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2012学年第二学期高二年级英语月考卷 2012.9(时间:90分钟 满分:100分)第I卷(共85分)I. Listening Comprehension Section A1. A. In a bank.B. In a store.C. In a post office.D. In a restaurant.2. A. Because his mother is ill.B. Because Paul is ill.C. Because his test result is poor.D. Because his mother is alone at home.3. A. She doesnt like unpaid leave.B. She prefers short paid leave.C. She prefers long holiday.D. She prefers paid leave.4. A. His health is failing.B. His wife asks him to.C. He smokes too much.D. Its too expensive.5. A. It is on Sunday.B. It is cancelled.C. It is postponed.D. It is free of charge.6. A. The woman didnt get the results.B. The woman found the result online.C. There was no soccer match on TV.D. The results havent been announced.7. A. He wanted to be a doctor.B. He wanted to be a drug dealer.C. He wanted to be a pilot.D. He wanted to be an astronaut.8. A. She is very interested.B. She is much surprised.C. She is unhappy.D. She is amused.9. A. The 9 oclock train is delayed.B. She is waiting for the man.C. She will take the same train.D. She is from Vancouver.10. A. He might go and find the woman.B. He might leave the place.C. He might take her luggage away.D. He might get the magazine.Section BQuestions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11.A. Cheap and good.B. Poor and expensive.C. Good but expensive.D. Poor and cheap.12.A. By lowering the price of its food.B. By improving the quality of its food.C. With waiters smiling at the guests.D. By showing menus with different prices.13. A. Because men like their women friends to be generous.B. Because women like their men friends to be generous.C. Because men are more generous than women.D. Because women are more generous than men.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Many people suffer from passive smoking in Hong Kong.B. Passive smoking will not cause any serious diseases.C. Many non-smokers say they prefer to stay in a smoky room.D. Passive smoking causes less lung damage to people than smoking does.15. A. Put up “No Smoking” sign.B. Request no-smoking area.C. Complain when others smoke.D. Propose a ban on smoking at meetings.16. A. Damage caused by smoking.B. Reasons why we should give up smoking.C. Different smoking habits of people.D. Tips on how to avoid passive smoking.Section CBlanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Ticket orderCustomers Name_17_ BellowDate of departureOn _18_ 1stDestinationLondonTrain numberNo. 97 special _19_Number of tickets_20_Complete the form. Write One WORD for each answer.II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A1625. This is Jims photo. We miss him a lot. He _when trying to save a child in the earthquake. A. killed B. is killed C. was killed D. was killing26. _in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.A. Being founded B. It was founded C. Founded D. Found27. Alec asked the policeman _he worked to contact him whenever there was an accident.A. with him B. who C. with whom D. whom28. _,and the experiment should be done better. A. If given us mire time B. Giving us more time C. Give us more time D. More time given29. Never have any access to drugs, _you get hooked on it, you can hardly get away from it. A. If B. Once C. When D. The time30. The doctor suggests my father_, but he wont listen. A. not to smoke B. to not smoke C. doesnt smoke D. not smoke31. Information has been put forward_ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities. A. while B. that C. when D. which32. _ a flood occurs, The PLA soldiers are always the first to appear in the dangerous situation. A. Whatever B. Wherever C. Whichever D. However33. _ many times, a new medicine for bird flu will be put into market pretty soon.A. To be tested B. Having tested C. Being tested D. Having been tested34. Nancy enjoyed herself so much _ she visited her friends in Sydney last year. A. that B. which C. when D. what35. This is the problem _at the next meeting. A. to discussing B. discussed C. to be discussed D. being discussed36. The local authorities dont permit _in public and they also forbid teenagers _. A. to smoke, to smoke B. smoking, smoking C. to smoke, smoking D. smoking, to smoke 37. _ I made a speech in front of so many people, I felt quite nervous. A. For the first time B. The first time C. At that time D. At the first time38. The committee _five famous scientists put forward a valuable plan at the end of the conference. A. was made up of B. was made from C. made from D. made up of39. The bell _the end of the period rang, _our heated discussion. A. indicating, interrupting B. indicated, interrupting C. indicating, interrupted D. indicated, interrupted40. He claimed _ in the supermarket when he was doing shopping yesterday. A. being badly treated B. treating badly C. to be treated badly D. to have been badly treatedSection B9A. lasting B. joined C. before D. saw E. adding F. generally G. across H. action I. encourage J. environmentalWorld Earth Day aims at acting in responses to the growing concerns about _41_ crisis.The day meant to increase awareness and _42_ people and governments to care more about our environment and take _43_ to save our planet.The earth catches cold, a human disaster. The winter storms in South China left a _44_ image among Chinese people.But our earth is suffering more than that. Air pollution, water shortages, global warming, and the extinction of species are _45_ scars (伤疤) to our planet.As both makers and victims of environmental disasters, human are key to its healing. April 22nd 1970 _46_ the first large-scale public environmental movement in human history.Over 20 million people walked to the streets in the United States to raise awareness of environmental crisis.From then on, Earth Day has become an international event, leading to a tidal wave of environmental activities at all levels. From Tokyo to Togo, more than 500 million people have _47_ forces in over 170 countries.The wave also swept _48_ China. Action was taken from government and each year features a theme ranging from energy-saving to sustainable development. More and more people have joined in real action to save our planet _49_ it is too late.III. Reading ComprehensionSection A10Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.A dog is mans best friend, the old saying tells us-and, indeed, new research shows that when it comes to fulfilling our basic psychological needs, humans do _50_from their pets in much the same way they do from their friends.Researchers from Miami University and Saint Louis University set out to test whether a person can really lean on his or her pet(s) to “fulfill ones social needs”that is, to feel _51_and in control of ones life. The research team conducted three separate but _52_studies.In the first study, the researchers simply quizzed groups of pet owners and non-owners about their _53_.They found that on average owners were less lonely, and had _54_self-esteem.In the second study, the researchers took a closer look at dog owners_55_. They found that dogs did indeed help their owners meet social needs and feel better about life. Most _56_, the researchers found that fulfillment from pets was beneficial no matter how much support the owners were already getting from other people. Friends and family are not a substitute for pets.Finally, in the third study, a group of college students were asked to think about a time when they had felt socially excluded(排斥) or _57_. The students were then asked either to write a passage about a best friend, to write about a close pet, or to draw a map of their campus.The students who wrote about their friends or their pets both felt better afterward, recovering their sense of self-worth and happiness. Meanwhile, the map-drawing group remained a little_58_. The exciting part for the pet owners, however, is that thinking about a pet helped just_59_thinking about a best friend.50. A. benefit B. learn C. separate D. draw51. A. isolated B. connected C. powerful D. pride52. A. related B. important C. interesting D. complicated53. A. career B. families C. personalities D. shortcomings54. A. lower B. full C. little D. higher55. A. at once B. in all C. in particular D. by chance56. A. obviously B. importantly C. uniquely D. independently57. A. rejected B. welcomed C. respected D. confused58. A. excited B. shocked C. lost D. sad59. A. no more than B. as little as C. as much as D. less thanSection B22(A)I was in a rush as always, but this time it was for an important date I just couldnt be late for! I found myself at a checkout counter behind an elderly woman in no hurry as she paid for her groceries. A PhD student with not a lot of money, I had hurried into the store to pick up some flowers. We were in Boston, a place not always known for small conversation between strangers. The woman stopped emptying her basket and looked up at me. She smiled. It was a nice smile warm and comforting and I returned her gift by smiling back.“Must be a special lady, whoever it is that will be getting those beautiful flowers,” she said. “Yes, shes special,” I said, and then to my surprise, the words kept coming out.“Its only our second date, but somehow I am just having the feeling shes the one,” Jokingly, I added, “The only problem is that I cant figure out why shed want to date a guy like me.”“Well, I think shes very lucky to have a boyfriend who brings her such lovely flowers and who is obviously in love with her,” the woman said. “My husband used to bring me flowers every week even when times were tough and we didnt have much money. Those were unbelievable days; he was very romantic and of course I miss him since he has passed away.”I paid for my flowers as she was gathering up her groceries. Almost without any hesitation, I walked up to her. I touched her on the shoulder and said, “You were right, you know. These flowers are indeed for a very special lady.” I handed her the flowers and thanked her for such a nice conversation.It took her a moment to realize that I was giving her the flowers I had just bought. “You have a wonderful evening,” I said. I left her with a big smile and my heart warmed as I saw her smelling the beautiful flowers.I was slightly late for my date that night and told my girlfriend the above story. A couple of years later, when I finally worked up the courage to ask her to marry me, she told me it was that night that I won her heart.60. The writer gave his flowers to the elderly lady because she _. A. started the conversation first B. gave him encouragementC. allowed him to pay first D. liked the flowers very much61. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The writer was originally quite sure about the reason why his girlfriend was fond of him.B. The writer managed to buy some flowers for his girlfriend on each date. C. People in Boston didnt always start small talk with someone they didnt know.D. It took the writer a while to decide whether to give the elderly lady the flowers or not. 62. What can be concluded from the passage?A. Flowers are important for a date. B. Small conversation is helpful.C. Elderly people need respecting. D. Love and kindness are rewarding.(B)Out of London ToursStratford, Oxford, Christ Church and the Cotswolds with LunchLength of time About 10 hoursDays of operation April2009 to March 2010 - Tuesday, Thursday and SaturdayThis tour starts at 8:45am and finishes at around 6:30pmDescription* OxfordEnjoy the magnificence of Oxford! Well-known for over 900 years as a centre of academic excellence. Follow in the footsteps of its famous students, from Bill Clinton to Lewis Carroll. Uncover the university town of Oxford at a leisurely and relaxing pace.* Christ ChurchLights, camera, action! A treat for all Harry Potter fans see where many scenes from the films have been shot! Wonder at the magnificence of Christ Church, including the Great Hall which Hogwarts Hall is based upon.* CotswoldsDiscover the fascinating Cotswolds! Full of history and heritage(历史遗留物), the Cotswolds is a charming combination of breathtaking natural beauty, busy market towns and sleepy villages.Lunch in the Cotswolds Treat yourself in a traditional English pub (酒吧) and admire the charm of this old wool town. The lunch will be taken in the Cotswolds village of Burford.* StratfordShakespeares birthplaceA market town with a difference! Visit Shakespeares Birthplace, the half-wooded house, where the worlds greatest writer was born, to gain a fascinating insight into his childhood.Anne Hathaways CottageSatisfy yourself with an eye-opening experience at the childhood home of William Shakespeares wife! Wander around the half-wooded house and its eye-catching surroundings.Price guideAdult: 74.00Child (3-18): 64.00Senior citizen / College student: 6963. The Greens are planning to book the tour. They are Mr. and Mrs. Green, George Green, who is 15 years old, and Grandpa, who is 70 years of age. How much will they pay?A. 296 B. 286 C. 281 D.27664. Since George is a big fan of magic, he will be very excited when visiting _. A. Cotswolds B. Oxford C. Stratford D. Christ Church65. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the leaflet?A. You may eat in the Cotswolds village of Burford and then buy a woolen scarf.B. You can book this tour as a Mothers Day gift for your mother in May 2010.C. Shakespeare and his wife were born in the same town called Stratford.D. Oxford University has a long history of more than 900 years. 66. Which of the following CANNOT be used to replace “leisurely” in the leaflet?A. hurried B. gentle C. easy D. unrushed(C)Being connected to the Internet has become a necessary part of modern life. Some people actually need it as they cannot do their jobs without it, and others simply feel they need it as they cannot imagine life without it. To think that something that did not even exist 50 years ago has come to play a crucial role in our lives like this in just about 15 years makes one wonder just what will the future bring? In 2004, a survey was conducted in the US asking a group of technology experts their opinions on the Internet in the next ten years. 57% of them agreed that virtual classes will be more widely adopted in schools, allowing students to learn with those at the same level and with interests in the same subjects. Its quite possible that, by the year 2030, every child in every school will do all their schoolwork on their own laptop with all their textbooks available(现成可使用的)on the Internet. No more heavy books to carry around and no more pens and paper! At work, we already use email to deal with people both inside and outside our offices and video conferencing(电话会议) is occurring more frequently. This means that meetings can be held between offices in different countries without the trouble caused by business travel. Business travel will stop to exist in the future, and so will offices as people all start to work from home. It has also become a trend for people to use pocket computers such as Blackberries. With this helpful equipment, people can send and receive emails, surf the Web, and read multimedia files from absolutely anywhere even if we are on a beach holiday. The Internet will have a revolutionary(突破性的)effect on entertainment in the future. Already we can buy and download music and movies from the Internet but it is still possible for us to buy a CD or go to the DVD stores to rent the latest movies. However, its quite possible that in the future, CD shops and DVD rental stores will close and cinemas will no longer exist. Entertainment will become completely virtual although hopefully people will still want to get outside to play sports and entertain themselves in more healthy ways. With the Internet we need only relax in the rocking chair. The Internet, however, has problems to be solved. 67. The expression “play a crucial role in” can be understood as “_”.A. change a dull role into B. play an interesting part in C. act a cruel character in D. have an important effect on68. According to the passage people are satisfied with all the following changes EXCEPT that _. A. CD shops and cinemas will shut down as a result of the adoption of virtual entertainmentB. virtual classes can make students dream of getting rid of their schoolbags come trueC. people can be kept informed anytime and anywhere with the help of convenient equipment D. people wont have to make business travel any more thanks to the video conference69. What will the writer probably discuss after the last paragraph?A. The possible school life in the future. B. Bad effects the Internet can have o


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