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Exercise 填入适当的名词形式 1. The fire destroyed hundreds of _ (house) and _(life). 2. A big iron _ (work) will be built in this city very soon. 3. The servant was promised good _(wage). 4. What lovely _ (weather) we are having these days! 5. Peter has made great _ (progress) in his physics lessons this term. 6. (leaf) _ fall in autumn. 7. He is making a study of fresh-water _(fish). 8. Many teachers of our department are in _(glass). 9. John gave me some good _(advice). 10. The students are making _(preparation) for the party. 11. This telephone is for public _(use). 12. Television is fit for various _(use). 13. Please give my best _(regard)on the subject. 14. We have gathered enough _ (datum) on the subject. 15. One and a half _ (month) has passed since the new term began. 16. Before they moved in the new house, they bought a lot of _(furniture). 17. Everyone was in high _(spirit) that day. 18. The main _ (export) of Japan are industrial products. 19. All animals are afraid of _ (fire). 20. All these _ (worry) and _ (care) are ungrounded.Exercise 2 1. houses/lives 2. works 3. wages _4. weather 5. progress 6. Leaves 7. fishes 8. glasses 9. advice10. preparations11. use _12. uses _ 13. regards 14. data 15. months 16. furniture 17. spirits _18. exports 19. fire 20. worries/cares 词汇练习 1. He told me that the firm could not afford _ such large salaries. A. paying B. to pay C. to have paid D. being paid 2. She has travelled in _ countries. A. south B. north C. northern D. northwest 3. The plane was then able to _ and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. A. rise B. raise C. arise D. rouse 4. He had _ to go because he doesnt get on well with others. A. everywhere B. anywhere C. somewhere D. nowhere 5. Dont be so _; Im not telling you what Ive promised not to say. A.odd B.shocked C.strange D.curious 6. He _ his previous best performance in the 1000 meters. A. improves B. improves on C. betters D. proves 7. I _ to interrupt a man when hes busy working. A. envy B. hate C. admire D. improve 8. he was astonished _ what he found. A. at B. to C. for D. on 9. They made no effort to hide their amusement _ I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket. A. whatever B. wherever C. whoever D. whenever 10. I had hoped to get $1000 for my old car but had to _ a lot less. A. settle down B. settle in C. settle for D. settle on1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. C _ 【知识点】 _ 1. afford 后常接动词的不定式,所以应该选B:to pay. 3. 此处只能选择一个不及物动词作答案 4. 句子的意思为:他没有什么地方去因为与别人相处不好 _ everywhere:每处 _ anywhere:无论何处 _ somewhere:某处 _ 所以,只有nowhere符合题意。 5. odd、strange均为奇特的,shocked意为惊讶的,curious既有奇特的,还有好奇的意思。 6. better和improve均有提高、改善之意,better主要指改善地位或经济状况;improve指提高文化水平。 8. astonish后接动词时常用不定式。be astonished at 对很惊讶 10. settle down 定居; _ settle in 在新居安定下来; _ settle for 勉强认可; _ settle on 选定,决定。 词汇练习 1. I wrote down the number so that I _ remember it. A. could B. should C. might D. needed 2. Richard is American, john is British they have different _. A. nations B. countries C. nationalities D. lands 3. She made _ to tell her mother the good news. A. speed B. haste C. hurry D. urge 4. Are you _? _No, Im serious. A. deceiving B. cheating C. fooling D. kidding 5. A _ of humour is a great asset for a person. A. feeling B. sense C. meaning D. judgment 6. The _ person is liable to succeed in the challenge. A. social B. gracious C. friendly D. sociable 7. The police showed responsibility _ the preservation of public order and security. A. for B. to C. in D. on 8. He doesnt feel _ when he is left _. A. alonealone B. lonelylonely C. alonelonely D. lonelyalone 9. Take a hat with you _ the sun is very hot. A. in case B. though C. for fear D. in that case 10. A _ of the camel is its ability to live for a long time without water. A. quality B. feature C. characteristic D. character1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. C _ 【知识点】 1. could/can 不能与be able to 连用 _ 这首题考查的是could的用法,在复习could这个单词时要重点搞清楚他和其他情态动词的区别,尤其在虚拟语气中。考试可以常考的 2. 第二题就不讲了,大家查字典就OK了 3. haste, hurry和speed的同义词辨析。 _ 首先,haste是指急速的行动,其原因可能是环境压力,也可能是强烈的愿望。 _ 然后,hurry是指仓促、忙乱的动作。 _ 最后,speed是指快速的动作,它还暗指不忙乱,有效率。 _ 那么,大家懂了没 4. kid _ n. 小孩,儿?,少年 _ v. 欺骗,开玩笑:Dont kid me.别欺骗我。 5. 熟记sense的常考短语 _ make sense有意义;意思清楚;有道理 _ make no sense无意义 _ make sense of 理解;懂;明白 _ in a sense在某一方面;就某种意义来说 _ a sense of humor幽默感 6. social和sociable的辨析 7. 这词考的是responsibility的搭配,show/shoulder/take/assume responsibility for 对负责 8. 区别alone和lonely。 _ alone指独自一人的,而lonely指孤单的、孤独的。(个人觉得lonely有感情色彩,而alone只是叙述事实而已) 9. in case 以防 10. quality, characteristic和feature的辨析: quality系常用词,指表现于某人或某物与其他不同特质或特点 characteristic指特殊的、易于辨认的特性或特征 feature指引人注意的显著特征或细节 character常指性格或某事特的风格 _1. They have three dogs to find a home for, not to _ that cat and the bird. A. refer B. name C. comment D. mention 2. She likes to quarrel _ neighbors _ the little things. A. withfor B. toabout C. withabout D. aboutwith 3. You mustnt joke _ him _ religious belief. A. withto B. toabout C. aboutwith D. withabout 4. Tom, youre not _ to go out tonight. Its raining heavily now. A. supposed B. ought C. thought D. considered 5. The village is _ by the hills. A. shut off B. shut in C. shut up D. shut out 6. I cant _ him to those people; I dont think he knows them at all. A. join B. link C. connect D. collect 7. Peter is confident _ winning the post as the assistant to the managing director. A. of B. in C. on D. to 8. We described him _ the cleverest student in the class. A. to B. as C. with D. on 9. So, _, weve got to try further funding. A. in sum up B. in summary C. summing in D. on summary 10. Her words left us _. A. lost B. loss C. at a loss D. losing【参考答案】 _ 1. D 2.C 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. A 8.B 9. B 10. C _ 【知识点】 _ 1. 这题容易误选为A,因为refer与mention是近义词,但大家注意:not to mention为固定搭配。 2. 本题考查quarrel的常用短语用法。quarrel与about连用后接内容,不与for连用。 3. joke with sb. About sth. _ 扩展:play a joke on为固定搭配 4. be supposed to do sth. 应该 _ 这道题容易误选B,之所以不选B是因为ought to 不能于be动词连用。 5. 记住几个和shut相关的词组shut off 切断(水、电等) _ shut out 把排斥在外 _ shut in 把关在里面 _ shut up 住口 6. join to把连接到 _ link to与相联系 _ connect常与with连用,意为把与连接 _ 扩展:link up with 与相连接 7. 这首题考固定搭配,记住就好:be confident of 对有信心 _ 注:名词confident后接in,但形容词confident后却接of. 8. describeas 把说成 9. to sum up、in summary、summing up意思均为总的来说. 10. at a l oss困惑,不知所措1. Ill meet you at the place in the forest where the paths _. A. across B. cross C. connecting D. crossing 2. Children are taught to _ their parents and teachers with respect. A. retreat B. consider C. regard D. treat 3. It _ our family for a long time. A. has been belonged to B. has belonged to C. belongs to D. is belonged to 4. Our teacher is strict _ us; we have to do what she says. A. in B. on C. with D. about 5. The astronauts succeeded _ from the moon to the earth according to the plan. A. in returning B. to return C. on returning D. to returning 6. I cant be bothered _ him; he cant be bothered to say hello. A. with B. for C. on D. to 7. The boys attempted _ for camping but were stopped by their parents. A. leaving B. to leaving C. to leave D. for leaving 8. We have _ time to catch the train. A. many B. plenty of C. a number of D. the number of 9. The smell of roses _ me _ our old house. A. remindsto B. thinksof C. thinksabout D. remindsof 10. Because of weather, the school had to delay _ the sports meeting. A. holding B. to hold C. for holding D. to ho lding【参考答案】 _ 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. A _ 【知识点】 _ 1. 本题中从句为一般现代时,必须用动词原形,只有选项cross符合题意。 2. 本题考查近意词辨析。句意:教育孩子们对父母师长要尊敬。 _ retreat退却 _ consider和regard均为认为、当作的意思 _ treat看待、对待;把视为 _ 扩展:treatas 把当作 3. 句意:它成为我们的家产已很多年了。 _ Belong to 总是用主动语态,另外因为后面有时间状语for a long time,所以需用完成时态。 4. 由于后面的宾语是人us,所以这里的介词只能选with. 5. 本题考查固定搭配: _ succeed in (sth. / doing sth.)成功 _ succeed to sth. 继承 6. 句意:我才不为他操心,他连打声招呼都不肯。 _ be bothered with sb.为某人操心 _ bother to do sth. 因做某事而添麻烦 7. attempt比try稍正式一些,常暗含不成功的意味,而manage则一般指设法成功地做了某事。 8. plenty of 可以修饰不可数名词,而其他短语只能修饰可数名词。 9. 句意:玫瑰花香总是使我想起我闪的旧宅。 _ 使某人想起用remindof,结构相当于makethink about. 10. delay后应接动名词。 _1. He likes bread, cake, and other _ foods. A. alike B. same C. similar D. like 2. Everybody _ him for his fine sense of humour. A. admires B. respects C. fears D. support 3. They warned the boy to _ his way. A. repair B. correct C. debate D. mend 4. We all _ that we not rest until we finish the work. A. stick B. stick to C. insist D. insist on 5. He feels its difficult to _ such a big family with five children. A. help B. aid C. assist D. support 6. She _ into tears when she heard the bad news. A. fell B. burst C. came D. went 7. Peter became a judge but John _ a fisherman. A. kept B. continued C. remained D. followed 8. They set out in search of _. A. danger B. adventure C. venture D. loss 9. When he left university, he found it hard to choose between the _ offers of work that were make to him. A. varied B. variable C. various D. varying 10. You must ask _ if you want to leave early. A. permit B. permission C. admission D. argument _1. C 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. B _ 【知识点】 _ 1. 本题为近义词辨析。 _ alike:相像的 _ same:相同的,常构成the same as结构。 _ like:介词,意为像一样。 _ similar:相似的,类似的。 _ 句意:他爱吃面包,蛋糕和其他类似的食品。 _ 扩展:similar to 与相似; 2. 句意:人人都钦佩他那绝妙的幽默感。 _ respect:尊敬 _ fear:害怕 _ support:支持 _ admires:钦佩,羡慕 _ 所以这里用admire最为合适。 3. 这道题考查mend ones way的固定搭配。 4. 句意:大家都坚决要求不完工就不休息。 _ stick没有坚持的意思,stick to意为坚持. _ insist与insist on的区别在于前者接从句,后者接名词或动词。 5. 句意:他感到很难支撑这个有五个孩子的大家庭。 _ Help,aid和assist都有帮助的意思,而support除了有帮助的意思之外,还有支持,赡养的意思。 6. 句意:他听到这个坏消息时猛然哭了起来。 _ Burst into tears为固定搭配。 7. keep:保持 _ continue:继续 _ follow:跟随 _ 句意:彼得当了法官,但约翰仍旧是个渔民。 8. 生命危险或经济风险大时用venture; _ 想使人心振奋、寻求刺激性的冒险用adventure; _ danger意为危险; _ loss意为损失。 _ 句意:他们踏上了历险征程。 9. 这四个词均为vary的派生词。 _ varied:多变的; _ variable:可变的,易变的; _ varying:正在变化的; _ various:各种各样的。 _ 句意:他大学毕业时,面对各种各样的工作机会。 10. ask permission from sb.得到某人的许可; _ permit许可证; _ admission准许; _ argument论点。 _ 句意:如果你想早走的话,必须得到允许。 _1. Each college student must take part in the military _ at the beginning of the first term. A. train B. trainer C. training D. trainee 2. Then he smiled and told me I would receive an _ $100 a year! A. spare B. extra C. surplus D. more 3. Why dont you _ your spare room to other people, and earn some money? A. hire B. fire C. use D. hire out 4. Everyone had two _ of paper to draw on. A. sheets B. types C. kinds D. varieties 5. He passed the _ examinations to become a doctor. A. required B. requiring C. inquiring D. inquired 6. Tonight you can see the Rolling Stones _. A. at concert B. in concert C. on concert D. with concert 7. The boy was determined _ a sailor. A. not become B. not to become D. not becoming 8. He shouted insults _ the woman who had cheated him the other day. A. in B. at C. for D. on 9. She waved her hand _ good-bye. A. to say B. saying C. to saying D. for saying 10. We all insist that we _ until we finish the work. A. not rest B. dont rest C. didnt rest D. havent rest【参考答案】 _ 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. A _ 【知识点】 _ 本期考查词汇:training、spare、hire、sheet、require、concert、determine、shout、wave、insist 1. train: 训练 _ 派生词:trainer n. 培训人,教练员 _ training n. 训练;培养 _ trainee n. 学员 _ 句意:每个大学生在第一学期开始必须参加军训。 _ 这道题考查train的几个派生词的词义,记住就OK的。 2. 本题考查近意词区别 _ spare:多余的; _ extra:额外的; _ surplus:剩下的; _ more:更多的。 _ 句意:然后,他微笑着告诉我,我每一年将得到一百镑额外收益。 3. hire vt. _ _租用,租; _ _雇用,雇; _ _ hire out意为租出去,use意为使用. _ 句意:您 _为什么不把空闲的房间租给别人来赚些钱? 4. sheet n. 纸片,大片 _ 句意:每个人有两张可画画的纸。 _ B,C,D为并列选项。 5. 句意:他通过了规定的考试成为医生。 _ examination(考试)应该是:被规定的,因此要用过去分词。 _ inquire意为询问,不符合题意。 _ PS:如果require的主语为某物,后常直接跟现在分词表被动。 _ eg: The floor requires being washing. 6. in concert为固定短语,意为在音乐会上演奏或演唱 _ 句意:今晚能看到滚石乐队在音乐会上演出。 7. determine v. 决定;确定 _ Be determined to do sth.决定做,后接不定式,其否定式在to 前加not. _ 句意:那小孩决心不当水手。 8. shout _ _v. 呼喊,喊叫; _ _n. 大喊,大叫。 _ shout at 朝吼 _ 句意:那个女人前几天欺骗了他,所以他对她大声辱骂。 9. wave v. 招手,挥舞; _ n. 波浪 _ (手的)挥动。 _ 句意:她挥手千别。 _ Wave后应跟不定式,固选A. _ 扩展:wave to sb. 朝挥手 10. insist v. 坚持,强调 _ 坚决要求 _ 句意:大家都坚决要求不完工就不休息。 _ insist引导的从句用should加动词原形的虚拟语气,也可以省略should. 1. She always gives her children good _ meals so that they could study hard at school. A. delicious B. wise C. strange D. salty 2. Ted wondered _ he was wanted by the police, but the went to the station yesterday. A. why B. that C. when D. where 3. I must ask someone of _ judgment than myself what to do. A. drier B. more delicious C. more terrible D. riper 4. I dont need the literature _. Thank you very much all the same. A. at present B. for present C. on present D. in present 5. I apologized _ her _ not coming to attend meeting on time. A. forfor B. tofor C. nofor D. toabout 6. Are you very disappointed _ losing the game? A. in B. with C. of D. on 7. He stood on the _ of the cliff shouting the name of his wife. A. margin B. limit C. border D. edge 8. They showed us how to _ a printing page. A. lay aside B. lay down C. lay off D. lay out1. A 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. D _ 【知识点】 _ 本期考查词汇: _ 1. delicious adj. 美味的 _ wise:明智的 _ strange:奇怪的 _ salty:咸的 _ 句意:她总是给孩子们吃可口的好饭菜,使他们能在学校好好学习。只有delicious符合句意。 2. wonder n. 惊讶;惊奇 奇观;壮举 _ v. 想知道 觉得奇怪;惊奇 _ 句意:特德不知道为什么警察局要他去,但昨天他去了。根据句意why为正确答案。 _ 点津:wonder后一般不能接that从句,通常由if,whether或why等来引导。 3. ripe adj. 成熟的 _ drier:干的 _ delicious:美味的 _ terrible:可怕的 _ 句意:我必须请教一些判断问题比我成熟的人看看怎么办?根据句意,只有riper符合题意。 4. 本题考查at present(目前)固定搭配。 _ 句意:我现在还不需要这些文献,但我还是要感谢你。 5. 本题考查固定短语apologize to sb. for sth.(因为某事向某人道歉) _ 句意:我因为没有按时到会向她道歉。 6. 句意:你是不是因为比赛输了而感到失望? _ disappoint vt. 使失望;使扫兴 (希望等)破灭,挫败(计划等) _ 点津:与人、物接触后感到失望时用be disappointed in/with; 目的未能实现而失望时则用be disappointed of. 7. margin n. 页边的空白,(湖、池等的)边缘 _ limit n. 限制;限定 _ border n. 边界,国界 _ edge n. 刀口,刃 _ 边,边缘 v. 沿边缘慢慢移动 _ 句意:他站在悬崖边上喊着妻子的名字。 8. 本题考查短语辨析。 _ lay aside 把搁在一边 _ lay down放下,交出 _ lay off 解雇 _ lay out 安排 _ 句意:他们告诉我们怎样安排版面。1. Rice is the _ crop in most southern provinces. A. chief B. important C. senior D. valuable 2. We were talking sensibly until he _ with his foolish ideas. A. accepted B. interrupted C. believed D. doubted 3. _Id like to go with you, my hands are full. A. Although B. Though C. As though D. In spite of 4. This new model car is of high _ and is not expensive either. A. quantity B. quality C. condition D. character 5. They are thirsty _ new skills so that they can be qualified _ the jobs in various fields to which they are strange. A. forof B. offor C. forfor D. toon 6. She signed the letter _, not realizing its implication. A. in faith B. in good faith C. in the faith D. on the faith 7. You dont have to be angry. He _ wanted to know the truth. A. hardly B. barely C. seldom D. merely 8. We were _ by heavy smog from seeing anything. A. forbidden B. prevented C. controlled D. blamed 9. Those sweet potatoes have been _ for 20 minutes. A. boiling B. boiled C. produced D. producing 10. Every day she must feed the baby _ milk. A. with B. in C. to D. for _1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. A _ 【知识点】 _ 1. 句意:稻子是大多数南方省份的主要作物。 _ Chief n. 领袖;头目 _ _ _adj. 首要的;等级最高的 _ importing adj. 重要的 _ senior adj. 年长的 _ valuable adj. 值钱的,贵重的 _ 扩展:leader, main, leading 2. 句意:我们一本正经在说话,直到他忽然插进来谈了些愚蠢的想法。 _ accepted v. 接受 _ interrupt vt. vi. _ _ 阻断;中断 _ _ 打搅;打断 _ believe v. 相信 _ doubt v. 怀疑 3. 句意:虽然我觉得很想和你一块儿去,可是我忙不过来。 _ although比though的语气强,较为正式,多放在句首。 _ though不与but和yet使用。 _ as though好像,相当于as if. _ in spite of 尽管,其后常接名词或动名词。 4. 句意:这种新款汽车质量非常好,而且也不贵。 _ quantity意为数量,常构成短语in quantity大量。 _ quality n. 质量,品质 _ condition 情况,状态 _ character n. 特征 _ 注意区分quality和quantity. 5. 句意:他们迫切想掌握新的技术,使自己能胜任各种陌生行业的工作。 _ thirsty adj. _ _ 口渴的 _ _ 渴望的 _ be thirsty for 渴望; _ be qualified for 能胜任 6. 句意:她真心真意地在信上签了字,没意到其中有诈。 _ faith n. 信念;信仰 _ have faith in 相信 _ in faith 确实,的确 _ in good faith 真诚,善意 _ C、D搭配错误,固只有B(in good faith)符合题意。 7. 句意:你不必太生气,他只不过是想知道事实真相。 _ A,B,C三个选项为同意词,意为:很少,几乎不,固答案为D. 8. 句意:浓雾使我们看不到任何东西。 _ forbid后常接不定式作宾语补足语。 _ preventfrom 阻止做 _ contr


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