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翻译一班 组内成员:郭雯雯 刘辛未 李想 胡亚琳红色字体为热词 下划线字体为推荐阅读新闻休战 1.A truce declared two years ago briefly tapered their bloody gang war, but the cease-fire had an unintended consequence: It gave the gangs breathing room to grow even stronger. Now, violence is on the rise again. (Washington Post) 2.The truce held for much of Saturday but shelling in Mariupol, which killed one woman, was followed by the Donetsk airport blasts early on Sunday. (BBC News) 3.The visiting Chinese Foregin Minister Wang Yi expressed relief and support here on Friday over a permanent truce within Ukraine. (China Daily) 埃博拉病毒1. ThedirectgeneraloftheWorldHealthOrganizationMargaretChanhassaidthecurrentoutbreakofEbolainwestAfricacouldhavecatastrophicconsequencesifitsnotstopped.Morethan730peoplehavediedsincethediseasereemerged.DoctorChansaidEbolawasmovingmorequicklythantheeffortstocontrolit.(BBC News)2 On July 23,Dr.kent Brantly woke up with a fever. He immediately quarantined himself ,and three days later a test confired his nightmare. He had the Ebola virus.(New York Times)3 IN China,Precautionary measures are being put in-place in the city of Guangzhou to stop the potential spread of the Ebola virus, which has killed hundreds of people in west Africa this year.(21st Century)开膛手杰克案“告破”1. The Jack the Ripper mystery that has kept the world enthralled since the killer first struck on the streets of Victorian London has been blown apart on the 125th anniversary of the grisly crimes by a former murder squad detective.(Express)http:/www.express.co.uk/news/weird/431148/Jack-the-Ripper-mystery-solved-by-top-detective-after-125-years2. DNA evidence has now shown beyond reasonable doubt which one of six key suspects commonly cited in connection with the Rippers reign of terror was the actual killer and we reveal his identity. The revelation puts an end to the fevered speculation over the Rippers identity which has lasted since his murderous rampage in the most impoverished and dangerous streets of London.(Daily Mail) http:/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2746321/Jack-Ripper-unmasked-How-amateur-sleuth-used-DNA-breakthrough-identify-Britains-notorious-criminal-126-years-string-terrible-murders.html3.Jack the Ripper, the notorious serial killer who butchered women in Londons Whitechapel district in the late 1800s, has eluded identification for about 125 years, spawning wide speculation about who he was, even pointing to a member of the British royal family (a discredited idea).(OregonLive)/today/index.ssf/2014/09/jack_the_ripper_finally_identi.html乌俄停火协议President Petro O. Poroshenko of Ukraine said on Wednesday that he and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia had agreed on a cease-fire in the conflict in eastern Ukraine.(New York Times)The leaders of Russia and Ukraine say that they are satisfied that the cease-fire agreed in eastern Ukraine is generally holding.(BBC News)MOSCOW/KIEV, Sept. 6 (Xinhua) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart, Petro Poroshenko, on Saturday discussed ways to make the new ceasefire in eastern Ukraine hold.In a phone conversation, the two leaders noted that the ceasefire protocol reached Friday in the Belarusian capital of Minsk was generally being observed, Poroshenkos office said in a statement.It added that Poroshenko and Putin also compared note on how to ensure that the truce will last.The Kremlin, for its part, said in a statement that both sides expressed their satisfaction with how the ceasefire is being observed in general by the parties to the conflict.They highlighted the role of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Europes security watchdog, in monitoring the ceasefire, according to the Kremlin statement.Meanwhile, Putins spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a local ra


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