her surprise Beethoven said _. A.any more B.no more C.not more D.not longer,Exercise Three 完成句子,Do you like _ _(听) music? I _ play _ _(不能再). We cannot _ _(负担得起) buy tickets to the concert. “_ _(原谅我) said Beethoven. The moon shone brightly in _(透过) the window.,listening to,cant any more,afford to,Pardon me,through,Grammar,Grammar,Grammar,Grammar,adj. + ly adv.,careful heavy happy strong quick quiet beautiful,+ ly,carefully heavily happily strongly quickly quietly beautifully,He drove the tractor very c_. He s_ believed she was wrong. The baby is sleeping. Please speak q_. The young people laughed and talked h_. It rained h_ in most of South China last year. It is not safe to ride a bike so q_. The beautiful girl sang b_.,carefully heavily happily strongly quickly quietly beautifully,(I),arefully,trongly,uietly,appily,eavily,uickly,eautifully,(II),Translation,在的前面 _ 嘲笑 _ 看医生 _ 抓住他的手臂 _ 站队 _ queue jumper _ hurt badly _ wait for ones turn _ a cold spring morning _ waiting room _,at the head of,laugh at,see a doctor,take his arm,stand in line,不按次序排队的人,疼(伤)得厉害,等待某人的顺序,一个寒冷的春天的早晨,候诊(车、机)室,(III),1. Dont _ for him in the _ room.(wait) 2. Are there any _ in my homework? No. (mistake) 3. She cant go to school because her knees hurt _.(bad) 4. The man walked _ to the doctors door.(quick) 5. Doing is much _ than only saying.(necessary) 6. You must drive _(care). That car _ hit you.(near) 7. The man is waiting for his turn _ the food.(buy),wait,waiting,mistakes,badly,quickly,more necessary,carefully,nearly,to buy,One evening Beethoven was walking in a street.,was walking 这里是过去进行时态 结构与现在进行时态相同: Be,was,were,doing 的形式构成,eg. 1. When the teacher came into the classroom, we were talking. 2. I was reading this time yesterday. 3. My parents were watching TV at 9 yesterday.,注意所用的时间状语!,He heard someone playing his Sonata in F. hear sb. doing sth. 表示“听见某人正在做某事 强调听见的动作正在进行 Eg. 1. I hear the girl crying. 2. I heard him reading a book when I went into the classroom.,From the small house came a girls voice. =From the small house a girls voice came. 这里的这个句子是一个倒装句, 用来表示强调的语气。 eg. Here comes the bus.,I cant play any more. =I can play no more. 这里notany more =no more 表示“不再” eg. Beethoven said no more. =Beethoven didnt say any more.,I wish I could hear Beethoven himself play it! wish 所表达的是一种 愿望,现实中不太可能 发生。因此wish后面的从句中的动词 要使用过去式。 eg. 1. I wish I was a superman(超人)。 2. I wish there was no sandstorm(沙尘暴).,We cannot afford to buy tickets to the concert. afford 常和can、could连用,表示有能力承担 Eg. The book is too dear. I cannot afford to buy it. = The book is too dear. I cannot afford it.,To his surprise he found the girl was blind. To ones surpri


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