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CET-4 写作,看图作文,写作步骤,1. 读图 2. 列要点 3. 拟草纲 4. 组织句子 5. 连句成文 6. 修饰润色,必备句型,As is described in the picture. 这幅图描述了 The purpose of the picture is to show us that. 这幅图的目的是为了给我们展示 We can deduce form this picture that. 从这幅图中我们可以推断 The picture indicates / conveys the meaning that 这幅图指出/传达 More and more people have come to realize. 越来越多的人已经意识到 Now it is commonly held that. but I doubt whether. 现在大家都普遍认为,但我怀疑,As is shown in the picture, we can see clearly the relationship between. and . 从图中我们可以清楚的看到和的关系。 No wonder most see the problem of. as that of . rather than that of. 难怪大多数人把看成的问题,而不是的问题。 Anyone with the least common sense knows that. 稍微有点常识的人都知道,There is much discussion today about. 现在人们都在热烈地讨论 Thanks to., more and more. 由于越来越多的 As more and more people., much attention should be placed on. 由于越来越多的人,所以人们应该重视 If such measures were not taken, the problem of. would have been more serious. 如果不采取这些措施,的问题就会更加严重。,On the surface/At first thought it may seem a sound /an attractive/ suggestion /solution / idea, but careful weighing on the mind /on closer analysis / on second thought, we find that . 表面上/第一眼看上去似乎是一个非常好的想法,但仔细一想/分析,我们却发现 Another reason why I dispute the above statement is that . 我之所以反对以上论点还有一个原因 Unless there is a common realization of ., it is very likely that . 除非大家普遍意识到,否则很可能 No easy method can be at hand to solve the problem of ., but the common recognition of the necessity of . might be the first step towards change in the right direction. 解决问题并不容易,但认识到的必要性是向正确方向发展的第一步。,1. 读图,三幅图 近视 人数不断上升,列要点,1)图片描述 2)原因分析 3)我的理解 建议,3. 拟草纲,1)图片描述 Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 The problem 2)原因分析 exam-oriented education (应试教育)/pressure 3)我的理解 建议 More freedom in education/different ways to evaluate their performance/more opportunities to access higher education,4. 组织句子,1)图片描述 Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 After a comparison of the 3 graduation pictures, we can see that the number of students who are myopic/nearsighted is increasing sharply.,2)原因分析 The reason why more and more students get nearsighted is that they live and study under high pressure. In modern society, the exam-oriented education (应试教育)gives students too much stress, they have to study very hard to get high scores to win a better future. Even during their spare time, they are sent to different kinds of agencies to have extra lessons. They are so tired that they have little time to rest their bodies and their eyes. No wonder more and more students get nearsighted,3)我的理解 建议 I dont think it is fair for the young. They should have the more freedom to learn whatever they are interested in and will be evaluated more objectively from different aspects, in different ways, not just exams. Its time that we improve our education system so as to provide the young a better education and a healthier life.,连句成文 修饰润色,所谓“模板” This illustration depicts_ (图画中的人物)Ving, with_(补充说明). Recently it has become common for people in many walks of life to_(进一步阐释) It seems to me that the cartoonist is sending a message about _(图画主题), which is _(进一步的说明). He seems to be saying that_(给出细节). In my opinion, _(个人阐述). This simple picture is a wake up call for _(所涉群体,如the whole of the human race). Therefore, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to put an end to _(问题所在). One the one hand, we must _(建议一). It is clear that the drawer of the illustration is urging us to _(进一步说明). On the other hand, _(建议二) Only in this way can we_(展望前景).,2013.12 样题作文,样文例析,We can see that in this picture, a teacher is teaching her pupils to deal with arithmetic questions, but some of them think that learning these mathematical skills is useless. They argue that by the time they are in the job market, these skills will be outdated. As to whether it is important to learn basic skills, people hold different views. As far as I know, it is very important for one student to acquire basic skills. At first, mastering basic skills well can lay a solid foundation for learning advanced skills. Basic skills are a floor, not a ceiling. Students must learn them first so that they can move on to various advanced skills. Whats more, learning basic skills helps to improve confidence and enhance self-esteem. Individuals with basic skills are likely to be more confident and active. All in all, if we want to keep progressing, it is important to learn basic skills well. By mastering basic skills and learning new things, we will have a bright future!,The Importance of Reading Literature,As is humorously portrayed in the cartoon, a teacher is handing a classic literature book to a student, asking the student to “just read it as if you are reading a long text message.” Obviously, the symbolical meaning of this picture is to show us the importance of reading literature.,It should be generally acknowledged that classic literature plays a significant role not only in preserving the essence of great minds but also in enhancing the quality of ones life. To begin with, literature as the collection of great minds will help us enormously broaden our horizons, experiencing things we wont have the chance to do as well as lives we wont be able to enjoy. What is more, those fine stories selected and conveyed by the great author, although happened in the past, still carry some useful information and implication for our daily lives. In addition, the beautiful words and sentences flowing in the pages of excellent literature can greatly ease our tiredness, making us feel easy and quiet.,Therefore, we ought to fully realize the importance of reading literature. Just as the teacher in the picture puts, reading literature should be as easy and common as reading text messages. Facing the coming challenges in the days ahead, we need to equip us with not only science but also literature by which we can beautify our life and the world.,Assignment,1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments,一、句子开头多样化,英语是一种句型结构灵活多变的语言。由于拘泥于传统语法框架,许多初学写作的人都喜欢用名词开头写句子。这样写倒是无可非议,但若通篇文章都是干巴巴的同样结构的句子,就显得呆板生硬,缺乏生气了。事实上,在英语写作中除名词可放在句子的开头外,许多其它词类及词组均可放在句子开头的位置。 例句:Women leave their homes to take a fuller part in society as time passes. 上面这句话至少还有两种开头方式: 1. As time passes, women leave their homes to take a fuller part in society. 2. To take a fuller part in society, women leave their homes as time passes.,二、避免一个“I”写到底,初学英文写作的人的另一通病是一个“”写到底,句首僵硬,缺乏变化。 One thing in particular I remember made me feel grateful toward my mother was that one day I went and asked her for my own garden, and she let me have my own little plot. I love it and take care of it well. I loved especially to grow peas. I was proud when we had them on our table. I would pull out the grass in my garden by hand when the first little blades came up. I would patrol the rows on


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