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英汉思维差异及语言特点,主讲人:Linda,一、了解英汉思维差异的重要性,语言是思维的载体,语言学习不仅是对语言文字运用的了解与掌握的过程,又是思维方式的培养形成过程,尤其是外语学习。 了解中英思维方式的差异以及由这种差异所形成的中英语言的不同特点,能够对我们的英语学习起到很好的作用。,二、英汉思维差异,首先,西方人重直线思维,喜欢开门见山,直截了当。而汉民族重螺旋型思维,习惯于迂回的方式。 体现在语言表达上则是英文写作习惯 “先结论后举例”,“先结果后原因”,在句子或段落中,会将重心提前。而我们中文写作则习惯 “先摆事实,再讲道理”的归纳式逻辑结构。,例如以下是NY方写的邮件: Hi Wei, I do not like this suggested fix. I would prefer update Used GC Amt when order created/charged successfully. Do not update Used GC Amt when order not created/charged successfully. I think the update to the Used GC Amt should be added to the logic for the Backend charge order process when the order status = CC Rejected. (Result重心) Often, these customers will call us immediately after having a problem, so the batch job would need to run every minute or two. That does not seem like a good thing, to me. (Cause) Also, I think that this CO is only about Gift Certificates. I do not think we should update the Credit logic for this CO. The credit logic is not the same as the Gift Certificate logic and I do not want to risk the Credit logic. (Cause) Thank you,整体结构 Result (I dont like, I prefer.) Cause1 Cause2 “Batch job” “logic”,Hi Cruz, Thank you for reviewing order # 7937873. I think the correct process is not to hold the order when the cancel request is entered. When the Kiva response comes back, that is the time to update the status of the order in my opinion. (Viewpoint 重心) If Kiva does not respond, doesnt that indicate the Cancel failed? In that case, the order status should be Partially Cancelled or Shipped. (Case) If the pick ticket is voided successfully even though Kiva did not respond, then the standard process should happen and the order status should change to BAK or PSP. (Case) If the pick ticket is “stuck” in Kiva or WMS, then the status should be the same, In Warehouse Processing. (Case) Are there any other cases to consider here? Thank you,整体结构 Viewpoint (I think the correct process is) Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 (If) (If) (If),以下是我们写给NY方的邮件: Hi Matt, I think the box can not be decided by a user select a box. The logic of manual box changing is much different with Boxem program. Boxem tends to use the fewest and smallest boxes to pack items in. And it is able to split the PickingTicket if needed. Some cases may help you understand the boxem: . So, you can see the boxem logic is much stronger than selecting a box and verify. If a shipment hold by boxem, the boxem tried all available boxes and even tried to splitted shipment. Thus, the user can not select a box that fits the hold shipment. If we let user select the box manually, verifying to the items is meaningless(no box fit). I think the reasonable way is to change boxcatalogId and run boxem again(This is what CO7133 does). If there were still some shipments hold, send the order to us and we will check if it is a bug of boxem.,Moreover, if we do need to let user select the box manually, I think it is hard to let user select inner boxes. Because if we do so, 1) we need to verify inner boxes for inner pack items 2) users would need to choose multiple boxes for multiple inner pack items in one shipment(considering a shipment that contains some GW items and BB items) 3) mockups and interaction need to change Original design: select a box for shipment and verify. Let user select inner boxes: select GW boxes if has GW items and verify - select BB boxes if has BB items and verify - select a box for shipment and verify. So, I agree with Weihua, we could “run Boxem when user selects a box manually“, the user just need to select a box(maybe no need to verify). Thanks!,Revised: I think the box can not be decided by a user select a box. The reasonable way is to change boxcatalogId and run boxem again(This is what CO7133 does) in my opinion. If there were still some shipments hold, send the order to us and we will check if it is a bug of boxem. So I agree with Weihua, we could “run Boxem when user selects a box manually“, the user just need to select a box(maybe no need to verify). (Result),The logic of manual box changing is much different with Boxem program. Boxem must have tried all available boxes and even tried to splitted shipment but couldnt find a proper box before a shipment is hold by it. In this case, if we let user select the box manually , verifying to the items is meaningless(no box fit). (Cause 1) Moreover, if we do need to let user select the box manually, I think it is hard to let user select inner boxes. Because if we do so, 1) we need to verify inner boxes for inner pack items 2) users would need to choose multiple boxes for multiple inner pack items in one shipment(considering a shipment that contains some GW items and BB items) 3) mockups and interaction need to change (Cause 2),其次,西方人注重逻辑思维,语言上注重逻辑结构的完整以及各构成部分之间逻辑关系在形式上的体现(连接词)。 而汉语更注重整体的表达效果,不关心形式上的完整及各部分之间的关系是否严谨,词和句子的意义常靠上下文来理解,对不习惯这种综合型思维的人来说,经常觉得不知所云。,例如: Wei, David We would like to redirect the old Pampers Swaddlers, and Cruisers pages to the new DryMax pages with a SRC banner on the top to explain that P&G has discontinued the old Cruiser and Swaddlers and has instead introduced the Dry-Max line in its place. To achieve this we would like to 301 redirect all the old Cruisers and Swaddlers Product detail pages to the appropriate DryMax Product Detail page. In addition if someone comes to the DryMax page, we want to show the SRC banner as well, just to explain what the Dry-Max Product line is, etc. To achieve this, we need the redirects setup as described in the attached Excel Sheet. Left hand side is the URL, that we want redirected. Right hand side is the URL that it redirects to. This is extremely urgent. Thank you,We would like to add a message that appears after an order has been completed which informs the consumer (that) how many Cash-back credits have been earned and reminds them that those credits will be added to their account within 10 days.(主从句) When a customer returns to the A page, either through this link or via another path, and there are still items in their Allure cart, the Shopping Bag should display. (插入语成分) Tapping the scan button in the top left corner, the user will be taken to the UPC code scanner view, which allows the user to scan a barcode and then go directly to that PDP if we have it. (分词状语,独立主格结构),下面是我们写出来的句子: Create one shared document in other server, such as 55 server, add one user in administrators group, grant this user all authority on shared document. Bundle SKUs component SKU is unsellable, send notification to customer care queue either.,然后,西方人较注重抽象思维和语言的严谨性,经常用抽象的概念来表达具体的事物。而中国人更倾向于形象思维,习惯用具体形象的词汇来表达复杂的客观存在和自然事实。 体现在语言上则是英文很多时候习惯用一些抽象名词来表达具体的动作或者概念,而中文则习惯用动词表达。,例如: 1. The mutually beneficial relationship leads to broader customer exposure for Quidsi and greater engagement, as well as potentially a source of incremental revenue for the publishing partner. 2. Given early indications of success from initial cash back tests, we are rolling out additional cash back programs with much broader reach and potential variety.,最后,英语民族的思维注重客观事物对人的作用和影响,因而他们对主体与客体有着严格的区分;而汉语民族的思维往往以“人”为中心,形成了以人为中心来思考事物的思维模式。 体现在语言表达上则是被动语态在英文里面的使用比中文频繁的多。,例如: Qualification for USPS shipping can be determined based on the first 3 digits of the destination zip code. It has been brought to our attention that our current business practice of storing the Customers passwords unhashed and then emailing them the password is both insecure and a privacy violation.,我们写的句子: Today just get from ShipDate we will do it when run job WhRetrievalTaskCacheJob. I am sorry that I led to confusion before.,其他中英语言表达差异:,英语习惯将大部分的修辞成分后置,汉语则相反。 例如: Benefits associated with ASN include ability to re-order promptly in case of shipment errors, improving the supply chain workflow. We need to have a mapping of what should be mapped or we can simply flag to customers that they must fix their name to use only English letter, space and dash. It would be great if we could automate the generation of unique codes within the module, rather than needing manual intervention by the tech team for this.,英语重替代,汉语重重复。在英语写作中,除了修辞需要之外一个实词或结构很少在句子中重复,在需要表达的时候都是运用替代手段。 例如: ASN is also referred as EDI 856 or “Advance Ship Notice”. Companies use this transaction to manage just-in-time deliveries from their suppliers. There is a possibility that a customer has made an error when creating t


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