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Test Yourself-main,Test Yourself (for Units 58),Part Listening (25%),Part Vocabulary and Structure (25%),Part Reading (20%),Part Cloze (5%),Part Translation (15%),Part Speaking (10%),TY-P1,Part Listening (25%),Section A (8%),Section B (7%),Section C (10%),TY-P1-Sa,Section A (8%),Directions: Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with the missing words. The conversation will be read twice.,Tom: Linda: Tom: Linda: Tom: Linda: Tom:,You look a bit (1) . Yes, I am. Why? (2) ? Well, (3) , George never (4) me. Oh dear! (5) ! And (6) but hes going on holiday (7) . How (8) for you!,sad,_,Whats wrong,_,the trouble is,_,listens to,_,Poor you,_,not only that,_,without me,_,miserable,_,Part Listening (25%),TY-P1-Sb1,Section B (7%),Directions: Listen to the short talk and fill in the blanks with the missing words. The talk will be read twice.,In the States we start conversations with people in the street, in the subway; were a lot more (9) than people here. You know, when I first came to England, I couldnt understand why I was getting so little reaction from people. Now I see that they thought I was trying to be too friendly (10) . Here, once you have made a friend, its a friend (11) , even if it takes a very long time. An Englishman in America on the other hand is immediately (12) . Everyone wants to talk to him. We love his accent and his country. An American in England though, is (13) a little inferior because of his behaviour and his language. One thing Ive learned I couldnt understand why when I was talking to someone he would move away, you know, move backwards, and I thought “Do I smell? Am I (14) him?” The reason was Americans (15) when theyre talking. Again, English people like a certain distance.,enthusiastic,_,too soon,_,for life,_,respected,_,thought to be,_,boring,_,stand closer,_,TY-P1-Sc1,Section C (10%),Directions: Listen to the short talk and fill in the missing information. The talk will be read twice.,Southern England,Wales and Northern Ireland,The East coast of England,Scotland,Dry and (16) but quite (17) .,sunny,_,cold,_,Rain, (18) and (19) than (20) .,strong winds,_,colder,_,yesterday,_,Warmer, no (21) , (22) .,winds,_,sunshine/sunny,_,(23) rain, maybe (24) , cloudy and (25) .,Heavy,_,snow,_,windy,_,TY-P1-Sc2,Section C (10%),And now heres the weather forecast for the next twenty-four hours for the whole of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Ah, starting with Southern England well itll be mainly dry and sunny, but quite cold, with temperatures around six or seven degrees Celsius. And Wales and Northern Ireland you can expect some rain in the morning and afternoon and quite strong north easterly winds, with the temperature lower than yesterday. I dont think youll see much of the sun: cloudy all day, Im afraid. The East coast of England will see the best of todays weather. Itll be warmer than yesterday, no winds, and sunshine, so quite warm for this time of year. In Scotland, however, therell be heavy rain and maybe some snow during the afternoon. Over much of Scotland it will be cloudy, and windy too. And thats all for today.,TY-P2,Section A (5%),Section B (10%),Section C (10%),Part Vocabulary and Structure (25%),TY-P2-Sa,Section A (5%),Directions: Complete the following sentences with the proper forms of the given words.,1. 2. 3. 4. 5.,We occasionally have friends round for dinner but apart from that we dont (social) with others very much. For your own (safe) , please do not smoke until you are outside the plane. Market research is usually very (detail) , involving thousands of people answering hundreds of questions. His ability has been called into question after a number of (fail) . When taking a shower, please (sure) that the shower curtain is inside the bath.,socialize,_,safety,_,detailed,_,failures,_,ensure,_,TY-P2-Sb1,Section B (10%),Directions: Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words and phrases provided below.,solution connect predict die of issue transfer standard make use of forever grave,1. 2. 3. 4.,There are still several unanswered questions with the accident. Experts are that unemployment (失业率) in this country will fall slowly next year. Many people felt great sorrow when they heard that the brilliant young actor a heart attack at the age of 30. People asked her why she didnt her musical talent and give singing lessons.,connected,_,predicting,_,died of,_,make use of,_,TY-P2-Sb2,5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.,All your talk of improved living standards for some people avoids the real that face this country. The President had nothing new to say. He just gave answers to peoples questions. He feels totally responsible for the error of judgment which costs so many people their lives. It took two trips to all Helens furniture to her new apartment. Its difficult to find a that we can all agree on. When young people fall in love, they always believe they will love each other .,issues,_,standard,_,grave,_,transfer,_,solution,_,forever,_,TYP2-Sc1,Section C (10%),Directions: Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets into English.,1. 2. 3. 4. 5.,She said it would be done by March, (我个人对此深表怀疑). (因为他蹲过几次监狱), he was a suspect in the case. (正当警察从前门进入大楼的时候),the thieves escaped through the back door. Its not that I dont care about you, (而是你让我很失望). Had I known that you would come, (我本会快些回家).,which personally I doubt very much,_,As he had been in prison several times,_,As the police were entering the building from the front door,_,but that Im greatly disappointed by you,_,I would have come home sooner,_,TYP2-Sc2,6. 7. 8. 9 10.,(尽管我理解你此刻很忙), I really think you ought to see these notes. (尽管她是个可爱的女孩), she can be very difficult to work with. The chairman suggested that (双方应在第二天再碰一次头). Weve been waiting here for over an hour, and (其他这些人也和我们一样). Jacks away playing golf today and (鲍勃也一样).,While I understand that you are busy at the moment,_,While she is a sweet girl,_,the two sides should meet again the following day,_,so have all these other people,_,sos Bob,_,TY-P3,Part Reading (20%),Passage 1,Passage 2,TY-P3-p1.1,Passage 1,Directions: Read the following passages and choose the best answer for each of the questions.,Our family lives on a dirt road in rural(农村的) Vermont. Most mornings, I walk that dirt road with my two dogs, Matti Dog and Yellow Dog. Both Matti Dog and Yellow Dog were strays(丢失的狗)of unknown history. They both showed signs, curling up (蜷作一团) at sharp voices and fast movement, of having been beaten in their past homes. We got Matti Dog at the pound (走失家畜认领栏), where she was known as Lady. Yellow Dog appeared while my wife and son were traveling in Utah. In spite of their backgrounds they are simply wonderful dogs. Both stay at home, without requiring a chain, or fence. We dont need a leash(皮带)on our walks, they stay close to me, and come immediately when I whistle (吹口哨). If I ask them to sit, they do and they stay until released. Yellow Dog does tend to find and carry dead animals on our walk but hey he is a dog,TY-P3-p1.2,Training Matti Dog and Yellow Dog to behave this well took love and 3-4 weeks of daily half-hour exercises of basic obedience(服从). Not much effort but apparently more than many are willing to give. On this 3-mile walk, we pass about 8 other houses and 15 other dogs. Folks in my neighborhood like dogs! But what is troubling is that 6 of these dogs appear to be chained all the time. I dont monitor (持续观察) this, but I have walked by at various times of the day and they were always chained. These poor dogs are castoffs (被抛弃的狗), perhaps a Christmas present now ignored, or maybe they just behave so “badly” that their humans gave up. What does it say about owners that they cant spend 2-4 weeks half an hour daily to teach their dog how to behave in a way that permits the dog freedom and that helps that dog be a better companion? I do know some of these folks. They seem decent(得体的)enough, but here for all passers to see is the failure of their relationship with mans best friend. Your dog is a great billboard(广告牌). The advertisement is about you.,TY-P3-p1.3,1. What do we know about the two dogs?,A) They behave badly at home. B) They were Christmas presents. C) They are dirty and ill. D) They were picked up by the family.,TY-P3-p1.4,2. The writer treats his dogs _.,A) cruelly B) with love C) with a leash D) strictly,TY-P3-p1.5,3. The writer thinks the neighbors dogs poor because they _.,A) dont have freedom B) are always hungry C) like to attack people D) behave badly,TY-P3-p1.6,4. The writer believes the owners of those poor dogs _.,A) are poor people B) dont know how to train dogs C) dont really love their dogs D) are too busy to care for dogs,TY-P3-p1.7,5. “The advertisement is about you” means _.,A) a lot can be learnt about you from your dog B) an advertisement is made about you C) you should know a lot about your dog D) you make an advertisement for your dog,TY-P3-p2.1,Passage 2,When my son was a young teenager, he and his friend set out on a bus across town to purchase skateboard axles (滑板轴). They each had $20. When they arrived downtown, they discovered they needed more money to cover bus fare and sales tax. They were short $3.75. A branch of our bank was nearby, so they decided to go in and take out a loan. The teller (出纳) told them that was not possible, but that they could get a cash advance on their parents credit card. So they called home, but got no answer. They tried the teller again to see if anything more could be done. She referred(叫去问) them to the desk of the vice president. When he asked why the bank should give them a loan, they answered, “Because were Boy Scouts (童子军) and good students, and very trustworthy.” He said that since they had no collateral (抵押品), they would have to write out and sign an IOU (欠条). They did, and he in turn gave them the money they needed to complete their mission.,TY-P3-p2.2,We found out later that this wonderful man lent the boys his own money. (My husband called him the next day asking for the same terms on a home loan!) In talking with the man, we learned that he had made many such loans, including a large one to a Navy wife whose allotment(拨款) was delayed. He said hes been repaid almost 100 percent of the time, and that the opportunity to help others in this way was one of the most rewarding parts of his job. My son and his friend hopped(跳) on the bus the very next morning. They paid off their loan and received their IOU signed by the vice president. It was banking at its best.,TY-P3-p2.3,6. How much did the two boys need to pay to complete their mission?,A) $2. B) $43.75. C) $40. D) $23.75.,TY-P3-p2.4,7. What did the two boys decide to do when they found they didnt have enough money?,A) Loan money from a bank. B) Borrow money from someone. C) Ask for money from their parents. D) Go back home.,TY-P3-p2.5,8. What did the vice president do for the boys?,A) He called their parents for help. B) He allowed the bank to loan them money. C) He refused to lend them money. D) He lent them his own money.,TY-P3-p2.6,9. The vice president said he enjoyed his work most when _.,A) he lent people a large amount of money B) his bank made a lot of profit C) he could help others in his own way D) he made a lot of money for himself,TY-P3-p2.7,10. Which of the following could be an appropriate title for the passage?,A) Two Boys Adventure. B) Banking at Its Best. C) A Wonderful Man. D) How to Help Others.,TY-P4,Part Cloze (5%),Direction: Fill in the following blanks with words that you have learned.,Grandmas letter began, “Dear Jeffrey, I am leaving you one of my most (1) treasures my memories. These memories are the letters your Grandfather Edwin wrote when he was (2) from me. Please read them. They are both priceless and (3) a guidebook that will teach you how to love a woman, how to understand people, and how to (4) and maintain your integrity. “When you read them you will (5) the longing and passion a good man feels for a good woman. You will also understand the fears and tears of war. And you will realize the differences between (6) and wrong. You will learn (7) trust the people you love and keep your (8) from those you mistrust. You will learn about mature (9) and how true love can become the (10) of your life.”,precious,_,away,_,valuable,_,respect,_,share,_,right,_,to,_,distance,_,friendships,_,core,_,TY-P5,Part Translation (15%),1.


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