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Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year Section Grammar-表语从句和主语从句语法图解探究发现My feeling is that theyre going to be big one day.But the big surprise of the evening was when I was elected prom queen!China is no longer what it used to be.The reason why Im calling you is that I want to invite you to my birthday party.That she has became an artist may have been due to her fathers influence.What we should do next remains unknown.Whether it will do us harm remains to be seen.Its a good thing that the exams are finished.我的发现(1)以上句中,句中黑体部分均引导表语从句,而句中黑体部分则引导主语从句。(2)由句可知,主语为名词reason时,表语从句中的连接词要用that,而不用why。(3)由句知,引导主语从句时,what要在从句中充当句子成分,而that不作任何成分,只在语法上起连接作用。(4)句中,it用作形式主语,代替that引导的主语从句。一、表语从句1定义在复合句中作表语的从句,叫作表语从句。它位于主句的系动词之后,对主语进行解释、说明,使主语的内容具体化。2引导词引 导 词用法例句从属连词that,whether在从句中不作成分,that没有实际意义,不可省略;whether意为“是否”The trouble is that I have lost his address.麻烦是我把他的地址丢了。The point at issue is whether we go to the party. 争论点是我们是否去参加聚会。because说明主语所表示的事件发生的原因,意为“因为”He has heart disease. That is because he has been smoking too much. 他有心脏病。那是因为他抽烟太多。as if/though从句表示的情况发生的可能性较小时常用虚拟语气He looked as if he had seen a ghost. 他好像见了鬼似的(很惊慌的样子)。连接代词who(ever),whom(ever),whose,what(ever),which(ever)等在从句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语等All I know is what I read in the papers. 我所知道的一切,都是从报纸上看来的。连接副词when,where,why,how等在从句中作状语,表示时间、地点、原因、方式等The last time we had great fun was when we were visiting the Water Park. 我们最后一次痛快地游玩是我们参观水上公园的时候。即时演练1用适当的连接词填空My opinion is that we should communicate with parents frequently.The problem is whether we can find them there.This is what I should have done first of all.This is where I dont agree with you.The question is how we can get in touch with him.The problem is who will come to replace her.This is because it is raining outside.3注意事项(1)that与what的区别that引导表语从句时,是连词,在从句中不作成分;what是连接代词,引导表语从句时,在从句中作主语、宾语、表语或定语。That was what she did this morning on her way to school.那就是她今天早晨在去学校的路上做过的事。(2)because与why的区别because引导表语从句时,表示“因为”,why引导表语从句时,表示“的原因”,相当于the reason why。He got up late this morning.This is why he came late.今天早晨他起晚了。这就是他来晚的原因。He was late today.This is because he got up late.他今天来晚了。这是因为他起晚了。即时演练2用that/what/because/why填空(2016北京高考改编)The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is that one can be entirely free from dust.This was what he told me.My belief is that I will succeed by working hard.She has a baby to take care of.Thats why she often comes late.She often comes late.Thats because she has a baby to take care of.(3)虚拟语气用于表语从句如果主句的主语是idea, advice, suggestion, order, request, requirement等名词时,表语从句的谓语动词用虚拟语气,即(should)动词原形。My suggestion is that we (should) go and help him without delay.我的建议是我们应该立即去帮助他。即时演练3用所给词的适当形式填空The doctors advice is that we (should)_take (take)more exercise.The proposal is that the school (should)_enlarge (enlarge) the playground. 二、主语从句1定义在复合句中作主语的从句叫做主语从句。2引导词引 导 词用法例句从属连词that,whether, if在从句中不作成分,that没有实际意义,whether和if意为“是否”That my sister was admitted to Beijing University made my parents satisfied. 我姐姐考入了北京大学让父母很满意。Whether he will agree to help us is not known. 他是否会同意帮助我们还是未知数。连接代词whom(ever),who(ever),whose,,what(ever),which(ever)等在从句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语等What I am telling you is about that news. 我和你说的和那条消息有关。Who will go to the USA hasnt been decided. 谁将去美国还没决定。Whatever you say is of no use now. 你现在说什么也没用了。连接副词when, where,why, how等在从句中作状语,表示时间、地点、原因、方式等Where the English evening will be held has not yet been announced. 英语晚会将在哪里举行还没有宣布。(1)连词that和whether,在从句中不作任何句子成分,只起连接从句的作用。It is often the case that anything is possible for those who hang on to hope.(2016江苏高考改编)通常情况下,对于那些心存希望的人,一切皆有可能。(2)连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever等;连接副词where, when, how, why等。What she did is not yet known.她干了什么尚不清楚。How this happened is not clear to anyone.这事怎样发生的,谁也不清楚。Whoever comes is welcome.不论谁来都欢迎。Wherever you are is my home my only home.你所在的任何地方就是我的家我唯一的家。即时演练4完成句子Whether_hell_come_here isnt clear.他是否会来这里还不清楚。That_the_earth_turns_around_the_sun is known to all.我们都知道地球围着太阳转。What_will_happen_to_the_world is difficult to predict.世界将发生什么事情是难以预测的。Who_will_win_the_match is still unknown. 谁能赢得这场比赛还不得而知。 Why_he_gave_up_the_chance of studying abroad is unknown.他为什么放弃了出国学习的机会还不清楚。3注意事项(1)常用形式主语it的结构若主语从句较长,而主句谓语部分又相对较短时,常用it作形式主语,同时将主语从句后置。It is a fact (a good idea/a pity/a shame/no wonder .)that从句。It is a pity that you missed the film.你没有看那部电影真是太遗憾了。It is necessary(clear/true/strange/important/wonderful . )that从句。从句多用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用“(should)动词原形”。It is necessary that you (should) master English.你有必要掌握英语。It is reported (wellknown/hoped/thought/expected/said/believed/decided/suggested/ordered . )that从句。It is said that he was killed in the earthquake.据说他在地震中丧生了。It seems (happens/appears/doesnt matter/makes no difference . )that从句。It seems that they will win the game.看起来他们将会赢得这场比赛。即时演练5句型转换That he should know about it is important.Itisimportantthat he should know about it.That he has gone to Shanghai is said.Itissaidthat he has gone to Shanghai.That you didnt come to the basketball match yesterday is a pity.Itisapity that you didnt come to the basketball match yesterday.Whether he comes or not doesnt matter.Itdoesntmatterwhether/if he comes or not.(2)whatever和whoeverwhatever和whoever可以引导主语从句,并在从句中作主语、宾语、表语等。此外,它们还可以引导让步状语从句。Keep calm, whatever happens.不管发生什么事都要保持镇静。Your support is important to our work. Whatever you can do helps.(2016北京高考改编)你的支持对我们的工作很重要。你能做的任何事都会有所帮助。即时演练6判断下列从句的类型Whoever breaks the law should be punished.主语从句Whoever breaks the law, he should be punished.让步状语从句Whatever may happen, you must keep calm.让步状语从句4主语从句中的虚拟语气(1)在“Itbe形容词that从句”句型中,如果形容词为necessary, important, strange, natural等时,从句谓语动词常用“(should)动词原形”。It is necessary and important that one (should) master the skill of operating computers so as to meet the need of a job.为了满足工作上的需要,掌握电脑操作技巧是很有必要并且是很重要的。(2)在“Itbe过去分词that从句”句型中,如果过去分词为suggested, advised, ordered, requested, required等时,that从句谓语动词使用“(should)动词原形”。It is suggested that the sports meeting (should) be put off.有人建议推迟举行运动会。即时演练7单句改错It is suggested that the work must be done in a day.去掉must或mustshouldIt is strange that he treats the man in a friendly way._treats(should)_treatIt is required that no one is allowed to go out. is(should)_be(3)主语为从句时的主谓一致主语为从句时,谓语动词一般要用单数形式,但如果what引导的从句作主语,代表复数概念(常可从表语上看出)时,谓语动词常用复数形式。What I need are two pens.我所需要的是两支钢笔。即时演练8用所给词的适当形式填空What I want to buy are (be) several books.What we cant get seems (seem) better than what we already have.用适当的连接词填空1That my brother won the match made my parents surprised.2My suggestion is that we (should) read English newspapers to improve our English. 3It is a pity that you didnt attend the party yesterday.4The key is where we will go for our holiday. 5The doctors advice is that you should give up smoking.6The question is who will come to help us.7Tom was late for work this morning. That is because he overslept.8He had a bad cold. That is why he didnt come to the meeting.完成句子1Whatever_is_said_here must be kept secret.在这里说的任何话都必须保密。2The problem is when_we_can_get_a_pay_rise.问题是什么时候我们可以得到加薪。3Why_he_failed the biology exam isnt clear.他为什么没有通过生物考试还不清楚。4When_we_will_be_on_holiday has not been decided yet.我们什么时候去度假还没决定。5What_role_he_will_play_in_the_film hasnt been known.在这部电影中他将扮演什么角色还不知道。6It_is_known_to_us_how he became a writer.我们都知道他是如何成为一名作家的。7Now the problem is whether_he_can_pass_the_exam.现在的问题是他是否能通过考试。8(2015全国卷满分作文)As you know, besides tasty dumplings, what_elderly_people_in_the_nursing_home_also_need is warmth and care.正如你所知道的,除了美味的饺子外,养老院的老人还需要温暖和关怀。9(2014辽宁高考满分作文)Whoever_is_interested_in_making small inventions can join in it.无论谁有兴趣制作小发明都可以加入进


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