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,干细胞及其治疗学,国务院总理温家宝5月13日主持召开国务院常务会议,讨论并原则通过促进生物产业加快发展的若干政策。会议认为,必须抓住世界生物科技革命和产业革命的机遇,将生物产业培育成为我国高技术领域的支柱产业。国家将以生物医药、生物农业、生物能源、生物制造和生物环保产业为重点,大力发展现代生物产业。,促进生物产业加快发展的若干政策,马里奥-卡佩奇,马丁-埃文斯,奥利弗-史密斯,美英三科学家因干细胞研究贡献获诺贝尔奖 2007,干细胞时代来临,中新网1月23日电美国生物科技公司Geron Corp.今天宣布,美国食品和药品管理局(FDA)批准了全球首宗人类胚胎干细胞治疗临床试验。该公司本周将为八到十位因脊柱受伤导致下半身瘫痪患者注射人类胚胎干细胞分化来的少突胶质细胞,Geron公司认为FDA的批准将创造“人类医学史上的新篇章”。,干细胞研究对未来医学发展具有决定性影响。奥巴马3月9日将在白宫签署行政命令,推翻布什政府对人类胚胎干细胞研究的限制。确保和加强美国对未来生物医学的战略地位。,干细胞战略事件,社会需求,乙肝病毒携带者:1亿 乙肝相关终末期肝病:800万 100万尿毒症患者 扩张性心肌病 65万人/年 肺纤维化 10万人/年 骨软骨损伤 1000万人/年 糖尿病 6000万 角膜病盲人 400万 皮肤缺损 600万人/年,我国人口近10处于导致器官不可逆损害的疾病威胁下,我国已成为全球再生需求最大的国家,老龄化背景下,再生需求不断跃升,我国是移植例数增长最快的国家,移植科学对降低日益升高的健康医疗消耗有重大的意义。 目前国家每年医疗消耗已经占GDP的近 14.6%。到2050年将会有高达30%。增加部分主要来于老年病和慢性病消耗。,国家GDP的需求,市场需求,目前全世界细胞移植相关市场超过3500亿美元。到2010年将达到5000亿美元。 2008年中国生物医用材料全行业总产值2200亿元,同比增长15%,实现利润超过200亿元.但我国生物医用材料产品单一,技术落后,科研与产业脱节,70-80%要依靠进口。,已较成熟的细胞治疗 软骨细胞移植病人群:在我国,骨关节炎发病率为3%,按12亿人口估算,骨关节炎病人为3600万。除了其中3-5%的老年病人适合工关节置换,其他95%的病人都需要关节保留治疗。 间质干细胞移植病人群:骨折病人众多,在我国每年骨损伤患者高达一千万余,其中大约5-10%有骨折不愈或延迟愈合。 干细胞皮肤移植病人群:中国有5000-6000万糖尿病足患者, 遭受不同程度的皮肤溃疡。 干细胞心肌移植病人群:我国每年新发冠心病事件(包括急性心肌梗 死、冠心病猝死和慢性冠心病死亡)约130万例次, 胰岛移植病人群:WHO资料表明,全球糖尿病患者1998年为1.48亿,预测到2025年将上升为3亿;1995年发展中国家糖尿病患者占全世界的60%,到2025年将占80%。,国际竞争者,美国干细胞和生物材料相关的再生医学公司2000年占世界80%以上,现在下降至55%左右。 欧洲现占40%以上,亚洲竞争者,日本把再生医学列为国家十大战略中的第二位 韩国的干细胞和组织工程公司目前是亚洲最多达70多家。 新加坡的国家风投capital one专注投入干细胞和生物材料等技术,国内竞争者,江苏省于2008年5月开建一个全国最大的综合性干细胞库,用于干细胞资源采集、储存和临床应用等, 在广东,去年6月19日由12家单位发起成立了广州干细胞与再生医学技术联盟,通过优势互补、资源整合,为干细胞技术的应用和产业化提供平台。 北京、上海和天津市等政府也在竞相战略性开展干细胞研究和产业化计划。,我们浙江,全国第一个干细胞和再生医学博士点(目前唯一) 30个教授/博导领导的干细胞和生物材料研究组 全国第一个临床软骨细胞治疗 全国第一批干细胞治疗肺疾病和心梗死并发表在国际专业期刊 已建立6株浙江人的胚胎干细胞系,Why Stem Cell?,2007 -Cloned Monkey ESC, Human iPS,/cartilage/dentin,/mucosa /enamel,Totipotent,Pluripotent,Multipotent,Cord Blood stem cell,我国将制定脐带血干细胞移植规范方案,Cord Blood Transplant,脐带血移植治疗: 全球主要国家已建立100余家公共脐血库和超过300家的自体脐带血库,保存无关供者脐带血干细胞超过30万份,自体储存脐带血超过150万份,脐血移植病例已超过1万例,并且正在以每年超过2000例的速度增加。,iPS-Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Using Recombinant Proteins,The study was published in an advance, online issue of the journal Cell Stem Cell on April 23, 2009.,Instead of inserting the four genes into the cells they wanted to reprogram, the scientists added the purified engineered proteins and experimented with the chemically defined conditions without any genetic materials involved until they found the exact mix that allowed them to gradually reprogram the cells.,“Scientists have been dreaming about this for years,“ says Scripps Research Associate Professor Sheng Ding,Biology of Stem Cell,ESC in developmental biology,to study the role of specific genes in development; to isolate early-stage populations; to identify progenitors that represent novel stages of hematopoietic, vascular, and neural development; to define the factors that regulate primary germ layer induction.,Human stem cells as a model for cardiac differentiation and disease,Hematopoietic stem cell development is dependent on blood flow.,Cell. 2009 May 15;137(4):736-48. During vertebrate embryogenesis, hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) arise in the aorta-gonads-mesonephros (AGM) region. We report here that blood flow is a conserved regulator of HSC formation. In zebrafish, chemical blood flow modulators regulated HSC development, and silent heart (sih) embryos, lacking a heartbeat and blood circulation, exhibited severely reduced HSCs. Flow-modifying compounds primarily affected HSC induction after the onset of heartbeat; however, nitric oxide (NO) donors regulated HSC number even when treatment occurred before the initiation of circulation, and rescued HSCs in sih mutants. Morpholino knockdown of nos1 (nnos/enos) blocked HSC development, and its requirement was shown to be cell autonomous. In the mouse, Nos3 (eNos) was expressed in HSCs in the AGM. Intrauterine Nos inhibition or embryonic Nos3 deficiency resulted in a reduction of hematopoietic clusters and transplantable murine HSCs. This work links blood flow to AGM hematopoiesis and identifies NO as a conserved downstream regulator of HSC development.,Biomechanical forces promote embryonic haematopoiesis,Nature. 2009 May 13. Epub ahead of print Links . Biomechanical forces are emerging as critical regulators of embryogenesis, particularly in the developing cardiovascular system. It remains unknown whether the biomechanical forces imposed on the vascular wall at this developmental stage act as a determinant of haematopoietic potential. Here, using mouse embryonic stem cells differentiated in vitro, we show that fluid shear stress increases the expression of Runx1 in CD41(+)c-Kit(+) haematopoietic progenitor cells, concomitantly augmenting their haematopoietic colony-forming potential. Moreover, we find that shear stress increases haematopoietic colony-forming potential and expression of haematopoietic markers in the para-aortic splanchnopleura/aorta-gonads-mesonephros of mouse embryos and that abrogation of nitric oxide, a mediator of shear-stress-induced signalling, compromises haematopoietic potential in vitro and in vivo. Collectively, these data reveal a critical role for biomechanical forces in haematopoietic development,Abate and switch: miR-145 in stem cell differentiation.,Cell. 2009 May 15;137(4):606-8. Links Comment on: Cell. 2009 May 15;137(4):647-58. MicroRNAs have been implicated as regulators of embryonic stem (ES) cell self-renewal and pluripotency. In this issue, Xu et al. (2009) demonstrate that miR-145 facilitates ES cell differentiation by repressing the core pluripotency factors OCT4, SOX2, and KLF4, thereby silencing the self-renewal program.,Stem Cell & Regenerative medicine,Research Finding: Stem Cells Reset Immune Systems in Diabetes,CHICAGO - The majority of patients with Type 1 diabetes who underwent transplantation with their own stem cells to reset their immune systems became insulin free, several for more than three years. these patients also showed an increased level of a substance that indicates improved functioning of their beta cells. The substance is C-peptide, a byproduct of insulin production. The study was published in the April 15 Journal of the American Medical Association.,Researchers derive cancer-killers from human embryonic stem cells,Kaufman and his colleagues also found that mice injected with hESC-derived cells had fewer metastases. And hESC-derived cells did a better job of killing laboratory cultures of human leukemia and solid tumors of breast, prostate, and testicular cancer. The study is published in Blood. University of Minnesota researchers have found that immune cells derived from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) completely eliminated the tumors in 100 percent13 of 13of mice tested.,Stem Cell & Tissue Engineering,What is the Tissue Engineering?,“Tissue Engineering” is the application of principles and methods of engineering and life sciences toward the fundamental understanding of structure-function relationships in normal and pathological mammalian tissue and the development of biological substitutes to restore, maintain, or improve tissue functions. (Skalak and Fox, 1988),Tissue Engineering,cell,GFs,Scaffold,implantation,Corneal Reconstruction with Tissue-Engineered Cell Sheets Composed of Autologous Oral Mucosal Epithelium Yasuo Tano, M.D., Ph.D. NEW E
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