



Lesson 1 At the Airport教学目标:学会用“What time is it ? Its ”描述具体的时间。了解并运用所学的语言知识在实际的生活中进行熟练的交际。教学重点、难点:重点:能听、说、读、写句子“What time is it ?Its”及单词“oclock”的用法。难点:运用所学语言,表达时间安排等。教学用具:多媒体课件,单词卡片等。教学过程:Step1: Warmingup Give the students a beautiful song .Step2: Revision.(1)Have a free talk with the students : Hello , What did you do in this summer holiday ? Did you have a good trip ? etc.(2)Show the number cards ,ask the students to read them quickly.(设计意图:轻松的谈话让学生不知不觉的进入到学习的状态,谈论的内容既和学生的生活相关,又和本节课的内容有联系,从谈话的点涉及到了全班的面,可以让全体学生迅速回忆起所学内容。)Step 3: New Concept .1、新知呈现,初步感知。学习“ What time is it ? Its ”T: (课件出示LiMing 的三幅图) Today is September first. LiMing wants to go to school in Canada .He is too happy to sleep ,but he doesnt want to be late ,So he finds a clock to call him on time .(设置这个情境既可以让学生学会并理解:What time is it ? Its 同时也和本课的内容相联系。)T: What time is it ? Ss: Its _.T: Yes ,I ts _oclock .(教师板书并领读单词:oclock ,让学生明白只有在整点的时候才用这个词)2、利用教材,熟悉句式。(出示5幅图,李明用语音闹钟定了以下几个时间,请你帮他写出英文,再画表)6:10 Its _. (钟面图)7:50 Its _. (钟面图) 12:30 Its _. (钟面图)5:00 Its _. (钟面图)读表写时间 钟面(2:45) (3:00 ) (2:25 ) (10:40)_ _ _ _3、结合实际,意义操练。两人一组,互做调查。What time is it ? 8:0011:304:306:00What do you do today ?假设你的朋友要从北京来到唐山,你要去车站接他,就此情景编一段对话。Hi , Lili ! Nice to see you again !Nice to see you, too. I am excited .Me, too . Did you have a nice trip ?Yes , but I feel a little tired and hungry.Lets go home .Step 4: Class Closing .Lesson 1 At the Airport教学内容:Lesson 1 At the Airport教学目标:德育目标:He stays with Jennys family and experiences Canadian schooling , food and culture .He also teaches Jennys family about Chinese culture .智育目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学习积极性,引导学生积极与他人合作,在活动中培养学生的协作能力和竞争意识。素质发展目标:Key Concepts: What time is it? It is _ .leave, arrive, September, suitcases, tired教学重点:掌握本课四会单词和句型教学难点:能灵活应用所学知识进行交际。教具准备:课件、 张贴画 、录音机、挂图等。学生活动设计:小组学习(两人一组、多人一组)、师生互动游戏等。教学过程:设计意图Class Opening and Review 1. Greeting. This is the first class of the semester, so try something simple, such as: Hi. Hello, class! Are you ready to learn English? Lets learn English. 2. Review: Simon Says: Review basic classroom commands. Play clap to review numbers to number to 100.When you reach 100, count by hundreds, finally, count by thousands to 10000. Key Concepts: 1. Introduce: Explain that Li Ming comes to Canada to spend the school year with Jenny and her family. Discuss what the students know about Canada. Where is Canada from China? How far is Canada? What do they speak in Canada? Use the big clock to teach the students “What time is it? Its _.” Move the hands on the clock. Then get volunteers to answer the questions. Heres a simple way to say some times in English. 2. Use the student book and audiotape: Discuss the story in the student book. Why is Li Ming coming to Canada? How does he come? Who meets him at the airport? 3. Practice: Play “What time is it?” Use word-cards in a pocket panel to show students how to substitute words in “What time is it?” Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about meeting someone at an airport. Ask each group to include in their dialogue the question and answer “What time is it


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