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Lesson 11 Australia,1.What do you know about Australia?,the flag of Australia,国旗 澳大利亚联邦的国旗,底色为深蓝色,它象征着浩瀚的大洋,而澳大利亚恰好是孤悬在大洋上的大陆岛。在靠近旗杆1/4处是一面红白相间的英国米字旗,它象征着澳大利亚和英国的传统关系。在米字旗下边是一颗白色的七角星,它代表澳大利亚联邦的六个州和一个地区。国旗右边是由四颗白色七角星和一颗白色五角星组成的南十字星座,表明澳大利亚所处的南太平洋地位位置。,The national emblem of Australia,flamingo,国徽 澳大利亚国徽是联邦政府的正式标志,1912年由英国国王乔治五世授予。国徽由袋鼠和鸸鹋举着一个盾牌构成主体,盾牌上有组成联邦六个州的州徽,背景是一束澳大利亚国花金合欢花。据说,选用袋鼠和鸸鹋作为国兽的一个理由是,这两种动物不会后退只会前进。,国花 在澳大利亚,金合欢是最具代表性的植物,是国花。金合欢别名叫相思树。属豆科的有刺灌术或小乔木, 二回羽状复叶, 头状花序簇生于叶腋,盛开时,好像金色的绒球一般。 在澳大利亚,你稍加留意就会发现,居民的庭院不是用墙围起来,而是用金合欢作刺篱,种在房屋周围,非常别致。花开时节,花篱似一金色屏障,带着浓郁的花香,令人沉醉。 金合欢还是一种经济树种,芳香的花可提炼芳香油作高级香水等化妆品的原料。果荚、树皮和根内含有单宁,可做黑色染料,茎中流出的树脂含有树胶,可供药用。术材坚硬,可制贵重器具用品。,国色 澳大利亚于1948年确立绿色和金黄色为国色。绿色象征生命和环境,体现出澳大利亚是个年轻充满朝气的国家。金黄色象征澳大利亚充足的阳光和矿产资源。 国庆日 澳大利亚的国庆日是1月26日。1788年1月26日,英国皇家海军的阿瑟菲利普船长率领的“第一舰队”驶进杰克逊港(悉尼湾),开始了殖民澳大利亚的历史 国鸟 澳大利亚的国鸟是鸸鹋。形似鸵鸟。澳洲人也称它为食火鸟。,国歌 澳大利亚国歌是前进的澳大利亚(Advsnce Australia Fair),它是根据19世纪后叶一首爱国歌曲改编而成的,于1984年被正式宣布为国歌。歌词大意是:欢笑吧,澳大利亚人 南十字星,照耀天空我们年轻自由 我们智慧勤劳大海为邻 来自五洲地大物博 团结奋斗我们美丽又富饶 我们建设联邦世代奋斗,永远前进 高唱赞歌,永远前进,Pacific ocean,India ocean,New zealand,Philippines,Western Australia,Northern Territory,South Australia,New South Wales,Queensland,Victoria,Tasmania,Australia Capital Territory,Animals,Scenery,Travel,Customs,List things that interest you.,Animals,Koala -bears climbing trees,Kangaroos-large animals jump about on two legs carrying their Young in a stomach pocket,Australia native Dog-Dingo,The duck-billed (扁喙的) platypus (鸭嘴兽) is an egg-laying mammal (哺乳动物).,Scenery,The Opera House in Sydney,with the famous Harbour Bridge,floodlit behind,Ayers Rock in the Northern Territories is a sacred site to the Aboriginal people.,bushwalking,surfing,cycling,Travel,diving,Customs,Australian Aborigines,Christmas,Listen to the tape of Part1 and answer the question. How many activities are mentioned in the passage? What are they?,Listening,Complete the following sentences: 1.A bushwalk in the Australian Outback is an opportunity to _ the nations rich wildlife and beautiful wildflowers and youll _ at the same time! 2. Australia is _ for _from all over the world. And dont forget to go for a dive into the ocean to see _ and shapes of the _,get close to,get a good exercise,an attraction,surfers and ocean lovers,the amazing colours,the magical underwater world!,Listen to the tape and complete the chart below with the information from the tape.,2. Australia is a beautiful country, but it can also be dangerous. You will hear an experienced guide give advice about safety and equipment. Write down as much as you hear.,2. Fill in the blanks. Before you set out on a hike, you should let someone know _ _and when you plan to _. You should never _ and you must _ to bring enough water. _, _, and a first-aid kit should also be part of your_ _. If you want to _, you must first be a good swimmer and you must make sure that _.,where you are going,get back,go alone,make sure,Good shoes, clothes,basic equipment.,dive or surf,the beach is safe.,The environment is precious and we must be careful not to destroy it. Bring out what you _ that is, dont _ in the wilderness or the ocean. Nor should you _ unless its absolutely necessary. In fact, there are _ when no fires are allowed at all. You should also find out about other rules that _ the environment. If we all _, Austra
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