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如何回答四大会计事务所校园招聘的开放性题目【四大为什么那么火?】 四大进入大陆的时间不长,真正大规模开展业务,大概可以认为是2000年前后。从那时候起,四大就以爆炸式速度增长。中国改革开放20年,时至今日已经进入一个相对深入的地步,下一个开放的黄金增长点将是服务业,首先发展起来的就是四大。无论是来华投资的外企,还是进军海外的内资企业,都迫切需要高水平的审计、税务和咨询服务。天文数字般的收入,直接结果就是老板大赚、拼命扩招和员工高收入。很客观地说,四大的收入是相当高的,因为华南这边比较少顶级咨询、顶级投行之类的机会,所以实际上四大对于中山大学的应届毕业生来说,收入已经可以跻身TOP 20%的行列。往后几年,在“国企海归”的口号下,一大堆发H股的央企又要跑回来发A股,所以四大的生意依然会继续快速膨胀。【题前话】曾经梦想毕业后能够进投行或者咨询公司,理性地分析发现自己不够qualified,只能通过曲线救国的方式来实现我的梦想,进四大就是一个很好的解决方案。首先,四大不限制专业(生意量越来越大,对人才的专业技能已经放宽要求),只要学习能力强,沟通能力强,性格符合,都满足四大的用人标准;再者,四大是国际知名公司,以后跳槽或者申请国外知名商学院的MBA深造都可以为个人增加不少品牌溢价;最后,四大是很职业化的机构,用麦肯锡全球副总裁的话说,是一个professional service field,可以接受很职业化的培训并且快速成长为具备专业技能的职业人员。 选择工作,选择offer,都是选择一种适合自己的生活方式。虽然最终没有进入四大,但是,网申四大并且全部通过的经历确实给我留下很深的印象。依稀记得EY跟DTT是没有opening question,在这里跟师弟师妹分享我的KPMG和PwC的开放性问题作答,只是建议将形式作为参考,内容不推荐。 【KPMG 2008】1,What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity?Microsoft Technology Club Founder and Vice President Mar 2006-Mar 2007-The largest local student-run organization registered in Microsoft-Operated as liaison between local chapter and national headquarters-Maintained daily operations while organizing weekly chapter eventsStudents Career Development Association Founder and Director Sep 2005- Sep 2006-Educated students in occupational setting on work ethics and provided individual training lectures to teach basic job skills and functions-Led the Annual Elites Program including Mock Interview and Resume Creation-Directed recruitment project to recruit peer advisers for next year2,What factors have influenced your career choice?My qualifications and interests:On the one hand, all the qualifications I have cultivated on campus, such as outstanding English ability, demonstrated leadership and collaboration potential, excellent interpersonal skill are the essential points to meet the need of the job.On the other hand, arising from my interests to choose the functional job I like, I am sure I would play my talents and capacity as much as possible. Meanwhile, KPMG definitely will offer me a good training class and career cultivation to transform my potential to be professional.Professional trainning offered:KPMG is one of accounting companies in the world and is also my best favorite career goal. Its dynamic and fast growing will truly provide me with a great opportunity to work with a dynamic group of well-trained professionals.KPMG is the just one, who will give us a really professional atmosphere to be mature as soon as possible.Clear career development paths:Though I am not professional, I have the enthusiasm and potentiality to be evolved in KPMG to cultivate myself to be a qualified staff.After the long-term efforts and study, I can be a considerable manager striving for the prosperity of the company.3,Outline your career ambitions and objectives.Audit is the longest established business in KPMG and is also dynamic and fast growing, It will truly provide me with a great opportunity to work with a dynamic group of well-trained professionals and I am so eager to develop my talents and knowledge into this area.Though I am not professional, I have the enthusiasm and potentiality to be evolved in the company to cultivate myself to be a qualified staff, KPMG is the just one, who will give us a really professional atmosphere to be mature as soon as possible.My short-term career objective is to be involved in a dynamic and fast growing company, which provides me with a great opportunity to permanently grow as much as possible through the challenging work. Meanwhile, my long-term objective is continuously to be familiar with my job and grow with the development of the company. After the long-term efforts and study, I want to be a qualified professional, who can be a considerable manager striving for the prosperity of the company.4,Describe your greatest success or a situation where you exceeded your own expectations.同PG八问成就力问题5,Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and hobbies.My hobbies and interests are as follows:1,Business: In my sophomore year,I started up my own PC agent business and built up a team called E-mart;2,Reading:I stay hunger for knowledge.I like reading BusinessWeek,The New York Times and so on;3,Dancing:I am full of passion and really enjoy Lunba;4:Writting: I built up my Blog and kept my daily writting;5,Sport: I am good at basketball and I participate in School Team as a key player.Awarded “The second prize of Basketball Game in Sun Yat-sen University”.I am crazy in tennis and really love Roger Federer who is the king of tennis.【PwC 2008】1) Why are you applying for this position?Assurance is the longest established business in PwC and is also dynamic and fast growing, It will truly provide me with a great opportunity to work with a dynamic group of well-trained professionals and I am so eager to develop my talents and knowledge into this area.Though I am not professional, I have the enthusiasm and potentiality to be evolved in the company to cultivate myself to be a qualified staff, PwC is the just one, who will give us a really professional atmosphere to be mature as soon as possible.I seized every opportunity to participate the extracurricular activity: competing in many authorized English Speaking Contests improved my ability of English and the internship experience in Motorola offered me a good chance to learn how to communicate efficiently with different people and how to collaborate with each other.Effective Communication, Initiation, Confidence, Drive to Success, Leadership and Collaboration, all these characteristics I have cultivated in college would meet the need of the company and I would like to contribute more to PwC.2) Please explain how your personal qualities, skills, knowledge and working experience will help you to be successful in the position for which you are applying.Outstanding English AbilityBeing able to effectively communicate with people and motivate themBeing capable of solving problems with spirit of innovationBelieving in and embracing diversity and result orientedDurance and energetic,willing to leran and cooperate with others.Strong ability of learning and quick responseOn the one hand, all the qualifications I have cultivated on campus, such as outstanding English ability, demonstrated leadership and collaboration potential, excellent interpersonal skill are the essential points to meet the need of the job.On the other hand, arising from my interests to choose the functional job I like, I am sure I would play my talents and capacity as much as possible. Meanwhile, Pwc definitely will offer me a good training class and career cultivation to transform my potential to be professional.Even if I am not the most excellent candidate,but I suppose that I am the most proper candidate.3) What community or students clubs do you belong to and to what extent are you involved?同KPMG一问4) Any additional information?In addition to my excellent academic and professional credentials, my various aptitudes displayed in extra-curriculum activities combined with fluent English ability as well as proficient computer skills prepare me a qualified candidate. Leadership, Effective Communication, Initiation, Confidence, Drive to Success and Collaboration, all these characteristics I have cultivated in college would meet the need of the company.My short-term career objective is to be involved in a dynamic and fast growing company, which provides me with a great opportunity to permanently grow as much as possible through the challenging work. Meanwhile, my long-term objective is continuously to be familiar with my job and grow with the development of the company. After the long-term efforts and study, I want to be a qualified professional, who can be a considerable manager striving for the prosperity of the company.在此友情提醒:网申时注意浏览器问题,尽量不用火狐,360,世纪之窗,注意公司的要求,使用符合他要求的IE浏览器,我的网申很可能是死在浏览器上。在此给有志于进四大会计事务所的同志们一些建议:1.讨论时一定要发言,但是不能讲废话,缺乏明确观点,或者观点错误2.如果不是lader的料,那就安分的计时,然后做自己那部分的陈述3.不要将自己急于发言的心情表现出来,讨论时表情或语言自然不刻意组织毕业生常见问题1、 什么样的学生可以申请四大会计事务所?HR:与其它行业要求“专业对口”的招聘条件相比,“四大”会计事务所,对应聘者的专业、应聘者的高校一般都没有明确的限制。只要是优秀的人才,都可以去应聘。因此,有些冷门专业或者不喜欢自己专业而无法毕业时成功转行的同学,签“四大”也是一种不错的选择。例如,在普华永道,有近90%的岗位是不看应届毕业生专业的,仅有个别专业性比较强的岗位要求相关专业,比如,精算师要求精算、数学、统计或财务偏向保险方面的专业。2、“四大”喜欢什么样的学生?HR:首先,说说“硬件”要求。第一,学习成绩要好,比如个人的GPA成绩,是否获得奖学金。第二,英语能力好,CET-6优秀最好,及格是必须的。此外,TOEFL、GMAT、BEC-3、TOEIC等外语考试成绩对应聘“四大”也有很大帮助。第三,比较丰富的实践经验,譬如参加过学生会、学生社团或者一些大型活动。最好有相关行业的实习经历,主要指会计师事务所和公司财务部。“四大”每年寒假都有实习生计划,不过对于非会计类同学来说,要申请成功不容易,所以大家可以考虑去一些内资事务所或者公司财务部实习一下,为面试积累资本的同时,也让自己深入了解是否适合做审计这个行业。然后,说说“软件”要求。总体来说,“四大”喜欢的是具备“财务性格”的学生,严谨、仔细、喜欢研究制度、对数字敏感、能吃苦耐劳、有一定沟通能力(经常跟客户打交道)。“四大”不喜欢的性格,譬如粗心大意、眼高手低、急躁冒进、不讲礼貌等等。3、在线递交申请,“四大”的筛选标准是什么?HR:在线申请通常考察的标准有3个:一是学习成绩,以了解学生的知识水平;二是在学校担任过的职务、参加过的社团和课余活动以及获奖情况,这主要是了解学生的组织领导和沟通技能;三是参加社会实践和实习情况,这主要考察学生具备哪些方面的职场经验。4、应聘“四大”,通常有哪些面试环节?每个环节如何选拔?HR:所有的应届毕业生,应聘“四大”时,所需要经过的应聘环节大体相当,在线递交申请后,通常经过笔试、小组面试和一对一面试3个环节。第一步是笔试。在所有递交申请的学生中,有超过一半以上的同学会得到笔试机会


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