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考单招上高职单招网.短语填空 1He was _ in London, and came to America for further education.2It wasnt a good thing; _ it was a huge mistake.3Success in business is simply a matter of knowing when to _.4I found a woman _ trembling with cold at the corner of the street.5They found the cave quite _ when they were walking across the field.6Dont worry about your accommodation. Ill _ it.7_,I dont quite agree to this plan.8We had a wonderful time in the country. _ the traffic, we had no difficulty.9Shall I go on with the talk?Sure. _. Theyre all listening.10How do you _ the sudden disappearance of the murder weapon?答案 1.brought up 2.on the contrary 3.take a chance 4.in rags 5.by accident 6.take care of7To be honest 8.As for 9.Go ahead 10.account for.完成句子1They see a penniless young man _(在人行道上游荡) outside their house. (wander)答案 wandering on the pavement2And it was the ship _(把你带到了英国). (bring)答案 that brought you to England3The fact is _(我挣路费) by working as an unpaid hand. (earn)答案 that I earned my passage.模仿造句1I wonder,Mr Adams,if youd mind_us_asking a few questions.翻译希望你不要介意我把狗带在身边。答案 I hope you dont mind me bringing the dog with me.2His eyes stare at what_is_left_of the brothers dinner on the table.翻译她看了看剩下的那点可怜的头发,落下泪来。答案 She looked at what was left of her poor hair and started to weep.3Well,towards nightfall I found_myself_carried out to sea by a strong wind.翻译他醒来后,发现自己被绑在了一个树上。答案 When he came to,he found himself tied to a tree.4The next morning Id_just_about_given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.翻译劳累了一天后我刚刚就寝,电话铃就响了。答案 I had just gone to bed after a very hard day when the phone rang.5Anyway,I dont think it can be a lake.翻译这孩子刚吃了很多面包,我想他不可能饿了。答案 The child has just had a lot of bread. I dont think he can be hungry.二、阅读理解(2015湖南卷)Have your parents ever inspected your room to see if you cleaned it properly? Imagine having your entire house, garage, and yard inspected at any timewith no warning. Inspections were a regular part of lighthouse (灯塔) living, and a keepers reputation depended on the results. A few times each year, an inspector arrived to look over the entire light station. The inspections were supposed to be a surprise, but keepers sometimes had advance notice.Once lighthouses had telephones, keepers would call each other to warn that the inspector was approaching. After boats began flying special flags noting the inspector was aboard, the keepers family made it a game to see who could notice the boat first. As soon as someone spotted the boat, everyone would do lastminute tidying and change into fancy clothes. The keeper then scurried to put on his dress uniform and cap. Children of keepers remember inspectors wearing white gloves to run their fingers over door frames and windowsills looking for dust.Despite the serious nature of inspections, they resulted in some funny moments. Betty Byrnes remembered when her mother did not have time to wash all the dishes before an inspection. At the time, people did not have dishwashers in their homes. In an effort to clean up quickly, Mrs. Byrnes tossed all the dishes into a big bread pan, covered them with a cloth, and stuck them in the oven. If the inspector opened the oven door, it would look like bread was baking. He never did.One day, Glenn Fursts mother put oil on the kitchen floor just before the inspector entered their house. Like floor wax, the oil made the floors shiny and helped protect the wood. This time, though, she used a little too much oil. When the inspector extended his hand to greet Glenns mother, he slipped on the freshly oiled surface. “He came across that floor waving his arms like a young bird attempting its first flight,” Glenn later wrote. After he steadied himself, he shook Glenns mothers hand, and the inspection continued as though nothing had happened.语篇解读 本文主要讲述了灯塔巡视员对灯塔的巡视,以及灯塔看守人一家应对巡视的几种搞笑手段。1What does Paragraph 1 tell us about the inspection at the light station?A. It was carried out once a year.B. It was often announced in advance.C. It was important for the keepers fame.D. It was focused on the garage and yard.答案与解析 C 考查细节理解。根据文章第一段第三句“Inspections were a regular part of lighthouse (灯塔) living, and a keepers reputation depended on the results”可知,巡视员的检查结果与灯塔看守人的名誉有关。2The family began making preparations immediately after _.A. one of the members saw the boatB. a warning call reached the lighthouseC. the keeper put on the dress uniform and capD. the inspector flew special flags in the distance答案与解析 A 考查细节理解。根据文章第二段第三句“As soon as someone spotted the boat, everyone would do lastminute tidying and change into fancy clothes”可得出答案。3Mrs. Byrnes put the dishes in the oven because this would _.A. result in some funB. speed up washing themC. make her home look tidyD. be a demand from the inspector答案与解析 C 考查细节理解。根据文章第三段第四句“In an effort to clean up quickly, Mrs. Byrnes tossed all the dishes into a big bread pan, covered them with a cloth, and stuck them in the oven”可知,Byrnes太太将盘子放到烤炉中的目的是让她的房子看起来整洁。4If the inspector had opened the oven door, he would have seen _.A. an empty panB. many clean dishesC. pieces of baked breadD. a cloth covering something答案与解析 D 考查细节理解。根据文章第三段中的“Mrs. Byrnes tossed all the dishes into a big bread pan, covered them with a cloth, and stuck them in the oven”和“If the inspector opened the oven door, it would look like bread was baking”可得出答案。5The inspector waved his arms _.A. to try his best to keep steadyB. to show his satisfaction with the floorC. to extend a warm greeting to Glenns motherD. to express his intention to continue the inspection答案与解析 A 考查推理判断。根据文章最后一段最后三句的内容可知,巡视员挥舞手臂是为了保持平衡。三、完形填空(2016云南师范大学高考应考)Visitors to the dry, hot Sonoran Desert of the southern Arizona and Northern Mexico are amazed at the manyarmed giants. They are the saguaro cacti (树形仙人掌), a giant which gives the landscape its _1_ appearance. In the dry desert the saguaro cacti can live for more than 200 years,grow to a _2_ of 20 feet, and have as many as 10 arms.More _3_, the saguaro cacti still persist despite the unbearable desert climate. Those that have grown to old age have _4_ droughts, freezes, flash floods, and bush fires as well as the _5_ caused by groups of rats that eat their seedlings (幼苗). Like all other desert _6_, these leafless giants can store water for use during the deserts long dry seasons by _7_ water through their long roots.Naturally,the great saguaro cacti are a(n) _8_ part of the desert life. Actually the giants may be _9_ to many animals, including woodpeckers, owls, doves, bats and insects. In addition, after a saguaro _10_ the age of 10 or so, coldresistant flowers _11_ at the top of the plants once a year. These flowers _12_ birds, bats and bees, which come for the honey and for the tasty flowers with their black seeds._13_ the splendid saguaros are plentiful in the Southwest, they are unfortunately _14_. These giant cacti have great value in landscape gardening, and the thieves can earn thousands of dollars by uprooting and _15_ them to nurseries (苗圃). To protect these southwestern _16_, agents for the Arizona Department of Agriculture go around and _17_ the desert. Its a most important job though a hard one. But without the saguaro cacti, many desert animals would suffer a lack of _18_ and loss of nesting sites. The Southwest, too, would _19_ something of unique importance, since these desert giants have become a _20_ of the dry region.1A. general B. basic C. unique D. lovely2A. length B. height C. size D. width3A. pleasingly B. inspiringly C. interestingly D. amazingly4A. lived through B. broken through C. cut through D. got through5A. crisis B. damage C. destruction D. load6A. plants B. lives C. animals D. creatures7A. pouring B. squeezing C. pumping D. absorbing8A. independent B. vital C. original D. mysterious9A. spot B. field C. home D. camp10A. turns B. takes C. meets D. gains11A. come up B. come out C. show off D. show up12A. call B. trap C. fascinate D. stick13A. As B. But C. Although D. Yet14A. in danger B. in demand C. in need D. in control15A. exchanging B. trading C. offering D. selling16A. treasures B. decorations C. possessions D. creations17A. look over B. hand over C. watch over D. turn over18A. food B. scenery C. water D. flavor19A. affect B. abandon C. increase D. lose20A. signal B. sign C. mark D. symbol答案与解析 语篇解读 本文是一篇环境类的说明文。文章从奇特的形状、生活特性、经济价值等方面介绍了Sonoran Desert(索诺兰沙漠)的标志性植物树形仙人掌。1C 根据下文可知,树形仙人掌有多达10个手形分支,所以形状“独特”,故选unique“独特的”。general“普通的”;basic“基本的”;lovely“可爱的”。2B 根据前面的“giant”及后面的“20 feet”可知,此处表示的是“高度”,因此选height。length“长度”;size“尺寸”;width“宽度”。3D 根据上文可知,游客对树形仙人掌的形状惊讶不已,现在更令人惊讶的是它们的适应能力,因此选amazingly。pleasingly“令人愉快地”;inspiringly“鼓舞人心地”;interestingly“有趣地”。4A 根据上下文可知,树形仙人掌“经历”了恶劣环境的考验,live through“经历”符合语境。break through“突破”;cut through“抄近路穿过,走近路”;get through“接通电话,通过考试”。5B 除了恶劣的气候外,树形仙人掌还要遭受老鼠的“破坏”,因此选damage。crisis“危机”;destruction“毁灭”;load“负担”。6A 像沙漠里其他所有的“植物”一样,因此选plants。life“生命”;animal“动物”;creature“生物”。7D 树形仙人掌通过它们的长根茎吸收水。absorb“吸收”,符合语境。pour“倒,灌”;squeeze“挤压”;pump“抽出”。8B 根据下文可知,作为许多动物赖以生存的食物和家园,树形仙人掌是沙漠“极为重要的”部分,因此选vital“极重要的”。independent“独立的”;original“原始的”;mysterious“神秘的”。9C 根据最后一段的倒数第二句“But without the saguaro cacti.loss of nesting sites”可知,树形仙人掌可能是许多动物的栖息地。因此选home“家园”。spot“地点”;field“田地”;camp“营地”。10A 树形仙人掌长到10岁左右。此处选turn意为“到


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