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课时跟踪练(四) Lesson 2 & Lesson 3 Language Points一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1Employed (使忙于) in reviewing his lessons these days, he didnt get in touch with you.2Every year, new graduates are seeking for jobs suitable (合适的) for themselves.3Men and women must be treated equally in education and employment (就业)4What surprised us most was that he didnt show any respect (尊重) to his parents.5At the meeting they discussed three different approaches (方法) to the study of mathematics.6The girl attempted (试图) to figure out the boys attitude (态度) towards her but without success.7I hope each of you can make a contribution (贡献) to our class and school.8The librarys only open at certain (某一) time of day.9The Korean peoples concept (观念) of a healthy diet is a bit different from that held here in China.10Dont believe in those ads that you can master a language in one month. Instead, it is a gradual process (过程), which may last for years.单句改错1The medical team consisted of five experienced doctors and ten skilled nurses will be sent to the earthquakehit areas.consistedconsisting2It is sure that he will hand over his business to his son when he gets old.surecertain3His grandparents has been used to live in the countryside.liveliving4He has made great contribution to the city development.contributioncontributions5The job market has changed and our approaches to find work must change as well.findfinding6English, as well as Chinese and maths, are of great importance.areis7Please send them my respect when you write.respectrespects8We object to employ a new graduate who has no practical experience.employemploying.选词填空concentrate on, make an attempt to, be to blame, arise from, in defence of, stand out, consist of, in competition with, in favour of, be likely to 1Charlie made_an_attempt_to apologize for what he had done, but his classmates wouldnt even talk to him.2All the people,men and women,young and old,were fighting against the flood in_defence_of their own homes.3In our city, almost everyone is in_favour_of bringing down the housing price because it is too high for them to buy one.4This firm concentrates_on the European market to make more money.5The football team, consisting_of 22 players and three coaches, was set up about 3 years ago.6We should be aware that difficulties might arise_from such a situation.7Hey, that dress is making you stand_out in a crowd, so everyone can recognize you.8Who should you lay the blame on? In fact, it is you that are_to_blame.9(2015四川高考改编)Brian is gifted in writing music; he is_very_likely_to be a Beethoven.10They were in_competition_with each other for the prize.课文语法填空The classic advertisement is one that gives information about 1.finding (find) certain products. However, this kind of advertising might not be 2.suitable (suit) in direct competition.At present, large budgets are applied for advertisement designing. In order to stand 3.out,_many new concepts like freedom and many new 4.approaches (approach) like using humour appear in modern advertisements. By doing this, they hope to make people 5.forget (forget) that someone is trying to sell them something! 6.However,_not all advertising is about selling products and services for a profit. Some contemporary advertisements mainly aim 7.to_make (make) contributions to society. Some public advertisements encourage citizens to participate 8.in improving their neighbourhood, protecting the environment, and 9.helping (help) other people. They have helped to make our society a 10.better (good) place for everyone.串点成篇微表达我们公司由100多名员工组成(consist of),但大多数(majority)都已经五十多岁了。因此经理试图(attempt)雇佣(employ)一些新毕业生来代替他们并采用新方法(approach)。当他在会上提出这一想法时,问题便出现了(arise)。一些老员工责备(blame)他不尊重(respect)他们,并试图捍卫(defend)他们在公司的地位。幸运的是,一些人支持(in favor of)他。在他们看来,新毕业生可能(be likely to)会使我们的公司在新市场中脱颖而出(stand out)。Our_company_consists_of_more_than_100_workers,_but_the_majority_are_over_50._So_the_manager_attempts_to_employ_some_new_graduates_to_take_the_place_of_them_and_adopt_new_approaches._When_he_put_forward_his_idea_at_the_meeting,_problems_arose._Some_old_workers_blamed_him_for_showing_no_respect_for_them_and_tried_their_best_to_defend_their_position_in_the_company._Fortunately,_some_people_were_in_favor_of_him.In_their_opinion,_the_new_graduates_are_likely_to_make_our_company_stand_out_in_the_new_market.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.阅读理解Grasse has always been associated with smell. In the Middle Ages it smelt particularly unpleasant due to its leather tanning (制革) industry. The nobility (贵族) only rarely visited the pretty and charming town to pick up their handmade and tanned leather gloves. Compared with the large area of land in the surrounding countryside, Grasse was certainly a necessary evil with no selfrespecting noble owning buildings there.Molinard, a Grasse tanner himself, created the first Grasse perfume(香水). Word spread like wildfire amongst the nobility about the designer perfumed gloves. Molinard offered a pair of his gloves to Catherine de Medici (the Queen), who gave plenty of praise to her Grasse fragrant (芳香的) gloves; she almost singlehandedly assured Grasses reputation as the perfume capital of the world. Thanks to Catherine de Medici, Grasse merchants were encouraged to grow the fragrant plants that tanners needed to supply perfumed leather to the nobility.Grasse has four perfume factories and perfumeries as well as a perfume school and a perfume museum. Fragonards perfume museum is situated on the first floor of its perfume factory and displays an amazing private collection of perfume bottles, presentation boxes, documents and equipment that tell the history of perfume making from its earliest beginnings to the present day. The perfume museum is open every day, Sundays and public holidays included.Grasse is certainly a fragrant heaven, a_far_cry from its smelly beginning as a leather tanning town. Now famous for a far sweeter smell, Grasse is surrounded by fields of jasmine, roses and so on.Those looking for real estate in France would have to go a long way to find anywhere more charming than Grasse with the city of Nice and its airport just a short drive away and plenty of activities to enjoy in the surrounding countryside. Real estate in Grasse is situated between the Southern Alps and the Cote dAzur, allowing owners the best of both worlds.1. Why was Grasse considered to be necessary although it was an “evil”?AIt produced leather gloves.BIt was a beautiful and attractive town.CIt made the nobility look respectable.DIt beautified the surrounding countryside.解析:选A细节理解题。文章第一段中的“its leather tanning (制革) industry”“only rarely visited the pretty and charming town to pick up their handmade and tanned leather gloves”说明格拉斯当时制造的皮手套非常著名。故选A。2What does the underlined part “a far cry” in the last but one paragraph mean?AA long cry.BA great surprise.CVery different. DVery distant.解析:选C词义猜测题。画线词前后的“a fragrant heaven”和“from its smelly beginning as a leather tanning town”说明格拉斯现在是香水天堂,不同于它刚开始时是一个有皮革臭味的小城。3According to Para.3, Fragonards perfume museum _.Ahas several perfume factoriesBis famous for its perfume schoolBshows visitors the history of GrasseDcan be visited all the year around解析:选D细节理解题。文章第三段的最后一句提到Fragonard香水博物馆每天(包括周日和公众假日)都对人们开放,因此选D项。4What is the main idea of the last paragraph?AGrasse is now a perfect place to live.BGrasse is still less competitive in real estate.CGrasse is becoming an important tourist attraction.DLiving in Grasse might cause you much inconvenience.解析:选A段落大意题。文章最后一段提到格拉斯非常宜居,房地产非常发达,因此选A项。.语法填空There was once a forest made up of tiny trees that were all growing up together.They had been planted by a very old man who made sure that they would all grow up to be straight and _1_ (health). However, the area was often attacked by strong winds, and the little trees preferred to avoid the winds, so they bent their trunks (树干) to protect _2_ (they)The old man tried to put them right by tying their trunks to supporting posts (支柱), but it was a waste of effort. Those trees just kept _3_ (bend) themselves to hide in the wind. Only one of those trees, one _4_ (locate) right in the middle of the forest, forced itself to grow up straight, _5_ (patient) standing the _6_ (annoy) winds.Years passed, and the old man died. And from then on the trees could grow however they


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