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学而思网校 外研版高考英语一轮复习提能训练Module 4Music Born in America 能 力 闯 关 .单词拼写1The old man has retired and lives on his p_.2After several days negotiations,the two parties reached a c_ on this issue.3Unfortunately,there has been a sharp d_ in profits this year.4When he was a student,his father gave him a monthly a_ towards his expense.5They worked hard day and night to finish the project ahead of s_.6Its not a hotel,in the _(传统的)sense,but rather a whole village turned into a hotel.7Teachers should learn various _(技巧)for dealing with problem students.8I do believe it is possible for different ethnic groups to live together in _(和谐)9By the 1980s,the computer industry was _(迅速发展)10Shes got the job because she has the _(优势)over others.She knows many languages.答案:1.pensions2.consensus3.decline4.allowance5.schedule6.conventional7.techniques8.harmony9.booming10.advantages.单项填空1Though he is ill,he has not quit _. Asmoke Bto smoke Csmoked Dsmoking解析:quit doing sth.停止做某事。答案:D2They _ the apple _ three parts.Adivided;from Bdivided;into Cseparated;from Dseparated;into解析:o.把分成。答案:B3It is the ability to do the job_matters not where you come from or what you are.Aone Bthat Cwhat Dit解析:句意:“至关重要的是工作能力,而不是你从哪儿来,或是干什么的。”考查强调句型Its.that.强调主语部分“the ability to do the job”,故答案是B。答案:B4The plane is due to take off at 750 from the airport._we fail to arrive there on time?Try to take another flight then.AWhat if BAs if CEven if DOnly if解析:句意:“飞机预定七点五十从机场起飞。”“要是我们不能按时到机场,怎么办?”“那就想法乘另外的航班。”考查What if。答案:A5It will be 3 years _ he goes to university.Aafter Bwhen Cbefore Dsince解析:句意:“再有三年他才能上大学”。before此处表示“才”。答案:C6I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busy drying myself with a towel_I heard the steps.Awhile Bwhen Csince Dafter解析:句意为:我刚从浴室中出来正忙着用毛巾擦干身体就听到了脚步声。本题考查时间状语从句。“had just done sth.when.”意为“刚一就”,just可换为hardly。此时主句常用过去完成时,从句常用一般过去时。答案:B7I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her._.It was her fault.ANo way BNot possible CNo chance DNot at all解析:句中的no way是俚语,意思是“不可能”。根据答语中后半句的意思,应答者显然不愿意道歉,因而才有前面的“断然否定”。全句意为:“我认为你该打电话给珍妮,向她表示歉意。”“没门儿!是她的错。”答案:A8The dictionary is being printed and it will soon_.Aturn out Bcome out Cstart out Dgo out解析:句意为:这本词典正在被印刷,不久将出版。turn out关掉;结果是;生产;start out出发;开始做某事;go out外出,熄灭;过时。答案:B.翻译句子1你必须戒烟,更重要的是,你该开始运动。(quit)_2她的健康状况迅速恶化。(decline)_3你应该利用这好天气给篱笆上油漆。(take advantage of)_4调查过程中未发现新证据。(emerge)_5我要会见他,或者更确切地说,我要请他来见我。(or rather)_答案:1.You must quit smoking.Most important of all,you should start taking exercise.2Her health was declining rapidly.3You should take advantage of the fine weather to paint the fence.4No new evidence emerged during the investigation.5Ill meet him,or rather Ill ask him to meet me.完形填空When I was twelve years old,my family were the first black people to move into an allwhite part of Grand Rapids,Michigan.Many of our new _1_ werent very welcoming.Some of the adults said _2_ that we should return where we came from.The _3_ sometimes threw stones at me or drove me home from _4_.Most of my teachers _5_ took no notice of me,but not Dorothy Bean,my history teacher.Miss Bean was angry at how badly I was being _6_,but she didnt say this to me.Miss Bean showed her _7_ for me by teaching me just like _8_ else.Instead of being unnoticed,I was given a _9_ to show that I was smart.Miss Bean was the first teacher who ever made me _10_ myself.She insisted on knowing what I thought about difficult questions.Was Thomas Jefferson _11_ to buy Louisiana from France?Why?She _12_ me to have an opinion and to be able to _13_ it up.Miss Bean taught me that thinking for yourself was the real key to _14_.One day,when I was not paying attention in class,Miss Bean suddenly _15_ an eraser at me.Unbelievably,the eraser hit me right on the hand and _16_ my pencil flying.The whole class was _17_ at first,and then started laughing.This incident became famous in this school and,_18_ it happened to me,the students wanted to get to _19_ me.So thats the story of how Dorothy Bean made me her target,and how I became just another _20_ in school.【语篇导读】 本文是一篇记叙文。全文记叙了自己童年的一段经历:“我”是黑人,全家来到了Grand Rapids,这里是白人区。白人们对我们极不友好。在学校里同学们也欺负“我”,可Miss Bean运用她特殊的方式让大家很快接受了“我”。1A.friends Brelatives Cfellows Dneighbours解析:此处应该是指新的“邻居”,因此答案选neighbours,而不是fellows“伙伴”。friends,relatives也不符合情理。答案:D2A.kindly Bpitifully Cangrily Danxiously解析:由“werent very welcoming”以及“we should return where we came from”可知,邻居们对我们很不友好,因此答案选C。答案:C3A.seniors Bchildren Cenemies Delders解析:从第一段中“I was twelve years old”以及下文内容可推知,向“我”扔石头的应该是“孩子”,所以答案选B。答案:B4A.school Bstreet Coffice Ddowntown解析:由“drove me home”以及下文内容可知,他们把“我”从学校赶回家,因此答案选A。答案:A5A.easily Bsimply Cspecially Dhappily解析:依据下文内容可知,Miss Bean对“我”很好,而其他大多数老师都不理会“我”,故答案选B。其他三个选项与take no notice of连用时,不符合语境。答案:B6A.taught Bconsidered Cwelcomed Dtreated解析:联系上文可知,此处指Miss Bean对别人如此恶劣地对待“我”感到很生气,因此答案选D。答案:D7A.wish Bhonour Crespect Dgift解析:从下文“Instead of being unnoticed,I was given.”可推知,Miss Bean对“我”表示尊重,因此答案选C。答案:C8A.anyone Bno one Csomeone Dnone解析:此处是指Miss Bean像教其他任何人一样教“我”,所以答案选A。答案:A9A.question Bchance Ctest Dplace解析:从“to show that I was smart”可知此处应该是指老师给“我”一个机会,因此答案选B,而不是question“问题”,test“测试”,place“位置”。答案:B10A.worry about Blook about Cwork for Dthink for解析:由下句“She insisted on knowing what I thought about difficult questions.”可推断,此处表示Miss Bean让“我”独立思考,因此答案选D。下文中“thinking for yourself”也有暗示。答案:D11A.necessary Bprobable Cright Dfamous解析:结合全文语境及历史知识可知,此处指托马斯杰斐逊从法国人手里购买路易斯安那地区的做法是否正确,故答案选C。答案:C12A.supported Bdeveloped Cpracticed Dexpected解析:依据语境,Miss Bean鼓励“我”独立思考的目的是期望(expected)“我”有自己的观点,所以答案选D。答案:D13A.back Bset Cput Dgive解析:根据语境,这里表示“能够支持自己的观点”,故答案选A,back up“支持,有助于”。而不是set up“建立”;put up“举起”;give up“放弃”。答案:A14A.respect Beducation Cfriendship Dpower解析:联系上下文内容可知,此处表示“独立思考是教育的关键”,所以答案选B。答案:B15A.aimed Bthrew Cpassed Dseized解析:由下文“the eraser hit me right on the hand”可推知,这里表示Miss Bean把一个黑板擦朝“我”扔过来,故答案为B。答案:B16A.sent Bfound Cmade Dknocked解析:表示某物处于某种状态,应用“send sth. doing”,因此答案选A。考生易误选C,但make的主语通常是人。答案:A17A.excited Bfrightened Cworried Dshocked解析:由“and then started laughing”可推知,学生对老师的举动一开始感到非常吃惊(shocked),而不是excited“兴奋的”,frightened“害怕的”,worried“担心的”。因此答案选D。答案:D18A.when Bonce Cbecause Dwhether解析:前后句存在因果关系,因此答案选C。答案:C19A.ask Bknow Cpunish Dadmire解析:既然“This incident became famous”以及“it happened to me”,所以学生开始认识“我”,故答案选B。答案:B20A.kid Bproblem Cteacher Dexample解析:依据上下文内容可知,此处是指“我”是如何成为学校里与以前不同的学生,因此答案选A,也与前文“I was twelve years old”相照应。答案:A英语文化憩园(教师用书独具)老外眼里的中式英语在各个英语学习论坛上,经常可以看到有关Chinglish(中式英语)的文章,但一般都是中国人写的。不过我看到一篇长文,也是有关Chinglish的,但却是美国人写的,很有意思。这篇长文的标题是Chinglish&English(从中式英语到标准英语),作者是浙江大学的美国外教Chuck Allanson,内容则是Chuck在中国五年任教期间所听到、所看到的各种Chinglish说法。 比如Chuck第一次来中国,下飞机后,负责接待他的东北某大学英语系陈老师说:您刚到,我们吃点饭吧。我们要点Chinese dumpling(饺子)和Chinese beancurd(豆腐),您看可以吗?Chuck以前从未听说过这两种东西,但出于好奇,就说可以,结果饭菜端上来一看,原来就是ravioli(饺子,来自意大利语)和tofu(豆腐,来自日语)。Chuck当时心里暗想,这两种东西,国际上早已经有通用的说法(ravioli和tofu),他们中国人为什么还要用那种生僻的说法呢?以后Chuck跟陈先生混熟了,就问他,当初你为什么不说ravioli和tofu呢?陈先生听了大吃一惊,连忙解释说,我真的不知道这两个词,而且我们的英汉词典上也没有这两个词。 于是Chuck开始意识到,中国的英语教师、英语课本、甚至英语词典肯定存在问题,否则不可能发生这种事情。在中国五年的任教期间,Chuck收集了大量的Chinglish说法,从中挑选出一组最常见的,编写了上面提到的那篇长文。下面就是这些Chinglish说法,其中每行第一部分是汉语说法,第二部分是Chinglish说法,第三部分则是英语的标准说法。汉语ChinglishStandard English欢迎你到. welcome you to. welcome to. 永远记住你 remember you forever always remember you(没有人能活到forever) 祝你有个. wish you have a. I wish you a. 给你 give you here you are 很喜欢. very like. like. very much 黄头发 yellow hair blond/blonde(西方人没有yellow hair的说法) 厕所 WC mens room/womens room/restroom 真遗憾 its a pity thats too bad/its a shame(its a pity说法太老) 裤子 trousers pants/slacks/jeans 修理 mend fix/repair 入口 way in entrance 出口 way out exit(way out在口语中是crazy的意思) 勤奋 diligent hardworking/studious/conscientious 应该 should must/shall 火锅 chafing dish hot pot 大厦 mansion center/plaza 马马虎虎 soso average/fair/all right/not too bad/OK(西方人很少使用soso) 好吃 delicious good/nice/tasty/appetizing(delicious在中国被滥用) 尽我最大努力 try my best try/strive(try的本意就是try my best) 有名 famous wellknown/renowned/legendary/popular(famous在中国被滥用) 滑稽 humorous funny/witty/amusing/entertaining 欺骗 to cheat to trick/to play a joke on/to con/to deceive/to rip off 车门 the door of the car the cars door 怎么拼? How to spell? How do you spell? 再见 byebye bye/see you/see you later/later(byebye有些孩子气) 玩 play go to/do(play在中国被滥用) 面条 noodles pasta(noodles有些孩子气) 据说 it is said I heard/I read/I was told 等等 and so on etc. 直到现在 till now recently/lately/thus far 农民 peasant farmer 宣传 propaganda information 英语中10个典型的中国式英语很多中国人在讲英语时由于受母语和思维方式的影响,总是不经意间说出中国式英语,下面我们来看一看受汉语影响常说的10个典型的中国式英语。1这个价格对我挺合适的。不妥:The price is very suitable for me.地道:The price is right.分析:suitable合适的,相配的,最常见的用法是以否定的形式出现在告示或通知上,如:The following program is not suitable for children.2你是做什么工作的呢?不妥:Whats your job?地道:Are you working at the moment?分析:Whats your job?这种常见说法难道也有毛病吗?是的,不妥之处不在于语法,而在于思维习惯。因为如果你的谈话对象正好刚刚失业,如果直接地问会让对方有失面子,所以你如果问Are you working at the moment?接下来你才说Where are you working these days?3这个用英语怎么说?不妥:How to say this in English?地道:How do you say this in English?分析:how to say是最泛滥成灾的中国式英语之一,这绝不是地道的英语说法。英语中若提问,正确句式应该是一个疑问句。4明天我有很多事情要做。不妥:I have a lot of things to do tomorrow.地道:I am tied up all day tomorrow.分析:用a lot of things to do来表示你很忙,这也完全是中国式的说法。因为每时每刻我们都有事情要做,躺在那里睡大觉也是事情。所以你想说我很忙,脱不开身,可以说I am tied up.或I cant make it at that time.5我想我不行。不妥:I think I cant.地道:I dont think I can.分析:汉语里说“我想我不会”的时候,英语里总是说“我不认为我会”。以后在说类似英语句子的时候,只要留心,也会习惯英语的表达习惯的。6现在几点钟了?不妥:What time is it now?地道:What time is it,please?分析:What time is it now?是一个直接从汉语翻译过来的句子。讲英语时没有必要说now,因为你不可能问What time was it yesterday?或者What time is it tomorrow?所以符合英语习惯的说法是What time is it,please?7我的英语很糟糕。不妥:My English is poor.地道:I am not 100% fluent,but at least I am improving.分析:有人开玩笑说,全中国人最擅长的一句话是My English is poor.外国人遇到自己外语不好的情况,他们一般会说I am still having a few problems,but I am getting better.8周五你愿意参加我们的晚会吗?不妥:Would you like to join our party on Friday?地道:Would you like to come to our party on Friday?分析:join往往是指参加俱乐部或协会,事实上常与party搭配的动词是come或go。9.我没有经验。不妥:I have no experience.地道:I dont know much about that.分析:I have no experience.这句话在英美人士听起来古里古怪,因为experience这个词概念比较大,用英语的思维,你只需要说那方面我懂得不多,或者这方面我不在行,就行了。10这个春节你回家吗?是的,我回去。Will you be going back home for the Spring Festival?不妥:Of course!地道:Sure./Certainly.分析:以英语为母语的人使用of course的频率要比中国学生低得多,只有在回答一些众所周知的问题时才说of course,因为of course言外之意是“当然啦!难道我是一个傻瓜吗?”因此,of course带有挑衅的意味。在交谈时,用Sure.或Certainly.效果会好得多。同时,Of course not.也有挑衅的意味。正常情况下语气温和的说法是Certainly not.影响英语世界的10个中文词1【功夫:kongfu】说到英文里的照搬中文,最出名的非“kongfu(功夫)”莫属。当然,“功夫”走进英文词汇并不是这几年的事儿,而是30多年前随香港功夫片的崛起而闯入西方世界的。它无疑是影响世界的中国话的代表词汇。2【不折腾:bu zheteng】如果说英语中的“功夫”是香港人早期的贡献,那么,英文中的bu zheteng(不折腾)就是最新、最具传播潜力的内地人对英语的贡献了,而这个传播者就是我们的国家主席胡锦涛。bu zheteng进入英语专属名词。估计它在英语世界中的影响也会越来越大。3【饺子:jiaozi】饺子是随中国美食进入西方的,怎么翻译都太繁琐,英语就照搬了中文的发音jiaozi。现在中餐风行世界,无论是讲什么语言的老外,如果不会点中餐,只要说一句jiaozi,就什么都解决了。4【城管:chengguan】在英语中频现一个词汇:chengguan,泰晤士报对chengguan的解释是:中国地方执法者。5【很久不见:long time no see】long time no see,本来这是中国人按自己的习惯逐字翻译的中国式英文,但是随着中国人的出行脚步,已经被西方人所接受。6【饮茶:drinktea】drinktea,又一个中国式英语,这是广东人对英语世界的贡献。7【和平崛起:peaceful rising】我们的国家领导人一次次面对世界的媒体,讲出这句话。使peaceful rising成为来源于中国的最常用的词汇。8【大字报:dazibao】许多外国人不明白“大字报”的具体意思,但是中国文革中的这个文化产物太顽固了,还没来得及细翻译,它就已经带着中国的原始烙印跑到欧美国家去了。9【风水:feng shui】又一个从广东走向世界的中文发音词汇,它的内涵实在太难解释了,只有直译才不会变味。10【清明:chingming】西方的圣诞节影响世界,中国的清明节在国外虽然没有太大影响,但是英文的“chingming”已经被很多人提起。英语广告词欣赏1Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)2Obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。(雪碧)3The new digital era.数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)4We lead,others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)5Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)6Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰淇淋)7The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车)8Poetry in motion,dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)9Come to where the flavour is,Marlboro country.光临风韵之境万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟)10.To me,the past is black and white,but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。(轩尼诗酒)11Just do it.只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)12Ask for more.渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)13The taste is great.味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)14Feel the new space.感受新境界。(三星电子)15Intelligence everywhere.智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)16The choice of a new generation.新一代的选择。(百事可乐)17We integrate,you communicate.我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工)18Take Toshiba,take the world.拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)19Lets make things better.让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)20No business too small,no problem too big.没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。(IBM公司)21Focus on life.瞄准生活。(奥林巴斯相机)22A Kodak moment.就在柯达一刻。(柯达胶卷)23Started Ahead.成功之路,从头开始。(飘柔洗发水)24Good teeth,good health.牙齿好,身体就好。(高露洁牙膏)25Cant beat the real thing.挡不住的诱惑。(可口可乐)26Tides in,dirts out.汰渍到,污垢逃。(汰渍洗衣粉)27Apple thinks different.苹果电脑,不同凡“想”。(苹果电脑)28Not all cars are created equal.并非所有的汽车都有相同的品质。(三菱汽车)29Anything is possible.没有不可能的事。(东芝电子)30The world smiles with Readers Digest.读者文摘给全世界带来欢笑。(读者文摘)31Globe brings you the world in a single copy.一册在手,纵览全球。(环球杂志)32Live well,snack well.美好生活离不开香脆的饼干。(斯耐克威尔士饼干)33From Sharp minds,come sharp products.来自智慧的结晶。(夏普产品)34Connecting People.(Nokia)科技以人为本。(诺基亚)35Ideas for life.为生活着想。(松下电子)切勿望文生义(一)1The baby has just found his feet.误:这婴儿刚刚发现他的脚。正:婴儿刚学会了走路。2Stand on ones own feet.误:站立在某人自己的脚上。正:一个人长大了就应该独立自主;自立。3It costs a foot and a leg.误:它值一只脚和一只腿。正:它贵得要命。4a poor fish/a big fish/a cool fish/a strange fish误:一条可怜的鱼/大鱼/脸皮厚的鱼/奇


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