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Developed by the Quality Advisoty Councils Performance Measures Task Force, Chicago-69W:Deborah S. CostanzaQueen DePillarsRobin C. FaradayCeleste E. JohnsonLinda M. LabnoWanda R. SchwererBonni G. VisorTABLE OF CONTENTSChapterPageForwardIAcknowledgementsiiIntroduction to Performance Measures!1Know Your Mission32Know Your Vision113Know Where You Are Today174Know How To Get To Your Vision215Know Your Goals296Know Your Critical Processes377How To Know If Youve Done It41Go Forth And Measure55Performance measures can be the single most important driver for improvement in business. If designed and used properly, they can transform entire organizations and/or individual projects, large and small, in a very positive way. Although there seems to be endless mention and praise of performance measures in business literature, there is almost no source of instruction on how to design and implement performance measures.This workbook does just that. You are about to learn a sound, thorough, and practical methodology for developing performance measures that will provide you with highly valuable feedback about your operations-feedback that may not be obtained any other way.Remember that performance measures can be applied at a macro or micro level. You can design them for an entire company or department, or for a small project or process.More importantly, this methodology for designing performance measures is easier than you think.To illustrate the key concepts in this methodology, we have included many diverse examples, both business-related and non-business-related, as well as a comprehensive personal finance case study which flows through every chapter. We hope that these creative but realistic examples further demonstrate and clarify how to develop and implement performance measures.You will be pleasantly surprised by the information you will gather about your business while completing this workbook. This additional information will enable you to make better business decisions.Prepare yourselves, then, for a journey which will lead you to improved customer service. Never forget that performance measures are only a means to the end of better serving your customers. The business you are in.Star Trek ExampleMISSION:To seek out new life and new civilizations.NOT :To be a space traveler.Your MISSION is your reason for existence-it is the business that you are in. Your MISSION is based upon your customers and your products and services.Your MISSION is based upon your customers and your products and services.Do you know who your customers are?Customers are the recipients of your products and services. Customers can be internal and external, end-users and management.Do you know what your products and services are?Products and Services are the things you provide to your customers.Note:What you think they are and what your customers think they are may not be the same. ASK YOUR CUSTOMERS.LAWYER EXAMPLECustomerProduct/Service Provided To That CustomerClientLegal advice/expertiseLegal documentsSettlementsLaw Firm PartnersProfitsNew clients/retention of existing clientsQuality ServiceYour Law ClerkSpecial assignmentsLegal documents (to file in court)Professional development opportunitiesOpposing LawyersLegal documentsNegotiationsJudgeLegal documentsConvincing argumentsNotice that you provide many products/services to each customer and some products/services may be provided to multiple customers.Brainstorm! Who are your customers? What products and services do you provide them?Note:If you think of a product or service first, write it down and then brainstorm the customers for it. Use the case study at the end of this exercise as an example. Who do you think they are?Who does your boss think they are?Who does upper management think they are?Who do your customers think they are?Are there any customers that you dont have now that you would like to have?List them!CUSTOMERSPRODUCTS & SERVICES_TOP 5 CUSTOMERSNow that you have identified your customers, vote for the 5 most important customers and list them (no particular order)._TOP 5 PRODUCTS AND SERVICESConsidering the TOP 5 customers, what products and services that you provide are most important to them? What products and services that you provide ARE NOT valued by them? ASK THEM. Are there any products and services that you are currently providing that you should not be? (One of your customers, management, will know!)Now vote for the 5 most important products and services and list them here (no particular order)._NOTE:5 IS NOT A MAGIC NUMBER! If appropriate, consider more or fewer customers, products and services. Keep the number as small as you can to make it easier to develop your mission statement. You can always add others later.PERSONAL FINANCE CASE STUDYThis case study will appear after many of the exercises throughout this workbook. Use the case study to assist you in completing the exercises for your own projects or to help you get started.BACKGROUND:This case study examines the personal finances of K. Smith, a single, recent college graduate working for the first time. K. Smith has never had a financial plan and has decided to create one and to use performance measures to track progress. This case study will show Ks answers to the exercises in this workbook. (Remember: K. Smith is a fictitious person; the answers shown represent just one point of view.) CUSTOMERS:Myself (K. Smith)Credit Card CompaniesBank (college loans)LandlordOther creditors (utility companies, cable company)PRIMARY CUSTOMER: K. Smith (In this example, K is the only customer considered.)PRODUCTS & SERVICES PROVIDED BY KS FINANCIAL PLAN:Good creditPeace of mindGood financial habitsSavings for the futureThese are only some of the products and services. You may think of more!Lets get back to your MISSION.Know the organizational and economic boundaries within which you must operate now and in the future. Interview your immediate boss and upper management, if necessary, to obtain this information. Validate the brainstorming and ranking activities that you have done so far. Have you left anything out?Considering your customers, products and services, and your boundaries, write a mission statement that describes the business that you are in.My/Our mission is to._Validate your mission statement with your management. Have you left anything out? Be open to suggestions that your management and others may have. Your mission statement should describe what you DO, not what you ARE. Words in your mission statement should tell the actions that you do and will be doing.PERSONAL FINANCE CASE STUDYMISSIONBased upon the customer (K. Smith) and products and services, K. Smith wrote the following Mission statement. It describes what K. Smith will do with the personal finance project, the “business” of Ks financial plan.To manage my personal finances.Your Vision is your view of where you want to be in the future. To know your Vision, some additional information will be needed. Your Vision is a statement of future being (what you want to be when you “grow up”).Alice: “Which way do I go from here?”Cheshire Cat: “That depends on where you want to go.”Alice: “I dont know where Im going.” Cheshire Cat: “Then it doesnt matter which way you go.”Think about your customers. Would they be happy with your Vision? Ask them.Stay focused. Dont waste time on activities that do not move your group toward its Vision.VISION CHECKLISTI know the Mission and Vision of the Arthur Andersen Worldwide Organization, my Business Unit, my office, and my division. (Consider others such as project teams or work groups).I know that my groups Vision must support and tie in to that of my organization, my office, and my division. Here are the Missions and Visions of Arthur Andersen & Co, SC, and its business units (As of September, 1995).If there are established Missions and Visions for your office, division, group, project team or workgroup, review them now.Your Vision is a state of “future being”- where you want to be at some future point. In one sentence, describe where you want to be. (i.e., What is your Vision?) Consider how this aligns with the Visions of your organization, your office, and your group. Write your Vision here:_Validate your Vision with your management.Think about your customers. Would they be happy with your Vision?PERSONAL FINANCE CASE STUDYVISIONK. Smith has considered different possibilities for the future and has decided on the following Vision:Components of my Vision (What I want in the future):stress-free financial planliving within meanssaving for the futureVision Summary Statement:To have a stress-free financial plan for living within my means while saving for the future.Youll know where you are today by evaluating your current position.You may need to ask yourself some of the following questions, and any additional questions applicable to your particular situation and indicate whether YOU ARE or ARE NOT here today. (You can do this exercise individually or as a group.)YES NOAre we adequately educated in this area?Are we currently performing a processas it has been performed in the past?Are we improving a process?Are we meeting deadlines?Are we tracking performance?Are we efficiently working with other related functional groups?Are we in touch with customer needs and wants?Are we working well and communicating witheach other?Are we satisfied with the use of technology in ourgroup?Are we aware of the resources needed (e.g., people,supplies, technology)?Are we efficiently using available resources?Are we receiving managements buy-in?Are we the most appropriate people to performthis process? Are we adding value to the process?Additional Questions:YES NO _Write a brief summary of where you are._Congratulations! With this simple exercise you have just zeroed in on your current position.Consider this in relation to where you want to be (your Vision). Picture the gap.In the next chapters you will be focusing on how to close this gap and to measure your progress in doing so.PERSONAL FINANCE CASE STUDY EVALUATION OF CURRENT POSITIONBecause of the nature of Ks personal finance project, K has asked different questions than the ones shown in the exercise above. Remember to ask questions that apply to your specific situation.WHERE I AM TODAY:FACTORS TO CONSIDERWHERE I AMAm I planning for my future?No plans for the futureAm I budgeting expenses?No budgetDo I plan how to spend my paychecks?Check to check existenceAm I paying bills regularly?Pay bills when cash is availableDo I pay extra fees on my bills?Late fees for late paymentsDo I owe credit card companies money?Large credit card balancesDo I have a student loan?Student loans outstandingHow are my interest rates?High interest ratesAm I saving money?No savings planAm I balancing my checkbook?Not balancing checkbookHow much am I worth?Net worth unknownHow will you bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be? What path will take you to your Vision?Develop a . . .Your is the course you need to take to achieve your Vision. Your should be focused and specific to your group. Warning: Before you begin brainstorming to come up with your you need to review the following:GOALS can sometimes be confused with STRATEGIES. Strategies are how you plan to get to your Vision; Goals break your Strategies down into workable steps. You will need several short-term and long-term goals as necessary action steps to implement your Strategies.StrategyStrategyGoalGoalGoalGoalGoalGoalBrainstorm! What is your groups strategy or strategies?Your group may have more than one strategy depending on the consistency of your functions or processes.Goals will also be mentioned during this session, so start to capture some of them now.Now try brainstorming to come up with your groups strategy or strategies.(Dont get too caught up in the terms; its more important to figure out your plan of action than what you call the action plan!) Strategies Goals_PERSONAL FINANCE CASE STUDYSTRATEGYK. Smith needs to come up with a strategy to get from NO PLANS, NO SAVINGS (where K is now) to a stress-free financial plan for living within my means while saving for the future (Ks Vision). K has listed some strategies that may help and has also listed some goals. Note that the goals tell how to achieve some of the strategies. STRATEGIES:Stick to a monthly spending budget Establish savings planPay bills on timeRetire old debts quicklyUnderstand my personal financial pictureGOALS:Save some percent of salary each month (target % to be determined) Pay all bills by their due datesEliminate all credit card interest within 12 monthsSave for large future purchases (e.g., computer, car, house)“Freeze” old debt and develop a repayment planDO YOUR STRATEGIES SAY IT ALL?Answer these questions to evaluate each strategy.YesNoFocus Are your customer needs driving your strategy? Does your strategy address the quality of your product/service and timeliness of delivery? Does your strategy bridge the gap between where you are now and your Vision?Challenge Is your strategy a challenge for your group? Does your strategy encourage people to stretch their minds to review alternative approaches and processes?Buy-in Will your whole group clearly understand the strategy? Will your whole group believe they are an integral part of making this strategy a reality? Will management agree with your strategy? Will your customers agree with your strategic approach?Attainable Is your strategy reasonable within your cost and resource restraints? Will your group believe that the strategy is attainable? Is the timeframe for reaching your strategy close enough to be motivational?REWORD YOUR STRATEGIES TO SAY IT ALL.After answering the above questions you can now reword each of your strategies. Each strategy should be able to be explain


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