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一、进口信用证部分(一) 循环信用证的附加条款1、不可累计按月非自动循环信用证(MT700-47A场)(模版代码)“ADDITIONAL TERMS FOR REVOLVING L/C(PER MONTH)”+THIS IS A MONTHLY REVOLVING CREDIT WHICH IS AVAILABLE FOR UP TO THE AMOUNT OF - PER MONTH, AND OUR MAXIMUM LIABILITY UNDER THIS CREDIT DOES NOT EXCEED - BEING THE AGGREGATE VALUE OF - MONTHS. THE UNUSED BALANCE OF EACH MONTH IS NON-CUMULATIVE TO THE SUCCEEDING MONTH. +THE AMOUNT OF THIS CREDIT SHALL BE RENEWED AFTER EACH NEGOTIATION ONLY UPON RECEIPT OF THE ISSUING BANKS NOTICE STATING THAT THE CREDIT MAY BE RENEWED. 2、不可累计按装运次数非自动循环信用证(MT700-47A场) “ADDITIONAL TERMS FOR REVOLVING L/C(PER SHIPMENT)”+THIS CREDIT IS REVOLVING FOR -(装运次数) SHIPMENTS ONLY. EACH SHIPMENT SHALL BE EFFECTED AT - (装运间隔时间) INTERVAL. THE AMOUNT OF EACH SHIPMENT SHALL NOT EXCEEDING - . THE TOTAL VALUE OF THIS REVOLVING CREDIT SHALL NOT EXCEED - . THE UNUSED BALANCE OF EACH SHIPMENT IS NOT CUMULATIVE TO THE FOLLOWING SHIPMENT.THE AMOUNT OF THE CREDIT SHALL BE RENEWED AFTER EACH NEGOTIATION ONLY UPON RECEIPT OF THE ISSUING BANKS NOTICE STATING THAT THE CREDIT MAY BE RENEWED.(注:如果开立可累计自动循环信用证,上述条款中的相应语句少加改动即可:THE UNSUED BALANCE OF EACH MONTH (OR: SHIPMENT) MAY BE CUMULATIVE TO THE SUCCEEDING MONTH (OR: THE FOLLOWING SHIPMENT) THE AMOUNT OF THIS CREDIT SHALL BE AUTOMATICALLY RENEWED AFTER EACH NEGOTIATION)(二)开立对开信用证的附加条款和偿付指示参考格式1、 对开信用证附加条款(模版代码)“ADDITIONAL TERMS FOR RECIPROCAL L/C”(MT70047A场) +THIS IS A RECIPROCAL CREDIT WHICH IS INTERRELATED WITH THE L/C NO. -(出口来证号码)ISSUED BY -(出口来证开证行名称、地名、国名). PAYMENT UNDER THIS CREDIT IS SUBJECT TO THE REALIZATION OF THE EXPORT PROCEEDS REPATRIATED UNDER THE ABOVE CREDIT.2、 对开信用证偿付指示(模版代码)“INSTRUCTIONS TO NEGOTIATING BANK FOR RECIPROCAL L/C”(MT700 78场)+ONLY UPON RECEIPT OF DOCUMENTS CONFORMING TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS CREDIT AND THE TOTAL PROCEEDS OF (出口信用证项下收款金额)UNDER THE ABOVE-MENTIONED L/C,WE SHALL EFFFECT PAYMENT AT MATURITY AS PER YOUR INSTRUCTIONS”。(三)开立使用专项贷款信用证附加条款和偿付指示格式(总营专用)1、专项贷款信用证附加条款(模版代码)“ADDITIONAL TERMS FOR SPECIAL LOAN LC”(MT700-47A场) +THIS LETTER OF CREDIT IS ESTABLISHED UNDER IBRD(ADB) LOAN NO. - BETWEEN - AND THE WORLD BANK (ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK). THEREFORE, THIS LETTER OF CREDIT SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE ONLY IF AND WHEN THE WORLD BANK (ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK) HAS ISSUED ITS SPECIAL COMMITMENT(S) TO THE SAID ADVISING BANK.+NEGOTIATIONS UNDER THIS CREDIT ARE RESTRICTED TO THE ABOVE MENTIONED ADVISING BANK.3、 专项贷款信用证偿付指示(模版代码)“INSTRUCTIONS TO NEGOTIATING BANK FOR SPECIAL LOAN LC”(MT700-78场) +EACH PRESENTATION SHALL BE NOTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS CREDIT. +ON NEGOTIATION, THE NEGOTIATING BANK SHALL CLAIM REIMBURSEMENT(S) FROM THE WORLD BANK (THE ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK) BY CABLE/SWIFT PROVIDED ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS STIIPULATED HEREIN HAVE BEEN COMPLIED WITH, AND SIMULTANEOUSLY THE NEGOTIATING BANK SHALL DISPATCH ALL DOCUMENTS IN ONE LOT BY COURIER SERVICE TO :ATTN:INTL DEPT., CHINA EVERBRIGHT BANK, HEAD OFFICE, BANKING DEPT.,ROOM 215,EVERBRIGHT BLDG., NO. 6 FUXINGMENWAI AVE.,BEIJING 100045, CHINA. (四)远期信用证承兑通知电文(MT799 - 20场为我行信用证编号,21场为寄单行参考编号,79场为下述内容。鉴于SWIFT格式中20、21场已有往来双方参考编号,电文中就不再引述,以下交涉电文参考格式均采用此原则编辑) (模版代码)“ADVICE OF ACCEPTANCE FOR USANCE L/C”ATTN: EXPORT LC DEPT.PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE ABOVE DRAFTS/DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED TO MATURE ON (到期日). PAYMENT WILL BE EFFECTED AS PER YOUR INSTRUCTIONS AT MATURITY FOR(到期付款净额)( 如需扣除我行费用则序列明各项费用金额,如: - AS DISCREPANCY FEE DEDUCTED).RGDS. (五)对开信用证有条件承兑电文(模版代码)“ACCEPTANCE FOR RECIPROCAL L/C”ATTN: EXPORT LC DEPT.WE ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE CAPTIONED DRAFTS/DOCUMENTS AND WISH TO INFORM YOU THAT THE BILL WILL BE DUE ON (到期日). IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF OUR CREDIT, PAYMENT WILL BE EFFECTED AT MATURITY SUBJECT TO OUR RECEIPT OF THE TOTAL PROCEEDS OF (出口信用证项下收款金额)UNDER L/C NO.(出口来证号码)ISSUED BY YOURSELVES”。 (六)MT734拒付通知报文格式(20场为我行信用证号码,21场为寄单行参考编号)*72/SENDER TO RECEIVER INFORMATION(6行X 35个字符)DOCUMENTS REFUSED DUE TO THEFOLLOWING DISCREPANCY(IES).*77J/DISCREPANCIES(20行X 35个字符)(列明不符点)*77B/DISPOSAL OF DOCUMENTS(3行X 35个字符)1、信用证中加列有不符点单据处理特殊条款时选用 HOLDING DOCUMENTS AT YOUR DISPOSAL PENDING INSTRUCTIONS SUBJECT TO THE SPECIAL CONDITIONS IN OUR CREDIT.2、信用证中未加列不符点单据处理特殊条款时,删去“SUBJECT TO THE SPECIAL CONDITIONS IN OUR CREDIT.”或使用SWIFT结构化的填法“/HOLD/”,这种情况下需寄单行授权后方可放单。鉴于不符点内容需根据单据审核情况而定,根据ICCTrade Finance - The Complete Guide to Documentary Credits有关内容(做了部分删减和修改)编制下列常见不符点参考文句列表供编辑报文时参考:常见不符点参考文句列表Common discrepancies in transport documentsCredit ExpiredDocuments presented afterexpiry of creditAll transport documentsLate shipmentTransport documents show a dateafter the latest date of shipmentas shown on creditAll transport documentsLate presentationTransport documents presented afterthe period for presentation ofdocuments as specified on the credit or in terms of Article 43All transport documentsPort of loading/dispatch/taking in charge not asper the creditAll transport documentsPort of discharge/finaldestination not as perthe creditAll transport documentsTransport documents shows an intended vessel/intended portof loading but on board notation does notadditionally evidenceactual port of loading and actual vesselMarine/OceanNon-negotiable2324Transhipment effected(Transhipment madewhen credit prohibitstranshipment and alsospecifically excludes sub-Articles 23(d); 24(d); 27(c))Marine/OceanNon-negotiableAir transport232427Absence of on boardnotation on Received forShipment Bills of Lading(where the credit callsfor on board shipment)Marine/OceanNon-negotiable2324On board notation not datedMarine/OceanNon-negotiable2324Goods shipped on deck(but the credit does not stipulate or allow on deckshipment)Marine/OceanNon-negotiableCharter partyMultimodal 23242526Full set of transport documents not presentedas required by the creditMarine/OceanNon-negotiableCharter partyMultimodal23242526Claused Bills of Lading presented showingdefective condition ofpackageAll transport documentsTransport documents do not identify carrierANDNot signed in accordance with the credit and or UCP and Position PapersAll transport documents as applicableBills of Lading notendorsed in blank(as stipulated by the credit)Marine/Ocean23Common discrepancies on insurance documentsThe currency in which the insurance document is expressed is not that of the creditThe amount of insurance is insufficient/under insuredThe goods description does not correspond to the credit The port of loading or place of taking in charge not in accordance with the creditThe port of discharge and or place of delivery not in accordance with the creditSpecific risks as stipulated in the credit are not covered by the insurance documentThe insurance policy/certificate is not endorsed The insurance document presented is not as stipulated by the credit (or otherwiseauthorized by UCP Article 34)The effective date for insurance is later than the date of shipment(or loading on board)All the originals shown on the document(s) as issued are not presented.Common discrepancies that arise on document checkingDiscrepancies common to allCredit expiredDocuments presented after expiry date of the credit.Late shipmentTransport documents show a date of shipment after thelatest date of shipment as shown on the credit.Late presentationDocuments presented after the period for presentation of documents as specified in the credit or in terms ofArticle 43.Discrepancies on financial documentsDraft not signed by the beneficiaryDraft signed but no indication of the name of the beneficiaryDraft not drawn on the correct partyDraft does not show the “drawn under clause”(i.e. does not state drawn “under DC No.- issued by -” as required by the credit)Amount is in excess of the credit/over drawnWords and figures on Draft do not agree with each otherTenor of draft incorrectly shown (e.g. shows at sight instead of 60 days as required by the credit)Credit number, import licence number, are not shown on Draft(in terms of either an express stipulation in relation to drafts or as a general stipulation that all documents shall show these details)Discrepancies on Commercial DocumentsCommercial InvoiceNot issued by the beneficiaryNot signed as stipulated by the creditDescription of goods on invoice does not correspond with that shown on the creditInvoice not visaed and/or legalized as required by the creditBreakdown of charges not shown as required by the credit (Credit requires cost,insurance and freight charges to be shown separately.)Quantity of goods shipped exceeds tolerance of 5% in sub-Article 30(b)Unit price not as stipulated in the creditPartial shipment effected (when credit prohibits partial shipment)Marks and numbers on invoice inconsistent with those on transport documents(or other documents)Certificate of AnalysisContains data inconsistent with invoice and the credit description of goodsDoes not indicate the precise figures and details required in the creditIssued by a party whose name is not as stipulated in the creditCertificate of WeightThe data is inconsistent with those in invoice (or transport documents/other documents)Inspection CertificateCertificate not issued by the party stipulated in the creditCertificate shows data inconsistent with the description of goods in invoice (and the credit)The wording of the certificate not as stipulated by the creditPacking ListIndicates the packing of goods which is not as required on the credit or shown oninvoice and or transport document.Contains data inconsistent with those in other documentsWeight ListIndicates weight(s) inconsistent with that/those in other documentsIndicates other data inconsistent with those in other documentsCertificate of OriginIndicates the origin of the goods other than that as stipulated in the creditNot issued by the party as stipulated in the creditShown data inconsistent with those in other documents.Export LicenceNot issued by the authority/body named in the credit.Goods description not in accordance with that in invoice (and the credit)Contains data inconsistent with those in other documents(七)部分进口信用证交涉函电格式(Common Message),可以根据需要选用:1、 申请人要求撤销我行开立信用证(建议使用MT707)(模版代码)“CANCEL IMPORT L/C REQUESTED BY APPLICANT”ATTN: EXPORT L/C DEPT.AT THE REQUEST OF THE APPLICANT WE WOULD LIKE TO ASK FOR CANCELLATION OF OUR CAPTIONED CREDIT. PLEASE CONTACT THE BENEFICIARY FOR THEIR CONSENT AND LET US KNOW THE RESULTS BY RETURN.THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND COOPERATION IN THIS MATTER.RGDS.2、 同意国外受益人要求撤销我行信用证(模版代码)“CANCELLING IMPORT L/C REQUESTED BY BENEFICIARY”ATTN: EXPORT L/C DEPT. WITH REFERENCE TO YOUR SWIFT/TELEX DATED - REQUESTING CANCELLATION OF THE CAPTIONED CREDIT, WE INFORM YOU OF OUR CONSENT TO CANCELLING IT AND HAVE CLOSED OUR FILE FOR COMPLETE DISCHARGE. PLEASE CONVEY THE SAME TO THE BENEFICIARY ACCORDINGLY.RGDS.3、 答复寄单行查询,我行已付款(模版代码)“REPLY TO TRACER OF THE PRESENTING BANK”ATTN: EXPORT L/C DEPT.WE REFER TO YOUR SWIF/TTELEX TRACER OF - AND INFORM YOU THAT PAYMENT UNDER ABOVE ITEM FOR - ( - DEDUCTED) WAS EFFECTED ON (付款日期)ACCORDING TO YOUR INSTRUCTIONS. PLEASE RECHECK.RGDS.4、 回复寄单行电提不符点授权议付电文(模版代码)“REPLY TO ASKING FOR AUTHORIZATION OF NEGOTIATION”ATTN:EXPORT LC DEPT.WITH REFERENCE TO YOUR SWIFT/TELEX DATED - REGARDING DISCREPANCIES IN THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS, WE WISH TO INFORM YOU THAT THE DISCREPANCIES ADVISED HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED. YOU MAY NEGOTIATE THE DOCUMENTS IF OTHERS IN ORDER.RGDS.5、 回复寄单行电提拒绝接受不符点请按托收寄单(模版代码)“SENDING DISCREPANT DOCUMENTS ON COLLECTION BASIS”ATTN: EXPORT L/C DEPT.WE REFER TO YOUR SWIFT/TELEX DATED - ADVISING US OF DISCREPANCIES IN THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS AND REGRET TO INFORM YOU THAT THE APPLICANT REFUSES TO ACCEPT THE DISCREPANCIES BEFORE SEEING THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. SO THE DOCUMENTS MAY BE SENT TO US ON COLLECTION BASIS.RGDS.6、 回复寄单行查询拒付单据情况电文(模版代码)“REPLY TO TRACER ABOUT REJECTED DOCUMENTS”ATTN:EXPORT L/C DEPT.IN REPLY TO YOUR SWIFT/TELEX DATED -, WE REGRET TO INFORM YOU THAT THE DISCREPANT DOCUMENTS UNDER OUR ABOVE LC STILL REMAIN UNACCEPTED. PLEASE ADVISE THE BENEFICIARY OF THE SAME AND ASK THEM TO CONTACT THE APPLICANT DIRECTLY TO SETTLE THE CASE. MEANWHILE,DOCUMENTS ARE HELD AT YOUR DISPOSAL (SUBJECT TO THE SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF OUR CREDIT(信用证加列有不符点单据处理特殊条款时选用)RGDS.7、 请寄单行授权同意申请人付款赎单我行信用证未加列不符点单据处理特殊条款时选用。(模版代码)“ASK FOR RELEASE DISCREPANT DOCUS. AGAINST PAYMENT UNDER L/C”ATTN: EXPORT L/C DEPT.WE REFER TO OUR NOTICE OF REFUSAL DATED - AND INFORM YOU THAT THE APPLICANT IS NOW WILLING TO ACCEPT THE DISCREPANT DOCUMENTS UNDER THE ABOVE ITEM, PLEASE CONFIRM TO US BY AUTHENTACTED SWIFT/TELEX IF WE MAY RELEASE THE DOCUMENTS AGAINST THEIR PAYMENT.PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING FEES/CHARGES SHALL BE DEDUCTED FROM THE PROCEEDS WHEN PAYMENT EFFECTED:DISCREPANCIES FEES - AND CABLE CHARGES -MAKING TOTAL - .RGDS.8、 请寄单行授权无偿放单(模版代码)“ASK FOR RELEASE OF DOCUMENTS FREE OF PAYMENT UNDER LC”ATTN: EXPORT L/C DEPT.WE ARE INFORMED BY THE APPLICANT THAT THE BENEFICIARY HAS AGREED TO RELEASE THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS TO THE APPLICANT FREE OF PAYMENT. PLEASE CONTACT THE BENEFICIARY FOR THEIR APPROVAL AND AUTHORIZE US TO DO SO BY AUTHENTICATED SWIFT/TELEX.RGDS. 9、 退回拒付单据通知电文和退单面函(1) 我行要求退回拒付单据电文(模版代码)“REQUEST FOR RETURN OF REJECTED DOCUMENTS”ATTN: EXPORT L/C DEPT.AS CONSIDERABLE TIME HAS ELAPSED AND THE CAPTIONED ITEM IS STILL OUTSTANDING, PLEASE INSTRUCT IF WE MAY RETURN THE REJECTED DOCUMENTS.RGDS.(2) 应交单行要求退回拒付单据通知电文(模版代码)“CABLE ADVICE FOR RETURN OF REJECTED DOCUMENTS.”ATTN: EXPORT L/C DEPT.AS REQUESTED BY YOUR SWIFT/TELEX DATED -, WE HAVE TODAY RETURNED THE FULL SET OF REJECTED DOCUMENTS TO YOU BY(邮寄方式)AT YOUR EXPENSE AND CLOSED OUR FILE WITH COMPLETE DISCHARGE.RGDS.(3) 应交单行要求退回拒付单据退单面函(模版代码)“LETTER FOR REQUESTED RETURN OF REJECTED DOCUMENTS” Date:To: (Full name and address of the Bank from whom the documents received)Attn.: Export L/C DepartmentDear Sirs, Re.: Your Reference No. - for -Our L/C No. - In accordance with the request made in your SWIFT message dated -, we enclose herewith the full set of documents under the captioned item for your disposal and have closed our file with complete discharge accordingly.Kindly acknowledge receipt by signing and returning to us the attached copy of this letter and remit - as our postal charge to our Head Office XXX Account No. - with -. Yours faithfully, For China Everbright Bank Branch Authorized SignatureEncl. (Name and numbers of the documents enclosed)(4) 我行主动退回拒付单据通知电(模版代码)“CABLE ADVICE FOR ACTIVE RETURN OF REJECTED DOCUMENTS”ATTN: EXPORT L/C DEPT.AS CONSIDERALBE TIME HAS ELAPSED AND THE APPLICANT STILL INSISTS ON REFUSING THE DISCREPANT DOCUMENTS, WE HAVE TODAY RETURNED THE FULL SET OF DOCUMENTS TO YOU BY - AND CLOSED OUR FILE WITH COMPLETE DISCHARGE.RGDS.(5) 我行主动退回拒付单据退单面函(模版代码)“LETTER FOR ACTIVE RETURN OF REJECTED DOCUMENTS” Date:To: (Full name and address of the Bank from whom the documents received)Attn.: Export L/C DepartmentDear Sirs, Re.: Your Reference No. - for -Our L/C No. Please refer to our SWIFT message of the same date, we enclose herewith the full set of documents under the captioned item for your disposal and have closed our file with complete discharge accordingly.Kindly acknowledge receipt by signing and returning to us the attached copy of this letter ( and remit - as our postal charge to our Head Office XXX Account No. - with -) . . Yours faithfully, For China Everbright Bank Branch Authorized SignatureEncl. (Name and number of the documents enclosed)10、限制议付信用证项下非限定议付行交单交涉电文(模版代码)“CABLE FOR PRESNETATION OF NON-NOMINATED BANK”ATTN: EXPORT L/C DEPT.WE ARE IN RECEIPT OF THE CAPTIONED DOCUMENTS, BUT UNABLE TO EFFECT PAYMENT IN DUE COURSE BECAUSE THEY WERE NOT PRESENTED BY THE NOMINATED BANK. IN ORDER TO AVOID THE RISK OF A SECOND SET OF THE SAME DOCUMENTS BEING PRESENTED TO THE NOMINATED NEGOTIATING BANK, PLEASE CONTACT THEM TO CONFIRM TO US THAT YOUR NEGOTIATION IS EFFECTIVE.RGDS.二、信用证转让部分应第一受益人申请以电开方式办理信用证的转让时使用MT720/721格式。以下有关转让信用证条款、函电的参考格式供业务人员办理信用证的转让时根据业务的实际情况选择使用。(一)信用证转让的附加条款(47A场:ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS)(模版代码) “ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS FOR TRANSFER L/C”+ THE FIRST BENEFICIARY RETAINS THE RIGHT TO REFUSE TO ALLOW THE TRANSFERRING BANK TO ADVISE THE SECOND BENEFICIARY OF


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