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,主讲人:米双芝 宋朋,尘埃里的两朵花,Two Flowers In The Dust,Na lan xing de:,Formerly known as Na lan cheng de,In order to avoid the Prince “baocheng“ name,he Renamed Na lan xing de. Born in Shun zhi eleven years, died in twenty-four years of Kangxi, only thirty-one years old At the age of 17, he was admitted to the imperial college,at his age of 22, he was admitted to Jinshi, he was promoted to the three guards, after risen two bodyguard, risen again as a bodyguard. He was also a famous poet,poem was printed in the word, such as “water word“,his life like a flower of march,A woman gives Na Lans life,His motherAi xin jue luos She was the fifth girl of prince she was confered on madam of yi pin He was born in a rich family,his father was a authority person. His father was Prime minister of Qing dynasty. His fathers name was Na Lan Ming Zhu,舒穆禄雪梅,Cousin,Na lan once engaged with his cousin.what a pity! A beautiful meeting just like a flash in the pan .his cousin was send to palace,It is a sorrowful thing.he writed a poem to memorize his First love and miss his cousin.,First love,画堂春 一生一代一双人,争教两处销魂?相思相望不相亲,天为谁春! 桨向蓝桥易乞,药成碧海难奔,若容相访饮牛津,相对忘贫。,In his life ,the second important woman,His wife,Lady lou,When Na lan was 2o years old ,he married with lady Lou. at the accompany with Lady Lou,Na Lan was happiness,He hoped happiness existing foverer.There was another sad thing: Three years later,his wife was died,beause of giving birth to a baby; In Na Lans life,he feeled again his life was died along with hiswife,He write a lot of poem to express his love,There was a poem,we can feeled his sorrowful.let us knew it,浣溪沙 谁念西风独自凉,萧萧黄叶闭疏窗。沉思往事立残阳。 被酒莫惊春睡重,赌书消得泼茶香。当时只道是寻常。 Cold on my own in the westwind ,dear know? Inclosed wind was blind by the fall of the rustled leaves. In the setting sun the past to my mind flows. let my cup not to jerk awake her thick spring sleep, A go of the happy union was not mad on nevers. Who could only assume that were common shows.,Who is the woman,She is Shen Wan,Shen Wan was a woman that Na Lan meet her in his 30 years old. Whether it was a fate ? Na Lan was a lucky guy ,in his life,he had a oppprtunity to share his happiness and sorrow with someone.it was also a lucky,he had someone accompany him.it was also an exciting thing ,someone knew his poet and knew him.,Shen Wan was a geisha(艺妓).she got married with Na Lan,she was gone to the capital of a country. Howerver,owing to his family oppose them,she returned to jiang nan.she borned a son to Na Lan,In the end of life ,Na Lan recalled that he was sorry to Shen Wan,To the Tune of “Gathering Mulberry Seeds” The bright moon in love must surely laugh at me, mocking at my stupidity. I have been unfaithful to the heart of spring. Wandering all alone, humming songs to myself. Of late I have been afraid to talk of past events. I have sought solace in the orchid dress. The moon wanes, the camp burns in its socket. Within the dream where is the vanished cloud? 采桑子 明月多情应笑我,笑我如今。辜负春心,独自闲行独自吟。 近来怕说当时事,结遍兰襟。月浅灯深,梦里云归何处寻。,In 1685,He was died of disease when he was only 31 years old,a great highiy of a man left us.,As far as i am concerend,Na lan xing de was mouring(忧伤的),the greatest love of all leave him one by one.he was helpless. Although he borned in a Wealthy family,he thought he was not a rich flower.If the life only like initially sees.He gave us more imagenations,it included many beautiful things about love. Nalanxingde was a famous poet which from Qing dynasty.He was spoken highly of wang guo wei. When he was died ,he was only 31 years old. But he left a valuable asset to the people.Thus people remembered him. He scentences was picked from a poetry named Mulanhualing.It expressed a longing for love, and also conveyed the attitude for love obout Na lan rong ruo.,Na lan xing de,木兰词 拟古决绝词柬友 人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇。 等闲变却故人心,却道故人心易变。 骊山语罢清宵半,泪雨霖铃终不怨。 何如薄幸锦衣郎,比翼连枝当日愿。,Lily Magnolia Flowers Life is like a stranger, Why lament for the failure of tryet Skittish in the nature of the honored player,Why alleggedly he tended to be a fickler? That clear right slipped soft words of my lover, tears gushed,but i aint a rankler How can i compare the labile beau,To devoted and faithful vower?,who?,The worlds most beautiful boy Tsangyang Gyatso,世间最美的情郎仓央嘉措,Personal information,Chinese Name: Tsangyang Gyatso Birth place: Tibet Date of birth: 1683 Death date: 1706 Belief: Nyingma sect of Buddhism (宁玛派佛教) Identity: the Sixth Dalai Lama (六世达赖喇嘛),仓央嘉措的身世更为他的情诗增添了浪漫而神秘的色彩。他的经典的拉萨藏文木刻版仓央嘉措情诗,汇聚了他的六十多首情诗。,TsangyanGyatso life adds to the romantic and mysterious color for his poem. His classic Lhasa Tibetan woodcut“ Cangyangjiacuo love poems“ brought together his 60 love poems.,It has been translated into more than twenty languages all over the world, the new works emerge in an endless stream. In the folk, Cangyangjiacuos poems have reached more than 200 songs. Today in Tibet, many people will sing in his poem adapted songs, for example:,如今已被译成二十多种文字,几乎传遍了全世界,新的译作层出不穷。而在民间,有仓央嘉措的情诗达200多首。在今天的西藏,很多人都会唱以他的诗改编的歌,譬如:,十诫诗,The first, the one you should not meet, so then you may not love 。 第一最好不相见,如此便可不相恋。 The second, the one you should not known well, so then you may not lovesick。 第二最好不相知,如此便可不相思。,十诫诗,The third, the one you should not accompany, so then you may not owe 。 第三最好不相伴,如此便可不相欠。 The fourth, the one you should not pity, so then you may not recall。 第四最好不相惜,如此便可不相忆。,The fifth, the one you should not love,so then you may not abandon。 第五最好不相爱,如此便可不相弃。 The sixth, the one you should not opposite, so then you may not meet。 第六最好不相对,故此便可不相会,The seventh, the one you should not harm, so then you may not negative。 第七最好不相误,如此便可不相负。 The eighth, the one you should not wish, so then you may not go on。 第八最好不相许,如此便可不相续。,The ninth ,the one you should not rely on, so then you may not snuggle。 第九最好不相依,如此便可不相偎。 The tenth, the one you should not meet, so then you may not have a meeting。 第十最好不相遇,如此便可不相聚。,Live in Potala Palace, I am the largest king. Wandering in the streets of Lhasa, I am the most beautiful lover. 住进布达拉宫, 我


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