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管理学院 School of Management,佟瑞 Edward Tong, MPM,MBA,2019/5/8,1,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,Chapter 3,Organization structure and culture,33,Where We Are Now,Once top management approves a project? How will the project be implemented,Both the project management structure and the culture of the organization constitute major elements of the environment in which projects are implemented. It is important for project managers and participants to know the “ lay of the land so that they can avoid obstacles and take advantage of pathways to complete their projects.,2019/5/8,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,4,What is a good project management system?,A project management system provides a framework for launching and implementing project activities within a parent organization. A good system appropriately balances the needs of both the parent organization and the project by defining the interface between the project and parent organization in terms of authority, allocation of resources and eventual integration of project outcomes into mainstream operations.,2019/5/8,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,5,36,Project Management Structures,Challenges to Organizing Projects The uniqueness and short duration of projects relative to ongoing longer-term organizational activities The multidisciplinary and cross-functional nature of projects creates authority and responsibility dilemmas. Choosing an Appropriate Project Management Structure The best system balances the needs of the project with the needs of the organization.,Struggles between project and ongoing operations,Many business organizations have struggled with creating a system for organizing projects while managing ongoing operations. Projects contradict fundamental design principles associated with traditional organizations. Projects are unique, one time efforts with a distinct beginning and end. Most organization are designed to efficiently manage ongoing activities.,2019/5/8,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,7,38,Project Management Structures,Organizing Projects: Functional organization Different segments of the project are delegated to respective functional units. Coordination is maintained through normal management channels. Used when the interest of one functional area dominates the project or one functional area has a dominant interest in the projects success.,39,Functional Organizations,FIGURE 3.1,310,Functional Organization of Projects,Advantages No Structural Change Flexibility ( in the use of staff) In-Depth Expertise Easy Post-Project Transition,Disadvantages Lack of Focus Poor Integration Slow Lack of Ownership,311,Project Management Structures (contd),Organizing Projects: Dedicated Teams Teams operate as separate units under the leadership of a full-time project manager. In a projectized organization where projects are the dominant form of business, functional departments are responsible for providing support for its teams.,312,Dedicated Project Team,FIGURE 3.2,313,Project Organization: Dedicated Team,Advantages Simple Fast Cohesive Cross-Functional Integration,Disadvantages Expensive Internal Strife Limited Technological Expertise Difficult Post-Project Transition,314,Projectized Organizational Structure,FIGURE 3.3,315,Project Management Structures (contd),Organizing Projects: Matrix Structure Hybrid organizational structure (matrix) is overlaid on the normal functional structure. Two chains of command (functional and project) Project participants report simultaneously to both functional and project managers. Matrix structure optimizes the use of resources. Allows for participation on multiple projects while performing normal functional duties. Achieves a greater integration of expertise and project requirements.,316,Matrix Organization Structure,FIGURE 3.4,317,Division of Project Manager and Functional Manager Responsibilities in a Matrix Structure,TABLE 3.1,Project Manager Negotiated Issues Functional Manager What has to be done? Who will do the task? How will it be done? When should the task be done? Where will the task be done? How much money is available Why will the task be done? How will the project involvement to do the task? impact normal functional activities? How well has the total project Is the task satisfactorily How well has the functional been done? completed? input been integrated?,318,Different Matrix Forms,Weak Form The authority of the functional manager predominates and the project manager has indirect authority. Balanced Form The project manager sets the overall plan and the functional manager determines how work to be done. Strong Form The project manager has broader control and functional departments act as subcontractors to the project.,319,Project Organization: Matrix Form,Advantages Efficient Strong Project Focus Easier Post-Project Transition Flexible,Disadvantages Dysfunctional Conflict Infighting Stressful Slow,320,Choosing the Appropriate Project Management Structure,Organization (Form) Considerations How important is the project to the firms success? What percentage of core work involves projects? What level of resources (human and physical) are available?,321,Choosing the Appropriate Project Management Structure (contd),Project Considerations Size of project Strategic importance Novelty and need for innovation Need for integration (number of departments involved) Environmental complexity (number of external interfaces) Budget and time constraints Stability of resource requirements,How much autonomy does the project need ?,The higher the levels of these seven factors, the more autonomy and authority the project manager and project team need to be successful. This translates into using either a dedicated project team or a project matrix structure.,2019/5/8,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,22,2019/5/8,Edward Tong,Jinan University,23,Organizational Structure and the PM,PMBOK Figure 2-6,2019/5/8,Edward Tong,Jinan University,24,Organizational culture,Culture is the social glue that helps hold the organization together. The shared meaning provided by a strong culture ensures that everyone is pointed in the same direction. From an employees standpoint, culture is valuable because it reduces ambiguity. 。,2019/5/8,Edward Tong,Jinan University,25,Personal values and habits Compatibility with Organizational culture,The explicit goal of the recruitment process is to identify and hire individuals with the requisite skill, knowledge, and experience to perform jobs within an organization. Part of performing work within an organization is the ability to work with others and fit into the culture of the organization. Companies are paying increased attention to assessing the personal values and habits of applicants to determine whether they are compatible with the culture of the organization.,326,Mechanisms for Sustaining Organizational Culture,FIGURE A3.1,2019/5/8,Edward Tong,Jinan University,27,Microsofts culture values & relationship between organizational culture and project management.,Aggressiveness and risk taking The relationship between Organizational culture and project management is that of a riverboat trip. Culture is the river and the project is the boat. Paddling downstream if culture is conducive to project Paddling upstream if the dominant culture inhibit effective project management,328,Organizational Culture,Organizational Culture Defined A system of shared norms, beliefs, values, and assumptions which bind people together, thereby creating shared meanings. The “personality” of the organization that sets it apart from other organizations. Provides a sense of identify to its members. Helps legitimize the management system of the organization. Clarifies and reinforces standards of behavior.,329,Cultural Dimensions of an Organization Supportive of Project Management,FIGURE 3.7,330,Identifying Cultural Characteristics,Study the physical characteristics of an organization. Read about the organization. Observe how people interact within the organization. Interpret stories and folklore surrounding the organization.,331,Organizational Culture Diagnosis Worksheet,FIGURE 3.6,Power Corp. I. Physical Characteristics: Architecture, office layout, dcor, attire Corporate HQ is 20 Story modern buildingpresident on top floor. Offices are bigger in the top floors than lower floors. Formal business attire (white shirts, ties, power suits, . . . ) Power appears to increase the higher up you are. II. Public Documents: Annual reports, internal newsletters, vision statements At the heart of the Power Corp. Way is our vision . . . to be the global energy company most admired for its people, partnership and performance. Integrity. We are honest with others and ourselves. We meet the highest ethical standards in all business dealings. We do what we say we will do. III. Behavior: Pace, language, meetings, issues discussed, decision-making style, communication patterns, rituals Hierarchical decision-making, pace brisk but orderly, meetings start on time and end on time, subordinates choose their words very carefully when talking to superiors, people rarely work past 6:00 P.M., president takes top performing unit on a boat cruise each year . . . IV. Folklore: Stories, anecdotes, heroines, heroes, villains Young project manager was fired after going over his bosss head to ask for additional funds. Stephanie C. considered a hero for taking complete responsibility for a technical error. Jack S. was labeled a traitor for joining chief competitor after working for Power Corp. for 15 years.,332,Implications of Organizational Culture for Organizing Projects,Challenges for Project Managers in Navigating Organizational Cultures Interacting with the culture and subcultures of the parent organization Interacting with the projects clients or customer organizations Interacting with other organizations connected to the project,333,Key Terms,Balanced matrix Dedicated project team Matrix Organizational culture Projectitis Projectized organization Project Office (PO) Strong matrix Weak matrix,334,Organization of Product Development Projects at ORION,FIGURE C3.1,335,Traditional Master Plan at ORION,FIGURE C3.2,336,Proposed Project Organization for the Jaguar Project,FIGURE C3.3,337,Jaguar Master Plan,FIGURE C3.4,338,Project Management Structures (contd),Organizing Projects: Network Organizations An alliance of several organizations for the purpose of creating products or services. A “hub” or “core” firm with strong core competencies outsources key activities to a collaborative cluster of satellite organizations.,339,Project Organization: Network Form,Advantages Cost Reduction High Level of Expertise Flexible,Disadvantages Coordination of Breakdowns Loss of Control Conflict,2019/5/8,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,40,1,Organizational culture is best explained as organizational a A. Personality B. Hierarchy C. Reporting relationships D. Background E. Management style,2019/5/8,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,41,2,A good project management system provides for defining the interface between the project team and the organization in all the following areas except c A. Authority B. Allocation of resources C. Development of project team members D. Integration of the project into the organization E. All of these are provided,2019/5/8,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,42,3,Organizations have difficulty in creating a system for managing projects because d A. Contrary to typical operations, projects are one-time efforts B. Projects are multidisciplinary while organizations are usually departmentalized by discipline C. Projects are not focused on profits D. Both a and b are correct E. A, B, and C are all correct,2019/5/8,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,43,4,The structure that manages projects within the existing organizational structure is _ organization. a A. Functional B. Balanced matrix C. Weak matrix D. Strong matrix E. Project,5,2019/5/8,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,44,Bill is working on a project involving the upgrading of a management information system. The project is being managed by the information systems department with coordination with other departments occurring through normal channels. He is working in a _ organization. a A. Functional B. Balanced matrix C. Weak matrix D. Strong matrix E. Project,6,2019/5/8,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,45,Which of the following is an advantage of a functional project management organization? a A. Maximum flexibility in the use of staff B. Good integration across functional units C. Shorter project duration D. Strong motivation of project team members E. All of these are advantages,7,2019/5/8,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,46,Which of the following is a disadvantage of functional project management organization? e A. Lack of motivation of project team members B. Longer project duration C. Lack of focus on the project D. Both b and c are correct E. A, B, and C are all correct,8,2019/5/8,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,47,Kim is reviewing a proposed project. The scope of the project is narrow with a lot of in-depth expertise required and it will take a short period of time to complete. The best choice for organizing the project is _ organization. a A. Functional B. Balanced matrix C. Weak matrix D. Strong matrix E. Project,9,2019/5/8,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,48,A project team that operates with a full-time project manager as a separate unit from the rest of the organization is structured as a _ organization. e A. Functional B. Balanced matrix C. Weak matrix D. Strong matrix E. Projectized,10,2019/5/8,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,49,Which of the following combinations represents the extremes of project organization? b A. Strong matrix and balanced matrix organizations B. Functional and dedicated project teams C. Project and balanced matrix organizations D. Project and strong matrix organizations E. Strong matrix and functional organizations,11,2019/5/8,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,50,MegaComputers, Inc. has assigned a project manager for each of the five new-product teams. The managers as well as the project team members work on the projects on a full-time basis. The structure being used is _ organization. e A. Functional B. Balanced matrix C. Weak matrix D. Strong matrix E. Project,12,2019/5/8,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,51,Which of the following structures is referred to in popular literature as a projectized form of organizations? e A. Functional organization B. Balanced matrix organization C. Weak matrix organization D. Strong matrix organization E. Projectized organization,13,2019/5/8,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,52,Elizabeth is considering how to structure a project team that will not directly disrupt ongoing operations. The project needs to be done quickly and a high level of motivation will be needed in order to do that. For this situation, the _ organization would be the best choice. e A. Functional B. Balanced matrix C. Weak matrix D. Strong matrix E. Project,14,2019/5/8,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,53,Projectitis is most likely to occur in the _ organization structure. e A. Functional B. Balanced matrix C. Weak matrix D. Strong matrix E. Project,15,2019/5/8,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,54,Computers R Us is concerned about keeping project costs low and wants to be sure that all pools of expertise are used. Additionally they want to minimize duplication of efforts across projects. Their best choice for project management structure is the _ organization structure. e A. Functional B. Balanced matrix C. Weak matrix D. Strong matrix E. Project,16,2019/5/8,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,55,_ organization is a hybrid form in which a horizontal project management structure is overlaid in the normal functional hierarchy. b A. Functional B. Matrix C. Project D. Balanced E. A, B, and C are all correct,17,2019/5/8,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,56,A project management system provides a framework for launching and implementing project activities within a _ organization. e A. Matrix B. Balanced C. Weak D. Sponsor E. Parent,18,2019/5/8,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,57,In which of the following is the balance of authority strongly in favor of the functional managers? a A. Weak matrix B. Balanced matrix C. Strong matrix D. Strong E. Both C and D are correct,19,2019/5/8,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,58,The project manager has the responsibility to answer which of the following questions? a A. What task has to be done? B. Who will do the task? C. How will the task be done? D. How well has the functional input been integrated? E. Why will the task be done?,20,2019/5/8,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,59,Matrix management violates the management principle of b A. Span of control B. Unity of command C. Parity principle D. Empowerment E. All of these management principles,21,2019/5/8,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,60,All are negotiated issues except: e A. Who will do the task? B. Where will the task be done? C. Why will the task be done? D. Is the task satisfactorily completed? E. The total cost of the project,22,2019/5/8,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,61,The project structure that is ranked as least effective is _ organization. a A. Functional B. Balanced matrix C. Weak matrix D. Strong matrix E. Project,23,2019/5/8,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan Un


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