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Unit 4 阶段专题复习,Revision,1. 一个典型的美国家庭,a typical American family,3. 删除,2. 足球训练,4. 比较;对比,football training,cut out,compare with,5. 逼得太紧,6. 一个儿童的成长,push so hard,a kids development,7. 疲惫的孩子们直到晚上七点钟后才到家。 _ _ 8. 他们总是将自己的孩子与其他的孩子相比 较。_ _ 9. 他们为什么不让孩子们顺其自然呢? _ 10. 所有这些活动会给孩子们导致很大的压 力。_ _,The tired children dont get home until after 7:00 p.m.,They always compare their children with other children.,All these activities can cause a lot of stress for children.,Why dont they let their kids be kids?,1. Careless driving often _ accident. 2. Twelve oclock is the _ time to have lunch. 3. He is a writer of great _. 4. It was _of you to skate on such thin ice.,. Fill in the blanks.,skill crazy usual cause,causes,Exercises,usual,skills,crazy,5. In my _, people shall not smoke in public places. 6. If you _ the two cars, youll find them very alike. 7. Will you help me to _ up the window. 8. Its a _ Italian restaurant. 9. Please _ what you were doing before I came in. 10. Id like to go away, _ France or somewhere.,opinion,compare,push,typical,continue,perhaps,perhaps opinion continuepush compare typical,词汇速记 1. 争吵; 争论(v. ) 2. 代替; 反而; 却(adv. ) 3. 任何; 每一(pron. ) 4. 持续; 继续存在(v. ) 5. 比较(v. ) 6. communicate (v. ) (n. )交流; 沟通 7. second (num. ) (adv. )第二; 其次 8. develop (v. ) (n. )发展; 成长 9. unusual (adj. ) (反义词)(adj. )通常的,短语互译 1. 允许某人做某事_ sb. _ _ sth. 2. 浏览 look_ 3. 成功地发展; 解决 work _ 4. 与交流 communicate _ 5. copy others homework _ 6. give sb. pressure 7. compete with sb. 8. have a quick dinner 9. compare. . . with,完成句子 1. 你应该在睡前刷牙。 You _ _ your teeth before you go to bed. 2. 你不应该天天玩游戏。 You _ _ games every day. 4. 彼得应该怎么办? Peter do? 他应该向玛丽道歉。 He should Mary.,单项选择 1. Tony play the piano very well at the age of 5. can B. could C. will D. should 2. you pass me a pen? Id like to write down the telephone number. A. Should B. Could C. Will D. Need,3. Could I use your bike? Yes, of course, you . A. can B. could C. will D. need 4. I need some money to buy a computer. Maybe you get a part-time job. A. must B. may C. couldnt D. could,句型转换 1. You should get up early. (改为否定句) You up early. 2. You should get her a scarf. (对画线部分提问) I get her? 3. He could be there on time. (改为一般疑问句) he there on time?,1. 你怎么了?Whats _ with you? 2. 我父母不允许我与朋友外出闲逛。 My parents dont _ me _ hang _ with my friends. 3. 尽管他错了,但那又不是一件大事。 _, hes wrong, its not a _ _. 4. 其次,为什么不坐下与你弟弟进行交流? _, why dont you sit down and _ _ your brother?,allow to out,Although big deal,wrong,Secondly,communicate with,5. 相反,他看自己所喜欢的一直到深夜。 _, he watches _ he wants _ late at night. 6. 他应该和朋友交谈一下,以便于他可以说一声对不起。 He _ talk to his friends _ _ he can say hes sorry. 7. 为什么不让孩子们顺其自然呢? Why dont they _ the _ _ kids. 8. 人们不应该逼孩子们太紧。 People shouldnt _ their children so _.,until,Instead whatever,should so that,let kids be,push hard,体验中考,1. (2013鞍山中考)Can I smoke in the dining hall? Sorry. Its not . A. promised B. realized C. allowed D. reminded 【解析】选C。考查词义辨析。由答语上一句可知吸烟不被允许。promise意为“承诺”; realize意为“意识到”; allow意为“允许”; remind意为“回想起”。故选C。,2. (2013长沙中考)Its too late. I have to go now. Oh, its raining outside. Dont leave _ it stops. A. since B. until C. while 【解析】选B。考查连词的用法。句意: 太晚了, 我现在必须走了。噢! 外面正在下雨, 不要离开直到它(雨)停。not. . . until. . . 直到才。故选B。,3. (2013泰州中考)I feel stressed from time to time. Could you give me some advice? sharing your worries with your parents? A. Why dont you B. How about C. Why not D. Would you like 【解析】选B。考查固定句式。Why dont you. . . 后接动词原形, How about. . . 后接动名词, Why not. . . 后接动词原形, Would you like. . . 后接动词不定式。由答句中的动词sharing知, 用句型: How about. . . , 故选B。,4. (2013锦州中考) you please give me a hand? The box is too heavy. A. Should B. Could C. Must D. Need 【解析】选B。考查情态动词的用法。Could you please. . . ? 你能吗? 故选B。,5. (2013安徽中考)You drive you


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