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尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾、敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们:Honorable leaders, distinguished guests, beloved teachers, dear students, 大家上午好!Good morning everyone!今天,阳光灿烂,那是新年绚丽的色彩;Today, the sun, the gorgeous color of New Year;今天,歌声飘扬,那是新年动人的旋律;Today, a song, that is the moving melody of New Year;今天,我们穿上盛装,欢心鼓舞地迎接 新一年的到来,展望未来,前景灿烂,我们豪情满怀。Today, we dress up in costumes, inspired to greet the arrival of the New Year, look to the future, a bright future, we are full of pride. 在这里,我真诚地对学校领导和学校老师说一身:“老师,您辛苦了!”Here, I will say,“Thank you so much for your hard work! 踏着时代的节奏,乘着转型升级的东风,带着新年的祝福,怀着更多更多美好的憧憬我们相聚在这美好的时刻。Inspired by the rhythm of the times, by the transformation and upgrading of the East, with the blessing of the New Year, with more and more good vision - we get together at this wonderful moment.让我们以热烈的掌声对各位领导的光临表示最衷心的问候和感谢!Let us warmly applause to thank the fellow leaders to show great thanks to them新英豪中英文学校2013年元旦文艺演出现在开始!New Years Day performances of Xinyinghao school in 2013 now begins!全体肃立,奏国歌All rise, play the National Anthem请就座,下面请大家以热烈的掌声欢迎新英豪中英文学校的张校长,为咱们的艺术节致辞!Please be seated, Lets warmly welcome principal Zhang of our school to make a speech!下面有请我们学校校务处黄主任主持颁奖仪式,掌声有请!Lets warmly welcome Mr Huang to hold the awarding ceremony.我们经常看到同学们纯真灿烂的笑脸,也感叹着这些同学们给我们带来的诸多奇迹!听,他们在唱什么呢?We often see students pure bright smiling faces, also sigh with these students has brought us a lot of miracles! Listen, what are the y singing?真好听!再听,一群少年过来了,他们为我们带来了什么样的惊喜呢?请欣赏乐器合奏花儿与少年Wonderful ! Listen, a group of teenagers are coming, they will bring us a surprise? Please appreciate the instrumental ensemble “flower and youth”多么唯美的音乐,让我们不禁想起小时候听过的童话故事白雪公主,今天,让我们一起来重温经典,请欣赏话剧白雪公主。How beautiful the music is! Today, let us work together to revisit the classical fairy tales, Snow White .嗯!这些小演员真厉害,表演得很棒!在这样的节日里,我们当然少不了舞蹈啦!下面请欣赏舞蹈青花瓷Well! These actors are really good! Please enjoy the dance blue and white porcelain.在这里,我们结交了很多朋友。这些友谊,请接下来的两位同学为我们诠释,请欣赏二重唱”Friendly”Here, we ve made a lot of friends. Lets enjoy the song “Friendly”我们能安安静静的学习,也能开开心心地玩耍,这就是我们幸福的校园,瞧,又有一帮淘气鬼来了!欣赏舞蹈Kissy KissyWe can study diligently, can play happily, this is the happiness of our campus, look, how cute they are! Enjoy the dance, Kissy Kissy .接下来请欣赏舞蹈遥远的爸爸妈妈,为我们演绎留守儿童的心声!Next, please enjoy the dance “distant father and mother 不管条件怎么样,都阻挡不了我们的快乐的童年,因为我们是一群“快乐宝贝”(欣赏舞蹈快乐宝贝)We are a group of happ kids and enjoy the dance happy babies )看了我们快乐宝贝的表演,大家每天都是快快乐乐的!今天,我们还请来了一群特别的嘉宾,那就是来自印度的小天使!请欣赏舞蹈印度天使We are happy every day! Today, we have invited a group of special guests, that is the Indian little angel! Please enjoy the dance, “An Indian angel”除了来自印度的小天使,还有一位小客人也来了,她呀,带着小红帽,大家都知道是谁了吧?接下来请欣赏话剧小红帽We have another little guest namedlittle red riding hood, Next, please enjoy the drama “Little Red Riding Hood. 在我们的校园,有一群最可亲可敬的人,那就是我们的老师:有一群有着纯真灿烂笑容的宝贝,那就是我们:有一个美丽的地方,让每个人都心驰神往,接下来请欣赏舞蹈有一个,美丽的地方please enjoy the dance, “A beautiful place. 新英豪中英文学校,就是这样一个美丽的地方。最后,我们来欣赏一下咱们英豪的英语能手们给大家带来的英语歌吧!Xinyinghao Chinese-English school, is a beautiful place. Finally, Finally please enjoy the English songs!时间过得真快,转眼,我们此次活动也走向了尾声了,辉煌的成绩已属过往,我们面对的,将是崭新的的明天。HowTime flies! It will come to the end of our performances.We have a brilliant past


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