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.课题: Unit 5 Our School LifeTopic 1 I usually come to school by subway.Section A 第一课时 备课人:_ 审核人: 班级: 学生: 15.【学习目标】1、 Remember new words.2、 Read the text and act out the dialog.3、 How to transform the traffic tools.【知识链接】1、I usually come to school (步行).2、Jim usually comes to school (坐公共汽车).3、Do you always come home (骑自行车)?【预习达标】1、 A:Happy New Year!B: .2、Your bike (看起来)very nice!3、How do you (通常)come to school?4、I come to school (坐地铁).5、Its time (到上课的时间了).【学习流程】l 自学指导Step 1、Act out the dialog.Step 2、英汉互译1、 新年快乐 4、Come on! 2、 坐地铁 5、by train 3、 坐船 6、on foot Step 3、用所给词的适当形式填空 1、I usually (come)to school by bus. 2、Jane usually (come)to school by bike. 3、Does Michael often (come)to school on foot? 4、Helen always (come)to school by subway. 5、Kangkang (go)to school on foot. 6、How does Jane usually (come)to school? l 合作探究1、Jane (go)to school (坐地铁).2、Michael (come)home (坐公交).3、Helen (go)home (步行).4、Kangkang (go)shopping (骑自行车).5、I (go)for a picnic (坐船)l 展示提升Step 1、Make a similar dialog as 1a.Step 2、Act out the dialog group by group.Step 3、The teacher corrects their mistakes if needed.【盘点收获】1、 我记住并能灵活运用的新单词有 。2、 我能够正确恰当地运用所学句型和短语,询问和回答乘坐什么交通工具去做什么事情。3、 同学之间,师生之间及亲友之间要礼貌问候。【当堂检测,点击中考】Step 1:1、I usually go to school (骑自行车).2、A: do you often go to school?B: By bus.3、She (go)home by bike.4、The students usually drive to the park on Sundays. But today they go to the park_ .A. on feetB. on foot C. by foot D. on the foot5、Its time to . A. breakfast B. have breakfast C. has breakfast D. for breakfastStep 2:英汉互译1、 on foot 6、回家 2、 by ship 7、去上学 3、 by plane 8、骑自行车 4、 by car 9、加油! 5、 by bus 10、新年好! 【点评检测结果】 教师复备栏/学生笔记栏课题: Unit 5 Our School LifeTopic 1 How do you usually come to school?Section B 第二课时 备课人: 审核人: 班级: 学生: .【学习目标】1、 Master the new words.2、 Read and act the dialog.3、 Learn another way to show how to transform the traffic tools.【知识链接】1、Jane usually (go)to school (坐公交).2、Michael (come)to school (步行).3、I usually (go)shopping (骑自行车).4、Does Helen often (go)to school (坐小汽车)?【预习达标】1、 T: What time do you usually get up?S1: I usually get up .T: How do you usually come to school?S1: I usually come to school .2、 同义词组转换 go home by bike come to school by bus go to park on foot go shopping by subway 【学习流程】l 自学指导Step 1、Read and act out the dialog.Step 2、英汉互译 take the subway ride a bike take a bus 有时候 很少 从不 l 合作探究1、Jane (从不)go to school (步行).2、Michael (很少)go home (坐公交).3、We (经常)go shopping (骑自行车).4、They (有时候) home.(坐地铁)5、I (常常) to the Great Wall.(坐火车)l 展示提升1、 Make a similar dialog as 1a.2、 Act out the dialog.3、 The teacher corrects their dialog after their showing.【盘点收获】1、 我记住并能灵活运用的新单词有 。2、 我能熟练掌握乘坐交通工具的两种表达方式: 和 。3、 我能正确运用表示频率的副词。【当堂检测,点击中考】改为同义句The old man usually walks to the shop. The old man usually goes to the shop _ _ .Mike often goes to the zoo by bus. Mike often _ a _ to the zoo.We often go shopping by subway. We often go shopping a .Jane always go home by bike. Jane always home.I sometimes go for a picnic by car. I sometimes go for a picnic .【点评检测结果】 教师复备栏/学生笔记栏课题: Unit 5 Our School LifeTopic 1 I usually come to school by subway.Section C 第三课时 备课人: 审核人: 班级: 学生: .【学习目标】1、 Master the new words.2、 Act out the dialog.3、 Mastering verb phrases and flexible use adverbs of frequency.【知识链接】1、I (经常)come to school (步行).2、Jane (有时)go shopping (坐公交).3、We (很少)go to park (坐地铁).4、Maria (从不)go to school (坐小汽车).5、They (总是)go to the zoo (骑自行车).【预习达标】1、take a yellow school bus (英译汉)2、walk to school (同义词组)3、吃午餐 (汉译英)4、打篮球 (汉译英)5、Four times a year (英译汉)【学习流程】l 自学指导 Step 1、Act out the dialog. Step 2、英汉互译1、 have a short rest 6、放学 2、 eat out 7、去游泳 3、 on school days 8、一年四次 4、 in their free time 9、踢足球 5、 and so on 10、Nice talking to you l 合作探究1、He usually (踢足球) in his free time.2、Li Ming never (打篮球)in the school days.3、Maria seldom (听音乐).4、We often (看电视)at home on the weekends.5、I sometimes (去游泳)in my free time.6、They always (做作业)after the class.l 展示提升1、 以小组为单位讨论完成1b.2、 按1c的要求写作并以小组为单位板书,及时准确的进行校正。3、 同伴互相问答完成2,着重练习动词短语。4、 师生互问完成3,练习How often 句型及频率副词和短语。【盘点收获】1、 掌握如何正确、恰当地运用各个动词短语,特别是play的用法。2、 识记表示频率的词或短语,并掌握How often句型的用法。3、 通过本课的学习养成良好的生活、学习习惯。【当堂检测,点击中考】1、Michael always play soccer after class.A: a B: an C: the D:2、Jane often play guitar in her free time.A: a B: an C: the D: 3、Li Ming sometimes go in the pool.A: swim B: swimming C: to swim D: swiming4、Li ping usually listen music at home.A: B: to C: the D: a 5、-How often do you go to the park? - .A: Two days B: Once a weekC: Three oclock D: In a week 6、- do you go to the zoo? -Seldom.A: How old B: How much C: How many D: How often【点评检测结果】(随机点评,查漏补缺,发现问题及时解决。) 教师复备栏/学生笔记栏课题: Unit 5 Our School LifeTopic 1 I usually come to school by subway.Section D 第四课时 备课人: 审核人: 班级: 学生: .【学习目标】1、 Review the phonetic symbols: / 、/2、 Review some verb phrases and time expressions.3、 Review the grammar focus and useful expressions.【知识链接】 用所给词的适当形式填空:1、Jane writes to her father (two)a week.2、He usually goes (swim)in his free time.3、Betty sometimes (ride)a bike to school.4、Linda always (listen)to music in her free time.5、We often (go)to the park on foot.【预习达标】 英汉互译1、6:20 2、7:30 3、5:15 4、睡觉 5、踢足球 6、get home 7、a little while 8、a quarter to ten 9、be different from 10、come to the library 【学习流程】l 自学指导Step 1、Read the phonetic symbols and the words.Step 2、Read the passage at page 7 and then complete the table.Step 3、Make a dialog with the grammar focus and useful expressions.l 合作探究Step 1、Write down their dialogs on the blackboard.Step 2、英汉互译1、 每天 6、have lunch 2、 一周两次 7、four times a year 3、 两周一次 8、do ones homework 4、 游泳 9、and so on 5、 去上学 10、have classes l 展示提升Step 1、Act out their dialogsStep 2、用所给词的适当形式填空1、Your new watch (look)very nice! 2、Here (be)some news.3、Oh, come on! Its time going to school.4、They usually go to school on (feet).5、In my class, forty of (we)go to school by bike.【盘点收获】1、 通过学习更加熟识了本课的两个音标及其用法。2、 通过复习温习了时间的表达方法及一部分动词短语的用法。3、 通过复习及重组对话,加强了对本单元语法点和习惯用语的记忆,能更灵活运用。4、 通过学习养成良好的生活习惯,有规律的学习和活动。【当堂检测,点击中考】( ) Its six oclock now. Its time _ supper.A. have B. has C. having D. to have( ) Look! The children _ games under the big tree.A. play B. to play C. playing D. are playing( ) Mr. Yang usually goes to work _.A. on foot B. on feet C. by foot D. by feet( ) How many _ would you like? A. bread B. apples C. milk D. cake( ) Do you want _ with us?A. play ping-pong B. play the game C. to play football D. to play piano( ) “ _ are the oranges?” “Theyre two Yuan a kilo.”A. How much B. How money C. How many D. How many money( ) Sally never _ to school. She often _ on bus.A. walk; go B. walks; going C. walking; going D. walks; goes( ) I usually go to bed _ about eleven oclock _ the evening.A. in; at B. at; on C. at; in D. on; in( ) This is _ old book. Could you give me _ new one?A. a; a B. an; a C. an; an D. a; an( ) “_ do you usually come to school?” “By bike.”A. How B. What C. When D. Which【点评检测结果】(随机点评,查漏补缺,发现问题及时解决。) 教师复备栏/学生笔记栏.课题: Unit 5 Our School LifeTopic 2 A few students are running around the playground .Section A(第一课时) 备课人: 审核人: 班级: 学生: .【学习目标】1. 我能听说读写:run, read ,clean ,dance , sleep ,make cards 以及这些词现在分词的写法。我能和同伴熟练运用What are you doing ? Im Are you ? Yes , No , 2. .我能在老师的引导下自学课文,通过合作交流,我能以最快的速度解决学案上老师设计的问题,并且在班内展示我的观点。3. 我能积极主动地和同伴练习对话,帮助同伴解决疑难,并且很乐意和大家分享自主学习英语的乐趣。【知识链接】I am watching TV.(变成否定句;一般疑问句;肯定回答;否定回答)_;_? _; _.拿一张Maria在图书馆正在读书的图片。问:Who is she ? Where is she ? What is she doing now? Are you reading now? What are you doing now?【预习达标】拿一张Maria在图书馆正在读书的图片。问:Who is she ? Where is she ? What is she doing now? Are you reading now? What are you doing now?【学习流程】Step 1 我能读 1a ,理解并翻译下列词组或句子。并且能回答下列问题:1. do your homework 2. watch TV 3. make cards . 4. would like to 5. play basketball _6. Good idea! _!7. See you soon !_! 我能再读1a ,找出使用现在进行时态的句子并翻译,然后回答下列问题: 1. Is Jane doing her homework ?2.What is Jane doing ?3.What is Michael doing ?4.How does Michael like “making cards”?5.Would they like to play basketball ?Step 2 我能读 2a 并且和我的同伴练习对话,我能再读 2a 完成2b.Step 3 我能看着1a 和2a中的六幅图画和同伴自由编对话。Step 4 我能根据4中的图画和例句编写对话展示在小黑板上。Step 5 我能完成3并和同伴核对答案。【盘点收获】【盘点收获】我究竟学会并掌握了多少词汇和句子呢?让我来露一手。_ _【当堂检测,点击中考】(一)根据句意和首字母提示完成句子。1. My father is sleeping at the m_.2. Look, Jane is m_ cards . 3. The boys are playing basketball on the p_.4. The students are having lunch in the d_ hall . 5. S_ is Pauls favorite sport .(二) 用适当的单词填空。1. He is playing soccer _ the playground .2. Maria is _ the library .3. They are dancing _ the gym . 4. They are cleaning _ the dormitory . They are not sleeping _ the moment .5. I am _ the teachers office . (三)单项选择题。( )1. Look ! The girl _. A. runs B. running C. is runing D. is running ( )2. Whats Jane doing ? She is _ TV . A. watching B. to watch C. watches D. watch ( )3. I like the swimming pool _. A. well B. good C. best D. fine ( )4. Sam is _ art teacher . He likes playing _ football . A. a; the B. an; the C. an ; / ( )5. Would you like to play games with me ? _. A. Thats right. B. All right . C. Good idea! D. I dont think so. ( )6. What are you doing ? Im _ A. walk B. swim C. rideing D. singing ( )7. Are you watching TV? _.A. Yes, I do B. No, I dont C. Yes, I am .D. No, I am .【点评检测结果】教师复备栏/学生笔记栏课题: Unit 5 Our School LifeTopic 2 A few students are running around the playground .Section C(第二课时)备课人: 审核人: 班级: 学生: .【学习目标】1. 我能和同伴熟练运用Is Are ? What is are doing ? 并能看图用现在进行时来描述图中人物正在发生的动作。2. .我能在老师的引导下自学课文,通过合作交流,我能以最快的速度解决学案上老师设计的问题,并且在班内展示我的观点。3. 我能积极主动地和同伴练习对话,帮助同伴解决疑难,并且很乐意和大家分享自主学习英语的乐趣。【知识链接】唱3中的英文歌曲,活跃气氛。1、写出现在分词形式:look watch clean sing have use come write shop forget sit run 2、翻译:他们正在操场跑步_.【预习达标】拿一张一个男孩在黑板上画画的图片。问: What is the boy doing now? Is he making cards? 板书:The boy is drawing pictures. He isnt making cards.【学习流程】Step 1 我能根据2中的图片完成句子并和同伴用Is Are ? What is are doing ?练习对话。Step 2 我能看 1a 中图画描述学生们正在干什么,然后读文章,了解大意,下划线找到现在进行时的结构,并且完成1b在班内展示。Step 3 我能看着1a中的三幅图画用现在进行时来描述人物活动。【盘点收获】今天我学会了 我能够 【当堂检测,点击中考】(一)根据句意填空1. Peter is showing his mother _ his school . 2.A few students are running _ the playground .3.A few students are listening _ music and some others are swimming _ the swimming pool .4.What about the girls _ there ?5.Look _ the classroom . Sally is cleaning the blackboard _ the back of the classroom . 6.He is playing _ the computer . 7.Here are some photos _ his . (二)用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1. He_(go) to play games after class .2. Please come and _(watch) the games.3. The boy is _(run) around the playground .4. What are they _(do) now ?5. She is _(write) a letter in English.(三)句型转换1. My favorite sport is swimming _ _ your favorite sport ? 2. Dont do your homework on the playground .(改为肯定句) Please _ your homework on the playground .3. My father is driving his car. (对划线部分提问)_4. My uncle is working on the computer . (用every day 改写) My uncle _ on the computer every day . 【点评检测结果】教师复备栏/学生笔记栏课题: Unit 5 Our School LifeTopic 2 A few students are running around the playground .Section D(第三课时) 备课人: 审核人: 班级: 学生: .【学习目标】1. 我能看图描述人物活动,通过阅读找到相符的图片,通过听短文写出人物活动。学习字母组合ar/al/au/air/ai/ay的发音 2. .我能在老师的引导下自学课文,通过合作交流,我能以最快的速度解决学案上老师设计的问题,并且在班内展示我的观点。3. 我能积极主动地和同伴练习对话,帮助同伴解决疑难,并且很乐意和大家分享自主学习英语的乐趣。【知识链接】 用所给词的适当形式填空1. He is _(swim) in a swimming pool.2. He is _(talk) to a Japanese girl on the Great Wall . 3. He is _(run) in the gym . 【预习达标】【学习流程】Step 1 我能读2中的文章 ,下划线找到动作,圈出文中地点,然后给图片标出正确序号。看图复述课文。Step 2 我能通过听短文完成3中的表格。核对答案。(拿5中第一幅图片问:What are they doing ?)Step 3 我能找出5中两幅图的不同之处,写一篇短文。Step 4 1a .Listen and follow .观察总结字母组合ar/al/au/air/ai/ay的发音 以小组为单位找出更多的例词,进行展示竞赛。【盘点收获】今天我学会了 我能够 【当堂检测,点击中考】(一)根据句意填空1. Here are some photos _ his . 2. He is running _ the gym _ Picture 1 . 3. He is talking _ a Japanese girl _ the Great Wall . 4. I also want _ visit it one day . 5 The teachers are working _ the office . (二)句型转换1. He is running in the gym in Picture 1 . (对划线部分提问) _ ?2. They are from England , too .(同义句转换) _.3.He looks happy because he loves swimming .(对划线部分提问)_?4. She is swimming in a swimming pool (用sometimes 改写) _. 【点评检测结果】教师复备栏/学生笔记栏课题: Unit 5 Our School LifeTopic 2 A few students are running around the playground .Section B(第四课时) 备课人: 审核人: 班级: 学生: .【学习目标】1. 我能正确运用借物用语:Excuse me,maycancould I borrow ? How long can I keep itthem? You must return itthem on time. Thank you.Thank you all the same.2. .我能在老师的引导下自学课文,通过合作交流,我能以最快的速度解决学案上老师设计的问题,并且在班内展示我的观点。3. 我能积极主动地和同伴练习对话,帮助同伴解决疑难,并且很乐意和大家分享自主学习英语的乐趣。【知识链接】学习借物:尝试翻译一下:Excuse me ,can/could/may I borrow ? Excuse m


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