



2017年7月29日周末培优高考频度: 难易程度:1. When you study the local map,youll find this town is_.A. twice the size of that oneB. twice as a large town as thatC. twice as larger as that oneD. twice as larger a town as that【参考答案】A2.My uncles house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours,but it is twice_expensive.A.as B. soC. too D. very【参考答案】A【试题解析】 考查倍数表达法。这里的倍数是twice,由expensive这一原级可知,这里使用了as.as.这一比较结构,在具体的语境中,后面的一个as以及后面的成分可以承前省略,即这里expensive后面省略了as ours。【归纳总结】表示倍数的句型:(1)A is倍数比较级thanB(2)A is倍数as原级asB(3)A is倍数the名词(size,length,height 等)ofB(4)A is倍数thatofB(5)A is倍数what 引导的名词性从句This building is three times higher than that one.This building is three times as high as that one.This building is three times the height of that one.这个建筑物是那个建筑物的3倍高。 The output of this year is 3 times that of 2008.The output of this year is 3 times what it was in 2008.今年的产量是2008年的三倍。After the new technique was introduced,the factory produced twice as many cars in 2008 as the year before.自从新技术被引进以后,这家工厂2008年生产的小汽车是上一年的两倍。3. _,she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile.A. Shy and cautious B. Sensitive and thoughtfulC. Honest and confident D. Lighthearted and optimistic【参考答案】 D【应试必备】1.形容词作状语表示伴随或结果,并不表达动作的方式。After the long journey,the three of them went back home,hungry and tired.经过长时间旅行后,他们三个回到家,又饿又累。2.有些副词还可以作连词,作副词时常放在句末。如:though,(ever)since,in case等He is old. He works hard,though.Though he is old,he works hard.虽然他年事已高,但他工作还是很努力。3.有些副词置于句首可修饰全句,作评注性状语。如:obviously,naturally,surprisingly等Fortunately,he was not drowned and was saved by the PLA.幸运的是,他没被淹死,被解放军给救了。Happily for her,her stepmother was kind to her.高兴的是,她的继母对她很好。4.can not/never 与enough 或too连用表示:无论怎样都不过分;越越好。I was riding alone in the street and all of a sudden,a car cut in and knocked me down.我正在大街上独自一人骑自行车,突然一辆小汽车强行超车把我撞倒了。You can never be too careful in the street. 在大街上你越小心越好。1. Peters jacket looked just the same as Jacks,but it cost_his.A.as much twice as B. twice as much asC. much as twice as D.as twice much as2.Jim went to answer the phone._,Harry started to prepare lunch.A. However B. NeverthelessC. Besides D. Meanwhile3.We only had $100 and that was _to buy a new computer.A. nowhere near enough B. near enough nowhereC. enough near nowhere D. near nowhere enough4.When it was his turn to deliver his speech,_,he walked towards the microphone.A. nervously and embarrassingly B. nervous and embarrassedlyC. nervously and embarrassing D. nervous and embarrassed5.After a long journey, these travelers returned to the hotel, _.A. tired and sleepyB. tiredly and sleepyC. tired and sleepilyD. tiredly and sleepily6.Some Chinese people believe that the more you drink, the closer your relation will be, and _ the thing is to handle.A. the easierB. easilyC. the more easilyD. easier1.B 【解析】倍数表达法是形容词比较等级中一种很常用的比较级结构。不管用哪种比较级结构来表示比较,表示倍数的词总是放在比较级结构的最前面。4.D 【解析】此处形容词作状语,表示主语的状态。 句意:当轮到他发言时,他走向麦克风,紧张而窘迫。5.A 【解析】由句式结构看, 空格处应作状语;四个选项中均使用了并列连词and,故and前后的词性应该一致,又因为英语中形容词或形容词短语可作状语使用, 表示主语的状态,故应选A项。句意:长途旅行之后,这些游客们回到宾馆,又累又困。【易错提醒】本题易误选D,原因是有些考生认为修饰动词需要用副词。但


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